I sometimes mutter stuff that I'm thinking that's too funny or sarcastic to keep to myself, but too mean or inappropriate to actually say out loud. I also "think out loud" quite often. The internal arguments and conversations are the most common: and unlike the others, they use complete, grammatically correct sentences. The best way to describe it... I guess the most accurate analogy is to when someone uses the ZERO system in the original Gundam Wing (I know it's a stretch for most of you, but keep with me), and it starts feeding them alot of raw information about the surroundings. Then it starts to show the user all of the potential decisions he could make and how they will turn out.
The resulting chaos in my brain feels kinda like sitting in a room with no doors or windows, with a few people having a heated philosophical debate, a bunch of guys arguing about why I should follow their advice on any given situation, some weird dude in the corner that's shouting random numbers and adjectives at the top of his lungs, Carmen Electra lounging in a corner reading textbooks out loud in my 4th Grade teacher's voice, a big fat guy complaining about how hungry he is, and a giant fighting robot that's just sitting there, being a giant fighting robot.
So, how was YOUR day, dear?