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Team Rocket Mafia from the Disco Room: DGames Reject Copy

Motel Vacaville

  • I see.

    Votes: 5 31.3%
  • My Gosh.

    Votes: 5 31.3%
  • Thiiiis Guuuuy

    Votes: 6 37.5%

  • Total voters


Smash Lord
Nov 28, 2008
Llano, CA
I'd like to say this comes off as suspicious to me, and I didn't give a reason for my vote.

Matt, that's gonna get you killed.
Edit: By town, obviously.
Did you really need to say by town? Shouldn't that have been assumed?
which led to

Ah come on. I'm just trying to specify my point.

And if I WERE mafia, WHY in the name of anything would I want to kill of a person who doesn't post at all?
2 is based largely off the assumption that there are any connections at all the the person mafia kills. I can think of a few people right now that if mafia were to kill (and we were to no lynch) we would still be in the dark with almost nothing to work with still.
Is that you were asking for Roxy? That's back on page 21. It was just generally because of "why would I want to kill someone who doesn't post at all." Not posting is detrimental to town. It would be much better for mafia to lurk to avoid getting connected to anyone. Although, I must say as more things have come up:

unvote: Frown

i see what you mean now, how this step forward can help town to see how others react. well, it was my mistake to say that he could have been noob town since it was something that i experienced.

on the FoS, i believe that ohaidugh has been a little aggressive with his responses to other town members.

when he first voted it was for vrael since he was the first to FoS which he thought it was scummy.

what really got to me was the quote were he said it is not that hard to lie over the internet.

he also mentioned how the lynching will be based on luck.

i don't know about you but i feel a little uneasy with these posts

another suspicion would be lythium only because she rarely posts also

plus her FoS turned into a bandwagon

normally someone would explain their reasoning after the person reacts

but she has not really appeared since

and goes off and disappears

i would like to know why she voted for mattnumbers

i wonder if her irl johns are legit

i'm still looking at other members large posts such as your's and jungle's

but since you have more content than other members i would like to clear my thoughts atm
Tbh, I didn't think saying lynching has luck attached would make me suspicious. I was more like saying "someone can say something and no one will really be able to know because it is a secret given." The Mafia, however, know who is a rocket member and who is a twerp. I wouldn't be surprised if the bandwagon on Matt included all the Mafia members.

on the FoS, i believe that ohaidugh has been a little aggressive with his responses to other town members.
Oh so you know who is Team Rocket?

vote: -Rei-

If I missed a question, I'm sorry, just repeat yourself.


Smash Master
Dec 2, 2008
Planar Fields
DZLE: If I looked at everyone the same regardless of experience, he would easily be the most suspicious to me. He lobby's on what other people say and generally doesn't contribute much except words toward me meant to belittle my arguments without actually disproving them. He voted for me immediately following the bandwagon that started, without even a pause, and to me he looks ridiculously scummy to a point where I'm almost aghast someone else hasn't noticed. If I get lynched look him over hard
Believe me if you want to or not, but I was going to vote for you back at my initial FoS on you, but then my laptop broke. I took a two day break while it was getting fixed and was only able to make a small post from a friends computer. I wasnt planning on jumping on a wagon. I had legit broken laptop johns.
The only reason I have so much suspicion on you was because how flawed your posts were and because of how much you seriously seemed to want to stay alive. You really really don't want the lynch to happen on you and you are making that loud and clear, and that comes off as scummy to me. You are my number one FoS as it stands, yet as you've posted and as the day has progressed many other things have come into play, as it would seem.
After reading this, I'm (a little) less suspicious of Jungle due to the validity of his reason for being so prolynch, although only enough to make me shift my main focus to DZLE. Later I'll make a post explaining why I think he's scum.
unvote vote: DZLE

Note: This was supposed to be posted earlier but I was getting domain errors
Your vote on me really seems like a personal grudge you have on me. Something I did rub you the wrong way? There are many others, most likely mafia members voting for you, that's what is important. I ain't one of them.

You may be happy to hear that due to how the day has progressed and how you have put forth the effort to clear your name a bit, i'm going to
...I need some time to think before I move further.
I'll get to that later
I'll be waiting.


Mar 6, 2009
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Oh. Hey, guys.

@Mattnumbers: my vote was a poke vote. I wanted to hear your thoughts and opinions on the game so far. There you have it. I didn't expect everyone to jump on a bandwagon, but that's just the way it happened.


Now I'm going to go back and reread everything in case I missed anything. :p


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
Oh. Hey, guys.

@Mattnumbers: my vote was a poke vote. I wanted to hear your thoughts and opinions on the game so far. There you have it. I didn't expect everyone to jump on a bandwagon, but that's just the way it happened.


Now I'm going to go back and reread everything in case I missed anything. :p
told you guys.


Saviour of PacWest
Oct 21, 2007
Is that you were asking for Roxy? That's back on page 21. It was just generally because of "why would I want to kill someone who doesn't post at all." Not posting is detrimental to town. It would be much better for mafia to lurk to avoid getting connected to anyone. Although, I must say as more things have come up:

unvote: Frown

Tbh, I didn't think saying lynching has luck attached would make me suspicious. I was more like saying "someone can say something and no one will really be able to know because it is a secret given." The Mafia, however, know who is a rocket member and who is a twerp. I wouldn't be surprised if the bandwagon on Matt included all the Mafia members.

Oh so you know who is Team Rocket?

vote: -Rei-

If I missed a question, I'm sorry, just repeat yourself.
i never posted that i knew who team rocket is and who isn't.

please point out where you read that.

all i mentioned was that you are aggressive to the entire town as a whole

btw guys i'm about to go to tournament for the rest of the day

DtJ Jungle

Check out my character in #GranblueFantasy
Jul 29, 2008
Guys, what do you thinka bout a deadline extension? I normalyl don't like to d1, but with a replacement coming in so late i feel it might be a good time.


Nov 1, 2007
Right here, not quite now
The votes are pretty even right now. Unless we have another Mattnumbers thing going, I doubt we'll get a majority before tomorrow.

Then again, it's still Day 1 and we don't really have a lot of viable info. I don't think we'll be able to come to any solid conclusions at all until Day 2.

DtJ Jungle

Check out my character in #GranblueFantasy
Jul 29, 2008
speaking of which, shouldn't like a few people be up for a prod?

Vrael comes to mind.


Mar 6, 2009
Halifax, Nova Scotia
i 'spose you want a medal or something?

Lyth tell a dude what's up
I know people are busy (myself included), but I'd like to hear a bit more from fragbait, Vrael, and Frown. And Frown, I know that you haven't been inactive, but I'm interested in hearing your opinions thus far. You've yet to make a post of any real substance that I've seen.

Scum tactic?

DtJ Jungle

Check out my character in #GranblueFantasy
Jul 29, 2008
wel you said you wanted answers from ES now, but you're aware shes on a different timezone right? just thinking if you wanted answers from ES toDay about toDay, that's probably the only way you'll get it


Jun 7, 2009
Vrael is not up for prod seeing as he had posted yesterday. I will check out others though.

If you wish to have a deadline extension it takes 7 votes. Votes will come in the format just like any other vote.


stuck on a whole different plaaaanet
Jun 12, 2008
vote: 2 day extension

I hope this doesn't come back to hit us later on :L


Smash Lord
Nov 28, 2008
Llano, CA
vote: 2 day extension

I hope this doesn't come back to hit us later on :L
Besides the fact that one of the most inactive person decided to quit 30 pages into this game, the crashing has messed up everyone's activity.

Why would an extension hurt us?

DtJ Jungle

Check out my character in #GranblueFantasy
Jul 29, 2008
Besides the fact that one of the most inactive person decided to quit 30 pages into this game, the crashing has messed up everyone's activity.

Why would an extension hurt us?
I agree with this too. I don't really see an extension helping us more anywhere down the road, barring more replacements.

anyway duhg, you gonna just ignore the whole barrel of stuff that happened?


stuck on a whole different plaaaanet
Jun 12, 2008
Besides the fact that one of the most inactive person decided to quit 30 pages into this game, the crashing has messed up everyone's activity.

Why would an extension hurt us?
I never said it would...?

If you need me to clarify, I was saying I hope something doesn't happen later on that makes us want to use an extension. That =/= Yeah we're going to need it later.


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
the only way an extension isn't necessary is we have something to base off of. which we don't (no lynch)

actually, i can see why you would want a nl lythiu,


Nov 1, 2007
Right here, not quite now
I don't see an extension as necessary. vote: no extension

Frown, you still haven't answered my question.
Sorry, I missed that.

Right now, I want to know whether Mattnumbers is scum or not more than anything else. If we find out that he's town, we will know that a mafioso or two will MOST LIKELY be one of the people who pressured the vote for him. If we find out that he's scum, a mafioso or two will MOST LIKELY have tried to protect him.

The people I suspect at the moment would be:

Mattnumbers (had a lot of good arguments against him (read the last 10 pages))
Spire (Was very inactive, then left. Didn't want to share his opinions even when Mattnumbers was one vote away from a lynch)
-Rei- (Called a group of people "town")

DtJ Jungle

Check out my character in #GranblueFantasy
Jul 29, 2008
Rei on that slip up **** again

Also. If we find out Matt is town, mafia prolly pressured the vote, but mafia might've distanced themsveles and not voted as well.

If we find out Matt is scum, i think it's even more likely that they would try to bus him rather than protect him.
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