I totally forgot to address the current move discussion. First off, I also like Guardian where it was put by... me. I can still justify it, though. GD seems to have beaten me to the punch on that one, though.
I suppose now that we seem to be bringing back the debate of Rising Falcon/Beast on Side/Down B, I will put in my input... Again. You guys should really read some of the earlier pages.
Anyway, I put Beast on Down B for several reasons. The primary reason for its placement is the necessity of aerial alteration. You can't do Beast in the air, which led to discussion of what would happen. Some recommendations included just making it not usable in the air, but a much superior option, in my opinion, was to change Beast to the last part of Hunting Beast in the air. Lloyd doesn't do the initial part, but he plummets downward and slams his sword on the ground. The hitbox as he's going down is a downwards hit that takes you with him. The real hit with knockback is when he makes contact with the ground. As you may remember from the attack, there's a bluish shockwave that knocks foes on their backs in ToS. However, this entire solution makes absolutely no sense if Beast is a Side B.
Other reasons include Rising Falcon being predominantly sideways. Also, I recommended that the angle be made even slightly shallower than it was in-game. The initial jump would not be very high, and the dive would be relatively shallow. I heard some recommendations that Rising Falcon be made into a move similar to Falcon Kick in trajectory, but that simply does not make any sense, particularly if you look at Rising Falcon in the game.
Also, the arguments against using Rising Phoenix are very right; it should be Rising Falcon.