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Taer 5- sweetness


Smash Ace
Aug 12, 2008

1: Fatal ($134)-:snake:
2: Will ($60)-:dk2:
3: Ninjalink ($40)-:lucas: :diddy:
4: Vinnie ($20)-:gw: :popo:
5: Adam Gibson ($11)-:snake:
5: Pelca ($11)-:falco: :diddy: :metaknight:
7: Bizkit-:snake:
7: Hinkage-:metaknight:
9: Minty
9: Riot
9: Lingling
9: Bloodcross
13: Darc
13: Peachkid
13: Watkins
13: Megatron
17: JoeSt
17: Cake ninja
17: Games and goodies
17: SpiderJerusalem
17: Doommachine
17: Kiwi
17: Nacho
17: Byran
25: Rapture 2
25: Rapture
25: Tempest
25: Soupasonic



1: Will+Ninjalink ($120.00)
2: Pelca+Fatal ($60.00)
3: Brandon Nance & Anthony Zuccaro (Vinnie & PD) ($20.00)
4: BC+riot
5: Lingx2+Hinkage
5: The Hank Always Wins (Bizkit + Mikeray4)
7: Darc+Watkins=<3
7: Minty+Vevo
9: **** the police (Rapture + rapture 2)
9: Spider Jerusalem+Kiwi
9: Brandon+Doommachine



Smash Ace
Feb 21, 2008
Southwick, MA
shoutouts to work making me only stay until 4

shoutouts to fatals bag of hersheys that i dumped on mikes laptop and everyone devoured

shoutouts to my banana tricks that i left around the venue

shoutouts to fatal talking down my diddy and then losing to bizkit with his diddy badly

shoutouts to fatal "this ****ing matchup is annoying" in relation to diddy v snake when i was going even/nearly beating him

shoutouts to bizkit for his marth ****in my **** up

shoutouts to pelca for playing me in a friendly like a ****

shoutouts to tempest for good advice and falling for silly banana tricks

shoutouts to the banana infinite i got for two seconds on bizkit

shoutouts to problm/whateverhisnameisnow for sweet friendlies

shoutouts to nacho for tossin eggs and nailing people

shoutouts to will for reppin the kongs

shoutouts to low-cut shirts on cute girls at the store across the street (not the ones selling girl scout cookies you ****)

shoutouts to mikeray for letting me in the venue despite being a human fire hazard

shoutouts to the venue being a fire hazard

vVv Rapture

Smash Lord
Writing Team
Sep 20, 2009
Good job everyone. Glad I finally made it out to my first NE tournament despite my poor performance (and I lol at the fact that my friend Rapture 2 was put above the actual Rapture, but that's fine xD). I got to meet a lot of people and see all my LI buddies.

Shoutouts to the DI crew, aka Will and PD. We got some commentary in, obviously special episode of DI, it was hype.

Extra shoutout to Will for being amazing and doing tons of work. You just got frustrated that last set, but when you really got on point, you were impressing everyone. Don't worry about it, you had a great performance the entire day.

Other ones include:
-Fatal - First place is awesome, good job, your Snake is a monster
-Minty - For doing friendlies with me, best Marth and ICs
-Mikeray - Great job running the tournament, it was an awesome experience
-Vinnie - Da bess, though not going all Peach disappoints me, but you did awesome regardless.
-Ninjalink - Great stuff from you, your Diddy is ridiculous
-**** the police - best team name

So yeah, great job everyone, awesome tournament, glad I was able to go. Hopefully I'll do better next time. :)


Smash Ace
Aug 12, 2008
1: Fatal-abiding to dem rules, thats what I like to see. nice win
2: Will- Your DK is crazy good, to bad dk has a hard time vs a camping snake
3: Ninjalink-I've never seen a lucas have such finesse
4: Vinnie- fun set, thanks for driving people up, hopefully you come to more
5: Adam Gibson-lose round 1 to zelda...then get 5th
5: Pelca - ****ing falco
7: Bizkit- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wLG2kCPjtgw
7: Hinkage-stop losing to birds
9: Minty- we suck, and I'm taking it to MY GRAVE
9: Riot- that was a fun set, just shows that riot is the ray family's bane
9: Lingling- yaaaaaaaaa lingling. you did well vs hink, but he learned how to beat your characters
9: Bloodcross-****ing hate ur falco. ****ing hate ur team with riot. ****ing love you though
13: Darc- get c4'd
13: Peachkid- sorry about the brackets...this was your first taer sooo it kinda gave a bad impression
13: Watkins- **** ya watkins
13: Megatron- greatest name ever
17: JoeSt- you gotta be careful with those shuttleloops and dont cp someone to a stage unless you know it REALLY well.
17: Cake ninja- thanks for coming
17: Games and goodies- 17th? i expected better
17: SpiderJerusalem-**** ya spiderjerusalem
17: Doommachine- thanks for coming
17: Kiwi- for shame....why arent u placing better?
17: Nacho-new rule in your honor
17: Byran- Thanks for coming, I'd like to play your pt sometime
25: Rapture 2- hope you had fun
25: Rapture- thanks for coming hope you had fun. definately come to more
25: Tempest- No lgl didnt help you :(
25: Soupasonic- thanks for coming, I hope you had fun

vVv Rapture

Smash Lord
Writing Team
Sep 20, 2009
Oh yeah, shoutout to Tempest for not abusing the fact that Link was the only one without a lgl.


Smash Master
Oct 22, 2008
Long Island, NY!
1: Fatal ($134)-:snake: - ggs, next time I'm finally going to win. I have a plan. Mark my words. :D
2: Will ($60)-:dk2: - GJ!
3: Ninjalink ($40)-:lucas: :diddy: - GGs, 0-8 vs you atm
4: Vinnie ($20)-:gw: :popo: - trash
5: Adam Gibson ($11)-:snake: - fun tourney, ggs.
5: Pelca ($11)-:falco: :diddy: :metaknight: - always great seeing you, favorite NE player
7: Bizkit-:snake: - nice seeing you as always.
7: Hinkage-:metaknight: - ^
9: Minty - Could have done better, but gj on the top 10 and beating bloodcross. RETURN THE SLAB!!!
9: Riot - Best Zelda.
9: Lingling - Holy ****ing **** @ game 1 of our set. Too good. Glad I remembered how to chain grab, lol. Fun MMs.
9: Bloodcross - fun MM. Nice seeing you as always.
13: Darc - Nice meeting you dude, good stuff vs ninjalink and ggs in doubles!
13: Peachkid - Nice seeing you xD
13: Watkins - WATKINS!!!!
13: Megatron - Get 'em next time man
17: JoeSt - We shall wifi.
17: Cake ninja - :o
17: Games and goodies - SNAKE'S FAIR IS AMAZING!!!
17: SpiderJerusalem - Fun set.
17: Doommachine - Thanks for driving!
17: Kiwi - "You're amazing!" "No I'm not, I lost to Watkins!" LOL!
17: Nacho - Nice seeing you dude, good stuff game 2 vs will.
17: Byran - I really hope everything worked out for you last night. It sucks what happened but you just gotta be positive.
25: Rapture 2 - Nice meeting you!
25: Rapture - Nice seeing you man.
25: Tempest - NO LGL loooooooool see you at cat
25: Soupasonic - :o


Smash Legend
Feb 17, 2008
>_> WTF Ninjalink...

Did you use more Lucas or Diddy?

To beat NL, pretend that MVD (FL Snake player) is playing lucas. NL does everything aggressive all the time (Except maybe some PK Fires). Seriously >_>



Smash Legend
Feb 17, 2008
Lucas is a bad character >_> Florida learned how to exploit that guy so bad.

Mekos is still the best Lucas :D


Smash Champion
Jan 14, 2009
Santa Rosa Beach, FL
Fun tourney. cya next time

GGs to Pelca. Not going DDD again lol. If I wanted to go 2nd's... I SHOULD HAVE FUN USING THEM. **** YOU FALCO. I'm really gonna get my Fox good though and get ya next time ;)

GGs to Minty. wow... I'm like 0-? with almost all of OOR. I'm terrible :'( Marth is just one of those MU's I can't do as Falco. Hell I do better vs IC's.

GGs to Problem. Always close matches.

Fun MM/friendlies Vinnie lol. Best sandbagging snake in the country.

Thanks Riot for teaming. It was really fun. That wall made me so hard you don't even know lol.

GJ mikeray on hosting. Always nice seeing you.

Everyone else **** yall ^ these ppl matter :)


Smash Ace
Apr 21, 2010
Worcester, Ma
This is Gamesandgoodies. OoR poeple are awesome.

1: Fatal ($134)-:snake: -Gj winning the tourney
2: Will ($60)-:dk2: -Your DK never dies, he just goes on vacations. Fun friendlies we had and amazing DK, also i love how peach's jab was able to hit you during parts of your up-b.
3: Ninjalink ($40)-:lucas: :diddy: -good job not much else to say since we really didn't talk
4: Vinnie ($20)-:gw: :popo: -snake's fair so good. If we ever play in bracket i demand double blind character picks. Seriously the only way i stand a chance against you is with some random character i use for lulz.
5: Adam Gibson ($11)-:snake: - Good job being a great for your awesome tourney series. Also why did you expect me to do better? this is the first tourney i have been to in like 2 months, i expected to do moderately crappy.
5: Pelca ($11)-:falco: :diddy: :metaknight: - uh.... good job
7: Bizkit-:snake: -uh...... hai?
7: Hinkage-:metaknight: - uhhh....... :awesome:
9: Minty- you are a hilarious person and partially thanks to you hyping my peach i was able to get into my grove again for the set against rapture. I wanna play more friendlies with you next time you come to a new England tourney.
9: Riot- i would be a lot more mad at our matches if it wasn't for two things; 1, you're a cool funny person. 2, silly stuff didn't happen as much, forgotten orphan stage flip ftw
9: Lingling- :bee: .....
9: Bloodcross - uh..... well you didn't have a hardcore rage that everyone saw so that's good. i'm really not sure what i'm saying right now.....
13: Darc -marth's toe hit-box on his upsmash.
13: Peachkid -great texture hack and i really wanna take your quote out of text but don't know where to put it...
13: Watkins -we didn't talk much kins of wat
13: Megatron - Out of region person :)
17: JoeSt- Good games and good job thoroughly ****** my **** in braket, i felt as helpless as peach generally is in all the mario games.
17: Cake ninja- good games and fun friendlies, also glad you enjoyed those COOKIES i got.
17: Games and goodies- shoutouts to forgotten orphan and using coat hangers to hang coats .
17: SpiderJerusalem- one day you will find the right name ace, one day.
17: Doommachine- :urg: i can't think of anything to say
17: Kiwi- hai kiwi, that's about all the conversation we had during the entire tourney....
17: Nacho- well i'm assuming you kept your word of getting sengoku basara during the tourney, thanks for letting me keep my copy.
17: Byran- i'm not sure who you are, sorry.
25: Rapture 2- uh...
25: Rapture- good games, i like forgotten orphan a lot.
25: Tempest- shame i didn't get to see you time out poeple with no lgl on link.
25: Soupasonic- good games, also i'm surprised how fast our peach v sonic matches went.
chii- It was fun playing sengoku basara, and thanks for showing me the cafe place i had no idea about.

That's all i think.

Ling Ling

Smash Apprentice
Jun 17, 2008
Puerto Rico, Now Bridgeport CT
GGs to everyone I played, this tournament was fun, I played great but I still failed lol. Hink I'll get you next time, I should've get the last hit!!!!!, but impressive comback first game, ggs.

Kool Aid

Smash Journeyman
Oct 31, 2008
ooh ninja link gets diddy next to his name for winning 1 game!!! but me i can't get mario

racist new england


Smash Lord
May 23, 2008
Planking the ledge 185 times over.
Minty's every character beats me, except for his main =P Fun friendlies and MM's with all of those that took part in them, and very efficient tournament in an interesting venue. That library was legit.

Look at that new BBR tier list. DK is D tier right guys? =)


Smash Journeyman
Jul 10, 2009
Montville Connecticut
1: Fatal ($134)- gj winning it dude
2: Will ($60)- gj, I wanted to play you but you were always in the middle of a game when I was about to lol
3: Ninjalink ($40)- gj dude, thanks for the friendlies and it was cool talking about pokemon lol, sick tepig plushie
4: Vinnie ($20)- gj, I didn't play you but you were pretty polite when I was in your way a couple of times lol
5: Adam Gibson ($11)- gj, the tourney was really fun. Thanks for hosting it
5: Pelca ($11)- gj, I didn't play you or talk to you :urg:
7: Bizkit- ^same
7: Hinkage- ggs man, your mk lasted forever lol
9: Minty -I didn't play you but I think I saw you playing bloodcross. Your marth looks preeetty good
9: Riot - I think I saw your Zelda doin work in dubs lol
9: Lingling - I didn't play or talk to you :urg:
9: Bloodcross - I wanted to get some friendlies against your falco lol, next time I guess. good commentary on my match lol and you need to try to upload those replays from HOG. I need them critiqued haha
13: Darc - I don't think I played or talk to you :urg:
13: Peachkid ^ same
13: Watkins - ^ yeah
13: Megatron -^
17: JoeSt-^
17: Cake ninja - ggs dude, those friendlies were fun
17: Games and goodies - ggs, I'm surprised that the match didn't last long too lol
17: SpiderJerusalem -ggs dude, Imma stick with sonic cuz he's fun tho
17: Doommachine -I don't think I played or talked to you :urg:
17: Kiwi- you tried to get SpiderJerusalem to go Sonic :glare: don't do that. lol jk I think I saw you messin up someone with kirby haha
17: Nacho - ggs man. That set was the most fun set I have ever had lol. eff delphino haha
17: Byran - I think you were the pt main from long island, it was good talkin about smash dude, I hope I could play your pt some day
25: Rapture 2 - I didn't play or talk to you :urg:
25: Rapture - I didn't play or talk to you either, but I love your show
25: Tempest - ggs dude, nice falco and link. Lylat sucks lol
25: Soupasonic - hey kid you're bad

Shoutouts to Sails for ****** me in my first game of the day lol. But gg dude, those were some pretty sweet banana peels irl haha

Shoutouts to the black guy who's tag I didn't catch, it was cool talkin about pokemon with you too.

Shoutouts to the stream, I know that they were trollin mad hard when they saw a Sonic playing


1/Sympathy = Divide By Zero
Oct 26, 2008
Rochester, NY
Grats to Mike, Dan, & Will. Keep it up!


Smash Lord
May 16, 2008
I know NL won a game vs Will with Lucas, but he lost the set, so unless he beat someone else at least one match with Lucas, then he shouldn't have Lucas next to his name. But I doubt he won with all Diddy too. Probably used other chars.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 21, 2009
1: Fatal ($134)- gj winning
2: Will ($60)- Once you get angry vs Snake, almost impossible to come back, especially with DK lulz
3: Ninjalink ($40)- gj, I didn't know you were still in the tourney. Sorry.
4: Vinnie ($20)- .
5: Adam Gibson ($11)- gj, the tourney was really fun. Thanks for hosting it
5: Pelca ($11)- ggs
7: Bizkit- Nice wins.
9: Minty - Nice comeback game 1 vs Fatal. Got too nervous or something though next games kept up b'ing
9: Riot - ***** me
9: Lingling - ggs, really close, SD'ing in dubz totally my fault for that loss D:
9: Bloodcross - Thnx for going to the store anyway
13: Peachkid - Too bad you had to play Riot so soon...
13: Watkins - ggs, you should try a little harder, but I like how you don't mind what happens. More of NE *COUGHBIZKITCOUGH* should be like that and chill.
17: JoeSt- Thanks for rooting for me vs Pela, seems like you usually want me to lose
17: Cake ninja - Thanks for coming, I see you at a lot of TAERs since the start.
17: Games and goodies - Thanks for coming
17: SpiderJerusalem - "Everyone get the **** out" TY
17: Kiwi- You shouldn't be angry at Mike for beating Bizkit
25: Rapture - Finally went
25: Tempest - Thanks for coming, your livestream and attendance is always appreciated by everyone
25: Soupasonic - ggs, once MK gets the lead vs Sonic its ridiculous.

To whoever touched the livestream: **** you, it wasn't funny at all, douche.


Smash Champion
Jan 14, 2009
Santa Rosa Beach, FL
13: Watkins - ggs, you should try a little harder, but I like how you don't mind what happens. More of NE *COUGHBIZKITCOUGH* should be like that and chill.
Then again... he could try once in a while... especially vs Almo where if anyone loses to him they won't hear the end of it via blog.

17: Kiwi- You shouldn't be angry at Mike for beating Bizkit
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