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Team Rocket Mafia from the Disco Room: DGames Reject Copy

Motel Vacaville

  • I see.

    Votes: 5 31.3%
  • My Gosh.

    Votes: 5 31.3%
  • Thiiiis Guuuuy

    Votes: 6 37.5%

  • Total voters


Smash Lord
Nov 28, 2008
Llano, CA
I'm so confused what to think of Mattnumbers. I was thinking he was scum, but not really enough to vote on him then everyone just jumped on him for what looked like no reason. Then I thought "Oh ok maybe there is something scummy going on" then everyone just unvoted... so I was like... ok then?

The way it played out almost feels polarized. I feel that end game it will be extremely important to go back and see the sides taken. As of now, there isn't too much to say because I can maybe pick one or two people and say "ok well that was hasty and looked like you were just joining your group" but then if I do that then "oh wait then they aren't mafia" then "I guess that means he is." Hard to explain but like polar but triangular in a way?

It is such a danger zone I'm not sure how to approach it at this moment. Saying anything as absolute there would imply knowledge of who is mafia and who is town. "O well I'm town don worry guiz I'm just gonna go ahead and vote blahblahblah." It's like being blind folded and spun around ten times then trying to pull the table cloth out from all the dishes. The dishes need to be moved off the cloth at least.:laugh:

And yes I'm keeping my vote on -Rei-. "Other town" gets me. It implies specific knowledge of correlation. "You don't tell that kind of joke to a lady, only other men."

I find this interesting too since Vrael states that askign questions and being proactive is the best way to be town but he doesn't do it himself.


Smash Lord
Nov 28, 2008
Llano, CA
I never said it would...?

If you need me to clarify, I was saying I hope something doesn't happen later on that makes us want to use an extension. That =/= Yeah we're going to need it later.

oh duhh figured I was missing something.


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Chicago, IL
I find this interesting too since Vrael states that askign questions and being proactive is the best way to be town but he doesn't do it himself.
Well I haven't been on SWF outside of my phone for the past day and a half.

Sorry for the inactivity, but I have **** to do. I'll look through this stuff, looks like I've fallen behind.

DtJ Jungle

Check out my character in #GranblueFantasy
Jul 29, 2008

i isod vrael. when i made that statement i had just forgotten him, seems like he was asking **** people were just ignoring him


thinking that a deadline extention would be stupid

ima be up all night

ima iso everyone and come up with something

maybe feelin ndayday again


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Chicago, IL
OK, just reread the past 6 pages or so.

I gotta say, I'm torn on Matt. On one hand, his big post was full of scummy things (especially clearing people who supported/defended him), and all (I think) of his suspicions were of people who voted for him, with very little reasoning whatsoever. On the other hand, a lot of your posts are just stupid, so you could very well be like a D1 Frown/rPSI from the previous two DR Mafia games. For now, my vote stays. Your scummy actions outweigh your newbie actions.

Frown: If it were up to you whether or not Matt died, what would it be?

Ohaduhg: Same question as Frown. You seemed indecisive in your post at the top of this page (sorry if you aren't using 15ppp, it was the post before your post where you quoted Ndayday).

Elder: Have you read through the game yet? If you haven't, once you do I'd like to know what you think of what had happened so far.

DtJ Jungle

Check out my character in #GranblueFantasy
Jul 29, 2008
Vrael we aren't going to have time to get answers from them unless we have a deadline extension.


Smash Master
Dec 2, 2008
Planar Fields
At this point I don't really care whether or not the day extension happens or not. If the day ends, we can move on through learning of (possible) death. (I say possible because mafia could go for a kill, but doctor could luckily block it or something similar. Also because at this point, there isnt a sign that a lynch is guaranteed happening.)

So I'm not going to vote for or against the extension. I'll play this by ear. I see benefits either way.


Smash Lord
Nov 28, 2008
Llano, CA
Frown: If it were up to you whether or not Matt died, what would it be?

Ohaduhg: Same question as Frown. You seemed indecisive in your post at the top of this page (sorry if you aren't using 15ppp, it was the post before your post where you quoted Ndayday).
I've got 15ppp. I already said I'm keeping my vote on -Rei-. Voting off Matt at this point seems like a mistake. I think there is more to play off of from him. If he gets mafia killed, that would probably explain more than if we went after him at this point. Spire pretty much didn't say anything, so I would really appreciate it if Elder Sister could give her sort of summary on the game, at least give us who is the most suspicious to you before night?


Nov 1, 2007
Right here, not quite now
While I do think Mattnumbers is town at the moment, I think it would be a HUGE step forward if he got lynched and it turned out he was scum.

But I'd say no to a lynch. It does seem like people were voting before thinking when the big bandwagon was going on.


Smash Lord
Nov 28, 2008
Llano, CA
If you think about it, if Matt is scum, he will survive the night. If we vote him and find he's scum that would be great. Maybe Mafia finds him detrimental to town, so he'll live the night. Obviously, his death will bring information.

Do we all really believe he is scum?

4. Why I Am Not Scum
... Sure, it's not great evidence, but "In the land of blind men, the one-eyed man is king". I was the second person to vote for Jungle, and our votes occurred days apart. I was voting on him to get the game moving, not with intention to lynch....
Why is it you say we are all blind except for you? Am I just misinterpreting that?

DtJ Jungle

Check out my character in #GranblueFantasy
Jul 29, 2008
I'd rather lynch Ndayday, but Matt is fine with me. His post and his subsequent death would give us alot to work with tomorrow.


Smash Lord
Nov 28, 2008
Llano, CA
while looking for Ndayday posts.

I know people are busy (myself included), but I'd like to hear a bit more from fragbait, Vrael, and Frown. And Frown, I know that you haven't been inactive, but I'm interested in hearing your opinions thus far. You've yet to make a post of any real substance that I've seen.

Scum tactic?
Same could be said for you. More actually. You have barely said anything.

So JungleFever, why do you want to lynch Ndayday?

It's not the inactivity. It's the fact you are really just sort of nudging at things and piping in and picking what looks like comfortable lynches. You nudged frown and roxy but put conditional statements on your thoughts there, kinda looks like a bad job of covering tracks.

DtJ Jungle

Check out my character in #GranblueFantasy
Jul 29, 2008
You need to specify that then, that the day ends EST.

vote : deadline extension i actually have **** to do today so i dont have time to do this right ow


Jun 7, 2009
With seven votes for the deadline extension, the day has been extended 48 hours. The day will officially end on 4/13 at 3PM EST.


Smash Lord
Nov 28, 2008
Llano, CA
Allow me to clarify.

You've yet to make a post of any real substance that I've seen.

Scum tactic?
going back to April 7th page 16/34 with 15ppp to now 34/34 this is your collection of posts.

For day one, I think no lynch is almost always the best option for several reasons:

1) Town doesn't accidentally kill one of their own precious number.
2) Town gets a better idea of who's suspicious after the events of day/night one, based on who mafia decides to kill.
3) Town has a significantly slim chance of lynching scum on day one (unless it's super obvious).

One might argue that it gives mafia a free kill, but like I said, I think it's a better option than lynching an innocent townie. I also think day one is the only acceptable day to vote no lynch because after that, I think it's unnecessary. The events of day one should give town some legit suspicions at that point.
But you're okay with lynching someone right away? That doesn't make sense.

Roxy, my point is contradictions are inherently important to mafia. A contradiction means you're lying somewhere. Why would a townie lie? Answer me that.
Absolutely, but I've yet to see those.
Can we get a vote count?
vote: Mattnumbers

'Sup, boi?
Who says I'm pressuring?
Oh. Hey, guys.

@Mattnumbers: my vote was a poke vote. I wanted to hear your thoughts and opinions on the game so far. There you have it. I didn't expect everyone to jump on a bandwagon, but that's just the way it happened.


Now I'm going to go back and reread everything in case I missed anything. :p
I know people are busy (myself included), but I'd like to hear a bit more from fragbait, Vrael, and Frown. And Frown, I know that you haven't been inactive, but I'm interested in hearing your opinions thus far. You've yet to make a post of any real substance that I've seen.

Scum tactic?
I don't see an extension as necessary. vote: no extension

Frown, you still haven't answered my question.
Haha, no? Learn to read, I've been pretty active in this game so far. Not as active as Jungle, but I have a life.

Wubs, Jungle. <3


Mar 6, 2009
Halifax, Nova Scotia
I just find it somewhat ridiculous to call me out on something you have no evidence for. And then, you give me a wall of quotes, with nothing else, as if that proves a point. Guess what; it doesn't.

If you have something substantial to add, please do so, because I've yet to see how I've been acting scummy.


Smash Lord
Nov 28, 2008
Llano, CA
You start off saying no lynch for day 1 and then you vote for Matt just to poke him. You say nothing about everything that happened with Matt then unvote him. You then ask Frown, Vrael, and Fragbait for opinions and say they have yet to post anything of substance that you have seen.

A side suspicion on that would be that you didn't mention Spire. I just find that weird, because he comes to my mind first. Not sure how much of a deal that is, but it's something I suppose.


Mar 6, 2009
Halifax, Nova Scotia
You start off saying no lynch for day 1 and then you vote for Matt just to poke him. You say nothing about everything that happened with Matt then unvote him. You then ask Frown, Vrael, and Fragbait for opinions and say they have yet to post anything of substance that you have seen.

A side suspicion on that would be that you didn't mention Spire. I just find that weird, because he comes to my mind first. Not sure how much of a deal that is, but it's something I suppose.
Seriously. Read my posts again. You're not actually proving anything with what you just said. You're simply paraphrasing what I've done, and not making any of your own deductions based on what I've said. You have no evidence whatsoever to back up your claim that I'm scum.

And Spire was replaced, so why would I mention him? That doesn't make sense either.

DtJ Jungle

Check out my character in #GranblueFantasy
Jul 29, 2008
Just because Spire was replaced doesn't mean he shouldn't be mentioned. His behavior should be taken into account in addition to wahtever ES brings to the table.


Smash Lord
Nov 28, 2008
Llano, CA
I got 502/504'd just now.


You have been playing non-substantial.
->You've had no side or opinion on anything other than you want no lynch on day 1.<-
Scum Tactic?

*poke votes Matt* 'ok I'll reread and look at opinions now'. Not gonna give your own at all? Then say "but I'm interested in hearing your opinions thus far. You've yet to make a post of any real substance that I've seen."


Smash Lord
Nov 28, 2008
Llano, CA
I can't edit but move the quotation mark in there at the end.

*poke votes Matt* 'ok I'll reread and look at opinions now'. Not gonna give your own at all? Then say "but I'm interested in hearing your opinions thus far." You've yet to make a post of any real substance that I've seen.


Elder Sister

Smash Lord
May 25, 2009
in the bush next to your house
ATTN: i wishd i could've posted this earlier but there were legit 504 johns.

I'm sorry guys school starts for me tomorrow and i don't have internet at home and 502 strikes from time to time, but i try to post as often as possible.

as for now, i'll just post my thoughts on a few people that stand out to me

1. frown:
You repeatedly say that you trust jungle/ think that he's town.
Frown said:
I still don't really trust anyone. Jungle seems pretty town though.
Frown said:
I'm not sure what to think of Jungle. He's a skilled player so he is obviously an important addition to either side.

Right now, I'd say town.
buddying much?

i don't see a reason why you state this. iirc, nobody actually asked you to state your opinion on jungle. you just say you trust him, don't explain why.
At this point you can't trust anyone.
care to elaborate?
to me, it seems like either buddying or
you openly admit it so that, if jungle gets killed and turns out town, people will less likely suspect you. if that makes sense.

2. Roxy/Heatstroke
some of roxy's posts were pretty scummy to me and i was almost getting crazy cuz i was not allowed to post that time.
so i'm just going to comment on some of his posts. these are actually really old but anyway.
roxy said:
While I agree lythium should talk more, i don't think she is immediately scum because she was scum before, or that you guys should be as pressuring on previous scum.
People tend to find themselves metagaming how previous mafia plays and bringing accusations that generally don't help town.
(however it is possible it can help, however it's bad practice in my opinion).

As dumb as it sounds, and generally scummy as it sounds, i think we should get some information on everyone's gameplay then proceed with a no lynch -after- everything and everyone has been figured out.
This was so contradictory. I think jungle adressed to it as well.
how do ou analyse playstyle? isn't your analysation of someone else's playstyle based on experiences from past games as well? i just don't get it, Roxy.

Roxy replies :

roxy said:
go by the kill that mafia does.

"why would they die?"

"who did that victim pressure?"

does that mean the game actually starts with a kill in your opinion?
but why would we " get some information on everyone's gameplay" and "then proceed with a no lynch"?
What's the sense of D1 then, in your opinion?

roxy said:
Let's lynch someone, however i'm pretty impatient and i'd rather just kill someone straight up instead of taking a week to do so.
you sure want someone dead fast, don't you?

to sum up, Roxy behaves really scummy to me which leads me to a FoS:Roxy.
I will definitely have a closer look on you D2, if we survive D/N1.

3. Matt
mattnumbers said:
I don't have much to say right now, I'm just lurking and seeing if anyone acts suspicious.
that started everything. i must say i wasn't all that suspicious of him at that time.

but then he posted the vote count (post #204) and causing confusion by this role-claiming-thing

jungle said:
You bring up fluff, so isn't it to say that the list you posted is incredibly misleading? From those how do you discern what is a good post and a bad one. Posting that list doesn't really tell us anyhting.
Heatstroke said:
You see, you're making it too confusing Matt.

#401also, all of this confusion, is generally what mafia would do. JUST saying. Stop all that.
jungle said:
Causing confusion for the sake of saving yourself is stupidly anti-town.

i'd rather take the risk of him being a normal town( he said he's no PR) and lynch him, than to let him live; letting him continue to cause confusion in D2 (even when it was not intended) and possibly trust a POTENTIAL SCUM.
(i'm not saying that people will trust matt entirely if he survives to D2. it's just that if we decide to not lynch him now, that means we believe him for now,no? then on D2 people will only happily FoS him, and never actually get clarity/certainty about him)

Matt, even if it was UNINTENDED, you still confuse people. i.e. Your player impressions help scum more than they help town.
for instance:

Matt said:
DZLE: [...] If I get lynched look him over hard
This claim is based on assumptions. Because you know nothing but your own role, UNLESS you're scum.
you COULD easily lead town to a mislynch with that claim
So why would you say anything that could mislead town?
(or you could be an odd day cop, but we'd only trust you once you're dead and you're role is revealed...)

ohai said:
Voting off Matt at this point seems like a mistake. I think there is more to play off of from him. If he gets mafia killed, that would probably explain more than if we went after him at this point.
What do you think could be played off of from him?
what if mafia doesn't kill him? why would mafia do that anyway?
we will wake up on D2 with : a) a dead townie ;_; (assuming there aren't any other killers)
b) a NK that's not sure to reveal us any substantial information
c) Matt, who's still very confusing (if he doesn't get NK'd)

btw, matt
matt said:
Spire please enlighten me of your views on Absurdism and the human condition, it's incredibly important in order for the game to advance.
:034: said:
How exactly?
yes, how exactly?`
i think this question wasn't directed at spire, but at matt.
so in which way was it important for the game?


Spire VI said:
Jungle, I really think you're being too persistent. I may be new to the field, but I know the smell of bull**** and you my friend, have either stepped in some or wash your hair with it. Don't step on your own landmine.
Spire VI said:
I would like to say that I've been suspicious of Frown from the getgo but have not voiced my opinion until now. I can't say I would vote yet, but I'm on the brink of wanting to lynch him.
This is his legacy... just saying that i'm going to keep this in mind.

on a side note: i wanted to post this almost right after my last post, so it doesn't take anything from the last two pages 15ppp into account. i'll read them lter and just post this now before i get 502'd again.


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
some of roxy's posts were pretty scummy to me and i was almost getting crazy cuz i was not allowed to post that time.
chill yo.

so i'm just going to comment on some of his posts. these are actually really old but anyway.
so it's possibly things we've discussed already? Cool beans, you do realize i was considered scummy in the beginning then it was let off because my thoughts were more clarified?

. I think jungle adressed to it as well.
how do ou analyse playstyle?
you analyze playstyle in consideration of how they're posting then and there, for example let's say spire was to continue playing. His posts were very calm and collected, you can tell that he would be a passive player from how he posts. While Junglefever you can tell is aggressive. If either of them were to act differently than that, that would be a change in their playstyle.

isn't your analysation of someone else's playstyle based on experiences from past games as well? i just don't get it, Roxy.
it COULD be from other games, but it can also be from the same game. WHich is generally what i was talking about, instead of pointing fingers immediately at everything, try asking questions first.

does that mean the game actually starts with a kill in your opinion?
but why would we " get some information on everyone's gameplay" and "then proceed with a no lynch"?
The point of D1 in my opinion is to get a feel for all of the players, get your scum vibes going, and then use power role information / death information / reaction information to start lynching on D2. I hate having to CONSTANTLY bring this up because i bring it up in EVERY game i play but I'm from Epic Mafia lol. This is the basic strategy we use on every game we play. (nl, d2 begins, if no one dies, doc claim with saved, cop outs guilty, if no guilty outs clear, that's four potential clears ; rl off of the rest of the people. The games are much smaller than forum mafia and are very power role important)
What's the sense of D1 then, in your opinion?

you sure want someone dead fast, don't you?
Perhaps i phrased this wrong, i want something DONE quickly. Whether it's a NL or a Lynch. I don't mind either unless i just seriously don't agree with the Lynch. NL goes with my Epic Mafia nature, while Lynching with GOOD viable reasoning you can't really go wrong with. I want something done and i want there to be a general agreement amongst everyone.


Smash Lord
Nov 28, 2008
Llano, CA

What do you think could be played off of from him?
what if mafia doesn't kill him? why would mafia do that anyway?
we will wake up on D2 with : a) a dead townie ;_; (assuming there aren't any other killers)
b) a NK that's not sure to reveal us any substantial information
c) Matt, who's still very confusing (if he doesn't get NK'd)
Yeah I was kind of going over that on myself. Well, I said keep him because he stirs up a lot of activity. The more I think about it, though, the more I want to vote for him. It seems like all the reasons are based on Mafia this and Mafia that, and when I start thinking of it like that he is more of a tool for Mafia than he is for town. It really is just confusion and Mafia can already see who's who anyways so it doesn't even hurt them.

unvote FoS: -Rei-
vote: Mattnumbers

Elder Sister

Smash Lord
May 25, 2009
in the bush next to your house
chill yo.


maybe i worded it wrong.
have you ever been a replacement?
since i hoped to get in the game faster by following it from the very beginning, i realized that it just REALLY SUCKS if you have an opinion but aren't allowed to state it.

so it's possibly things we've discussed already? Cool beans, you do realize i was considered scummy in the beginning then it was let off because my thoughts were more clarified?

hey lemme state my opinion, k?
i do appreciate that you comment on my comments on your old posts though.

you analyze playstyle in consideration of how they're posting then and there, for example let's say spire was to continue playing. His posts were very calm and collected, you can tell that he would be a passive player from how he posts. While Junglefever you can tell is aggressive. If either of them were to act differently than that, that would be a change in their playstyle.

k, let's say someone starts off D1 very calmly, doesn't talk much.
After maybe a D1 lynch and a NK, there's plenty information to deal with, no?
so if this one person becomes more active and posts more...changes his playstyle...would you say that's scummy?
Or someone who's usually being pretty aggressiv. he then gets tunnel'd, and thusly he becomes more defensive...is that scummy to you?

i get what you mean though. just being curious as to what you think about the above questions.

it COULD be from other games, but it can also be from the same game. WHich is generally what i was talking about, instead of pointing fingers immediately at everything, try asking questions first.

yah i got it now.

The point of D1 in my opinion is to get a feel for all of the players, get your scum vibes going, and then use power role information / death information / reaction information to start lynching on D2. I hate having to CONSTANTLY bring this up because i bring it up in EVERY game i play but I'm from Epic Mafia lol. This is the basic strategy we use on every game we play. (nl, d2 begins, if no one dies, doc claim with saved, cop outs guilty, if no guilty outs clear, that's four potential clears ; rl off of the rest of the people. The games are much smaller than forum mafia and are very power role important)
What's the sense of D1 then, in your opinion?

i agree with you on the "feeling for all players"-part.
I'm not used to forum mafia games (or any other kind of mafia games), so i don't know if it's common for cop and doc to reveal their roles on D2 as in EM.
because i don't think so..? unless you're on the verge of getting lynched, you should investigate/ survive as long as possible, no?

To me, asking questions and then pressuring is also important. you will get to see how people react. then you see who seems to defend who, who is dodging questions etc.
i would say i still ahve to find my own playstyle though as i havn't been playing much before.

Perhaps i phrased this wrong, i want something DONE quickly. Whether it's a NL or a Lynch. I don't mind either unless i just seriously don't agree with the Lynch. NL goes with my Epic Mafia nature, while Lynching with GOOD viable reasoning you can't really go wrong with. I want something done and i want there to be a general agreement amongst everyone.

k, so if you were the one to choose between NL and Lynching Matt
(no lynch: 6 voters
matt: 6 voters)
what would you choose and why?

i would like to have a vote count


Nov 1, 2007
Right here, not quite now
1. Out of all people, Junglefever has probably made the least slip-ups. All the way though, he has had one or two votes against him. At the moment, I can't say I TRUST him, but he's either just being towny or he's an extremely obscure mafioso.

2. He's the most active player. We would lose a lot of activity which would hurt town (the more info, the better).

3. I admit it. I actually fear Junglefever a bit. The guy has a lot of influence, and being against him could potentially turn the whole game against me.
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