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Tekken Mafia | Now with the real endgame flavour.... Who won?

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
I'm bored of this game.

No-one is a 3-shot vigilante in a game and waits until Night 5 to shoot someone, but Joey is town.

No-one is a 4-shot neighbourizer/vigilante, full stop. Nabe is mafia neighbourizer and thinks I'm indy, which is why he wants me dead so badly.

His partner is likely Bardull, based on the BS of him not full-claiming and how he's also conveniently looking at Kary/Washed today.

Both Bardull and Nabe have been busy trying to make me look scummy, rather than just taking an objective stance like PL has, because they want me lynched. I know that's because Nabe's mafia, and I strongly suspect it's the same for Bardull.

To say Ditzy is town because he had a bingo on J is ********. Look at his play, including his flailing D1 and his fence-sit readlist yesterday and tell me it's not scummy. I was hoping scum would night kill him but it hasn't happened.

And since you asked, yes I'm flipping on some of my reads. There's this weird thing where people are blatantly lying which kind of makes me think they're scum.

Nabe - Mafia
Bardull - Mafia, slightest possibility town
Jdietz -Indy
WL - Town, slight possibility mafia, potential indy
Krys - Town, potential indy
PL - Town
Joey - Town


*smoke machine*
Oct 12, 2008

[1] Kary: Nabe
[1] Nabe: Kary

[0] -Masquerain-
[0] Krystedez
[0] BarDulL
[0] Pink Lemonade
[0] Jdietz43
[0] WashedLaundry

[6] Not Voting: Krystedez / WashedLaundry / BarDulL / Pink Lemonade / Jdietz43
/ -Masquerain-

With 8 alive, it takes 5 to lynch!
Deadline set for Monday 6th August, Midnight GMT.


Apr 3, 2008
Nabe vs. Kary is ******** as hell. Both of their claims don't make ****ing sense. Could be that usual scum vs. indy thing that happens when scum shoot an indy in end-game and then immediately give it away by going hard on the indy. Not sure though, could be wrong.
I can agree with this. I can't shake the feeling this is Indy Kary vs. Mafia Nabe.


Apr 3, 2008
The question isn't if they should die, but which one helps us the most to kill. (at least from my point of view)


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
WL feels like he might be the right play. Lot of people are on Kary, but Kary lacks support. Don't see people coming to his aid while WL is going under the radar via "inactivity." If Kary and WL aren't scum partners, then scumWL is going under the radar while Kary is being used as the final lynch fodder for end game.

Not saying that Kary isn't trying as hard as he can at trying to survive in the scummiest ways possible (like saying my claim is not legitimate because it's partially condemning, for instance). He's pretty scummy. But JD's mentioning of survivalist Kary is true; a lot of Kary's play in PM64 centralized around trying to survive at any cost despite how bad it made him look (i.e. trying to discredit an obvTown player instead of trying to rationalize/understand/work with that player so that Town comes out on top instead of both players getting in a tussle.)

Kary's lynch order is completely ridiculous and I don't understand why he's shooting for Nabe/Myself/JD. JD is Town like 90% likely, and I'm Town. I can see some Nabe suspicion (Nabe is a hard read for me) but...ehh. Kary, where did your scum read on WL go?


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
Kary you need to reread the damn game. No one is "trying to make you look scummy," you're just out of control right now and you need to stop and re-analyze the situation.

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
Kary you need to reread the damn game. No one is "trying to make you look scummy," you're just out of control right now and you need to stop and re-analyze the situation.
Bardull, have you actually read the game?
And I really don't think I do; both your claim and Nabe's absolutely stink from a balance/mechanics perspective, and the timing is way off.

Nabe takes a back seat all game, occasionally taking shots at people. He's outed as a PR but doesn't want to hammer, and doesn't die. Then on Day 6 he conveniently gets a bingo on a player known to flail like six cats tied together.

Fynal comes off obvtown at the start of the game, and then gets steadily less town. On day 3 J comes out with an apparently sincere argument for why he thinks Fynal is scum, that's complete bull****. Everyone still thinks Fynal is town; you have to ask why J picked Fynal. Bardull's convenient 'we need to lynch either X or Y' claim Day 6 is also suspect.

Ditzy has flipped between flailscum and doing nothing all game, and his bingo on J does not clear him. Today he seems halfway to town but I think he's just trying to pick his endgame. **** like his readlist yesterday is blatant fence-sitting and he needs to die, just not right now.

WL is likely town based on him not giving two ****s about this game, and all the other hyperbole that's going on. Some of his stances looked off, but you can normally say that about any playerslot. To swing a lynch back to him now is ****ing ridiculous, and given that Nabe has WL as scum I'm not prepared to do it.

If Kary is scum, who is bussing him?

He'll SAY I'm mafia, but that doesn't make a damn bit of sense. Right now I could claim indy and Nabe would probably just say 'ahh you're just doing that to make me seem like mafia' and push me harder. What you need to do is realise it makes
for me to be mafia aligned,
not least because if I'm BP mafia, why were there no kills nights 2 and 4? There's also an indy roleblocker who got lucky twice? Unlikely.
SO WHY does Nabe keep saying I must be mafia?
Because he's mafia

Nabe's play DOES NOT add up with me being mafia; he should NOT have gone out of his way to push me like this if I was. He's in a neighbourhood, he can tell his buddies his results and see what happens. He can happily watch as I bus WL, whatever.

Ask Nabe to come up with a plausible mafia team with me in it. Then ask Nabe to come up with a plausible mafia team assuming I'm indy. Right now his only priority is getting me lynched, when arguably he should be trying to find my buddy.

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
DO you GENUINELY believe that NABE of all people thinks I MUST BE MAFIA
given ALL the evidence to the contrary?

BECAUSE -IF- I'm Indy, what's the most plausible explanation for Nabe pushing me so hard?

I can't spell it out much clearer than that.

#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
Kary has to be mafia. He's BP, or scum doc'd, but he is mafia. There is no other explanation as to why he'd bring up J's bull****.

If he were indy, he'd back off of me and gun for Laundry based on Bard's Kary/Laundry claim, so that he could survive. He can't hit an indy wincon if he's dead; he wouldn't be gunning me so hard if dying meant he lost.

Mafia can win despite individual members biting it, that's why he's comfortable going 100% full aggro on me. If a mafiaKary gets lynched, his faction lives on. If a mafiaKary gets me lynched, mafia likely wins, and if they don't they all bus Kary the next Day.

I don't know who his partners are via connections, he keeps his boots clean. (That doesn't erase any of the above.) By PoE I'll look at WL and Krys on Kary's scumflip. WL didn't give a firm stance, Krys seems a bit hesitant on Kary. Joey's town, PL's post seemed firm, Dietz is certainly not mafia, 90% sure Bard is legit.


#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
Playing dumb doesn't suit you, Nabe.

What if there are two factions? You're mafia and i'm indy faction?

Every time you make an argument it has a glaring hole in it, you realise that?

Lynch Nabe > Bardull > Ditzy

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
This is a serious question posing as sarcasm. is there something I've missed? Do you have any flaws to point out in my reasoning?
There are holes all over your reasoning, but you just keep handwaving them. Look, I'll show you:

Kary has to be mafia. He's BP, or scum doc'd, but he is mafia. There is no other explanation as to why he'd bring up J's bull****.
What if there are two factions? You're mafia and i'm indy faction?
Hey look, you trying to argue I have to be mafia. Me pointing out a possible alternative. What comes next?

Are you claiming indy?
You completely ignoring the point I made.

If I claim indy, how does that change your stance that I must be mafia?
Presumably it doesn't, so why are you asking me to claim?

Because you're avoiding the question, and just trying to get me lynched.


Awaken the Path
Feb 22, 2010
Colorado Springs
PL's last post really sounded similar to my thoughts.

We hit scum if we hunt through this pool;


Not sure how confident I am about my stance on WL anymore.

Monday, 6 August
7:53:31 p.m.
(GMT + 0:00)


So four hours?

I'm putting my vote on Nabe for now, I'll be back within the four to revote Kary if we end up getting a No Lynch possibility, but this is where my head's at. If you don't like it, I don't really care. I'm trying to get my own stances, and right now Nabe > Kary to me.

Vote: Nabe

#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
Hey look, you trying to argue I have to be mafia. Me pointing out a possible alternative. What comes next?
That's not a "possible alternative," and you could not expect me to treat it as such. I'm town. Are you asking me to "consider the alternative" that you're indy?

Kary said:
If I claim indy, how does that change your stance that I must be mafia?
You can't be indy. You would've claimed indy much earlier if that were the case. I even offered for you to do so, meaning there was no chance the idea wasn't in your head.

Most indies survive a claim and win. Let's say we're 8 with 3 mafia and we lynch them all, and let's assume two NKs in between lynches. Three players left, one's indyKary. But he's won if he's marker (he had time to mark both players if they weren't already), he's won if he's secretly been an SK, poisoner, arsonist, by making a single kill. He wins as a warlock by correctly lynching the mafia as they die. The list goes on.

Kary didn't claim indy, even when asked to. What Kary did is to pursue solely me and attempt to get me lynched. This is why he's mafia, as I said in my post earlier today.



Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
PL's last post really sounded similar to my thoughts.

We hit scum if we hunt through this pool;


Not sure how confident I am about my stance on WL anymore.

Monday, 6 August
7:53:31 p.m.
(GMT + 0:00)


So four hours?

I'm putting my vote on Nabe for now, I'll be back within the four to revote Kary if we end up getting a No Lynch possibility, but this is where my head's at. If you don't like it, I don't really care. I'm trying to get my own stances, and right now Nabe > Kary to me.

Vote: Nabe
extremely odd vote and not sure how to read this


Awaken the Path
Feb 22, 2010
Colorado Springs

I agreed with PL's reasoning.

I don't see how it's odd given the thought that it's impossible to switch to a dietzwagon atm and I don''t see Nabe's reasoning very clear on why Kary is scum other than he is pushing for Nabe's lynch . . . What else is scum about him exactly? Given all the claim work and stuff, what about his play this game?


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
"A single deadline extension will be granted if a majority of players request this, e.g. Request Deadline Extension. This extension will last only 24 hours."

Request Deadline Extension

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
That's not a "possible alternative," and you could not expect me to treat it as such. I'm town. Are you asking me to "consider the alternative" that you're indy?

You can't be indy. You would've claimed indy much earlier if that were the case. I even offered for you to do so, meaning there was no chance the idea wasn't in your head.
And I'm sure if I'd claimed indy you would've said 'oh he's just mafia trying to make me look worse'. So, no.

Most indies survive a claim and win. Let's say we're 8 with 3 mafia and we lynch them all, and let's assume two NKs in between lynches. Three players left, one's indyKary. But he's won if he's marker (he had time to mark both players if they weren't already), he's won if he's secretly been an SK, poisoner, arsonist, by making a single kill. He wins as a warlock by correctly lynching the mafia as they die. The list goes on.
What the **** are you smoking

Stop bringing up irrelevant stuff like indy killing roles.
and ignoring relevant stuff like the potential for me to be indy survivor.

Kary didn't claim indy, even when asked to. What Kary did is to pursue solely me and attempt to get me lynched. This is why he's mafia, as I said in my post earlier today.
So because I have a bingo on you (because you're faking a bingo on me), and I'm trying to get you lynched, I'm mafia.

Good work.



KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky
I'm not requesting a deadline extension.

Look what we've got done today. We've gotten two posts from Krys/PL, Nabe/Kary *****ing at one another, and Me/Bardull/Dietz sitting here like ******* trying to comprehend everything at hand.

Lynching out of the two of them is absolutely stupid at this point. This will only continue tomorrow and we won't get anything done at all. Either way we're going to be lynching out of these two. Why prevent the inevitable, Bardull?


#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
@Bardull: I believe so, but I will admit I only have a bingo on Nabe.

I'm happy to assume you're town for discussion purposes though.

I was just about to ask for your read on Nabe?
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