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Team Rocket Mafia from the Disco Room: DGames Reject Copy

Motel Vacaville

  • I see.

    Votes: 5 31.3%
  • My Gosh.

    Votes: 5 31.3%
  • Thiiiis Guuuuy

    Votes: 6 37.5%

  • Total voters


Smash Hero
Jun 9, 2007
so it's possibly things we've discussed already? Cool beans, you do realize i was considered scummy in the beginning then it was let off because my thoughts were more clarified?
Not entirely!

I still find you pretty scummy, but my vote for Mattnumbers stays. That should imply enough for now. It's one of these phrases that instantly makes my scum radar go off:

Perhaps i phrased this wrong, i want something DONE quickly. Whether it's a NL or a Lynch.
Why would you want this? I said it before and I'll say it again, talking is important to town. We can get information by making people talk, which can only happen during the day. Cutting it short is just throwing away a chance to gather more information - even if no or very little info is gained, at least you can try.

@Frown, your third point: if at some point in the game, you think someone is scum, but are unsure whether you should vote out of fear of being suspicious, you should say what you think anyway. If you lay down arguments carefully, there might be more people with you than you think, or you can at least get a good discussion going.



Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
unless you're on the verge of getting lynched, you should investigate/ survive as long as possible, no?
generally yes, that is the strategy, however late-game having doc be out gives more clears. It's the same way as EM, except it happens days later.

k, so if you were the one to choose between NL and Lynching Matt
(no lynch: 6 voters
matt: 6 voters)
what would you choose and why?
no lynch, because it's what i'm used to.

my edit: i had more discussed, but it all got erased somehow :/.

:034: - The reason that i said that is because i hate D1, i feel i'm done with it, i have a good deal of info from everyone now that ES has posted. I generally can go both ways, but NL is my better choice personally. It's not scummy just because I can go both ways ;034:, infact. i would say it's scummy to push a lynch extremely hard.

Elder Sister

Smash Lord
May 25, 2009
in the bush next to your house
yeah i know what you mean.

my point is, you should rather point out who's scum in your opinion, rather than who's town to your mind.
junglefever said:
Only work with people you think are scum or if someone asks you about a specific person. mafia learns who town generally trusts and who they don't
Giving them more ammo to work with to decide kills and how to draw false connections.
pretty mcuh this.

iirc, you havn't voted for anybody yet right?
who are you suspicious of?

that's it for today, will post agan in approx. 18 hours

Elder Sister

Smash Lord
May 25, 2009
in the bush next to your house
i agree on everything :034: said above.

don't you have an opinion on matt?
i see you were defending him, that's okay n stuff.

but you aren't convinced he's innocent either, are you? cuz you said you'd vote NL only cuz you're used to it.
would you matt is being confusing to town?


Smash Hero
Jun 9, 2007
Roxy, it's not scummy because you'd vote no lynch OR lynch - it's scummy that you'd want to end the day straight away. First of all you said you'd want something done quickly - implying you'd cut off the day and our shot at information.

Also, elder sister's hypothetical situation repeated: pick a random person at 6 votes and no lynch at 6 votes. Would you ALWAYS, no matter who's at 6 votes, go for a no lynch in this case?


DtJ Jungle

Check out my character in #GranblueFantasy
Jul 29, 2008
To the Disco Room, I present to you the third edition a Post-by-post analysis done by Junglefever.

Let's hope SWF doesn't crash on me again.

I don't think past playstyle with this group is a good idea. They're most likely still trying to figure out a playstyle that works for them, so I like to give them a bit of room.

I really don't know what this question means. If I based my vote completely off of whether someone was new or a vet, that would be incredibly stupid. In that situation, I would try to figure out what the noob was, as I would imagine they're easier to figure out.

Again, this isn't something I feel is just a thing where there is a better chance of winning by choosing one. People have to definitely pay attention to role claimers. There are some situations where you don't want to lynch them. If I answer this question further, I feel as though I'm answering a loaded question.

Okay I was fine with this answer and agree with it for the most part. I, for one, do things differently in each game (intentionally or not intentionally, visible and not visible), so I think this was a solid answer to my question. He answers the question further in the following post

Lynching them (cons)
-possible dead PR
-possible -1 for town

-possible dead mafia
-possible -1 mafia

leaving them (cons)
-possible mafia is left alive, can lead town the wrong direction
-we don't know for sure what they are (can make us focus too much on them)
-if a PR, mafia will most likely NK the roleclaimer, doc has a somewhat hard decision to make.

-if town, they can give us more info, although we don't know if it's reliable

Either you're trying too hard to be town (possibly mafia), or you made a mistake.
If you know anything about me in the DR, it'd be that it's the room I visit most and unless something really bad happens, I won't be gone for extended periods of time.

FoS: Roxy
A decent post but then a bad nudge on Roxy for something really dumb. All Roxy said is he wanted you to post more and this reaction seems like an omgwtf reaction, aka not a good one.

Honestly, town never has a reason to lie.
I mean I can't see a situation where it would actually help.

I feel as though Frown or Roxy is mafia.
Frown seems to be really wanting Roxy dead, and points out all his mistakes.
Roxy from earlier. But this isn't much, so I dunno.
Pushing for the Roxy lynch, admits its not much.

Don't really see the issue with what he's saying with Frown though. Pointing out mistakes helps people find scum tells, town tells, and in general more **** about the person, so I don't see why this is scummy. Small pieces make up a big picture.

I believe I acknowledged the fact that it isn't much, and reinforced it further by not voting.
Pussyfooting and looks like backpeddelling because he was pushed around a bit. There's pushing for a lynch on something small then theres pushing for a lynch on nothing. Looks like pushing on nothing here, and he acknowledges it.

Only thing with Frown is that he has been consistently on Roxy for a while. It just seemed to me like he was really pushing for people to notice small things about him and vote.

But eh. I don't think anyone is really vote worthy right now. I don't think FoS=vote like Roxy said.
Again, don't see what's wrong with Frown by what he's saying. It's not really tunneling, imo. People do need to notice the small mistakes people make.

That's an extremely dumb thing to say.
It's as if you know that Jungle is town, you're not even considering that he's mafia.
It was dumb but also looks like another opp to jump on Frown.

Eh. Have to say that the only person that I see as possible scum is Matt atm.
I want a vote count before I do anything though.

And I guess I didn't realize Jungle was that worried about me. My inactivity earlier on probably contributed?
What happened to frown at this point? Why Matt? At this point he didn't say anything about it, meaning it looks like he's cruising on the easy lynch to me.

Matt seems like desperate town to me.
With his roleclaim, I think it might be a good idea to get rid of him despite him possibly being town, like Roxy said.

But alas, we shall await his post.
So now Matt's town? There wasn't alot different between this post and his last post. I don't really understand what changed his mind. Again looks like back pedalling scum trying not too look to opprotunistic.

Well really, you shouldn't be editing at all.
Just post again and fix your mistake.

But eh. I do think (and it is not ridiculous or silly to say this) that one or even two of the people on the Matt vote are scum.
I agreed with this.
This is honestly something I wish I would have thought of and brought attention to.
I don't really think Roxy was trying to get thoughts out to mafia, just trying to figure out Matt, though. So eh, this kinda makes me want to not worry about Roxy atm.

As for Matt's post and Jungle's response, it makes me feel as though both Jungle and Matt are town.

I'll make a separate post for reasoning, hold on
Not computing, you're really back and forth on this lynch here. I'm confused how it doesn't make you worry about Roxy when my point is that it makes me worry. Does he really need all that to figure out Matt?

I was writing a post up in the scenario that Jungle is scum, and it really didn't make sense to me. For clarification, at the time I was considering him as scum.

Jungle (mafia) vs. Matt and Me (town)
he has been pointing at us both for a while, really. What could he accomplish like this though? If Matt was lynched, and flipped town, it would destroy the reasoning that we were scum buddies. That's not to say I would be cleared though, I think he has been suspicious of me before Matt.

If I'm not mistaken, this is the scenario that Jungle has in mind. (matt+me scum buddies)
I don't think Jungle would really do that if he were mafia. It doesn't appeal to town the way I see it. I'll clarify. Assume Matt was lynched, -1 town, and mafia didn't NK me. D2, the scum buddy thing would be gone. He'd have to get town to vote me, and eh. I think that'd be hard. I'm not sure many people are suspicious of me right now.

Basically, he'd leave himself looking like scum imo, and I think a more experienced player would be smart enough to look at possible outcomes...

Maybe I'm thinking too hard though.
Until someone corrects my logic here, I'm thinking that Matt and Jungle are town.

I'd like input on this from people besides Jungle and Matt though, although I don't ind if you guys have anything to say.
Just because I think you're both scum, and one of you flips town, doesn't mean the other is town. Scum buddying town or scum defending town is a good possibility to help them clear themselves to an extent. I never said I thought you guys were scum buddies. I don't have much of a conncetion between you two other than the fact that you're sitting with a fence pole up your *** on it. My day 2 vote/lynch prospects could be totally different from my Day 1 prospects.

vote: 2 day extension

I hope this doesn't come back to hit us later on :L
In what situation would it hurt us later on

I never said it would...?

If you need me to clarify, I was saying I hope something doesn't happen later on that makes us want to use an extension. That =/= Yeah we're going to need it later.


This sectino is on stuff that has happened since i started this post (pre long 502 johns)

I like what a lot of Big Sis had to say. Some of it was outdated but I think her ideas were clear and concise. I 100% endorse her last post where she states that discussing who someone thinks is scum is better than discussing who someone thinks is town. Doing the latter implies trust, which mafia uses to our disadvantage.

CLaiming (at least normally) doesn't happen in forum mafia as often because no one knows if their claim is right or not, even doctors. For example, in Alice in Wonderland Mafia, Chaco was a doctor. N3 The tracker tried to track Chaco and I, as the watcher, chose (coincidently by guessing) the person Chaco claimed he protected. Chaco had already claimed D1, then we made him claim where he went D4. I never saw Chaco at the body, tracker said Chaco stayed at home. Meaning, Doctor went no where. So we lynched Chaco. Chaco, the MOCK doctor, had been lynched. But he wasn't told that until he died. On the notion of cops, there are cops of varying sanities where they might get reverse results, all guilty, all innocents, or might just fail all the time.

What I'm trying to say is claims need to be tested so following cops and doctors d2 isn't a very smart idea. This is to say that they are cop or doctor at all. Generally it takes 3 or 4 investigations to figure out what you are or not.

I can see where Roxy would want to get D1 over with though, just do to his EM experience. Doesn't generally last long over there. Null tell from me on that.


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
i agree on everything :034: said above.

don't you have an opinion on matt?
i see you were defending him, that's okay n stuff.

but you aren't convinced he's innocent either, are you? cuz you said you'd vote NL only cuz you're used to it.
would you matt is being confusing to town?

i defend due to the fact that some of these are basic (not to be rude) newbie town scum tells. I said i'd keep an eye on his later posts. I feel very neutral about him, along with many other people.


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
Not entirely!

I still find you pretty scummy, but my vote for Mattnumbers stays. That should imply enough for now. It's one of these phrases that instantly makes my scum radar go off:
all i said was as i made my ideals clearer, I wasn't looked at as scummy. Basically, look at my mid conversation posts to get a clearer understanding of me. I'm not saying "people are saying i'm not scummy, so i'm obviously not scummy"


Jun 7, 2009
Vote Count:
-Rei-: ()
Fragbait: ()
DZLE: Mattnumbers (
Mattnumbers: Ohaiduhg, Elder Sister, :034 :, Vrael(
Ndayday: Junglefever(
Ohaiduhg: ()
Roxy: ()
Elder Sister: ()
Lythium: Roxy (
Vrael: ()
:034 :: ()
Frown: ()
Junglefever: Fragbait (
Not Voting: -Rei-, DZLE, Ndayday, Frown, Lythium(


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
Halifax, Nova Scotia.

that's all i wanted to know ^_^

newbie town scum tells = things that people who are new to mafia would say, that average -> skilled players would consider scummy : however the comments themself aren't considered scummy to the newbie player themselves.


stuck on a whole different plaaaanet
Jun 12, 2008
rPSI, if Crashboards continues like this for a while, can we have an extension?
Doesn't hurt to ask, right? :I

I'll write a response to your post, Jungle.


Jun 7, 2009
I'm sure nine days is sufficient Ndayday. I'm even giving you guys an extra three hours.

Edit: If you really need it to be extended I must have a 11/13 vote for an extension.


Smash Master
Aug 3, 2007
Kirkland, Washington
Sorry I was missing guys, I went to a smashfest for all of Saturday and today I had to spend 8 hours in some driving course so they would dismiss my 2 point ticket.

Looks like I have a lot to read so I'd better get going.

But I'll Vote: Extension for now


Smash Master
Dec 2, 2008
Planar Fields
Regarding Big Sis' return post, I agree with a lot of it. It was well put together other than just normal typos here and there. I was also heavily agreeing on the fact that getting peoples opinions on scum is much better than getting peoples opinions on town.

As for what else I should say, nothing has really been directed at me, and I have no yet caught enough to shout contradictions on anything.

Other than Mattnumbers, who has yet to post his 'big post' saying i'm scum, does anyone have anything they would like to direct at me? I'm here to talk as much as anyone else is.


Smash Lord
Nov 28, 2008
Llano, CA
As things have progressed to this point,

DZLE, who's the most suspicious to you and why? You don't have a vote on anyone. Would you rather have a no lynch?

Elder Sister

Smash Lord
May 25, 2009
in the bush next to your house
k, not much happened till yesterday.

Lythium, same question for you as above:
you have poke voted here and there, but who are you actually most suspicious of and why?

you voted no day extension earlier, what would have you done, if the day hadn't been extended?
NL, no vote at all or vote for someone in the last minute?



Mar 6, 2009
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Lythium, same question for you as above:
you have poke voted here and there, but who are you actually most suspicious of and why?
Hmm, good question! At the moment, I'm suspicious of the following:

-Rei- hasn't really been posting a whole lot that I've noticed. Every now and again, someone will be like "Hey, where's -Rei-?," and he'll drop in, say a few words, and drop back out again.

fragbait, I would still like to hear more from you. Due for a prod?

Mattnumbers. I don't even know. I didn't think you were scum, but I gave you a little poke, and I feel like you've said some things that you might not have said otherwise if you weren't under so much pressure from so many other voters.

ohaiduhg, I can't tell if you're a noob or scum. You attempted to place suspicion on me, I called you on it, and then you changed your angle completely and voted for... Mattnumbers!? That doesn't even make sense. So, WHERE YOU AT?


you voted no day extension earlier, what would have you done, if the day hadn't been extended?
NL, no vote at all or vote for someone in the last minute?
I dislike questions such as these because I feel like they're not helpful, and others will only draw their own conclusions based on what I say. I voted to not have an extension because I didn't think it was necessary (and I still don't). I honestly cannot say what I would've done if the day hadn't been extended, because the day was extended. Speculating on what didn't happen isn't going to help this progress any further in my opinion. Ending the day on 4/11 or 4/13 changed the game completely, and thus changed my voting completely. So, honestly, I don't know what I would have done. The circumstances have changed.


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Chicago, IL
1. Out of all people, Junglefever has probably made the least slip-ups. All the way though, he has had one or two votes against him. At the moment, I can't say I TRUST him, but he's either just being towny or he's an extremely obscure mafioso.
But is this because he is town or because he is a good player? Town can screw up too, but I'd say not having slip ups is something that comes with experience.

2. He's the most active player. We would lose a lot of activity which would hurt town (the more info, the better).
Losing activity is your defense for him? Anyone can ask questions, if someone is suspicious there's no reason to leave them alive just because they ask questions.

3. I admit it. I actually fear Junglefever a bit. The guy has a lot of influence, and being against him could potentially turn the whole game against me.
Yes, but if you are town and he "turns the game against you" (which I assume means killing you) then he'll be lynched the next day. He's not anymore influential than anyone else, he just has experience.

I don't have much suspicion for Jungle, but I just wanted to respond to this. A lot of this is BS, Frown. You could just be covering for him. I'm keeping my vote on Matt, but I'm keeping my eye on you.


Smash Master
Dec 2, 2008
Planar Fields
As things have progressed to this point,

DZLE, who's the most suspicious to you and why? You don't have a vote on anyone. Would you rather have a no lynch?
I'm still just going to have to say Mattnumbers, where my FoS has always been.

I took my vote off and havent voted since because right now, the main person I'd still consider to put a vote on is Mattnumbers himself, but it was getting close to a lynch, and after he posted some things it seemed like stuff needed to be sorted out. He is most suspicious to me for many and all the flaws and posts pointing them out following some of his bigger posts, where he was trying to protect himself from death.

I could easily say i'm suspicious of everyone for different things, but he stands out the most.

As for a lynch or no lynch situation, I would much rather have a lynch. A no-lynch gives us less information, where as a lynch could give us a ton of it.

...but it's as said before. Low risk, low reward. No lynch.
High risk, high reward. Lynch.

I don't need to point out why each would be a low risk / low reward or high risk / high reward because its been stated and would be redundant for me to say again.

I'll redirect the question at you, if you don't mind. Who would you lynch at this point? I.e. whos scummiest to you?


Smash Lord
Nov 28, 2008
Llano, CA
I didn't change my view of you? You didn't call me on anything. My point still stands. Instead of defending yourself and saying something like "I can see from my recent activity I haven't voiced an opinion, but after reviewing the Mattnumbers thing like I said I would, I have come to the conclusion that..." you play this sort of insulting offensive thing on me. "Is this your first game?" "Learn to read."

rather uncalled for.

Well, you finally post some sort of opinion on something, but you are still playing that all-out-offensive on me. I mean, sorry for pointing out your lack of proactivity.

ohaiduhg, I can't tell if you're a noob or scum. You attempted to place suspicion on me, I called you on it, and then you changed your angle completely and voted for... Mattnumbers!? That doesn't even make sense. So, WHERE YOU AT?
You are also trying to confuse people. I had my vote on -Rei-. I put my vote on Mattnumbers, because it is more of a possibility he will get lynched and that we will get a lot more information from his lynching than anyone else. Not to mention, I have said quite a few things about him, so it's not even like that vote just came out of nowhere.


stuck on a whole different plaaaanet
Jun 12, 2008
Sorry to cut your post in half, but I'm at school (therefore doing this on and off while doing work :( ) and just figured I'd address at least a bit of the post instead of tackling it all at one time. So yeah. I'll finish the rest when I get home.

Okay I was fine with this answer and agree with it for the most part. I, for one, do things differently in each game (intentionally or not intentionally, visible and not visible), so I think this was a solid answer to my question. He answers the question further in the following post

@1stquote; You seem to be ok with my post except for having a different opinion, so I'm cool with you so far.

A decent post but then a bad nudge on Roxy for something really dumb. All Roxy said is he wanted you to post more and this reaction seems like an omgwtf reaction, aka not a good one.

@2ndquote; This isn't completely accurate. He didn't tell me to post more, he went all "awww this sucks :( " just because I got nudged. Just seems way too fake to me.

Secondly, I hate to use other people as my argument, but others thought the same as me. Hell, :034: voted Roxy directly after it. I think my suspicion was warranted.

Pushing for the Roxy lynch, admits its not much.

Don't really see the issue with what he's saying with Frown though. Pointing out mistakes helps people find scum tells, town tells, and in general more **** about the person, so I don't see why this is scummy. Small pieces make up a big picture.

@3rdquote; Is pushing for a lynch simply mentioning who you're suspicious of? Just want to make sure, because I don't really see that as pushing for someone's lynch.

Anyway, I think I didn't say it right or something. I don't have a problem with posting and pointing things out about people. You need to do that. I did it, everyone does it. What I saw in Frown's posts is what I personally consider as "pushing" for a lynch. Pointing out flaws and small mistakes without taking any sort of action on his own, like he was seeing if it was safe to put his vote on him depending on what everyone else thought.
Again, sorry it's not the whole post.


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
I mean seriously, if :034: was scum, and you aren't, with his as you said, 'immediate' bandwagon, does that make your vote warranted still?

I'm only responding to this because it had my name in it, and i dont' like that **** :mad:


Smash Lord
Nov 28, 2008
Llano, CA
clear up this contradiction I got from reading your post:

You seem to have a pretty good reason to vote on Matt, and it looks like you want to vote on him. If you voted Matt we'd only need 2 more votes.

As for a lynch or no lynch situation, I would much rather have a lynch. A no-lynch gives us less information, where as a lynch could give us a ton of it.
Why didn't you vote on Matt?

As far as your question:

I'll redirect the question at you, if you don't mind. Who would you lynch at this point? I.e. whos scummiest to you?
Wanting to lynch someone doesn't necessarily mean I only find them the scummiest. I have my vote on Mattnumbers, because I get the idea he is more of a tool for mafia than for town. Not saying he is the absolute scummiest, but he is very confusing. Of course, there are several things going on with what makes him scummy that have been covered. Anyways, yeah not sure how to end this post.


Mar 6, 2009
Halifax, Nova Scotia
I didn't change my view of you? You didn't call me on anything.
Um, what? You said that I might be scum because I wasn't posting enough, then proceeded to post a wall of my quotes. Without any sort of commentary from you, that doesn't prove anything. It's just "Oh, here's them quotes you posted." And what? You didn't actually comment on any of their substance or quality. In fact, you didn't form any conclusions at all based on what I posted.

ohaiduhg said:
My point still stands.
LOL. I've yet to see you make any sort of "point" against me.

ohaiduhg said:
Instead of defending yourself and saying something like "I can see from my recent activity I haven't voiced an opinion, but after reviewing the Mattnumbers thing like I said I would, I have come to the conclusion that..."
And why would I have to be defensive about that? I've already explained, several times in fact, that my vote against Matt was a poke vote. And I just gave my opinion about Mattnumbers. Jeez.

ohaiduhg said:
you play this sort of insulting offensive thing on me. "Is this your first game?" "Learn to read."

rather uncalled for.
Haha, what? Those are legitimate things to say, whether you think they're insulting or not. If you actually read and thought about what I posted, you would see that you're not proving a darn thing. And you still haven't answered my question: is this your first game? Because your answer may or may not change my opinion of you completely. It's not meant to be insulting, I was being serious.

ohaiduhg said:
Well, you finally post some sort of opinion on something, but you are still playing that all-out-offensive on me. I mean, sorry for pointing out your lack of proactivity.
I think you are misusing the word proactivity. And I really don't see how I'm playing all-out offensive on you. I'm curious as to why you latched on to me the way you did with no evidence for doing so. And once I refuted your claims, you did some serious backpedaling. Why wouldn't I call you on that? Naturally, I'm going to be suspicious of you. Hence, including you in my list of suspicious people when ES asked me for it.

ohaiduhg said:
You are also trying to confuse people. I had my vote on -Rei-. I put my vote on Mattnumbers, because it is more of a possibility he will get lynched and that we will get a lot more information from his lynching than anyone else. Not to mention, I have said quite a few things about him, so it's not even like that vote just came out of nowhere.
How so? You had an FoS on -Rei-, not a vote, if I recall. And I agree that lynching Mattnumbers will give town a good deal of info, but you were only one out of the several that I mentioned as being suspicious, and the way you're reacting is pretty defensive, in my honest opinion.

Again, ES asked me who I thought was suspicious. I think you're suspicious. After your response, I still think you're suspicious. I will probably continue to be suspicious of you unless there is evidence to the contrary.


Smash Master
Dec 2, 2008
Planar Fields
clear up this contradiction I got from reading your post:

You seem to have a pretty good reason to vote on Matt, and it looks like you want to vote on him. If you voted Matt we'd only need 2 more votes.

Why didn't you vote on Matt?

As far as your question:

Wanting to lynch someone doesn't necessarily mean I only find them the scummiest. I have my vote on Mattnumbers, because I get the idea he is more of a tool for mafia than for town. Not saying he is the absolute scummiest, but he is very confusing. Of course, there are several things going on with what makes him scummy that have been covered. Anyways, yeah not sure how to end this post.
Allow me to clear up that contradiction for you.
My vote isn't on Matt because i'd like to use these final moments to actually hear from him. He claimed he'd be saying some things when he got the chance but the deadline is coming closer and he still hasnt said anything.

If I had my vote on there, 2 remaining mafia could easily hammer. And that may end in a mis-lynch before he gets a chance. I figure at least one mafia is already on him, and if we have 3 mafia this game then they need one more vote.

So i'll wait til he speaks out to finalize this vote on him.

And yeah I get what you mean by the person you have your vote on doesnt necesarily mean you think they are the scummiest. In my position, since I do think he is the scummiest, that isnt so, but I understand how that could be.

And you ended your post just fine, so here is the end to mine.


Smash Master
Dec 2, 2008
Planar Fields
After reading some of whats been going on between Lythium and Ohaiduhg, I've also noticed some of the things she's pointed out =/

I think it's best things are clarified for the sake of everyone also reading, to end the confusion.

I'm also curious as to why doug 'latched' onto lythium.


Smash Lord
Nov 28, 2008
Llano, CA
is this your first game? Because your answer may or may not change my opinion of you completely. It's not meant to be insulting, I was being serious.

I think you are misusing the word proactivity. And I really don't see how I'm playing all-out offensive on you.
Ok well, I'm sick of repeating myself, so I'm just going to respond to a couple things.

Yes, this is my first game.

I never voted for you and I voted for -Rei- here

vote: -Rei-
Then later made it a FoS to vote on Matt.

If someone would like to give an opinion on this whole thing that would be great.

it starts at this post so go here.

while looking for Ndayday posts.

Same could be said for you. More actually. You have barely said anything.


Smash Lord
Nov 28, 2008
Llano, CA
After reading some of whats been going on between Lythium and Ohaiduhg, I've also noticed some of the things she's pointed out =/

I think it's best things are clarified for the sake of everyone also reading, to end the confusion.

I'm also curious as to why doug 'latched' onto lythium.
All I was saying was she had not posted anything substantial and that because she called it a scum tactic I said you are doing the same thing. Didn't even vote. Didn't even FoS. Then instead of just giving an opinion on the game she just tells me to learn to read and to reread and what not, so I post what she has said to show there had been no opinions and her only vote was on Matt as a poke and was then taken off. I was not claiming she had been missing.

Haha, no? Learn to read, I've been pretty active in this game so far.
So I had to clarify. yaddayaddayadda here we are.


Smash Hero
Jun 9, 2007
Doug, if you think Lythium is scum, you should wait, reread, go over your arguments again later. Right now, you're not being very convincing.



Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
Well, you finally post some sort of opinion on something, but you are still playing that all-out-offensive on me.
Being aggressive isn't something that should be looked down upon, i mean come on...

I put my vote on Mattnumbers, because it is more of a possibility he will get lynched and that we will get a lot more information from his lynching than anyone else. Not to mention, I have said quite a few things about him, so it's not even like that vote just came out of nowhere.
because he's more likely to get lynched? So you're saying you bandwagoned for no general reason, even though your TRUE FoS was -rei-?Where is your integrity?!

but then again..

Wanting to lynch someone doesn't necessarily mean I only find them the scummiest. I have my vote on Mattnumbers, because I get the idea he is more of a tool for mafia than for town. Not saying he is the absolute scummiest, but he is very confusing. Of course, there are several things going on with what makes him scummy that have been covered. Anyways, yeah not sure how to end this post.
Now that you clarified it. I can see where you're coming from, someone who generally is new to mafia, is better for mafia to keep alive end-game, since the chances of them catching scum-tells are not as steep. Someone who is smart and willing to deeply read into posts is a general threat.

also, I can clear see from lythium's vote that it was a poke vote. She even said "sup boi" to show the friendliness in the vote. This is something that can be agreed on i'm sure.

Also, for my FoS's and such


vote: MattNumbers

You haven't acted town since people have voted off of you, no posts, no FoS's with good information, no reads, etc. When you get back here you better have a good reason for not posting.
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