What's up everyone! I'm back and active. Good thing I ordered my laptop cord express. After much boredom and stress because my postal service is ********, my laptop is back in action.
Heres a small return-post:
Mattnumbers said:
And I'm just going to go ahead and Vote: Junglefever but only for right now I could easily change it, it just seems silly to only FoS when you are the first to vote on that person.
I tried this before and It doesnt really work. Saying that you vote but of course you can change it is just like going "I'm just gonna put this right here, but don't worry, I can take it back if you don't like it"
Around this time was when I decided to follow through on my FoS and
Vote: Mattnumbers
So, apparently, me trying to do something he himself tried which didn't work for him is enough to jump on the newly formed bandwagon, assisting it get rolling? Not to mention that I did this directly after people (including him) started suspecting me for being neutral. First I'm suspicious for not being aggressive, then when I try a bit to be a bit more aggressive so I don't get lynched it makes me even more suspicious?
fragbait said:
As it's standing, while my initial suspicions of Frown are still there, more and more, it's seeming that someone is taking a very frontal, and offensive role. While last time I made this statement it led to Vanila, I'm quite confident in saying
junglefever said:
Why is being up front and offensive such a problem?
You may have answered it a little here and there, but let me ask you: (@Fragbait)
In detail, what in the world is wrong with being offensive? I'll go ahead and say Jungle has moved this game forward, shoveling coal into the flames so the train steadily chugs forward. Mafia needs this. Without things moving forward, we get nowhere. No info.
And don't think i'm protecting Jungle, I do have my own thoughts on him.
Immediately, when someone votes against the person who started (well,
voted first but there was a gap between them and this got it started) the bandwagon he had hopped on, he defends him, states that he's a great contributor, and yet he then backpedals with vague claims, never mentioning them or suspecting Junglefever publicly again.
frown said:
I wouldn't vote for Junglefever. He has been helping town quite a lot and it would be bad to lose our most experienced player.
frown said:
Well, I don't vote for Jungle because I trust him the most at the moment. Then why SHOULD I vote for him?
You really think you should already be trusting people? Trust anyone D1 and admitting it is going to get you killed.
So, he says that you should never trust anyone, directing it at frowns trust in jungle, yet he doesn't show a single sign of suspicion in Jungle after the "other thoughts" claim.
Junglefever said:
I'd liek this answered from my voters.
Anyway, it's not like i'm pushing someone's lynch on nothing, or really even pushing a lynch. I'm pushign you guys to be PROactive instead of REactive. We're goign to lose this game if we just keep waiting around for **** to happen. I'm not giving out commands or telling you to do something other than to use your heads.
Junglefever said:
We shouldn't have enough to know exactly what to do? Of course I have no idea if I'm going to find scum or not when i raise suspicion, but does that mean we should just do nothing and be passive about everything? Even investigative roles need to be looked at twice because how do you know if someone's lying? The fact of the matter is that town needs to proactively look for scum and not rely on night actions and kills to do ti for you. Guys guess what, you can frame someone with the mafia kill! Connections can be made everywhere, even today. What if mafia uses one of those to their advantage?
tl;dr, you can't play passive and pussyfoot around and expect to win.
A couple smart posts imo, compared to most.
More Jungle praise, which helps keep the bandwagon moving
]We went over this. Someone else earlier said a FoS and Vote are essentially the same thing but it was disproved. Sure they are both used to prod for info, but a vote is a VOTE. IT KILLS. You can't pull the trigger with a FoS. If you FoS then have to irl for the day, it doesnt contribute. If you Vote and have to irl for the day, that vote is there. And will count towards the person when a lynch is or is not being decided. First part of you sounding desperate to lash out at those who have voted you.
Interesting that he didn't seem to remember the name of that person. The person who said you might as well Vote instead of FoS was, in fact, Junglefever himself, the person who started the bandwagon and was wholly supported by DZLE.
Because people have already said many of the same things i'm thinking. Aggressive, getting the ball rolling, suspicions, questions, etc.
How was my vote any different than others that were aimed to "get the ball rolling"?
No where in any of my posts have I admitted trust in ANYONE.
Stop grasping at straws. Leave me out of your desperate cries.Theres no such thing as solid, inevitable proof and evidence til we see a body. Even if someone roleclaims and even has a point here or there to back it up, everything could be a lie. No proof til a body. That's why we have to use our wits and our intellect to found out what we believe is the best course of action. We can't sit around and "wait" as you posted at the beginning for "proof" because you won't find it til a lynch has or has not been made and the night is over.
But he never showed any suspicion either. As he himself said earlier,
You really think you should already be trusting people? Trust anyone D1 and admitting it is going to get you killed.
So why WOULD you admit trust?
The bolded comment contributes nothing and only serves to slander my image. The fact that he used such vibrant adjectives leads me to think that you meant it to do that as well.
And promoting rash decisions sounds pretty scummy to me as well.
Looking at playstyles from previous games and pointing out that a person could be using that same type of playstyle is pointless. They could just change their style in the blink of an eye. There is always another option that is possible as to why someone is acting the way they are than originally thought. ALWAYS another option.
Yet in his original FoS post he used that exact logic to justify his suspicions of me! What contradiction!
Additionally, this post didn't actually bring up any NEW things, he just expressed his disagreement with me and attempted to make me look bad, all the while dropping scum tells.
Exn incoming I guess?
Roxy, I had a small FoS on you throughout the beginning of this game. I almost even voted you once to see reactions.
But you have done well to redeem yourself in my eyes as pro-town, so my suspicion goes off you.
Matt gets scummier by the post, tbqh.
Seems like an attempt to get town buddies (or cover a fellow mafia). He didn't give any reasons WHY Roxy had redeemed himself. Then he makes another noncontributing comment stating vaguely that I "get scummier by the post".
Believe me if you want to or not, but I was going to vote for you back at my initial FoS on you, but then my laptop broke. I took a two day break while it was getting fixed and was only able to make a small post from a friends computer. I wasnt planning on jumping on a wagon. I had legit broken laptop johns.
But remember his earlier post?
I could say the same thing but I wont. Laptop and 502 johns. But I drove to my friends today.
And i'll agree with everyone after Matt's post, that does seem like a very suspicious thing to say. Since that's basically what I did alot at the beginning of my time as scum last game, which I benefit from in the end. I'm not saying thats a "tell" that he's scum, it could just be a slip up.
i'll also FoS: Numbahs
So he had already decided to Vote for me just because of a single slightly suspicious post that he himself didn't seem all that concerned about? And what happened to a Vote being so much worse than a FoS, he claims that the only reason he didn't actually vote was his laptop! The random comment on that one post I made serves as an anchor for him to base his claims of not bandwagoning, and you can tell he uses it so because he lies!
The only reason I have so much suspicion on you was because how flawed your posts were and because of how much you seriously seemed to want to stay alive. You really really don't want the lynch to happen on you and you are making that loud and clear, and that comes off as scummy to me. You are my number one FoS as it stands, yet as you've posted and as the day has progressed many other things have come into play, as it would seem.
The fact that I was striving to survive is recycled from someone else, and although he mentions flaws in my post he yet again does not elaborate whatsoever. But now that the bandwagon is settling down, he starts to try to cover himself.
Your vote on me really seems like a personal grudge you have on me. Something I did rub you the wrong way? There are many others, most likely mafia members voting for you, that's what is important. I ain't one of them.
Another appeal to the audience, attempting to villanize me.
You may be happy to hear that due to how the day has progressed and how you have put forth the effort to clear your name a bit, i'm going to
...I need some time to think before I move further.
I'll be waiting.
And there you finish trying to fade away without attracting attention.
I'm really pressed on time right now guys, I'll have to make my post on other suspects tomorrow. I might also elaborate on this post later tonight.