player comments!
This town was painful! Omg what were you all thinking? I bet some of you secretly mercy /inned to get it out of the queue. A lot of you didn't seem all that invested so people's play looked quite lazy. You snooze you lose
Toastin' you were on fire early D1. And then you... vanished. It was bizarre! I think you could have been a driving force.
Deus you were cool but I think your inactivity caught up with you in the end and people saw you as lynch fodder.
Glyph you were cool. I do think you need to reign it in a little and share your onslaughts with others too!
Joey you had eternal v/la but you really picked it up in certain places, especially towards the end. Never trust Nabe...
Krystedez... now I didn't quite see the point. You signed up to replace in and did little. From the X number of posts you did make, I thought you had good ideas, reads - you could have been something else entirely. Take this as a lesson learned so you can **** in other games plz!
Ruy you were cool but plz don't let anyone have a free ride just because they're deemed a "good player". Always ask yourself, has this player found me scum? If not they're not credible... simples. The way you idolised Swiss early D1/D2 was odd to me.
Bardull, I think you're very good =o Your info was difficult to interpret but you did a good job. Laundry was absolutely the best play to make considering Dietz was blocked N3 onwards... so laundry must have been tapped and confirmed scum. Still, time was against you, as was those 38 pages

Definitely play in moar games plz.
Soup you were solid as always! Shame you died as you were one of the actives that had their head screwed on.
Dark Horse... yeah you were cool too! Just need a bit more oomph in your questions to make more of an impact.
frozen... died N1

Washed you were great... at first. Then I don't know what happened... I think OS' game caught your interest more and you became invested in it.
Pink Lemonade... Ran what happened? I've never seen someone cower at the thought of being scum like that before. Being the bad guy sometimes is good

July you were cool but you made 1 post every year so there's not much to say other than people shouldn't have let you cruise on by as long as you did.
J you were great. Such a shame you were caught out. I think you would have lasted a long time. The doc claim I thought was clevah but it got figured out too soon. I think you should have pushed the idea of being a doc a little more. Plus iirc no one died that Night, so there were tools to work with to try to wiggle out of that tough spot a little more. Awesome play as ever.
Nabe you clevah clevah scummie. My fave <3... you called the shots, you set up a scenario to go against Kary... you had Dietz and Joey wrapped around ur little finger (if only for a little bit). Your role was designed to die early yet you had the best survivability out of all the scummies... A big well done to you. I would be nominating you for MVP if your competition was a little more competitive.
Kary you are mariah SCARY. Even Nabe commented on how much effort you put into your posts to defend yourself. Round 6 was intense. I think people weren't ready for your reactions but over time people were realising that you weren't the right play (Bardull switching to laundry / Krystedez switching on Nabe), plus Dietz would have been by your side fighting your corner. There were tools to work with to secure a lynch that wasn't yourself but time sadly caught up with you, alongside a bunch of snoozers that figured things out too late... >_>
Nabe is 4-shot Neighbourizer Vigilante and wants me lynched because he thinks I'm Bulletproof Marker.
say that back to yourself slowly.
Who's scum, Nabe?
^This was also the best post (lol)
Dietz you were GREAT. Your claim gambit worked a charm, plus you caused mayhem in your neighbourhood. It was like a mafia game inside a mafia game... When you figured it all out, you started making a lot more sense... I think you needed to apply more force on Round 6, especially considering you were the most credible player there (netting 1 scum already)... there was definite momentum building against laundry and nabe that could have been taken advantage of imo but overall a really good job!