Yeah, I noticed the Tempest discussion when I went back through and read a few more pages after I posted.
Because I do this sort of thing, I'm going to reiterate and defend my position. Tempest is, as I think I said earlier, not my absolute favorite choice of Utilt. However, it certainly does make sense; Lloyd moves up and down quickly, spins, like Tempest, and it's quite similar to Olimar's Utilt. However, I don't like how much range and spammability we had on it in the previous beta. Also, it's certainly not supposed to be much of a juggling move. While it certainly could feasibly be followed up by an aerial, it's not meant to be a sure shot.
Actually, the more I think about it, the less and less sense it makes in the context of Lloyd's character in Brawl. All of his tilts are already very good at shutting down approach, which he's supposed to do, but Tempest makes aerial approach virtually impossible since it takes so little time to start up and has such high priority because of the range and coverage. Plus, Tiger Blade isn't bad for that in the first place.
However, I'm not liking the alternatives much either. The way I see it, the alternatives mostly consist of a good juggle move (like the Utilts I normally play with, e.g. Toon Link, Luigi, Kirby), which really does not fit what we want for Lloyd. He is, unless I'm mistaken, not supposed to be a huge aerial comboer. The other alternative I see is a pretty much useless Utilt, which is kinda dumb.
It's a bit of a no-win scenario. I think the best option is the juggle one; as much as I hate things that are non-canon when canon options like Tempest are available and Lloyd is not really supposed to juggle much, Tempest is pretty much broken beyond repair, and many other characters who are not focused on aerial comboing have Utilts like that, such as Bowser.
Oh, I nearly forgot. I adamantly oppose the idea of putting Tempest on nair still. As there is no jump, it would look nothing like Tempest and would not even have the feel of Tempest slightly, like I think it did on the Utilt. Broken though it was, the Utilt certainly FELT quite like Tempest; it was very canon.