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Team Rocket Mafia from the Disco Room: DGames Reject Copy

Motel Vacaville

  • I see.

    Votes: 5 31.3%
  • My Gosh.

    Votes: 5 31.3%
  • Thiiiis Guuuuy

    Votes: 6 37.5%

  • Total voters


Saviour of PacWest
Oct 21, 2007
i think you guys are tunneling matt too hard

he sounds like when i first started and nitpicked through small details

sounds like noob town to me

now he is trying to desperately live trying to get the accusations off him

like when rPSI first started

DtJ Jungle

Check out my character in #GranblueFantasy
Jul 29, 2008
Really sucks that you are the target of this wagon, Numbers. I don't have much of a suspicion on you. However, Jungle made it very clear that he wanted to start a Wagon. My vote stays.
It was a wagon in my mind cuz lythium had voted with no reasoning then i voted. But i had reasons, so it's really not a wagon

So, I need a post with my opinion about each person? I'll get working on it this afternoon, I would appreciate it if you guys would back off a vote so I can write it without possibly having to delete it all due to being dead.

For now, I'm just going to ask, how did I start a bandwagon on Jungle? I was the second person to vote for him, and no one voted for him following me.

And yet:

4 votes within 6 hours? One with absolutely no explanation (lythium), and two of which simultaneously defended the person I was trying to call scum? In a game where there are expected to be 3-4 mafia members?

So I'm apparently scum and yet my fellow scum not only didn't board my "bandwagon", but they didn't even defend me when I got a large amount of votes?

Additionally, you guys would believe I'm lying and I'm scum but you wouldn't believe that I'm lying about being a regular townie? Survival is the first priority of ANY person (barring certain PRs), and if I'm seen as an automatic "No NK", just as was said earlier, not only would I survive for my own sake but I would also be able to help town providing I'm not a cop.

Also, if I DO get lynched, consider the fact that no one was lying in wait waiting to hammer me like a mafia would normally have had they not ALL ALREADY VOTED FOR ME.

On a side note this game is great for studying group dynamics, although it makes me dislike them even more than I have previously.
Why would scum defend you if you're acting scummy? They'll get rid of you right fast to look more. One step back for two steps forward. And how do I know that there isn't scum on your wagon? I'm actually now pretty sure there is. And I want a vote count. Survival is important, but flailing then pointing fingers with nothing and grasping makes you less town, making survival less likely.

also, all of this confusion, is generally what mafia would do. JUST saying. Stop all that.
Like 100x this. seriously. making gambits is cool and allb ut creating confusion and misdirection is generally a mafia ploy and town shouldn't be doin **** like that. Causing confusion for the sake of saving yourself is stupidly anti-town.


Jun 7, 2009
In a hurry but:
Current Votes
Fragbait: Junglefever
DZLE: Mattnumbers
Mattnumbers: Junglefever
Ohaiduhg: Frown
Roxy: Mattnumbers
Lythium: Mattnumbers
Vrael: Mattnumbers
:034 :: Mattnumbers
Junglefever: Mattnumbers


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
in other words

two on jungle (fragbait,matt)
five on matt (dzle, roxy, lythium, vrael, :034:)
one on ohaiduhg (frown)

it takes seven to lynch.


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
by the way matt, i want to believe you're just stupid town. So i'm going to say this now.

Don't be frustrated. Let's start off with your FoS, you had one earlier. For the time being That's what I truly want to hear from you.


Smash Master
Aug 3, 2007
Kirkland, Washington
It isn't supposed to be confusing, I guess I'm just not conveying my thoughts clearly enough. I'm am schizotypic anyhow X_X
Any confusion is not intended, I just like talking about stuff like that, it isn't confusing to me.

I just have to drive home then I can start on my post.
I'll say for now that the two I'm most suspicious of right now are DLZE and Junglefever (equally), but I'm also suspicious of Vrael, Lythium, and :034: roughly most to least in that order.
Explanations in coming post.


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
These people are all people who voted for you. (excluding me, probably because i'm being quite kind to you)

That's some hardcore scum points. You better back it up well.


Apr 13, 2008

I can't keep up with all of this. My plate is too full with school and work. Someone please replace me.


Smash Master
Dec 2, 2008
Planar Fields
Exn incoming I guess?

Roxy, I had a small FoS on you throughout the beginning of this game. I almost even voted you once to see reactions.

But you have done well to redeem yourself in my eyes as pro-town, so my suspicion goes off you.

Matt gets scummier by the post, tbqh.


Smash Hero
Jun 9, 2007
It isn't supposed to be confusing, I guess I'm just not conveying my thoughts clearly enough. I'm am schizotypic anyhow X_X
Any confusion is not intended, I just like talking about stuff like that, it isn't confusing to me.

I just have to drive home then I can start on my post.
I'll say for now that the two I'm most suspicious of right now are DLZE and Junglefever (equally), but I'm also suspicious of Vrael, Lythium, and :034: roughly most to least in that order.
Explanations in coming post.
Everybody that voted for you, truly? How quaint.


DtJ Jungle

Check out my character in #GranblueFantasy
Jul 29, 2008

I'm goign to go back and look at voting patterns.

I don't like that athere were no votes until Lyth and I voted then they asploded out of no where. You were all against voting for some reason.



Smash Master
Aug 3, 2007
Kirkland, Washington
Everybody that voted for you, truly? How quaint.

Actually that would be only five out of the six that voted for me. And since I KNOW that I'm town, of course I'm going to suspect the people that are trying to get me lynched of being mafia.

Ok, here it goes:

I'm going to try to keep this organized as much as possible so that I can convey my thoughts correctly, so I'll make an index first.
1. Player Impressions
2. FoS
3. Mafia's current strategy against me
4. Why I am not scum
5. Why I shouldn't be lynched
6. Afterword

1. Player Impressions
-Rei-: He seems fairly town to me, but the fact that I don't see him post all that often means he could be mafia staying out of the spotlight. It being D1 I don't think that I have enough on him to be that suspicious.

Fragbait: The fact that he's supporting me puts me in a position where I pretty much have to trust him for the time being, and I think he's pretty town anyways since he's helping the only person I know 100% to be a townie (me).

DZLE: If I looked at everyone the same regardless of experience, he would easily be the most suspicious to me. He lobby's on what other people say and generally doesn't contribute much except words toward me meant to belittle my arguments without actually disproving them. He voted for me immediately following the bandwagon that started, without even a pause, and to me he looks ridiculously scummy to a point where I'm almost aghast someone else hasn't noticed. If I get lynched look him over hard

Ndayday: I was suspicious of him earlier in the game for not posting much, but the fact that he isn't hammering my lynch makes me think that he is most likely town.

Ohaiduhg: Seems like a general townie to me, nothing particular of note.

Roxy: The fact that he's reasonably talking with me and not hammering on my lynch makes me both trust and suspect him. If he is mafia this could win him a lot of trust, but for now I'm going to assume that he's town for my own sake.

Spire: Has been kinda inactive recently, I'm not sure I'll have to wait till his replacement gets here.

Lythium: She seems scummy to me due to the fact that she popped in and voted for me, yet she didn't explain anything OR come back after I responded to getting voted for. I think she's using her work johns to her own advantage personally, but maybe they are completely legitimate.

Vrael: The fact that he's just been watching recently and he only popped in just to join the bandwagon makes him suspicious in my book. But I don't have much more on him.

:034:: I suspect him. The amount of effort he has put into lynching me usually can only surface if you KNOW something. And the only think he could KNOW on D1, is that I am NOT mafia. So the fact that he doesn't see the situation as ambiguous whatsoever makes me believe that he must have some piece of knowledge he is VERY sure of, yet there isn't any substantial evidence yet.

Frown: He probably seems the most townie out of all of you to me. This is based off of subjective notions however besides the fact that he isn't hammering my lynch when he could easily get rid of a townie

Junglefever: Because I know that he is experienced, I've payed extra attention to him during the game. Immediately, he doesn't come off as scummy as DLZE, but since I know he's done this before, he doesn't get as much grace room due to being new/inexperienced. I'll talk more about the main thing I have on him next, but for now I'll say that it really isn't all that much and I don't expect to keep on him should something that contradicts his scumminess pops up.

2. Finger of Suspicion
I place my finger of suspicion on Junglefever. The evidence I have against him can be summarized as follows:
Day 1 of Mafia is very ambiguous (meaning possibilities are distinct, but you cannot easily distinguish which one is correct). Either you lynch or don't lynch. Since any evidence you may have on this day is so unstable and weak, in the end both of the options come out looking fairly equivalent. Lynch is High Risk: High Reward, No Lynch is Low Risk: Low Reward.
Both of these possibilities are inherently equal in how much they benefit the town.
Due to the ambiguous nature of this game, the fact that Jungle is/was highly devoted to one of these courses of actions over the other makes me believe that he may possess some type of knowledge that would tip the scales in favor of the option he strives for. Since the most prominent type of Information Day 1 comes from being a Twerp, I feel that there is a good chance this would explain for his one sided nature.

3. What I See Mafia Doing Currently
Currently I see Mafia members berating me, and commenting on my scumminess without actually putting forth anything of value. It's a bandwagon, and the intensity of it makes me think that all or most of the mafia is participating. I see people saying I'm more scummy by the post as if every post I'm teasing you guys with obvious scum behavior, which I honestly don't see.

4. Why I Am Not Scum
I will admit, some of the things I have said could be interpreted as suspicious activities. I'm still getting used to how much you should restrain your real opinion in order to not get bandwagoned D1. What I do know, is that I was discussing things that might be confusing to some due to the lack of alternative evidence during the first Day. Sure, it's not great evidence, but "In the land of blind men, the one-eyed man is king". I was the second person to vote for Jungle, and our votes occurred days apart. I was voting on him to get the game moving, not with intention to lynch. I even said that in my Vote Post, that I'm only changing it to a vote due to FoS on a person with a single vote on them when it takes 7 to lynch is fairly pointless. And as you may remember, almost immediately before my vote, Jungle was talking about that EXACT same thing, yet when I change my FoS to a vote he condemns it as scummy!

5. Why I Should Not Be Lynched
When I originally voted for Jungle, I was not in a position where I would have hammervoted had I been the last to vote. However, due to the events since then, at this point I feel confident that there are multiple mafia members currently voting for me. If you guys will see where I am coming from, you should be able to tell as well that the pool of possible mafia has shifted, and a lynch based only on those more likely possibilities is more likely to come out beneficial. Lynching me may give information, but if I don't get lynched, not only do we get info on someone else, but I personally get that info in ADDITION to the info you would get from me since I can trust it. Additionally, I've been one of the active posters, so I have potential to help town win in the future.

6. Afterword
If you guys do decide to lynch me, please go over my posts so that you can listen to what I have to say regarding my detractors. If you don't understand what I'm saying, read it again.
One final thing: I really don't appreciate people calling me bad at the game. You can never actually know what someones full intentions are, and therefore you can't really say that they are a poor player unless they do something completely wrong (that disrupts their faction with little or no reward) or don't contribute at all to the conversation (when they are town).

I hope you guys will reconsider and not lynch me, but I hope even more that you will learn your lesson if you DO end up lynching me and follow through on the people I have mentioned.


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
I've pretty much gotten most of what you said from previous posts. I can see why you would consider Junglefever. However here's the thing about lynching that gets people on that bandwagon more than 'no lynching'

Lynching gives a possibility of killing mafia day 1, while not lynching, will never, ever give a possibility of bringing town closer to their goal as fast as lynching does.

You're right, jungle is forceful with a lynch. However (sorry to metagame) but usually when town as a chance to mislynch (lynch, miss, and still be able to play) it is taken; it shortens the chance of confusion, and increases the hit percentage of killing mafia (along with shortening the percentage of hitting town obviously).

I do hate the idea of being called a bad player because of a few mistakes, however mafia is a game where a few mistakes could lead to a loss. You really have to suck up that some people take their words and phrases seriously. Take deep down what you're doing wrong (or what people are saying from a town POV, to doing wrong) to heart, and try your hardest not to do it again.

I see some holes in your claims and FoS however. You're going by this logic "i know i'm town, and he's voting me really quick, that means he's mafia". This can help, however have some actual quotes that would back it up. People being able to see how your FoS is failing to help town, generally allows people to ease off of you, and back up your FoS.


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
However, all in all, looking at your post, and seeing that you did put the effort to give us some deep down information. I'm taking my vote off you. However due to your previous mistakes, i still got my eye on you..


FoS: Mattnumbers

just so i don't come into this new post without anything to bring to the plate.

i think you guys are tunneling matt too hard

he sounds like when i first started and nitpicked through small details

sounds like noob town to me

now he is trying to desperately live trying to get the accusations off him

like when rPSI first started
Rei, not to be rude, however your post is merely a defence of mattnumbers; generally a step back from a town decision. nothing more. In other words, you aren't helping lol. What if we were to hammer on matt, and he was scum? That would make you look quite scummy.

I understand that he's in a situation you were in, however mistakes are mistakes, and we have to pressure him for clarity before we ease off of him.

Since i have the spotlight on you for now. Do you have anything to contribute to town? An FoS? posts that we can pick apart to death? etc.


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
Ohaiduhg, go into detail about why you wanted Frown to die earlier this game please. post references if you have any.

DtJ Jungle

Check out my character in #GranblueFantasy
Jul 29, 2008
1. Player Impressions
-Rei-: He seems fairly town to me, but the fact that I don't see him post all that often means he could be mafia staying out of the spotlight. It being D1 I don't think that I have enough on him to be that suspicious.

Fragbait: The fact that he's supporting me puts me in a position where I pretty much have to trust him for the time being, and I think he's pretty town anyways since he's helping the only person I know 100% to be a townie (me).
so people who support you are town. could be mafia distancing. dont write someone helping you as them being town recognizing town.

DZLE: If I looked at everyone the same regardless of experience, he would easily be the most suspicious to me. He lobby's on what other people say and generally doesn't contribute much except words toward me meant to belittle my arguments without actually disproving them. He voted for me immediately following the bandwagon that started, without even a pause, and to me he looks ridiculously scummy to a point where I'm almost aghast someone else hasn't noticed. If I get lynched look him over hard
k so wanna tell me why he's scummy other than basically doing the same thing you say he's doing? You don't tell us why he's scummy you just say 'hes being scummy' and that he 'belittles your arugments' when you're doing the same thing here.

Ndayday: I was suspicious of him earlier in the game for not posting much, but the fact that he isn't hammering my lynch makes me think that he is most likely town.
again, scum distancing. i highly doubt scum team is dumb enough to go 'GUYS LOOK QUICK LYNCH GO GO." it's retardedly scummy. this could easily be your scum partner trying not to draw anything to you.

Ohaiduhg: Seems like a general townie to me, nothing particular of note.
gotta do better than that if you're going to give a player by player analysis. you basically just gave mafai someone who you wouldnt b eable tto draw connections to.

Roxy: The fact that he's reasonably talking with me and not hammering on my lynch makes me both trust and suspect him. If he is mafia this could win him a lot of trust, but for now I'm going to assume that he's town for my own sake.
You are WAY too worried about your own skin at this point. As the likely lynch you should be looking at the people defending you and asking why you think they are defending you? Are they looking for an easy clear? Stop thinking in terms of your own skin, this game isn't about last man standing. No one wants to die, but thinking in terms of yourself is stupidly anti town.

Spire: Has been kinda inactive recently, I'm not sure I'll have to wait till his replacement gets here.
you have nothign to say on his posts at all? see duhg for thoughts on this. Things dont have to be necessarily scum or town, but there are definitely things both players have said that should be taken note of and might help determine your htouht son them later.

Lythium: She seems scummy to me due to the fact that she popped in and voted for me, yet she didn't explain anything OR come back after I responded to getting voted for. I think she's using her work johns to her own advantage personally, but maybe they are completely legitimate.
Her work johns are legit, dont knock people for their **** IRL. But, otherwise, i agree wtih you on Lyth actually. I think it's weird how she hasn't really been back to say anything about it.

Vrael: The fact that he's just been watching recently and he only popped in just to join the bandwagon makes him suspicious in my book. But I don't have much more on him.
I find this interesting too since Vrael states that askign questions and being proactive is the best way to be town but he doesn't do it himself.

:034:: I suspect him. The amount of effort he has put into lynching me usually can only surface if you KNOW something. And the only think he could KNOW on D1, is that I am NOT mafia. So the fact that he doesn't see the situation as ambiguous whatsoever makes me believe that he must have some piece of knowledge he is VERY sure of, yet there isn't any substantial evidence yet.
You're too hung up on this idea of concrete knowledge and the fact that it exists in mafia games. The only time we know when things are true after the person has said them has died. I don't really like waiting around for things like that. A lot of things in mafia are based around theory, conjecture, and assumptions, but that's how cases start, and that's how you make puzzle pieces fit. You have to start somewhere and read with a certain mindset if you want to find anything. You have to read to be looking for something and then piece things together.

Frown: He probably seems the most townie out of all of you to me. This is based off of subjective notions however besides the fact that he isn't hammering my lynch when he could easily get rid of a townie
Can you like, not be so vague with some people when you're so specific with others? It doesn't help us and it just looks like you're tunneling hard on your voters and not looking at anyone else simply because they didn't vote you.

Junglefever: Because I know that he is experienced, I've payed extra attention to him during the game. Immediately, he doesn't come off as scummy as DLZE, but since I know he's done this before, he doesn't get as much grace room due to being new/inexperienced. I'll talk more about the main thing I have on him next, but for now I'll say that it really isn't all that much and I don't expect to keep on him should something that contradicts his scumminess pops up.
Okay, NEVER EVER give a full list of all the players and your thoughts on all of them. People respond to this list, mafia learns who town generally trusts and who they don't. Giving them more ammo to work with to decide kills and how to draw false connections. Only work with people you think are scum or if someone asks you about a specific person.

2. Finger of Suspicion
I place my finger of suspicion on Junglefever. The evidence I have against him can be summarized as follows:
Day 1 of Mafia is very ambiguous (meaning possibilities are distinct, but you cannot easily distinguish which one is correct). Either you lynch or don't lynch. Since any evidence you may have on this day is so unstable and weak, in the end both of the options come out looking fairly equivalent. Lynch is High Risk: High Reward, No Lynch is Low Risk: Low Reward.
Both of these possibilities are inherently equal in how much they benefit the town.
Due to the ambiguous nature of this game, the fact that Jungle is/was highly devoted to one of these courses of actions over the other makes me believe that he may possess some type of knowledge that would tip the scales in favor of the option he strives for. Since the most prominent type of Information Day 1 comes from being a Twerp, I feel that there is a good chance this would explain for his one sided nature.
I choose Lynch over no lynch simply because of my experience. Every time, a lynch has always been more beneficial for town, even if we mislynch. A lynch means there was voting, meaning there were voting patterns and talking about a specific person, creating connections. You can then draw those connections with the death at night and see what connections those two had, or look for certain things like distancing on certain players and stuff like that. However, this sort of discussion needs to be generated, and no one was doing it. That's why i took the part of doing it. Does it suck we lose a townie? yes, absolutely, we lose a vote. Can we turn a bad thing into a good thing? Yes, absolutely.

3. What I See Mafia Doing Currently
Currently I see Mafia members berating me, and commenting on my scumminess without actually putting forth anything of value. It's a bandwagon, and the intensity of it makes me think that all or most of the mafia is participating. I see people saying I'm more scummy by the post as if every post I'm teasing you guys with obvious scum behavior, which I honestly don't see.
I don't even know what to say here because it's all speculation.

4. Why I Am Not Scum
I will admit, some of the things I have said could be interpreted as suspicious activities. I'm still getting used to how much you should restrain your real opinion in order to not get bandwagoned D1. What I do know, is that I was discussing things that might be confusing to some due to the lack of alternative evidence during the first Day. Sure, it's not great evidence, but "In the land of blind men, the one-eyed man is king". I was the second person to vote for Jungle, and our votes occurred days apart. I was voting on him to get the game moving, not with intention to lynch. I even said that in my Vote Post, that I'm only changing it to a vote due to FoS on a person with a single vote on them when it takes 7 to lynch is fairly pointless. And as you may remember, almost immediately before my vote, Jungle was talking about that EXACT same thing, yet when I change my FoS to a vote he condemns it as scummy!
No, the vote isn't what was scummy, the reasoning is what was. The idea you say "i'm just doing this to move the game' doesn't really mean anything. it looks like you just use it as an excuse to back peddel if i were to be lynched and you discover i'm town.

5. Why I Should Not Be Lynched
When I originally voted for Jungle, I was not in a position where I would have hammervoted had I been the last to vote. However, due to the events since then, at this point I feel confident that there are multiple mafia members currently voting for me. If you guys will see where I am coming from, you should be able to tell as well that the pool of possible mafia has shifted, and a lynch based only on those more likely possibilities is more likely to come out beneficial. Lynching me may give information, but if I don't get lynched, not only do we get info on someone else, but I personally get that info in ADDITION to the info you would get from me since I can trust it. Additionally, I've been one of the active posters, so I have potential to help town win in the future.
I agree, there are multiple mafia members probably on your bandwagon. I want to look harder into Vrael before your lynch goes through. However, all you're doing here, again, is attempting to save your own skin instead of work for town. This mindset seriosuly needs to change. Dying sucks, but remember everything you do is for the benefit of TOWN, not your own personal survival, so stop using tha tas reasons for us to not lynch you. I'm not even going to touch that last statement. Being active =/= being town, obviously. Using this as a reason to not lynch looks like you're flailing.

6. Afterword
If you guys do decide to lynch me, please go over my posts so that you can listen to what I have to say regarding my detractors. If you don't understand what I'm saying, read it again.
One final thing: I really don't appreciate people calling me bad at the game. You can never actually know what someones full intentions are, and therefore you can't really say that they are a poor player unless they do something completely wrong (that disrupts their faction with little or no reward) or don't contribute at all to the conversation (when they are town).

I hope you guys will reconsider and not lynch me, but I hope even more that you will learn your lesson if you DO end up lynching me and follow through on the people I have mentioned.
AtE much?

looking at Vrael now.


Smash Master
Aug 3, 2007
Kirkland, Washington
Roxxy, what I mean when I say you can't say others are bad at the game is that almost every action has possible positive affects later in the game. You never know if someone did something purposefully and it just didn't work out the way they planned regardless of how well it was executed.

And, again, I know there are holes, but since this is Day 1 this is the best I have. I would love to present a flawless argument, but that's simply impossible at this point in the game.

DtJ Jungle

Check out my character in #GranblueFantasy
Jul 29, 2008
YOu can be bad at htis game. There are alot of ways you can be bad at this game. Hell, I'm bad at this game. Everyone here in the DR is learning how to play. If I implied that youw ere a bad player in anyway then i apologize.


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
It's not exactly a flawless arguement, but look at things that can lead somewhere, instead of just fluffed words.


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
Spire.. i know you're busy, but could you at least post something of signifcance before the replacement?




DtJ Jungle

Check out my character in #GranblueFantasy
Jul 29, 2008
seriously guys, we're on the verge of a lynch AND deadline

nows no time to go disappearing.


Saviour of PacWest
Oct 21, 2007
Rei, not to be rude, however your post is merely a defence of mattnumbers; generally a step back from a town decision. nothing more. In other words, you aren't helping lol. What if we were to hammer on matt, and he was scum? That would make you look quite scummy.

I understand that he's in a situation you were in, however mistakes are mistakes, and we have to pressure him for clarity before we ease off of him.

Since i have the spotlight on you for now. Do you have anything to contribute to town? An FoS? posts that we can pick apart to death? etc.
i see what you mean now, how this step forward can help town to see how others react. well, it was my mistake to say that he could have been noob town since it was something that i experienced.

on the FoS, i believe that ohaidugh has been a little aggressive with his responses to other town members.

when he first voted it was for vrael since he was the first to FoS which he thought it was scummy.

what really got to me was the quote were he said it is not that hard to lie over the internet.

he also mentioned how the lynching will be based on luck.

i don't know about you but i feel a little uneasy with these posts

another suspicion would be lythium only because she rarely posts also

plus her FoS turned into a bandwagon

normally someone would explain their reasoning after the person reacts

but she has not really appeared since

and goes off and disappears

i would like to know why she voted for mattnumbers

i wonder if her irl johns are legit

i'm still looking at other members large posts such as your's and jungle's

but since you have more content than other members i would like to clear my thoughts atm


Smash Master
Aug 3, 2007
Kirkland, Washington
so people who support you are town. could be mafia distancing. dont write someone helping you as them being town recognizing town.
again, scum distancing. i highly doubt scum team is dumb enough to go 'GUYS LOOK QUICK LYNCH GO GO." it's retardedly scummy. this could easily be your scum partner trying not to draw anything to you.
Junglefever, I assumed that it was a given that any action could also be pure trickery. I'd rather not state that they "could be scum because they are distancing but I have no further evidence" on every player that I assume as town.

k so wanna tell me why he's scummy other than basically doing the same thing you say he's doing? You don't tell us why he's scummy you just say 'hes being scummy' and that he 'belittles your arugments' when you're doing the same thing here.
I'll get to that later

gotta do better than that if you're going to give a player by player analysis. you basically just gave mafai someone who you wouldnt b eable tto draw connections to.
you have nothign to say on his posts at all? see duhg for thoughts on this. Things dont have to be necessarily scum or town, but there are definitely things both players have said that should be taken note of and might help determine your htouht son them later.
Can you like, not be so vague with some people when you're so specific with others? It doesn't help us and it just looks like you're tunneling hard on your voters and not looking at anyone else simply because they didn't vote you.
I would rather not say things I'm not sure of and have them lead to bad results, so I tried to avoid using pure theory.

You are WAY too worried about your own skin at this point. As the likely lynch you should be looking at the people defending you and asking why you think they are defending you? Are they looking for an easy clear? Stop thinking in terms of your own skin, this game isn't about last man standing. No one wants to die, but thinking in terms of yourself is stupidly anti town.
I agree, there are multiple mafia members probably on your bandwagon. I want to look harder into Vrael before your lynch goes through. However, all you're doing here, again, is attempting to save your own skin instead of work for town. This mindset seriosuly needs to change. Dying sucks, but remember everything you do is for the benefit of TOWN, not your own personal survival, so stop using tha tas reasons for us to not lynch you. I'm not even going to touch that last statement. Being active =/= being town, obviously. Using this as a reason to not lynch looks like you're flailing.
This is my bad as a newcomer. I assumed the overarching goal in this game was to survive, not simply for your team to win. I'll take note of this from now on I guess, and change my mindset.

Okay, NEVER EVER give a full list of all the players and your thoughts on all of them. People respond to this list, mafia learns who town generally trusts and who they don't. Giving them more ammo to work with to decide kills and how to draw false connections. Only work with people you think are scum or if someone asks you about a specific person.
That would be the player responding's fault. I made this list because it was requested of me.
I choose Lynch over no lynch simply because of my experience. Every time, a lynch has always been more beneficial for town, even if we mislynch. A lynch means there was voting, meaning there were voting patterns and talking about a specific person, creating connections. You can then draw those connections with the death at night and see what connections those two had, or look for certain things like distancing on certain players and stuff like that. However, this sort of discussion needs to be generated, and no one was doing it. That's why i took the part of doing it. Does it suck we lose a townie? yes, absolutely, we lose a vote. Can we turn a bad thing into a good thing? Yes, absolutely.
This is a solid argument
No, the vote isn't what was scummy, the reasoning is what was. The idea you say "i'm just doing this to move the game' doesn't really mean anything. it looks like you just use it as an excuse to back peddel if i were to be lynched and you discover i'm town.
I already explained my reasoning, and I don't see why you still think it was purely to move the game along. And I would want to backpeddle if you were killed and found to be town regardless of if I were town or scum, not that that was the intention of what I said anyways.

AtE much?

After reading this, I'm (a little) less suspicious of Jungle due to the validity of his reason for being so prolynch, although only enough to make me shift my main focus to DZLE. Later I'll make a post explaining why I think he's scum.
unvote vote: DZLE

Note: This was supposed to be posted earlier but I was getting domain errors


Smash Master
Aug 3, 2007
Kirkland, Washington
Oh and I wasn't implying that I'm good at this game, or that you CAN'T be good at this game, I was just saying that you can't tell if others are good because every action has so many possible intents.

DtJ Jungle

Check out my character in #GranblueFantasy
Jul 29, 2008
Yeah i know, i'm trying to help you as a newcomer figure out the best ways of playing without like expliciting telling you who to lynch and how to do about doing things. It's okay we all have to figure things out someway :)

On your point on the pure theory, I want you to take one theory you MIGHT have on ohai or spire and read your posts with the said theory in mind. See if you can't come up with something that fits in a bigger puzzle or something.

Also, whether people respond to your grand list or not, posting all your thoughts on all the players gives scum a view on which to look at all the players from someones perspecitive, Too much information, in my opinion. heh, befor eyou call me a hypocrite, i didn't respond to any of them other than Vrael with 'oh yeah i agree' or 'oh you're wrong' and give reasons, i just presented differnet..flaws i guess? in your thinking for those people


Jun 7, 2009
Vote Count:
-Rei-: ()
Fragbait: ()
DZLE: Mattnumbers(
Mattnumbers: Junglefever, DZLE, Lythium, :034 , Vrael(
Ndayday: ()
Ohaiduhg: ()
Roxy: ()
Elder Sister: ()
Lythium: ()
Vrael: ()
:034 :: ()
Frown: Ohaiduhg(
Junglefever: Fragbait(
Not Voting: Roxy, -Rei-, Ndayday, Elder Sister, Frown(


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
. . . .

I really don't know what to say to that. We're here playing a game for the fun of it, we would expect everyone here to be doing the same, not someone here giving a real life lesson. I don't mind you leaving, I just thouhgt that maybe you could give us a little bit of thought. But i guess it's not necessary, we'll ask your replacement.


stuck on a whole different plaaaanet
Jun 12, 2008
Also, whether people respond to your grand list or not, posting all your thoughts on all the players gives scum a view on which to look at all the players from someones perspecitive, Too much information, in my opinion.
This is honestly something I wish I would have thought of and brought attention to.
I don't really think Roxy was trying to get thoughts out to mafia, just trying to figure out Matt, though. So eh, this kinda makes me want to not worry about Roxy atm.

As for Matt's post and Jungle's response, it makes me feel as though both Jungle and Matt are town.

I'll make a separate post for reasoning, hold on


stuck on a whole different plaaaanet
Jun 12, 2008
I was writing a post up in the scenario that Jungle is scum, and it really didn't make sense to me. For clarification, at the time I was considering him as scum.

Jungle (mafia) vs. Matt and Me (town)
he has been pointing at us both for a while, really. What could he accomplish like this though? If Matt was lynched, and flipped town, it would destroy the reasoning that we were scum buddies. That's not to say I would be cleared though, I think he has been suspicious of me before Matt.

If I'm not mistaken, this is the scenario that Jungle has in mind. (matt+me scum buddies)
I don't think Jungle would really do that if he were mafia. It doesn't appeal to town the way I see it. I'll clarify. Assume Matt was lynched, -1 town, and mafia didn't NK me. D2, the scum buddy thing would be gone. He'd have to get town to vote me, and eh. I think that'd be hard. I'm not sure many people are suspicious of me right now.

Basically, he'd leave himself looking like scum imo, and I think a more experienced player would be smart enough to look at possible outcomes...

Maybe I'm thinking too hard though.
Until someone corrects my logic here, I'm thinking that Matt and Jungle are town.

I'd like input on this from people besides Jungle and Matt though, although I don't ind if you guys have anything to say.

DtJ Jungle

Check out my character in #GranblueFantasy
Jul 29, 2008
I don't have a life spire, that should be noted when you stare at my post count
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