Well Tsetse Black people only think of people calling them "black" offensive when it is a white person. White people dont give a **** these day's cause why should it even matter? Im not saying all white people but most. Black people still have to believe that we are the hate in the world because are greatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreat grandpa's were slave owners probably and them calling us names and making fun of us give them there little joy in the day. AND YES I SAID IT. THIS IS FROM THE WHITE HEAD COUTERS ITSELF I CAN BE KILLED. im not racist, but when my black friends are around me there cool. just normal friends, now when they get around other black people they start making fun of white people? i just dont get that... white people this white people that..whites are rich..thats all bull**** and the funny thing is they can sit there and talk about how rich and how good we have it and most of us grew up in the same neighborhood
but today black people see us as racist and superior...idk atleast they make it seem that way but in the end we will be riding the same bus, going to the same school, going to the same classes. Now i dont get mad when people call me white, cracker, or anything thats suppose to offend the white person, but when someone calls me a name, i call him one back. And i guess that makes me the bad person.....
I wish all this hate would stop, but the world isnt perfect.. <3