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Tekken Mafia | Now with the real endgame flavour.... Who won?

#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
Whew. Hard work. Congrats to Dietz who I never suspected would be partners with Kary of all people. Even when you turned on me, I just thought you were better town than I had given you credit for. :bee: I'll wait 'til I see the setup all laid out, but I think you guys would've cleaned up if you'd made a decisive play before I risked the Ticket-Puncher gambit. By then I had Kary where I wanted him.

I feel pretty bad for town, I'm not sure they had the resources to combat all that scum. I hardly played my best game here, pretty sure I almost lost Joey's vote at the end there. And I shot Kary twice, so town had lots of extra time to pull up their boots.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
I knew Kary was scum for the shots we did on him. I got Ditzy scum with his BS on me haha.

Oh well, game was fun and thanks for having me replace in!


#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
Sadly I didn't have the scumteam until Nabe pulled his gambit,
(and that no-one in your neighbourhood had died).
I was hoping it was just going to backfire horribly as it should have done.

Having Joey believe it and then him claim against me was just a nightmare :ohwell:

I even had an Even-Night Commuter claim I was tempted to lay down to explain why you wanted me dead so badly. Just a shame I threw it by being too loud/defensive (apparently my natural reaction when presented with utter ********).

Also I'm pleased you didn't suspect Ditzy :)

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
Town was in a bad way after the Toastin' lynch D1, and then when (with our help :cool:) you finally got scum J, Glyph/RR had already blown up and all scum really had to do was lurk.

Really want to see what the Town PRs did, though; I more or less had this setup down as VT heavy which is one reason I was surprised to see 4 mafia.


*smoke machine*
Oct 12, 2008
Role PMs (there's more to come)



"Shiki soku ze kuu"

Welcome to the King of Iron First tournament. You are Yoshimitsu, Vanilla Townie.

As the leader of the Manji Clan, it is your responsibility to steal from the rich and give to the poor. You decide to enter The King of Iron Fist Tournament after being enticed by its rather large payout, which you fully expect to fight to the death for using space ninja skills!

Let your fists and votes do the talking. You win when all threats to Town have been eliminated.[/COLLAPSE]

“Yeah, yeah. Shut up already.”

Welcome to the King of Iron First tournament. You are Hwoarang, Vanilla Townie.

You never settle for second best. You started out hustling money in street fights where you experienced that blood-pumping, addictive rush from hand-to-hand combat. One day you find out about the announcement of the King of Iron Fist Tournament. What a perfect opportunity to test your skills and fight your rivals!

Let your fists and votes do the talking. You win when all threats to Town have been eliminated.[/COLLAPSE]


Welcome to the King of Iron First tournament. You are Kuma, Vanilla Townie.

You have the intelligence of an average, perhaps slightly dim human being, although this is obviously amazingly intelligent for a bear. You were trained to enter The King of Iron Fist Tournament to see how far you can go!

Let your fists and votes do the talking. You win when all threats to Town have been eliminated.[/COLLAPSE]

[COLLAPSE="Julia Chang"]
“Spirits, give me strength.”

Welcome to the King of Iron First tournament. You are Julia Chang, Vanilla Townie.

As a baby, you were deserted in the ruins of ancient Native American settlements, where your adopted mother, Michelle Chang, found you. You were trained to protect your beloved homeland. You hope to one day reforest Arizona. Upon hearing of The King of Iron Fist Tournament, you enter in hope that you can win some prize money to fulfill your dreams.

Let your fists and votes do the talking. You win when all threats to Town have been eliminated.[/COLLAPSE]

[COLLAPSE="Paul Phoenix"]
“I'm the toughest in the Universe!”

Welcome to the King of Iron First tournament. You are Paul Phoenix, Vanilla Townie.

You are a fighter who is admired by young kids worldwide. You have been in constant training for upcoming fighting tournaments and learn that The King of Iron Fist Tournament is being held soon. You take this as an opportunity to become the greatest fighter of all time. You won’t let victory escape you!

Let your fists and votes do the talking. You win when all threats to Town have been eliminated.[/COLLAPSE]

[COLLAPSE="Jin Kazama"]
“The Mishima bloodline ends here.”

Welcome to the King of Iron First tournament. You are Jin Kazama, Vanilla Townie.

You have a distinct hatred against the Mishima bloodline that flows inside you. Upon hearing that there is a King of Iron First Tournament coming up, you decide to enter in hope you can rise above the Mishima Empire that hosts it and undermine those that have crossed you in the past.

Let your fists and votes do the talking. You win when all threats to Town have been eliminated.[/COLLAPSE]

“*Roar* *RAWR* *Roar*”

Welcome to the King of Iron First tournament. You are King I, Vanilla Townie.

You started your fighting career as a ruthless street brawling orphan who only ever wanted to fight. But you soon realised the error of your ways after a serious brawl in which you collapsed and were rescued by Marquez priests. As a result you became a priest yourself and renounced your old fighting ways. You’ve entered The King of Iron Fist Tournament in a bid to win some prize money to build an orphanage for street children.

Let your fists and votes do the talking. You win when all threats to Town have been eliminated.[/COLLAPSE]

[COLLAPSE="Marshall Law"]

Welcome to the King of Iron First tournament. You are Marshall Law, Vanilla Townie.

You own a Chinatown restaurant in San Francisco but have always dreamed of opening your own martial arts dojo and becoming a world-known fighter. After hearing that the biggest fighting tournament in the world is about to take place, you realise this is your one opportunity to fulfill your dreams. And so your journey begins at The King of Iron Fist Tournament…

Let your fists and votes do the talking. You win when all threats to Town have been eliminated.[/COLLAPSE]


[collapse="Line Tapper"]
"You're not good enough"

Welcome to the King of Iron First tournament. You are Lei Wulong, Town Line Tapper.

You are one of the most respected Hong Kong police detectives, having developed your own style of Kung Fu. You've used this to your advantage against many criminals in the past, but this time you've landed a case far bigger than you imagined. A number of killings have lead you to the King of Iron Fist Tournament, where all will be revealed...

[COLLAPSE="Abilities"]Art of Snake

You sneaky detective. At Night you can use the command Tap: Player A, replacing A with the name of any living player in the game. You will place an electrical tap on this player and learn whether they can communicate or not communicate with anyone else in places outside the game thread.[/COLLAPSE]Let your fists and votes do the talking. You win when all threats to Town have been eliminated.

[collapse="Satellite [In Disrepair]"]

Welcome to the King of Iron First tournament. You are Jack-2, Town Satellite.

You are the second edition robot in the Jack series. You are an upgrade of the original Jack robot and have been sent to the King of Iron First Tournament to uncover clues related to a string of murders taking place around the surrounding areas.

[COLLAPSE="Abilities"]Gigaton Start Up

At Night you can use the command Signal: Player A, replacing A with the name of any living player in the game. You will pick up outside communication spoken about this player through electrical taps that are laid out by an unknown role.

This information is exclusive to you.

The origins of any communication you pick up will be unknown as will any names/metadata present.[/COLLAPSE]Let your fists and votes do the talking. You win when all threats to Town have been eliminated.


  • This role was in disrepair. It wouldn't pick up actual words, instead it picked up random numbers. It also knows the number of different locations a name is being spoken in.
  • Upon the death of the line tapper, the satellite functions as a hybrid backup, having the ability to attract line taps put down by the tapper and also receiving who the line tapper attempted to target, alongside any additional information such as (in the event the honey trapper is involved) if any of the line taps didn't go through (but not specifically who as to keep it everything as open ended as possible).
    • The tradeoff being that he will explode and kill another townie should he claim or share who Soup targeted and how he received that information, which Bardull danced around nicely. I'll go into this tradeoff when I talk about the roles one by one.

Mafia - Main Team

"The only way to truly salvage this disgusting world is to DESTROY everything on it!"

Welcome to the King of Iron First tournament. You are Heihachi Mishima, Mafia Goon.

You have hosted your fair share of Tekken Tournaments in the past and are in control of the Mishima Zaibatsu, a giant multinational conglomerate. You have status. This year you're hosting the King of Iron Fist Tournament 2012, but this year will be different. You feel threatened by the rise of new fighters and plan to attract them to this year's tournament only to eliminate them, one by one. You want ultimate power and complete control. You will do anything to achieve your goal.

You are in the mafia with Nabe, Ling Xiaoyu, Mafia Inviter. There is a traitorous group of mafia out there who know of your identities. They are aligned with you. You do not know of their identities.

One of you can choose to send in the Mafia Night Kill.

You have access to outside communication via this quicktopic: http://www.quicktopic.com/47/H/FaKvf5kCyAa7h

Let your fists do the talking. Your faction wins when it is no longer possible to lose all of its members.

"Shao chiyuin dakaraah!"












Mafia - Sub Team


Welcome to the King of Iron First tournament. You are Bryan Fury, Mafia Goon.

You were an officer in the International Police Organization and was unfortunately killed in a shoot-out in Hong Kong. Your corpse was transported to a laboratory where you were revived as a cyborg. You have entered the King of Iron Fist Tournament 2012 under clear orders to destroy all opposing forces.

You are in a traitorous mafia group with Pink Lemonade, Roger, Mafia Roleblocker. There is a main group of mafia out there who don't know of your identities. They are aligned with you. However, you do know of their identities. They are Swiss, Heihachi Mishima, Mafia Goon and Nabe, Ling Xiaoyu, Mafia Inviter.

You have access to outside communication via this quicktopic: http://www.quicktopic.com/47/H/dH399mhM29p

Let your fists do the talking. Your faction wins when it is no longer possible to lose all of its members.

[collapse="Role Blocker"]
"*Grunt* *Grunt*"

Welcome to the King of Iron First tournament. You are Roger, Mafia Roleblocker.

You are a genetically modified super kangaroo. You enjoy watching TV and relaxing but all this will have to wait. You've been instructed to enter the King of Iron Fist Tournament to use and abuse your animal instincts.

[COLLAPSE="Abilities:"]Bandicoot Bomb

At Night you can use the command Bandicoot Bomb: Player A, replacing A with the name of any living player in the game. You will role block this player that Night.[/COLLAPSE]You are in a traitorous mafia group with WashedLaundry, Bryan Fury, Mafia Goon. There is a main group of mafia out there who don't know of your identities. They are aligned with you. However, you do know of their identities. They are Swiss, Heihachi Mishima, Mafia Goon and Nabe, Ling Xiaoyu, Mafia Inviter.

You have access to outside communication via this quicktopic: http://www.quicktopic.com/47/H/dH399mhM29p

Let your fists do the talking. Your faction wins when it is no longer possible to lose all of its members.[/collapse]


[collapse="Intelligent Tracker"]

Welcome to the King of Iron First Tournament. You are Nina Williams, Independent Intelligent Tracker.

You are one dangerous *****. You were forced to become a test subject for cryogenic research. You were reawakened by mysterious powers, feeling more lethal than ever. You have entered the King of Iron Fist Tournament alongside your sister, Anna Williams, whom you despise in a love-to-hate relationship. Your killer instincts make you want victory in the tournament more than ever...

[COLLAPSE="Abilities:"]Night Extension

The Independent Faction receives a secret additional 24 hours to the Night phase, which other members will believe to last only 48 hours.

Creeping Snake

At Night you can use the command
Creeping Snakify: Player A, replacing A with the name of any living player in the game. You will track them that Night. Being intelligent, you will receive your result before the Night ends. Regardless of what time you submit your action, as soon as your target performs their action (should they have one), I will notify you of the result as soon as possible.[/COLLAPSE]You are in the Independent faction with Kary, Anna Williams, Independent Honey Trapper.

You have access to outside communication via this quicktopic: http://www.quicktopic.com/47/H/EPQcUWtKgBe

Let your fists do the talking. You win when it is no longer possible for your faction to be killed.[/collapse]

[collapse="Honey Trapper"]
"Such a lovely face..."

Welcome to the King of Iron First Tournament. You are Anna Williams, Independent Honey Trapper.

You are one sexy *****. You learned Aikido techniques from your mother, a female national Aikido champion. You have entered the King of Iron Fist Tournament to perfect your skills and prove to your twisted sister, Nina, that you are capable as a fighter in the ring.

[COLLAPSE="Abilities:"]Night Extension

The Independent Faction receives a secret additional 24 hours to the Night phase, which other members will believe to last only 48 hours.

Mystic Booty

At Night you can use the command Mystic Bootify: Player A, replacing A with the name of any living player in the game. You will flirt with them. They will be notified of this but will not know your player or character identity other than "mystery woman".

Flirting with Player A
takes you away from your slot and toward your target's slot, making your slot immune to Night actions. A player targeting you during this period will have their action do nothing.

If Player A is targeted by someone else whilst you flirt with them, you will also be targeted. If the targeted action produces any physical result, your identity will only be revealed as far as that of a
“mystery woman”. If Player A is targeted by the Night kill, you will get hurt and be vote-blocked the next Day phase and the killer will be notified that a mystery woman was present during this time.

When flirting with Player A, you will have the choice to
steal a physical possession from them should they carry one, utilising its information and effects which will be described to you when this opportunity arises. You can steal nothing. If a player has a role that is based on or produces something that can't be physically possessed, nor do they carry any physical possessions, then you will not be presented anything to steal.

The choice to steal (presented as a scenario to you) will take place after all other Independent members' actions have taken place (i.e. your sister, Nina Williams, has tracked and obtained her result and you have shaken your mystic booty). To replicate the whole notion of honey trapping, you will have to work fast during the Night phase; the stealing scenario will not take place if you run over the bonus Night extension![/COLLAPSE]You are in the Independent faction with Jdietz43, Nina Williams, Independent Intelligent Tracker.

You have access to outside communication via this quicktopic: http://www.quicktopic.com/47/H/EPQcUWtKgBe

Let your fists do the talking. You win when it is no longer possible for your faction to be killed.


Awaken the Path
Feb 22, 2010
Colorado Springs
Well I have nothing to say because I had nothing to contribute. Kinda sucks that it turned out the way it did for Town. I don't really have a congratulations or good job for Mafia because I wasn't around enough to to appreciate their play or whatever.

There was nothing I could do to get a lynch on Nabe I guess.

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
So you're telling me swiss/nabe can't talk to july/washed?

so if I'd got nabe lynched washed/july wouldn't know myself/ditzy were the indies?


To be honest, that's really weird though. Bit confused. Fake ending makes more sense though.



KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky
So you're telling me swiss/nabe can't talk to july/washed?

so if I'd got nabe lynched washed/july wouldn't know myself/ditzy were the indies?


To be honest, that's really weird though. Bit confused. Fake ending makes more sense though.

He made another quick topic with PL/Washed.


#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
What's hilarious about that is that we guessed he was a neighborizer n1 and PL immediately said "yeh, WL is the best target for that"

the next night, i get a link to a quicktopic to talk with none other than nabe.

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
yeah I'm reading their QT now, it begins to make sense

wondering whether the sub team would've flipped as traitors

gorfdammit J wanting me dead for 'PR vibes'
i was hardly playing cautious with a wall against swiss D2 :ohwell:


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
Kata so troll.

Dear god, your gova. You mislynch, it's YOUR fault, not the person you lynched's fault. Learn to read them better next game.

Speaking of which, sorry kuz, my bad. I got paranoid because I hadn't really played you and heard legends of your scumgame.


Apr 3, 2008
Haha, it was a fun game. I had fun being partners with Kary, though half of the game was just wrangling with him XD

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
Dear god, your gova. You mislynch, it's YOUR fault, not the person you lynched's fault. Learn to read them better next game.
haha sorry adum
I just made sure i got on that waggon in the middle of the Day :awesome:

Kary in Indy QT said:
my biggest fear this game is that someone is going to accuse me of being scum at some point and i'll start flailing under pressure. aaaah well.
^man it is weird to look back on that now


Apr 3, 2008
Wait? I won a runner up hidden wincon for still being alive at the end?


So, did Bardull really blow up from telling people his role? Because... lol.

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
Haha, it was a fun game. I had fun being partners with Kary, though half of the game was just wrangling with him XD
I had great fun being partners with you :cool:

I was purposefully not filling you in on stuff like my reads, to try and keep our Day play difficult to connect. Except those weird bits where I panic and go DITZY YOUR SLOT NEEDS TO DIE in thread :c

Maybe the only daft thing was how you claimed your bingo without us discussing it, but ahh well. I wanted J to think he'd been roleblocked! Somehow we scraped through, though- still don't know how much J had worked out.


Apr 3, 2008
Whew. Hard work. Congrats to Dietz who I never suspected would be partners with Kary of all people. Even when you turned on me, I just thought you were better town than I had given you credit for. :bee: I'll wait 'til I see the setup all laid out, but I think you guys would've cleaned up if you'd made a decisive play before I risked the Ticket-Puncher gambit. By then I had Kary where I wanted him.

I feel pretty bad for town, I'm not sure they had the resources to combat all that scum. I hardly played my best game here, pretty sure I almost lost Joey's vote at the end there. And I shot Kary twice, so town had lots of extra time to pull up their boots.

I would have def. made a larger push for you if I hadn't been busy on Monday when I came back. But I forgot GMT, and even then who knows if town would have actually bought it and followed along, even if it was the truth. (No offense town, but you were dead easy to manipulate this game)

I'm very glad to find out that I wasn't the night kill target. A large part of me was concerned you guys would have figured it out from Kary's sudden "He's Indy! For srs!" flail at the end.


Apr 3, 2008
I had great fun being partners with you :cool:

I was purposefully not filling you in on stuff like my reads, to try and keep our Day play difficult to connect. Except those weird bits where I panic and go DITZY YOUR SLOT NEEDS TO DIE in thread :c

Maybe the only daft thing was how you claimed your bingo without us discussing it, but ahh well. I wanted J to think he'd been roleblocked! Somehow we scraped through, though- still don't know how much J had worked out.
It worked out exceptionally well considering. It was a risky ploy, but apparently no one caught on that Tracker/Follower would be the most broken BS XD

Really the only thing you have to work on is not flailing so hard whenever anything happens ever lol. I still remember that moment where I was just "Play it cool and things will be fine" in the QT, and then I come to the thread and immediately see you "Flailing in every direction I didn't want you flailing" XD

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
I'm very glad to find out that I wasn't the night kill target. A large part of me was concerned you guys would have figured it out from Kary's sudden "He's Indy! For srs!" flail at the end.
I'm glad this didn't happen and we got runner-up :D

To be honest it was something I had planned for a long time, with the pro-town reasoning that you weren't Swiss-aligned, it wasn't worth wasting a lynch on. Then no-one asked me about you and you didn't die.

This game had so many weird twists now I look back on it.

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
It worked out exceptionally well considering. It was a risky ploy, but apparently no one caught on that Tracker/Follower would be the most broken BS XD

Really the only thing you have to work on is not flailing so hard whenever anything happens ever lol. I still remember that moment where I was just "Play it cool and things will be fine" in the QT, and then I come to the thread and immediately see you "Flailing in every direction I didn't want you flailing" XD
Well most of the flailing is me pretending to be townKary, who is furious that mafia haven't killed you after your track/follow claim.
But some of it is just Kary going '4-shot?' for real?

No-one is 4-shot anything. ESPECIALLY vig/neighbourizer

#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
N1: Track Adumb: Visited No One
N2: Watch J: Used Kill
N3: Track Nabe: No Result
N4: Watch Dark Horse: No Result
N5: Track Dark Horse: No Result
You changing your own terminology here (after we had previously had that discussion in the QT where you made it clear you were not being a watcher) was a bit of a 'what' moment. Make sure to keep statements consistent! Between this and your flip on Kary, I did consider that you could be solo indy.


Apr 3, 2008
Mhmm, it was quite a ride XD

I'm glad it turned out for me, but for you it was really the nail in your coffin that it probably didn't need to be. But we win anyways, so it all worked out for the common good!

@Nabe: hahaha, yeah, that's you getting in my head from asking "Can u watch me blah blah watcher watcher?" a bunch of times. I would have handwaved it as such and replaced it with the 'correct' follow upon it being pointed out.
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