Well, I looked at the video, here's what I can tell you:
For Tiger Blade, add "1D" with the other effects.
For Demonic Circle, "E" (followed by "F" for a nice effect) at the first swing, then "56" at the slam.
"59" for Sonic Thrust/Rising Falcon. You have those, so keep them. (I have a suggestion about Side Special while i'll explain later.)
For Beast, use "46" (multiple times if it can be turn sideways) during the shoulder charge."36", "F", and "1E" ("1E" a few times) once the Lion's head is released.
"1E" when Lloyd lifts off the ground at the start of Tempest.
Not sure about Demon Fang. Could you also somehow fix the effect? Like the actual projectile?
Now, about Side Special. I just thought of it. Could you make it work like Samus' Missile? Like how the normal Side Special is Missile while you can Smash Special to use a Super Missile. Could you have Rising Falcon as the normal Side Special and have Rising Phoenix as the Smash Special?
If you include this, use "70" (possibly with "41") while diving, "26" during landing frames, use "3" if someone gets hit during Rising Phoenix. Have "12" occurring often around Lloyd throughout the attack.
Uh... I think that's it.
"84" is a definite Falcon's Crest effect! Once that comes around.
Edit: Use "1E" during Rising Falcon's landing instead of the blue effect you have in the picture.