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Sydney Smash Thread - Comrades Of Xeno -


Smash Cadet
Apr 2, 2007
...zzzZZZzzzZZZzzz... whoa...

...zzzZZZzzzZZZzzz... whoa man i missed out on a lot of stuff here **** net has been causing some problems heh heh heh... licking eyeball action... so how is everybody... will everyone be attending the smash tourney this time... falcon knee is like aerial ballet when it connects its like making love... orgasmic... your whole body into it... being one... i might convert to falcon...

i know its late but its better then never... a short thank you to all that i vs and meet in all the tourneys here is the list (note if your name isn't there its cause i have the ability to forget... thank you...)

Jaz: The aerial love maker... thank you
Pat: The rat without a hat... thank you
Dedu: The compensator... thank you
Funky: The space invader... thank you
Bjay: The flying skirt... thank you
Sanc: The milk man... thank you
Keeno: The passenger... thank you
Comboturtle: The cliff hanger... thank you
Kulla: The unpunchable... thank you
One ova kind: The kind of one... thank you
Mic: The 13th... thank you
Special K: The disher... thank you
El sid: The announcer... thank you
Xeno: The wireless... thank you
Codemonkey: The monkey with the code... thank you
Cao: The man with the hand... thank you
Freddo: The quick shot... thank you
Mark: The dealer... thank you

And the rest... thank you... no i'm not dieing and no i'm not legally supposed to be sane either... but the only reason you get to missed out was because i forgot your names but remembered your characters... for both smash and life... no for the last time i know when i'm going to die...

A wise man once said... your either wise or smart you can't be both... wise A**...

Yer you do look really happy in the picture... but your eyes says hats...

If i eat one apple there is four, if i eat two apples there's five, who the @#$&! keeps giving me apples!!!



Smash Lord
Mar 12, 2007
Reminder to those coming to my place 2morrow -

Can someone at least bring a copy of smash (I only have one copy)
Bring food/drinks party stuff so that we don't end up too hungry by lunchtime/dinnertime!

If you want to stay till late saturday nite, we'll prolly have to go out and get some takeaway food. Pizzas/Chinese/Thai food shops nearby. *BYO $$$*
Going to Manly beach is another option for getting food and going out for dinner...

If you have any questions about transport/food etc post them here!


Smash Lord
Feb 25, 2007
Ooo, I'm gonna bring my pokemon to animania :p
hmm mkdd as in double dash? If that's there I'll give that a shot.

If I see any fighting games other than Tekken I might give that a shot too. :D *cough* Marvel Vs Capcom 2. OII Chicken Salad join me in it if there is :p


Smash Ace
Aug 8, 2006
Stu's MSN is sparnel15@hotmail.com I believe.
I've got a spare TV but it's ****ing huge -- if someone gives me a ride I could bring it.
Let's do a TV+Cube count before the meet.

Edit: Chicken Salad is a Gene ius


Smash Lord
Mar 12, 2007
Tom - you're welcome to come! I'll be on msn 2nite.

Huge tv? Cool! The more tvs, the better! But you'd have to get someone to bring it over.

Cube count: 2
Smash count: 1 (so far)
TV count: 2

ChickenSalad: LOL @ Funky... the Space invaderrrrr!!!


Smash Ace
Aug 8, 2006
By huge I don't mean screen size, I mean massive block behind the average screen size.
The Wireless.. I'm wired now.
BTW MIC and CHICKEN SALAD are the first Priests of Chaos Theory.
Listen to their words!


Smash Lord
Feb 25, 2007
Is it possible to scab a lift off anyone? :p

I'm contemplating on bringing fried rice for yall to eat :o


Smash Lord
Mar 12, 2007
Moar leik close to 8 me tinks.

Dw bout that fried rice. Unless you happen to have too much - we'll eat it all if you can bring it over. :p
Bjay can you bring my black shoes with you 2moz? Try and scab a lift with Ki and Mic. Better than public transport to mosman!


Smash Cadet
Apr 2, 2007
...zzzZZZzzzZZZzzz... a can of...


so stu how long is this meet going to last... about a week in the urine soaked hell hole... and the tucker for the supper gotta catch ourselves... are there hunting grounds near by... not enough magic boxes to play with trophies... nor enough stones for each bird... bring four legged slaves to carry magic boxes and stones... 8 ball confirmed or in confusion... the queen bee will determine chicken salad and 13th coming to the pearl gates... my mortal coil rubs the lamp for the forthcoming... a dark cloud is rising with the siren of a ringing bell brings misfortune onto others... the plague of sausages... the pain of blunt objects... the judgement shall pass... numbers are the key...

The knee is the most majestic thing man can see to date... and i can do it to...



Smash Lord
Mar 12, 2007

Hunting grounds within reasonable driving distance. Best one IMO closest to my place takes about 10 - 15mins driving but its soooo worth it. Plus its like No.1 tourist destination and all that shizz if you go there. Lots of eye candy to look there as well! They don't call it surf central on the north shore for nothing!

Thanks bjay! Looking forward to seeing y'all 2moz!

*Extra ramblings*
CAOTIC - Next time you land at the city with the best harbour, I'll take you up to Manly. It's just as good as Bondi beach to say the least.


Smash Lord
Feb 25, 2007
No problem. Also, hope you like fried rice. :D

*sees all the party food, random fried rice out of nowhere* ;p Not sure how much should make though.


Smash Cadet
Mar 28, 2007
bjay n xeno - if you guys wanna be at the meet early then you'll have to find another means of getting there. i finish work at 6 in the morning which means i wont be up before 11 - 12 at earliest. but otherwise i dont mind giving rides


Smash Lord
Feb 25, 2007
bjay n xeno - if you guys wanna be at the meet early then you'll have to find another means of getting there. i finish work at 6 in the morning which means i wont be up before 11 - 12 at earliest. but otherwise i dont mind giving rides
I don't mind turning up a bit late. ;P though hypothetically if you were to give us a lift, where would we have to meet up with ya?


Smash Lord
Mar 12, 2007
Tom - I can pick you up from Central station if you can't get a lift with Mic 2moz.

Let me know when you think you'll arrive at Central.

Ha ha if you guys wanna get a lift with Mic, you'll end up at my place liek 2pm in the arvo.


Smash Lord
Feb 25, 2007
i'm just looking at alternatives :p seeing the most convenient move i can make whilst with your shoes and fried rice :o


Smash Ace
Aug 8, 2006
Yeah Mic, I wasn't planning on being up till 10 or so anyways. Think you could give me a lift round 11 or whenever you leave?


Smash Journeyman
Nov 12, 2006
I might show my face at this meet, though...I got work in the morning, so I might rock up around 5 or 6...depending on how lost I get.

Chicken Salad I would attempt to match your randomness...but its waay to much effort to be that creative at this current time...maybe sometime in the near future... (maybe I can match your use of "..."'s how I love them!). The prospect of you playing falcon scares me...I get enough falcon knee love from Jaz as is...Luigi just seems to naturally fall in front of the **** thing...

Anyway, my new main might make an appearance...one which I spent a whole days worth of training on...here is a hint...Its not who you think it is! (And it probably wont be as impressive as I'm making it out to be, be prepared for an anti-climax!)

Oh! Just quickly...I have a new uni timetable, seems mondays or tuesdays are going to be the only days I can now Host bi-weeklies, let me know if your interested, and I'll possibly begin them next week.



Smash Lord
Feb 25, 2007
k my request to get a lift will depend on what time i wake up.

not bringing fried rice anymore, got in a bad mood and dont wanna cook it now lol. ill bring something else


Smash Cadet
Mar 28, 2007
ok bjay if u want that ride, be at campsie station at 12 n give me a buzz.

xeno i'll pick u up on the way which is around 1230 ish, gimme ur mob and i'll buzz ya when i get there. i dont think my boot is big enough to hold a tv so dont get ur hopes up.

combo - sorry mate but ive only got 4 seatbelts in my car.

guys im leaving round 7pm, i start work at 10pm tonight so i cant stay too late. cyas tomorrow


Smash Journeyman
Nov 12, 2006
Thanks for the meet Stu! Though I arrived late I still got some good games in and ate somebodies pizza :D, it was cold and slightly mexican. Anyway... I might not have a meet on the coming monday/tuesday, and will probably do it the following tuesday. It will probably run from 12 - late or something, so yeah...let me know if you could make it.



Smash Lord
Feb 7, 2007
thanks for letting me stay at ur house stu and for showing me all ur cool inventions and stuff was fun, also thanks for the lift back to the train station and a great day of smash. It's awesome to see how much u guys have improved in the time that i have been absent from the scene good stuff guys :)


Smash Ace
Dec 27, 2006
Megatron ripped me in half T-T
thanks for the meet stu, good to see a new face aswell
and good work on thos who got there without help XD

i have sad news o.o

tafe has kicked in, big time.

so i won't be up for smash ALL the time anymore... i'll actually have to organise my time omg o.o
but this also rules out things happening at my place, i encourage a new person to try hosting perhaps? kulla,dedu and I have handled the majority of it until now, with kulla and I getting a bit owned by education and such i don't want stui to have to do all the work on the weekend

at the same time, non hosters have gone out of their way with travel and such, i mean i failed pretty hard to get to stus place, but i think we should switch roles from time to time?

just a suggestion ^_^

2nd suggestion, to those that went to melbourne you would have enjoyed n2c, a lan place that where we payed a small fee to use their tvs all day.

surely there is a tv lounge we can steal in the city or something? anyone have any idea on that? the city seems to be the centre point for everyone, plus its near central. and if we're lucky we could meet some more new faces?

i mean sure there is UTS but consoles on the concourse are usually dominated by people not interested in 1v1 smash or not even smash at all.

just thinking out loud o.o

so are we referring to double posts as xeno posts or bjay posts now?

i would have enjoyed the fried rice T_T


Smash Lord
Mar 12, 2007
Bjay: ROFL. I've seen that too many times meself. Rick Rolls! (pun intended) o.o the mic he was singing into was the wrong way round. Oh wait someone already said that in the comments... (>-_-')>

Everyone: It seems it's not easy to get to my place without using buses. But I gotta say thanks for managing to come to my place and having a fun time! Mic - you helped alot of people to get here without public transport. I admit there weren't nuf tvs to go round. I'll see if i can find some more before dumpster day ends this week (for the north shore).

Jaz - I agree we should switch roles and Kulla should be involved as well. (Kulla: If you can manage a spare day for a meet that'll be great. If not, that's understandable.) UTS on fridays is just about the best place for smash meet on friday in the city but with all the tekken/soul calibur/naruto players there, there's no interest in smash. Jaz - UTS is out of the picture. We already do competitive battling there. No need to abuse their organiser further. (aka Mr Monkey)

Sidenote: That's not entirely true. I've met some people at uni here and there who are interested in competitive smash but they're not technically up to date to be able to compete with you guys.

There aren't many game lounges we can go to in the city without having to pay a hefty fee to use their services all day (compared to N2C - no wonder there's heaps of WoW fans there. Its cheap and already has decent services)

My place is almost 'centre' point, relatively speaking, but its ridiculously hard to get to compared to Kulla's place, which is right next to the wharf.

Oh its tuesday... Sorry Kulla can't make it today. Its lecture boredom day...


Smash Journeyman
Nov 12, 2006
*Bi-Weekly (kind of) Update!*

Hey everyone, just letting you all know that next tuesday there will be a meet at my place, all are invited as usual.

A few important things:
It will start at 12, no earlier, as I have uni until then. It will run until late...but I assume that my brother will want his room back at one stage...so later in the evening it will become a bit cramped. But...I also have uni at 9am the next morning...so lets not go nuts people.
Please bring cubes and smash...everyone would be nice...just to have back up copies in case others dont bring theirs...
TV's would also be nice...But I think I've given up on people bringing theirs, I do already have three...so I guess that should suffice....
Snacks, and money for food are BYO, I suppose pizza will be on the menu again, but I dont think anyone has any complaints.

In anycase...please try to let me know via MSN or here on Smashboards. It does help and it causes less surprises for me on my end when I get lots and lots of people.

See ya there,


Smash Ace
Aug 8, 2006
:0 I was scheduled to see the Simpsons movie with co-workers.. but vs Smash.. ****, Smash might win this one. I'll decide next tuesday.


Smash Ace
Dec 27, 2006
Megatron ripped me in half T-T
Bjay: ROFL. I've seen that too many times meself. Rick Rolls! (pun intended) o.o the mic he was singing into was the wrong way round. Oh wait someone already said that in the comments... (>-_-')>

Everyone: It seems it's not easy to get to my place without using buses. But I gotta say thanks for managing to come to my place and having a fun time! Mic - you helped alot of people to get here without public transport. I admit there weren't nuf tvs to go round. I'll see if i can find some more before dumpster day ends this week (for the north shore).

Jaz - I agree we should switch roles and Kulla should be involved as well. (Kulla: If you can manage a spare day for a meet that'll be great. If not, that's understandable.) UTS on fridays is just about the best place for smash meet on friday in the city but with all the tekken/soul calibur/naruto players there, there's no interest in smash. Jaz - UTS is out of the picture. We already do competitive battling there. No need to abuse their organiser further. (aka Mr Monkey)

Sidenote: That's not entirely true. I've met some people at uni here and there who are interested in competitive smash but they're not technically up to date to be able to compete with you guys.

There aren't many game lounges we can go to in the city without having to pay a hefty fee to use their services all day (compared to N2C - no wonder there's heaps of WoW fans there. Its cheap and already has decent services)

My place is almost 'centre' point, relatively speaking, but its ridiculously hard to get to compared to Kulla's place, which is right next to the wharf.

Oh its tuesday... Sorry Kulla can't make it today. Its lecture boredom day...
Kulla is involved already stui, unless you meant something different by that, if it weren't for kulla we'd have had half as many meets.

maybe a place with group concession? i doubt it though. but till then i'm happy to travel to yours stui, i'll be better at it next time.


smash the anime convention a.k.a our next smash tournie is on the horizon so i've had to whip out the big font to get peoples attention

pre register, i can't say that enough you save money and get stuff out of it usually, it will cost you money to get into "smash", check the website, have a look. it won't be a very serious day i don't imagine, smash wise that is. it will probably be just one tourny, singles, split up alot over the entire day so people can appreciate the wonders of the anime convention and the smash tournie

or small tourny crammed in, if EGG is doing more than just smash at the anime convention...

confrim that, brinton suggested it won't be stretched out, it will go for a certain allocated time slot

if you could update us here brinton when you know... that would be swell


Smash Apprentice
Mar 12, 2007
UTS on fridays is just about the best place for smash meet on friday in the city but with all the tekken/soul calibur/naruto players there, there's no interest in smash. Jaz - UTS is out of the picture. We already do competitive battling there. No need to abuse their organiser further. (aka Mr Monkey)
Not quite. Remember that EGG has 8 TV's now, not 6 - we just couldn't be bothered to drag out the other 2 on Fridays since no-one uses them. If you're looking for a good place to have a small meet every week I'll start taking them out and you can use the 2 GC's - but you'll need to be there between 12pm - 1:30pm or I won't be able to take the TV's out until after 4pm. And as far as abusing me (heh), it's my job, remember? =D

Also, with GAMES @ SMASH - I'm still trying to finalise how I'm going to run everything on the day but it's almost guaranteed that a Smash tourney would start in the afternoon.

Either way, let me know what you guys want to do. (Besides, more people on the Concourse playing games makes EGG look better - hint hint).
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