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The 0C2 Zero Challenge Video Thread - DVD COMPLETE, ORDER NOW!!!


Apple Head
Jun 5, 2003
Newington, CT
What the? 30 dollars?

It's funny how Neal wanted to just give all the matches out for free via youtube, and Ken pretty much broke even with his winnings at OC2... and you guys are charging 30 dollars for a single tournament's videos?

I thought MLG VoD was a ripoff, but now it's 20 dollars (and a t-shirt too!) for an entire season of MLG videos, and to be honest those are much better quality in terms of the matchups that get recorded usually.

I wouldn't pay more than 10-15 dollars for this DVD.


Smash Master
Nov 1, 2005
San Bernardino/pomona
not to be cheap
but im with raserucort
15 sounds like a more reasonable price compared to other videos for sell such as vod
plus it'll make people less tempted to pirate it
i wouldn't pirate a cd if they were only $5 :)
but i am dying to see those crew battles


Smash Champion
Dec 10, 2002
southern cali, orange county

What the? 30 dollars?

It's funny how Neal wanted to just give all the matches out for free via youtube, and Ken pretty much broke even with his winnings at OC2... and you guys are charging 30 dollars for a single tournament's videos?

I thought MLG VoD was a ripoff, but now it's 20 dollars (and a t-shirt too!) for an entire season of MLG videos, and to be honest those are much better quality in terms of the matchups that get recorded usually.

I wouldn't pay more than 10-15 dollars for this DVD.
u have to keep in mind we went out of our way to make this dvd. Plus we would have to write down where to send the stuff and even spend our own gas money driving to the post office. its 30 bucks worth of videos and its tons of videos more then one disk of videos. I think its a fair price. If anything we are going to lower it down to 25 but thats not likely right now.


Smash Cadet
Sep 10, 2006
u have to keep in mind we went out of our way to make this dvd.
This would not have been a problem if you didn't make the DVD in the first place. If you simply had free youtube matches, there would've been relatively little work to be done.

Cort and others are explaining how you're not going to make any money from the DVD. It was a poor "business decision," if your goal is to make money.


Smash Ace
Apr 24, 2004
Monument, Co
Honestly, i dont have a problem with spending 30$ for a dvd because im buying it for the good memories of oc2. I think you guys should stop complaining and just deal with whatever happens. The DVD is worth buying and if your going to complain over the price, then just dont buy it..


Smash Lord
Apr 20, 2006
Long Island
walking is the best part of life


if you dont want to buy it than just wait until someone uploads it to youtube, their will always be that one person who will upload it


Jun 12, 2005
Long Beach CA
Oh good, I was beginning to think people might actually respect us and not upload matches from the DVD to youtube. Thanks for reminding me otherwise.


Smash Master
Nov 1, 2005
San Bernardino/pomona
aren't full seasons of shows like family guy and the simpsons or house $30?

hey mana if we live in socal do we get a discount if you dont ship it to us but we pick one up at like a bi-weekly or something? it sounds like a good way to attract people to bi-weekly's


Apple Head
Jun 5, 2003
Newington, CT
Honestly, i dont have a problem with spending 30$ for a dvd because im buying it for the good memories of oc2. I think you guys should stop complaining and just deal with whatever happens. The DVD is worth buying and if your going to complain over the price, then just dont buy it..
I really like your last line, which clearly illustrates my entire point. I'm trying to help this DVD achieve the most possible revenue, I guess you don't understand basic economics.

You guys should take in all orders for like this next month, and then ship them all out in a day or something to prevent that one guy uploading them to youtube or whatever. You wouldn't make too many, and to be honest there will be that guy uploading matches to youtube no matter what you guys say or do... So it's not like there will be too many orders after you already start shipping.


Oct 29, 2004
I like how Mike sets prices without letting the staff know first. $30? Whoa, we should discuss prices once everyhting is done and we've calculated all of the costs into making it rather than taking stabs at how much it should be.

I am not a fan of the suggested price point.


Smash Ace
Oct 11, 2005
Santa Barbara, CA
I really like your last line, which clearly illustrates my entire point. I'm trying to help this DVD achieve the most possible revenue, I guess you don't understand basic economics.

You guys should take in all orders for like this next month, and then ship them all out in a day or something to prevent that one guy uploading them to youtube or whatever. You wouldn't make too many, and to be honest there will be that guy uploading matches to youtube no matter what you guys say or do... So it's not like there will be too many orders after you already start shipping.
Wow... You're annoying man. You should just let them do what they want and not try to get involved, because reading you're posts where you just complain is really getting old. You must be unhappy.

Just let the OC2 Staff do their own thing, you don't have to try and make their video successful, just leave them be. I don't think they want to listen to you telling them how to do their jobs.

/squelch RaSeruCort

Now go ahead and have the last word.


Smash Master
Nov 1, 2005
San Bernardino/pomona
wow the price hasn't even been discussed yet??
its just mana calling out a price?
hmm i guess his word is law in socal though so if he believes thats the price its gonna be then it will be :dizzy:


Apple Head
Jun 5, 2003
Newington, CT
What is really funny is I'm not complaining at all. This topic is open to discussing this DVD and I would hate for manacloud's rash decisions to screw things up, to be frank. And it seems the rest of the OC2 staff agrees.

Zander, all your posts have in no way been contributing to anything other than flaming senselessly. Please grow a brain or stop posting, everyone would appreciate it. :)


Smash Champion
Dec 10, 2002
southern cali, orange county

my rash decisions? right, i carefully thoughtful set this price of 30, its only a certain few who are too cheap to buy a dvd. Theres work that went into this, and lots of efforts i havent mentioned, that went into preplanning or making all the dvd worthwhile. Why is it only you rascuerot are arguing now and arakniphobic? and why is it people still want it on youtube, makes plenty of sense people want to rip this dvd. You make me a solid promise people wont rip it and ill sell it across the usa for 15 bucks else im selling it for 25 or 30. Stop complaining before i hold it back more and this is my rash reasoning.


Smash Champion
Nov 18, 2004
Tucson Arizona
30$ is a pretty standard price for video game dvd. All kinds of fighting game tournies throw out dvd's of their matches and they usually sell for the same, anywhere from 25-35.


Oct 29, 2004
If $30 is standard then I'm satisfied it's not just a gross rip for cash. Cool.


Smash Champion
Dec 10, 2002
southern cali, orange county
your right

30$ is a pretty standard price for video game dvd. All kinds of fighting game tournies throw out dvd's of their matches and they usually sell for the same, anywhere from 25-35.
yeah , matt deezie sold the dvds for 25 bucks and thats just one dvd with 20 matches, here we are selling all the matches of oc2 for 30 bucks. How is that not worth it? On top of that people keep bringing up the idea that ken broke even with oc2. Thats good for ken, he got his money back for helping the japanese. Plus he worked hard to earn that back it wasnt given freely to him. If jack won he would have happily given jack the pot but he fought for it. Now seriously people, you want a dvd that kicks butt with great footage, save up 30 and buy it. Who can honestly not appreciate what we have done. On top of that did people not appreciate arash for all his efforts? Let me tell u a story, one day he drove to frys and spent 700 bucks of his own money just to buy the ripping equipment of the dvds. Since the hard drive didnt work he had to return to frys and rebuy a new one and drive all the way to san diego 2 hours to give it to caotic to start ripping. This kind of stuff i dont state and think about gas money and time spent. Ask arash urself. I hate it the most when people dont know these stories and then act as if I am stating prices or do not think ahead of my decisions. I have stated in previous post it might be 30 and i think 30 is good deal, if we do the math again and we can sell it for 25 we will do that but right now 30.


Apple Head
Jun 5, 2003
Newington, CT
Hey, you don't have to take any of my suggestions, I'm just throwing them out there as something to consider. And how many TG3 DVDs were sold? I have one of them in my house somewhere, but it's Isai's >_>

Lol, you won't see me buying a "standard priced" video game DVD, then. Neal will prevail and knock some sense into you, so I'm not worried.


Oct 29, 2004
With shipping costs it's $3 for postage within USA and up to $10 extra internationally, with USPS.


Smash Champion
Dec 10, 2002
southern cali, orange county

Hey, you don't have to take any of my suggestions, I'm just throwing them out there as something to consider. And how many TG3 DVDs were sold? I have one of them in my house somewhere, but it's Isai's >_>

Lol, you won't see me buying a "standard priced" video game DVD, then. Neal will prevail and knock some sense into you, so I'm not worried.
okay you know im quite a nice guy in real life. I have nothing personal against anyone who questions the dvd. However, u were at the oc2, you knew the staff did their best to make the tournament happen. We tried to meet everyones needs, the canadians, the japanese, the americans, it was quite tough. Finally when we can produce a dvd where anyone can buy, for standard price, people start thinking its too much. I mean seriously, is 30 bucks for a dvd full of memories that bad? One day ull look back on your matches or other matches and have the dvd sitting there 30 bucks for those memories, the oc might never happen again. Just for thought. I know if your poor you maybe think this but 30 bucks is about 2 hours worth of working. Ask caotic how many hours he spent encoding the dvds or arash on how many hours he spent driving around cali.


Smash Ace
Apr 24, 2004
Monument, Co
Its all about the memories, lol i hope im in the dvd! mabe in just some live footage or something.. But manacloud is right and just let them do what they need to do.

Manacloud, i also wanted to say thanks for the housin and stuff at oc2. Same with ken's sister and arash.. thanks guys. Come to Co!


Apple Head
Jun 5, 2003
Newington, CT
I see mana, and I respect your decision and heartwarming speech about how awesome OC2 was, and how much blood and sweat as poured into it. But I still have a strong hunch many people will make you reconsider that price. ;)


Smash Journeyman
May 21, 2006
Houston, TX
I think $30 is pretty **** reasonable... why don't you guys just pool your money with some friends and just buy it? Going from $30 to $25 or $20 is only a $5-10 difference.. which, when you think about it is truely nothing compared to what you're gonna get.
Manacloud has a point when he says its only a few hours of working (but not 2, I dunno how much everyone else gets paid but I only get $7.50 and others that get minimum wage - $5.15, and others that don't even have a job.. so it's a little more than 2 :p )
But I can also see why people would want to make it $20 because asking your parents for $30 for a DVD of video games is just asking for a 'No'.
So.. I'd say the best thing to do is just pool your money with a friend or two and each of you just pay $10. Sure there's the problem of "who gets to keep it?" but you guys can think of something to solve that (I dunno rotate every week or something).

Edit: Just wanna know if it's $30 for the DVD only or $30 with S&H included?


Aug 11, 2002
Austin, TX
Beyond how much the vids are worth to viewers...people don't like to feel like they're being taken advantage of. (despite the reality)
A 5-10 dollar difference makes a huge impression on the consumer no matter how badly they want it.

the entire reason ya'll are making a dvd is for money, no? If it wasn't....please just put them all on youtube so we can share the memories cost-free, right?
Nothing is wrong w/ making a profit...but 30 bucks is really pushing it.

The "work" put into making them...is almost 100% irrelevant, because of the amount of sales it will make. If you sell 75 DVDs at $25 each (pretending the DVDs cost 15 bucks each to make and ship out)...it would seem u still make a decent profit to reimburse the materials and payment for the labor put in.
If the above example were true, i'd say thats a fair deal, really.
but i can't imagine it costing 20 bucks to make each DVD and ship it out...thats just....silly.

Either way...the number "3" is just a huge turnoff, and it takes alot of convincing to each individual potential customer to get them over it.
Many of your potential buyers weren't there for the "memories" in the first place, like myself...so all in all, i'd say its most logical that u'd sell more at 25 bucks and at least do a little better profit wise than 30.
I know my financial-situation doesn't represent the norm, but if it saves me 10 bucks, i'll wait for someone to just rip the DVD vids online. Granted not everyone is on a tight budgett as me...us poor folk do make up a good bit of your potential buyers.
looking forward to the matches.

i wouldn't be surprised if it remains "30 bucks" until right before the DVD comes out, and then it drops to 25 so its all like "lol, wow..what a good deal!"


Smash Champion
Dec 10, 2002
southern cali, orange county

Beyond how much the vids are worth to viewers...people don't like to feel like they're being taken advantage of. (despite the reality)
A 5-10 dollar difference makes a huge impression on the consumer no matter how badly they want it.

the entire reason ya'll are making a dvd is for money, no? If it wasn't....please just put them all on youtube so we can share the memories cost-free, right?
Nothing is wrong w/ making a profit...but 30 bucks is really pushing it.

The "work" put into making them...is almost 100% irrelevant, because of the amount of sales it will make. If you sell 75 DVDs at $25 each (pretending the DVDs cost 15 bucks each to make and ship out)...it would seem u still make a decent profit to reimburse the materials and payment for the labor put in.
If the above example were true, i'd say thats a fair deal, really.
but i can't imagine it costing 20 bucks to make each DVD and ship it out...thats just....silly.

Either way...the number "3" is just a huge turnoff, and it takes alot of convincing to each individual potential customer to get them over it.
Many of your potential buyers weren't there for the "memories" in the first place, like myself...so all in all, i'd say its most logical that u'd sell more at 25 bucks and at least do a little better profit wise than 30.
I know my financial-situation doesn't represent the norm, but if it saves me 10 bucks, i'll wait for someone to just rip the DVD vids online. Granted not everyone is on a tight budgett as me...us poor folk do make up a good bit of your potential buyers.
looking forward to the matches.

i wouldn't be surprised if it remains "30 bucks" until right before the DVD comes out, and then it drops to 25 so its all like "lol, wow..what a good deal!"
actually its not set at 30 yet. If anything it would be 25 but not any lower than that however, we still want people to pay for shipping and handling. So yeah your still going to go over 30 depending where u live.


Smash Rookie
Feb 14, 2006
Just a thought, but what if you took down some preorders now for a lower price so that it would save you some money on a few things like the gas it takes for trips to the post office and all that kind of stuff. Any orders after could be priced at $30 or whatever.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 3, 2006
well price will vary depending where ur from. the dvd will most likely cost around 30 bucks. This is just for the dvd. You ask why its 30? well a lot of members have been working hard around the clock to encode all the dvds , you can thank mostly caotic, but 30s a fair price. Now this isnt including shipping and handling heh. I dont know the rate of over sea shipping because i know people out side of the usa wants it so im going to have someone look into it to see how much it will cost to send it overseas. So just be patient most of us are in school and really busy but its all almost done. And im sure foward you want ur match against pc that one was really close. Tons of close and great matches and memories.
$30 is a good price tbh. I don't understand why people are complaining so much. Also, I live in England, which means about $10 shipping price (so $40 for me, which is about £27 i think, which is coming straight out of my Wii fund), but there's no problem with that. With the amount of effort you guys are putting into this, and considering all the effort you went through during OC2 itself (the fact that you guys got canadians AND japanese players there was just amazing), i don't think anyone can complain.

I never got to experience OC2, and there are a lot of people that didn't, but I think I speak for a lot of those players when I say that it is a fair price. Keep up the good work! I'll be ordering asap.
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