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Sydney Smash Thread - Comrades Of Xeno -


Smash Lord
Mar 12, 2007
Fierce Oni - I'd say you're staying with Freddo and Mikul at my place. From monday to wednesday next week. Ask fweddo for confirmation.

To back up Funkyseefunkydo - that's a HELL LOT more CONVENIENT compared to the y+Cstick. Its also good for getting around sidestepdodges when the opponent expected a grab heh heh.
Xenopost phailed twice! But the shield thingy, you're better using the A button and the control stick rather than y+cstick.

Jaz - That's a better idea. Spread it out. It helps people! Including yourself! Sort it out with Kulla tonight if you can! Can you post the day of the week the meet is. Is it this friday or saturday? Xeno's post makes things confusing on this page.

CAO - seeing how Jaz's got his hypothetical (?) smash meet this friday/weekend, I'd like to know when you think you're coming up to hang around/housing this weekend so I can get the house ready as well as know when to distribute my weekend around smash on saturday, pokemon in the free times, house chores etc etc. A busy weekend and looking forward to it! See ya soon!


Smash Ace
Aug 8, 2006
I actually find it real easy to Y+Up C.
Whatever works.. I guess technically being able to charge is pretty cool, I never charge smashes though. Usually get punished if I try ;). Fast up smashes are good for hitting someone before the land -- you don't have the frames to charge because they'd tech. That's when I mostly use it. And Upsmashing out of shield is pwnage. I expect to see that a bunch at this tournament! =D


Smash Ace
Aug 8, 2006
I've been getting worse rankings in each tournament I've been too. (: X)
I want to play Smash every night of the week -- so if you're up to it, I'm in.
Kulla you mentioned there were people playing today and/or tomorrow.. post away!


Smash Journeyman
Aug 28, 2004
Melbourne, Australia
Quick Results:


1st Cao
2nd Freddo
3rd Chicken Salad
4th Jaz
5th Markarse


1st Jaz and Bjay
2nd Freddo and Markarse
3rd Cao and Sam

Full results at a later date I guess.


Smash Ace
Dec 27, 2006
Megatron ripped me in half T-T
theres nothing new! nothing!

theres nothing on tomorrow for smash for those asking, at my place, yeh.


sorry i didn't do much today guys, e.g sam, cao

kept mark company today, also a little broke, so... yeah.


Smash Lord
Mar 12, 2007
Sam was a bit of a 'punching bag' in the doubles mikul lol.

No offense sam, that was the highlight of the convo after xeno and i vsed u guys and lost XD.
First round too! Great way to start the afternoon - ready and raring!

Tis a bummer you guys lost to Freddo and Mark but what was crazy was that Bjay did some amazing comebacks after Jaz got kicked out of the doubles! Peach Fthrow FTW!!!

Sorry Caotic, I think i'll sit this trip out 2moz.


Smash Cadet
Apr 2, 2007
...zzzZZZzzzZZZzzz... Time?...

Hmmm.... is something on this wed if there is what time is it on... getting lost again... how is it set up this time?...

... i get the feeling i'm not getting an answer anytime soon...

everything is possible... then so is nothing...



Smash Journeyman
Nov 12, 2006
Mr Salad:

Yes there is something on tomorrow, a low tier tourney. Starting...same time as sunday i guess...thats not the offical word, so thats 9am set up, 11 or 12 for registeration i think...Its on in the normal place, ie Concourse. Oh and also...I've still yet to face you in a serious match... I dont think I've even vsed your Jiggs...Well...one day I suppose


Smash Lord
Mar 12, 2007

I vill bee dair oarfulli lait toomorro. Sooo karn't doo tornee. Good luk guys! Hears hopin for a craayzee und unexpekted result... Liek da doublez tournee larst time! Will Kao win dizz tournee 2morro?

Shair warrstoriez wid mee wen I arriiive inn da arrvo!
<333 y'all - noww tiiied -_-' Thannksssies to Pokeyman!

Mee tinkz Aym sooberr und drunnk...

*say it out aloud. Should make sense*


Smash Apprentice
Mar 12, 2007

Probably going to be a bit late tomorrow in getting there; hopefully be there at 10 AM but ring me on 0432 567 006 just in case.


Smash Ace
Dec 27, 2006
Megatron ripped me in half T-T
syke here*


Results from todayz:
Me and Cao went 9-1 in swiss rounds, Sirias was next with 7-3.
No low tier tourney was held.

2. Freddo
3. Syke
4. Sirias
5. GTR
5. Scrubs
7. Bjay
7. Jaz
9. Funky
9. Pat
9. Markarse
12. Caesar Salad
13. Sanc
14. Keeno
14. Kulla
16. Mic
16. Mystwalker
18. Oni
19. Znemesis

Melbourne vs Sydney A = Sydney A by 1 stock(MORE SPARKLIES)
Melbourne vs Sydney B = Melbourne by 11 stock
Queensland vs Sydney A = Queensland by 11 stock
Queensland vs Sydney B = Queensland by 8 stock


Smash Champion
Nov 3, 2005
****, this looked like 15 Awesomes.

Hurray for QLD!

Go Kaz and Juggy! And that Zac kid lol. GJ, And Ben! Wooooooooo.

Man, seems like you guys had fun.

Hurray for a Sydney Smash Scene!

Now all we need is to kick the other states in the ***, and we can have Aussie wide!


Smash Ace
Aug 8, 2006
Sydney players:
Anyone who has a Wii and not using their GCN want to part (or sell) their Gamecube power supply? My USA Gamecube's adapter begin smoking when I played Ikaruga yesterday.
Apparently the pin converter I had just converts pins, not voltages.


Smash Lord
Mar 12, 2007
Xeno - what seems to be the problem with the adapter? Maybe I can tell you what the problem is with the transformer if you could explain what is smoking? Often its not the transformer that's broken but more like the other stuff that 'regulates' the transformer due to incorrect voltages etc.

Not many people are willing to spare a free transformer for their GC.
Another option -
Get a transformer with variable voltage/current and adjust it to the GC power 'in' requirements. It should be written on the back of the GC or on the GC transformer.


Smash Ace
Aug 8, 2006
I have fixed the power supply problem!
Anyone who wants to play NTSC Smash or Ikaruga (the game with black and white bullets), talk to me.


Smash Lord
Apr 6, 2006
Ballarat, Australia
i don't feel like doing any shoutouts. ah well... i don't want to be rude

jaz: thanks or housing me, and putting up with my crap for nearly a week. if you ever need any housing in melbourne, give me a call. my mum insists it.

dedu: its always nice to see you. you get better every time we meet. i can't wait to see how you play next time.

funky: your cheap marth... lol, you're a fun guy. i can't wait to play you again

freddo: if there is ever an award for the most consistent smasher, you should be one of the top candidates.

mark: looks like the trip did some good for you smashwise, as it did for me. you arsehole :)

pat: you're a cool guy, you're a good smasher. i'll be prepared for you the next time we meet.

other sydney guys: you all seem better compared to the guys down here. keep up the good work. i have other things to say except i forgot alot of your names.

cao, sam: i should have done some sightseeing with you guys. i could have got money from my mum. she auctually wanted me to do that sort of thing up there. ah well, i should be prepared for sightseeing at the next trip i come on. thanks for organising this cao, it was great fun.

shaz, mikul, other victorians that couldn't come: it was a pity that you didn't come, you guys would have had fun and you would have made the trip funner. make sure to come on the next trip.

as for me, i suck. now i'm really gonna stop making excuses and do something about it.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 28, 2004
Melbourne, Australia
lol Oni. Thanks for the comments.

Had a really awesome time in Sydney. That was thanks to a lot of people.

Sydney Dudes:

Jaz: Opening up your home to so many guys is no easy feat but you managed to put up with us for over a week. Many good times were had at your house, some caught on video and most not. Thanks too for organising the tournies and putting up with our complaining about rules and what not. Your mum is great, give her our thanks once again. Your game has improved considerably and it’s not hard to see why. A lot of competition these days from the Sydney gang which you’ve overseen. Oni is right when he says that the skill level in Sydney is growing more in size and quality over Melbourne.

Stuey: Thanks for keeping us company Stuey, visiting us at Jaz’s house every so often and making an appearance at both tournies. Sorry if you were looking forward to us staying at your place but there will be a next time. And next time I would definitely love to stay at yours. I’m gonna sound like a broken record, but your game has improved at least three fold since Comrades 2 which is very impressive. Keep up that enthusiasm for the smash scene.

Kulla: Thanks for housing and for showing us around the place, for eating with us and seeing Transformers! Best luigi in Australia. You just love playing smash which is awesome. Would love to visit your place next time too!

Bjay: WTH. Your peach is nuts, and you have a wide range of characters to back you up when cheap fails…I mean, Peach…sorry. Jk. You’ve come a long way in such a short time. Congrats on first in teams, you were too strong for us. Tell us how the Pokemon tourney goes yeah? That 400 hours better pay off. All the best.

Funky: LoL. I 4 stocked a few people in Sydney. But the award for most 4 stockings goes to you my friend. You have a good game, but it’s very inconsistent. You surprise yourself by beating some good players and then you surprise yourself by losing to some not so good players. Work on your game! Having said that, you were one of the most improved, another player with a wide range of characters. It was good catching up with you again, playing smash with you is so funny. There are always so many ‘funky moments’.

Pat: Thanks to you too for visiting us at Jaz’s and providing us with some good competition warm up for the tourney. Your position in the tourney was not a true reflection of your ability, but when you chuck in some crazy QLDers you never know what’s gonna happen eh? Crew battle was close and very funny, good job. Looking forward to seeing you next time, wherever that may be.

Caesar Salad: **** kid. You were the surprise of the tournament. I can’t tell you how many people came back to the laptop saying ‘I lost to Chicken Salad, he’s good’. I think you three stocked me in the second tourney…farout. Keep it up.

To the rest of you Sydney guys I played and chatted to, it was a pleasure. See you all again soon. Now onto QLD!

QLD Dudes:

GTR aKa Juggy aKa Andrew: You are hilarious, seriously. Made me laugh so much. This is why I stayed at Jaz’s house and ditched Dedu. Was great catching up with you again since we hardly talked at all in Comrades 1. Your game is impressive, I love watching you own. Looking very forward to next time. Must team!

Scrubs: Thanks for doing all the driving. The car was great, but, sore arse anyone? Lol. You were off on tournament day, I could tell since I saw you own in friendlies at Jaz’s. Thanks for making it up here and happy bday by the way.

Sirias: Dang. I hope you’re glad you made it up. You did really well. Very fun to play, such a wide range of characters.
Random person: ‘Sirias, who do you play?’
Sirias: ‘I play everyone.’
Can’t believe you fox dittoed me b*tch. Almost had me too. Very close and intense. Not looking forward to playing you next time. Peace.

Syke: Thanks for all the Marth practise, even if you are a crap teacher. E.g. ‘Too close! Too far! Don’t do that! What the hell! I told you not to do that! Too far!’ Sorry! Jeez. But seriously, I hope to have a Marth that’s like yours one day. Best marth in Aus. You were the only one to take Cao out in pools, good job.

That’s al the QLD boys. You guys better house me when I eventually come to visit you! Now onto Melbourne!

Melbourne Dudes:

Cao: Thanks for looking after us all and taking us out to see Sydney. Travelling with you is so much fun, can’t wait for next time. Give my thanks to Ben too for all his money lending and driving (even if it did make me sick – Asians can’t drive). Congratulations on winning both tournies, you are sexy. You constantly prove yourself to be the best player in Aus, you deserve every 1st place you get. I also have to give special thanks for cheering me on in finals. You have no idea what a difference it makes to hear your voice in the background. It boosted my confidence and concentration when I felt that most people were cheering for Sirias/Syke. It literally was the deciding factor in whether I won or not. You knew that if I won you would verse me in finals but you didn’t care, go Melbourne!

Mark: Out of all of us it was the hardest for you to get to Sydney and I appreciate your efforts in coming. We came second in teams, thanks for being my partner, even if you did kill me at some critical points in the game lol. Had some great chats with you, looking forward to continuing them. The bus ride back was so much better with you there. All the best, see you at stage 5.

Mark: ‘I’m taking a break from Smash.’
Person: ‘Really?’
Mark: ‘Yeah. Sydney was good, but I’m not playing for the rest of the year until I figure some stuff out.’
Person: ‘You know Stage 5 is next week?’
Mark: ‘Oh yeah, I’ll be there for that…I wonder if Mikul wants to play smash this Saturday?’

Sigh Mark…

Oni: You were good to have around Oni. You learnt heaps. Picked up a new character. Within one week I noticed your improvements. We’ll catch up and play some smash some weekends. Work on your game and stuff.

I believe that’s everyone. Thanks again. Add me on msn if you want! freddo2@hotmail.com.


Oct 29, 2004
Sydney awesome - fully sic - but needs better nightlife! I'll whip up something soon and throw up the pics and vids but for now I got to get back to diving and basking in the remote outer reefs

Special thanks to Kulla, Pat, Kit and Johno for kicking it with us the most

ps Simon A - expect something in the mail from the 3 of us soon =)
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