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TAS (Tornado Alley Smash) - Lenexa, KS 9-October Results

Mr. Doom

Smash Hero
Sep 25, 2008

Edit: I forgot to link the Tournament Thread to this. >_> Here: http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=280939

I'll try to be brief. Thanks for coming to Fino's tournament. I believe it was successfully ran. Thanks, Fino, for hosting such an awesome tournament.

I'll work on the videos that were recorded during this tournament and will eventually have them up.

And now, for the results. BTW, Fino, correct me if I'm wrong about the payouts.

17 Teams

1: Atomsk & MJG ($180) - :dedede: / :gw: / :wario: + :toonlink:
2: Mr. Doom & Holms ($90) - :ike: + :wolf: / :falco: / :zerosuitsamus: / :kirby2:
3: Domo & 4rce ($30) - :metaknight: + :wario: / :diddy:
4: The Reverend Inferno & Clel - :gw: + :metaknight:
5: vVv Fino & Affinity - :olimar: / :pikachu2: + :metaknight: / :snake: / :warioc:
5: Cook & Future - :olimar: + :metaknight:
7: Pyro D. & Xion
7: Nicole & Zeton
9: Duck & Anxiety
9: Stealth Raptor & Scrub
9: Matthew & Nihao
9: Gravity & PSI kick
13: Ben & Tyler
13: Adam I & Nick R
13: Collin G & Tyler T
13: Yarly & Feng Shui
17: Michael & Haley

[collapse="Doubles Bracket"]

42 Players

1: Atomsk ($225) - :dedede: / :popo: / :wolf:
2: Holms ($115) - :wolf: / :falco:
3: MJG ($35) - :toonlink:
4: Clel - :metaknight:
5: Domo - :metaknight:
5: Affinity - :metaknight: / :wario:
7: Cook - :olimar:
7: Future - :popo:
9: Mr. Doom - :ike:
9: Zeton - :fox:
9: Stealth Raptor - :pikachu2:
9: vVv Fino - :olimar:
13: Fujin
13: Feng Shui
13: Ares
13: 4rce
17: Nicole
17: Jai Lindsey
17: Windraider
17: The Reverend Inferno
17: Ampharos
17: Xion
17: PSI Kick
17: Yarly
25: Tyler T
25: Lux
25: John
25: Duck
25: Sixty Forrest
25: Gravity
25: Chris
25: Hayden
33: Raymond
33: Haley E.
33: Micheal
33: Level 9 Luigi :luigi: :luigi: :luigi: lolololol
33: That one guy
33: nihao
33: Cash
33: Matthew E
33: Smash
42: Pyro D

[collapse="Singles Bracket"]

I think that's all of it.

You guys come to Kansas for another one of our tournaments. And if you SD'd anytime in bracket, you're invited to join the SD Club, where you choose the way you die.


Smash Hero
Jun 8, 2006

I beat Domo, Doom and Homes with DDD

I beat Fino and Homes with ICs

I beat Homes with Wolf.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 20, 2008
i is creepin
YEAH 17/42 1ST TOURNEY!!! I had a lot of fun dudes. srry for not being as social as I could've been, but I really wasn't feeling myself that day. I do say that I had the sexiest azn hair there XD

btw it's Windraider not Wind Raider, I should've said so my bad. And who was the guy from NJ again?

Edit: I have some brackets video of me and my friends if you want. Not really full sets, but matches.

Perfect Duck

Smash Journeyman
Sep 20, 2008
Lenexa, KS
10/10 would use venue again. Nice people, good location. Kansas can do better at TV size than this I hope, though I myself am at fault for bringing a puny tv when I could have actually done work and brought something bigger. For just $2 I couldn't be bothered to, haha.

With us as well as a Yu-Gi-Oh! tournament also going on in the same room, the building's air conditioning capabilities were rather tested around the 3:00 afternoon time, but I've had far worse. Yesterday was a gorgeous day; I'd be cautious about having a tournament here in mid-summer though.

Major Win for tournament being on Papa Johns Customer Appreciation Day.

An uncompromising T.O. is necessary to effectively run a tournament, like it or not. Fino played this role admirably.

Next time we do this, ask me in advance about my ability to house up to 10 people overnight.

I'm especially glad to see a tournament here that isn't hosted by the JCCC GIG club. For a long time I was despairing that we might not have tournaments anymore now that GIG is pretty much dead.

I felt like I sucked and autopilot sandbagged pretty hard at this, and that's my fault for not getting any sleep. Next time I blow 25 bucks I'll take things more seriously. Hopefully.

GG's all


Smash Apprentice
Nov 15, 2008
I believe I told Clel I would post this, though it doesn't really fit since Holms outplaced Zeton.



Smash Journeyman
Jun 20, 2008
i is creepin
I think I got a Pikachu complex from playing against Stealth Raptor... RAWR >.>

And thanks for changing my name, Mr. Doom.

Feng Shui

Smash Cadet
Apr 19, 2009
I guess I'll do some shout outs...

Nicole - Even though you thoroughly destroyed me, I'm glad I got to play ya. I now know how my Diddy does against a real Peach. :)

Cook - Thanks for the tips and friendly banter. Also, good work on your placement. I feel pretty accomplished that it took Nicole and you to knock me out. No shame there.

Ares - I don't think we played at all but you're a cool dude.

YaRly - Falco is still bad. :p

Was a fun tourney, and the venue was pretty slick. I do have to give anti-props to Atomsk though... least hyped grand finals ever.


Smash Cadet
Jan 29, 2010
Speaking of back in Wichita...

I played as YaRly.

To Feng Shui: That's why I play Snake (No but really, Falco > Diddy). Also, BEST UPSIDE-DOWN BRAWL PLAYER EVER

To MJG: Thanks for the camping/matchup tips. Not sorry to lose to your (legit) Tlink

To Fino: Great Tourney. Loved the venue, felt like it was really well run for the most part.

To Cash and Hayden: Good games to both of you. You really gave my new Snake a solid warmup and taught me a lot about those matchups.

To Ares and Nicole: Didn't really play you but loved watching your matches/conversing with both of you between matches. You guys are both genuinely cool people.

I'm pretty positive I'm missing some people but it was a great tourney with great matches (except Grand Finals).


Smash Hero
May 19, 2009
In Kokomo Circle Camping with Shadow1pj

Atomsk: Had fun in doubles again. Good job in this tournament. Outback steak house ridiculous lol

Domo: GJ man. We got the circuit to look forward to.

Fino: GGs. Nice tournament. Looking forward to the next one

Sherlock Doom: Fun games in doubles. I am assuming that we will meet again in bracket one day. Nice synergy

Holms: Fun games. Gonna have to try something different vs. you in the future.

Clel: GGs man. I hope what you said about learning the MU is false lol.

Affinity: Well...I got rufio'd by you not once, but TWICE. I can't let that happen again. GGs.

4rce: Fun games. Pictochat is gay.

Future: When you were up by 2 stocks, I thought for sure it was over. Glad I kept my nike's on. Good stuff.

Stealth Raptor: Nice placing. Pikachu is still gay

Scrub: Fun games in doubles. Maybe we can team someday :o

Nicole: I am glad that I copied your idea at Outback Steak House. I am just sad that they didn't give us more food :(

Fujin: Lol. Get wall locked.

Mr. Doom: Gay for wall locking...I like it :)

Zeton: Zetongay? Turn it up.

To anyone else I played: GGs

Sorry if I missed anyone.


Xion DarkRose

Smash Apprentice
Nov 1, 2006
KCMO Middle O' Nowhere.

There were sonics, they just placed where sonic normally does.
hey hey... I did my best. -_-
Shoutouts- (I hope i get the names of these people right)

Mr. Doom- Amazing Ike! every time I looked up my partners stock was done. Plus your teamwork with Holms was also awesome. I'm very surprised you two didn't get first. Nicely done.

Ares- Playing your falco is nothing less than frustrating. L4z0rz make it almost impossible to approach... ah well, back to the drawing board. I'll have to learn something to get around this in the future, thanks for the advice after the match too.

Duck- PROSHOT! Was this smash bros or Halo? I really felt sniped out by Rob's lazer cause even when you were facing the opposite way the damn thing still hit me! XD WTF man! Good show.

Zeton- You've got a perfect combination of combos and laser attacks (Btw after this tournament, I really hate L4Z0rzs now...). Good one, hope to play against you again soon.

Raymond- Dont give up so easily bro, its just Sonic XD. No but seriously you played very well, and I believe that if you had not given up, you probably would have beat me.

Lv 9 Luigi- Your the true winner of this tourney in my book. =P

Nicole- Wish I could have gotten those friendlies in against your peach. I had no clue that Peach was still a good character, or perhaps its just you that makes her that good. Either way, good stuff.

Anyone else I missed- Good games =D


Player that used to be Lux
Jun 3, 2010
Atomsk - I wish I had gotten to see your IC's

MJG - I still want my $Match$. Gotta get that swagger

Future - Nice talking some IC's with you.

Zeton - Fun stuff talking talking mashout theory :)

Stealth Raptor - You left without giving me pika practice. You're right though, gotta stop dropping them CGs

vVv Fino - Well run tournament

Fujin - GGs Dude, I had no idea what to do with your Zelda. Sad part is, I pocket a Zelda too. I knew what was coming, just not how to counter it.. Good stuff either way.

Ares - I'll help you out with your problem match up :)

4rce - GGs man, still salty that I more or less SD'd during our first set of the match. No Johns though. Should have more faith in my character for RC. Or just use my ban on that instead of random *** green greens.

Windraider - Nice friendlies dude. Thanks for helping me setup my setup

Ampharos - Nice Friendlies. I wish I had more time to have talked some research stuff with you.

Gravity - Thanks for the ROB practice

Micheal - Fun stuff dude. IC's are a tough draw for Ness imo.

Pyro D - You're better than your placing for real. Hope to see you at the next tourney

I friendlied a lot of people without getting their handles. So if I missed you, my bad. It was a fun day :)


Smash Hero
May 15, 2006
Weird bracket, did you make the bottom seeds fight each other in the first round of winners and losers?


Smash Rookie
Sep 20, 2010
Well I go to Collecter's Cache most weeks anyway so I tryed to prep' for this and I learned that I definatly have a lot more to learn. I guess you do have to put time into brawl to be good at it, ****.

Anyways i ****ing smashed every1... lolno I guess I got a bye 1st round or I didnt idk, all I know is my first match MJG wrecked me and it went downhill from there. Kinda salty


Smash Hero
May 15, 2006

What do you mean?

There was an excess of bottom seed players btw (about 60-70%)
There are players in losers with 2 rounds of byes while some players face each other in round 1. That shouldn't be happening unless you seeded that way on purpose.

edit: actually I took a closer look and it only happens to two people: nihao and PyroD. Pyro D shouldn't have 42nd place.


Smash Master
Mar 27, 2008
Hannibal, MO
Lol, why does a person from Portugal care so much about the seeding in a random KS tournament?

It was bad for some people, though. But oh well. That happens when there are no pools, I guess.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 20, 2008
i is creepin
Time for my shoutouts.

Fino: Thanks again for running the tourney. Next time I'll really tip you XD

Affinity: I'm sorry if I came across as being an ***, I wasn't feeling like myself that day. Wish I could've talked to you more.

Lux: Thank you for putting up with my bad playing and for snapping me out of superspeed Brawl mode, I couldn't have done as well as I did without those friendlies.

Fujin: Finally, a real Zelda/Sheik player. Thanks for the experience!

Ares: I really enjoyed our matches dude, your Falco is really good.

Stealth Raptor: I'm never taking you to Brinstar again lol. Thanks for giving the experience of playing against a real Pikachu.

Feng Shui: Lovin that Diddy, it totally shut me down. Thank you for my first real fight against bananas, and I'll try to remember what character I'm playing from now on.

Level 9 Luigi: You have a pretty good Luigi, but you gotta stop approaching and being so predictable. Use more fireballs and learn to recover with Down-B. I didn't see you kill with SJP, and I can teach you how to do that. I'm sure with a little guidance you'd become a great Luigi main. And btw Pirate Ship and Green Greens aren't starter stages, how the hell did you convince Fino to let you play there?

Midnight Shadows

Smash Cadet
Nov 30, 2009
Lawrence Kansas
Wish I could've come D: My best friend's brother killed himself the day before so I had to stay at home. Is that a good enough john?

wat @ level 9 luigi

edit: I forgot the second half of my post. This was going to turn into a monthly, right? Any news on that?


Smash Hero
May 15, 2006
Lol, why does a person from Portugal care so much about the seeding in a random KS tournament?

It was bad for some people, though. But oh well. That happens when there are no pools, I guess.
Because I'm doing the low/mid tier rankings in tactical and I almost gave points to a Luigi CPU because of weird seeding.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 20, 2008
i is creepin
@Affinity: Windraider, we didn't play friendlies but I still think I wasn't as amiable as I could've been. You did play many friendlies against PSI.kick though (his tag was rAzOr).

@Denyce: Did he really O_o lol on who?
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