Here's generally how this format works that I'll be using.
<Name of category>
-Start: <Name of animation at the start of this category> (corresponding action)
-End: <Name of animation at the end of this category> (corresponding action)
-Comments: <My comments summarizing the priority as well as the number of animations that are generally needed.>
If you have any disputes as to where a category starts and ends please don't be afraid to post about it.
General Movement
-Start: Wait1 (self-explanatory)
-End: Rebound (powershield I believe)
-Comments: This group is incredibly large mostly because it's so important. It's also one of the most well-covered groups thanks to ripped animations. I need the list from thanyou before I can put animators in this category.
-Start: Attack100 (I had a FitFox00.pac and FitFoxmotionetc.pac already so I used these to check them up; Attack100 is the repeated jab which some characters like Wolf don't have. Start at Attack11 instead).
-End: Final Start (Final Smash starting animation)
-Comments: This category is extremely well-covered thanks to ripped animations. We'll likely need animators for more "attention to detail" things like specific animations or whether or not the move was executed on the ground or in the air, but it's not a major concern at the moment.
-Start: Catch (standing grab attempt)
-End: ThrownLw (down throw on this character?)
-Comments: ToS2 (or ToS1 for reference purposes) has no grabbing and throwing obviously so this will need animations that make a good interpretation of a
placeholder moveset. It's a sketchy category that probably won't see work until later; it really depends on what you all think about the grab and throws. Note that being grabbed is also included in here. This is something that we could have done here. I have zero idea on how the Thrown animations work so don't worry about that.
Item Actions
-Start: LightEat (self-explanatory)
-End: Gekikara Wait (Curry Wait)
-Comments: This entire category needs animations, but in comparison to important actions they aren't all a top priority. The most essential ones are the item catch and throwing animations (as to not T-stance picking up and throwing an opponent's created item). I don't think just one animator for this group is enough. It's pretty simple to divide the category even further down to split up work if needed.
Damage-related Actions
-Start: DamageHi1 (low knockback damage to the upper torso)
-End: DownWaitD (face-planted wait)
-Comments: A very important category that is quite comprehensive and requires a lot of attention to detail. We have very few if any animations for this (the one I can think of is under General Movement) and is a high priority.
-Start: Passive (neutral ground tech)
-End: Ladder Wait
-Comments: The biggest animation category that includes a large variety of animations like swimming, tripping and all tripping recoveries, facedown and face-up recoveries, ledge recoveries, collision animations (wall hit, wall jump, walk-into-wall), status ailments/alterations (swallowed, sleeping, dazed), ladder actions, entries, taunts, win/lose poses, and more.
I'm actually happy that I categorized all of this. We can get a pretty good overview of what really needs to be done and what can be left alone until later. Miscellaneous animations is probably the highest priority group next to damage animations; most of this can be credited to already having ripped animations for attacks and a good amount of general movement.
If you do decide to start animating, choose a category, declare a "root" of animations to work on (ie. Passive____, Climb____, Ladder____, Slip____), and I'll/we'll give you a general rundown on the "style" (the way Lloyd performs these) of the animations if necessary. If a verbal description isn't enough, we may just refer to a good example from another character to base it off of (sadly, we can't use Brawl characters' animations because of Lloyd's game-specific bone structure; we could change it but it would invalidate his game animations). Also, it would be a good idea to keep a window of an official character's animations around for clarification purposes. The names are very misleading or confusing sometimes (don't know why passive=tech animation) so it's good to have quick access to a "definition" of that animation. Perhaps I'm pointing out too many obvious things to experienced animators... Ah well, I'm sure there will be some people who will benefit from reading this

If you are unsure or completely confused on what animations equate to what actions, please ask and I will try and explain as much as I can.