Very promising finds, thanyou. They may indeed require hexing by the looks of it, but we'll see. Great news to hear!
"thanyou said:
I like all of these ideas, especially the incorporation of sword rain into the jab combo. Also Uair and Dair should be some kinda scissor slice that Zeph stated earlier. He quickly slices with both swords simultaneously up or down. I don't like tiger blade as the Uspecial, if anything I think Bdown should be different if in the air or ground, like on the ground it'd be fierce demon fang and in the air it'd be Rising phoenix.
Then Sword Rain for ending jab combo sounds good? It's certainly not a foreign concept seeing how Pit (mentioned), Fox, Falco, and many others have that effect. Maybe we could soup it up even more and add a direction input within Sword Rain so you can go into either Alpha, Beta, or Beast.
I'm trying to figure out the USpecial deal here. Rising Phoenix doesn't make any sense since he'd have Rising Falcon for vB (which I agree on putting it as aerial vB while leaving grounded vB for something else).
I guess it is kind of funny that we're going over CSPs this much. This kind of work is usually left until later. What we should be more worried about is getting the swords in his hands which I believe someone said they found in the ISO (ds22?). Somebody should test putting Wolf's blaster in Lloyd's hand since that model is still in there.
Asked Cleod over at SSF2 about sound effects and he said he'll have to find the source of the ripped files (since some weren't originally ripped by him).
Anyways, good luck on all of this guys, as it looks good so far. I haven't ever played ToS, but Lloyd seems like a pretty solid idea for a character, and, if nothing else, your team seems to have good drive.
I think the best part is that Lloyd has an immense number of moves at his disposal as seen by both arte reference videos. We got a lot we can move around and with thanyou's discoveries, I'm quite excited for any further findings and successes.
And believe me, this project is getting done even if I get put on life support for some crazy reason. My school schedule would make college students jealous (although I want to get the heck out of high school; so close) seeing as how I only have 3 academic classes, none of which I have any decent load of work in (AP Econ which I'm an ace at, English is lol, and Calculus is no problem). In the summer, I'm taking two college courses merely to get used to it, but it's not like that'll take up the entire week anyways (I'm hoping to complete this before summer, but we'll see about that).