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Sydney Smash Thread - Comrades Of Xeno -


Smash Lord
Feb 7, 2007
Hey stu and bjay sorry about leaving yesterday and not watching the rest of ur matches. Girlfriend wanted to go into the city, i try not to argue so thats where we went. Thanks heaps for the milotic stu and offering housing and stuff i hope u guys went well yesterday and good luck today ^.^

Get that Rat

Smash Lord
Jun 27, 2006
Well, *steal Fweddo's comments*

As you guys probably would know, my face is dead from all that's happened this week. And school starts tomorrow. Boooo.


Jaz: JAZZALENCOOO! You beauty! Thanks for housing the majority of the out of staters and putting up with our shindigs and stuff. Sweet placings in the tourney. Crew battle footage of you and Sam duking it out is on my camera, I'll give it to Zac soon. Also, sorry for ditching you a couple of times to hang out with the Melbournites. We hope you enjoy Guitar Hero 2 and wish your mum will get better in godspeed. Kas says hi! :D

Simon - Kulla: Nice meeting you! It was fun having you at Jaz's to keep us company, and being our 5 minute tour guide in the city! Hope to see you soon!

Funky: Simon! Sorry I had to punish you on the last stock of our match :( But hey, Smash is a game where you have to cheap your opponents out <3.

Pat: Patty! Sweet Pikachu there, I haven't played CATS before, but if you can beat him, it shows that you have *******ry in you. Hope to see you in Brisbane this weekend!

Codemonkey: Thanks for holding the tourney! It was a nice chart in the end. You neat freak.

Sydney was indeed fun and exhausting, I would definitely come back to visit you guys, it was a pleasure. See you all again soon. Now onto QLD!

QLD Dudes:

GTR aKa Juggy aKa Andrew: I is funny.

The rest of you don't deserve a shoutout, because I see you enough, and shout at you plenty.


Melbourne Dudes:

Fweddo!: MiigouU! Must team with you next tourney! Really good job placing second in the tournament, going through Zac and Kas. Intense! Hahaha. Thanks for some of the ICs tips (Courtesy of you and Sloth). Really hope both of you can come down the QLD for some awesome fun!

Cao: Winning two tournaments in a week is too much, don't do that :(. Blue mountains was fun as. I really got to know you better :) Stealing limestones and all. Thanks for JV 4 stocking me with Peach. Heartwrenching

Sam: MORE SPARKLIEZZZ AAWWHH! Now the Smash trip is over, time for us to get back to some DotA and MB :D

Mark: Awesome hanging out with you dude. Solid Doc and Mewtwo. I never played the low tier tho :( All in all, great playing you in the tourney, almost got me when you turned your game around :)


Ben: Nice getting to know you dude. Even though you don't go to the boards :) Great fun everywhere! Even on the roads.

As for all I've missed, which is probably a hell load. Thanks for entertaining us and for holding this tournament for us.


Smash Champion
Dec 1, 2006
Sydney, Australia
So you guys steal my shout-out layout and now you steal Freddo's? Laziest people ever.
Well, Andy at least, lol, j/k. <3

First time I've posted here I think. No wonder no one knew who I was and/or that I was coming. Not that that's much of a problem because I made myself known when/if anyone asked who I was. =]
Although no one knows who Sirias/Kas is, hahah. I'm so pro at making random appearances.

Anyway. Shout outs, might as well, best not to leave them too late.
Mmm... eating Custard while doing so. Fun stuff.~
It's un-warm, not cold. Hahahah! XD
Be aware that my shout-outs are long, as are most of my posts if I want them to be.

Those from Sydney:

Jaz: - Well, obviously you're first because you're pretty much the only person I know that was from Sydney and you housed me, and everyone else.
You do, however, realize that you didn't create my awesome cage of awesome that I was supposed to be kept in. Not good enough, but I forgive you.
Other than that, I was expecting your house to be smaller than it was, but thank GOD it wasn't, or else I would've been forced to sleep with one of the Queenslanders, and that's not a good thought. : D Although I think I did sleep once on the bed with Zac? I don't actually remember. I didn't like the pull-out-bed. So stiff. :C
As for being a Smasher... quite the pro with Falcon. Incredibly well at handling pressure as well, I must say. =] You cheat a lot, which is why Sam nearly beat you, because he knows how to beat cheaters. : D
But really, your Falcon is good. Bringer said it was good, so it must be. Hahah~ I'll need you to teach me how to use Falcon because Ryan can't, he's too competitive and I don't think he'd want me to get good with ANOTHER character. XD Not that I'm really that good with any of my characters I use, anyway. Which is everyone. =]
Quadruple Knee! A.k.a - Knee Knee Knee Knee.~ When and if you can pull this off, it's alright if you commit suicide while doing so or straight after, or throw your controller down and start dancing. : D
Say Hi to Kas from me, kthx. <3

Kulla: - At least, I think this is the person I'm thinking of. Long, blonde-ish hair? Tied up? Took it out once because I wanted to see what it was like and then laughed at seeing it? Yeah, I think you're the one, who plays Luigi.
It was fun meeting you! You tolerated lots of me retardedness as most don't, which was a surprise. A good one, at that, if I say so.
Your glasses, however, were quite disturbing to wear, as they more than likely made my own right eye implode as I looked through them. Thanks for sharing the experience of wearing glasses for LONG-SIGHTED people, even though I'm SHORT-SIGHTED. Lol.
Anyway anyway... I liked your hoodie. Best hoodie ever. Made you look like a Ninja. I want one like yours, actually, I wouldn't mind getting one, it would be sweet. My shirt wrapped around my neck was better, though. : D Hahah~
As far as Smashing goes, definitely annoying. Of course, that's only if I use Fox / Falco, or any other fast faller. Too good against them. I hate Luigi. Thank god you don't play Sheik as gayly as you play Luigi.
You just need some Marth practice. =] I'd be willing to give you some, but hey, you're 1000 kilometers from where I live, so... maybe next time. =]

Pat: - The last person that I actually remember from Sydney that is from Sydney, and I kind of talked to, but not really.
As far as I can see, you're quite obsessed with Pikachu.
However, I shall take away that obsession, or infatuation, from you sooner or later. Somehow. =]
Good Pikachu, though. It didn't remind me of James's (a guy from QLD) Pikachu at all, because it was actually good. HAHAH! XD Lawl, poor James. : D He's ok, but you're by far better. =]
Nice work on the Pikachu.~ Work on Pichu, if you haven't already, because we need to have a Pikachu vs Pichu and vice versa, plus a Pikachu ditto and Pichu ditto, just for the sake of Ditto-ing.
Your Sheik is good too! :C Don't use Sheik, she's lame and cheap, almost as much as Peach but not quite, for her Down Smash isn't infinitely insane.
We shall/may chat more at a later date, kgo.

Salad-man: - Gay Jiggly. I didn't see any rests. You need to be pro with Jiggly and use Rests only, and win while doing so. =]
You're a funny guy, though, hahah even though we didn't really talk at all, Zac told me of what you do when you're about to die and it made me laugh quite a lot. XD
Good job on beating Cao's Peach. =] That gives me incentive never to use Peach against you.
You definately need to use someone to go against Marth, though, because Marth ***** you. In the ***. A hundred times over. Better start playing Sheik or Falco.

Bjay, Funky, Stuey and CodeMonkey: - I totally don't know any of you at all. Apart from CodeMonkey, but only a teensy bit. Next time we have to talk a little more, k? K.

CodeMonkey, though. Nice work on the tournament. A little un-organised and stuff, but that's ok, it's not like you're a hardcore Smasher, so I forgive you as well. =]

Bjay, k, well, all I know is that you use Peach, and that it's good. Now, because of that, I don't like you, because Peach is gay and she needs to be destroyed in any way possible from the next game, if possible. Get better on Peach, though, because Marth is gay as well.

Stuey + Funky, I literally don't even know who you are. XD And that's not kool, I feel really bad for not knowing you two at all. </3 You can hurt me next time if you want, though. I don't mind. =]

And done for them.
Next: Those from Melbourne:

Freddo: - Definately you first. The entire time, even before going down to Sydney, I really wanted to see how good you were, so I was excited, relatively, when we were driving down. Only bored down because of the impossibly LONG amount of NOTHING we were doing, but that's to be expected when driving 1000 ks or so.
Anyway, you're cruel for not giving me that Pink scarf. D: < Although I already have a white one, so it's ok, I GUESS. =]
It was nice meeting you, though, although we didn't really talk much. It's funny, lol, I didn't really talk to anyone except Jaz and everyone from QLD. That's only because I don't really know any of you, though, and I didn't really talk to any of you prior to meeting you in Sydney. But that's ok, we still had a fun time at Jaz's when we played retardedly talking about how you were a cheater. =]
As far as Smashing goes, I don't know if you really play like that, but at the tournament I'm pretty sure you made mistakes quite often. *gasp* I think that's the only way I beat you on the first life. And then I started to lock-up because I'm not good under pressure, nor do I like playing with a crowd. Which was why I wanted us to NOT play with a crowd!
How evil of you.
No problem, though, I don't really mind. : D It was a good match none-the-less! And I swear my hand wouldn't stop shaking for about an hour after our match when you beat me on the third game, hahahah. I really wanted to get a shine-spike on that last life, but at 130%... not gonna happen. :C
And blah! I would've used Falco but I like Fox more than Falco, and any other character, other than Sheik, would lose quite badly to your Fox, I'd say. Best to keep it safe and use Foxy. =]
And I doubt we'll play again until MUCH later, maybe next year if you don't come up here, because I don't think I'll be going down to Melbourne or Sydney any time soon. :C

"You're a smart player."

What'd you mean by that? I still lost to you, heheh.
And yes, I use everyone. : D I'm an Azen-wannabe.
Pro Falco as well. I don't think I'd be able to 3-stock Cao's peach, even if I was lucky, hahahah.~ Neat!

Cao: - Pff. Worst Peach ever. Who uses Peach? Ken's theory must be true. Hahahah~ j/kj/k
It was kool meeting you! Fun, though, first time I saw you you totally didn't talk to me. I felt sad. And depressed for the remainder of the day. Heheh, joking joking.
You don't look 21, either. And Freddo doesn't look 20. Wtf. You guys look younger than you are. Well, to me, anyway. I only turned 17 a little while ago, did you think I was 17? : D
I'm sure you're glad you can go clubbing and such, bah, while I sit around doing nothing in particular, ahahah~
Oh well. : D You seemed pretty dead on the day at Pizza Hut. Too much happening at Sydney, eh? Let's hope you don't go killing yourself at Cairns either! D:
As for Smash related stuff, hahahah, it was pretty obvious I was gonna lose to you, but 3-stocking my Marth with BOTH Marth AND Peach? Wtf is wrong with you? XD Oh well, maybe I should work more on my Peach killing, or maybe I should use Falco against your Peach, because Freddo did well against it... Relatively. Heheh.

"You're pretty good."

*gasp* <3 Thanks. =]
2-stocked my Sheik. And I thought I was doing kind of well until you went crazy and owned me. XD
Calm down, yeesh, go easy on a n00b like me. :C
Too much Ken training, really.
Enjoy Cairns!! Say Hi to anyone from me. =]

Sam: - Well, we did talk a little bit, but not really about anything related to us or something. Lol.
By far the funniest of the Melbournererers. Weirdest, I might add, as well. Heheh.
You're 21 too, right? FAR out, wth, something's wrong with people from Melbourne. =/ I hope I look kinda young when I'm 20/21. XD Most doubtful, but one can hope, no?
Best Ness ever. HahahAHAHAHAH!~ Oh man, best MATCH ever with Jaz as well. Seriously. I can't wait for Zac to put it up somewhere so I can watch it, I'll be laughing for days on end, really.
Better work on your Sparklies, though. : D Listen to Cao's advice, he is god here.
As for non-smashing: Nothing to say. XD Other than being hilarious and such, probably the one with the best sense of humour in Melbourne, or maybe you just laugh the most. ;D Keep it up, best Ness ever.
Hahah, awesome. <3

Mark: - I think I know you the least out of the people from Melbourne, even though you stayed at Jaz's with us. Still, it's ok, because as far as I know, you've got a gay Doc and it's pretty **** good.
I have trouble with characters I don't usually play, and Doc is one of them. Definately good against me, and I'm glad I didn't have to go against you in the tournament, because I'm sure it would've been close! =]
You didn't get into the finals, did you? That's really weird.
I think I just have trouble going against anyone, really. I can't do really well against someone, for some reason. I can only do bad or good enough to beat them by just 1 stock. Hahahah.
Well, let's hope you don't get any better, or I'm sure you'd be able to beat me more than I beat you.
And hey, it was you and Jaz that me and Ben went against in Teams at Jaz's house, right? Kirby and Doc.
My god, the best team ever!
It took us SO long to find a team that could actually beat it.
Fox + Mario > Kirby + Doc. I'll have to remember that if I ever go against you and Jaz again, hahahah. Phew~
Awesome playing you, though. : D Keep up the Doc!!

Oni: - You're from Melbourne, so it says, so you go in here too. Hahah~
It was good meeting you, although you were a little strange. XD
One thing I have to say to you before anything else, you really have to stop saying: "Mind-games." when someone suicides! Heheh.
Other than that, good Link! Better than mine when I was 15, definately. I didn't even know about anything like wave-dashing or blah until October last year!
If you keep on getting better from now on, you'll be better than me and everyone else, probably, when you're older. =]
Better keep it up, play some other characters as well! Link's good, but there are better. Unless you wanna be like Aniki, heheh.
Try Samus. =] Then everyone will hate you even more if you get good with her~ Lool.

And USA:

Ben: - Yes, indeed, it was awesome driving along-side you in OUR Ben's car! Hahahah. Little Finger!
Ahh well, it was great getting to meet you and know you a little at Pizza Hut! You should play Smash a little just so you can come down and play and talk to us when you've got nothing to do, though I suspect you do usually have stuff to do, plus, you were only here for a little while, no? Plus you're in DEBT by like $3000? Heheh, that's not good.
Ahh well, enjoy your time in Cairns! =] Too bad you probably won't see this until either AGES, or never. :C

Last but not least:
Anyone else...
<3 I don't know you at all, but I think I should. : D So talk to you more when/if we can. =]
Doubt I'll be going down to Sydney or Melbourne ANY time this year. XD

Kool tournament as well! Too bad I only came fourth. I was hoping for second or third and I could've done it if Freddo had made more mistakes on that last game!

I'm glad I did go down! Glad I met you all. Glad I had some Krispy Kreme. Heheh.
Although I spent all my money and now I'm broke. XD
Time to get a job. =]

Krispy Kreeemmmeee... <3


Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2005
This is kulla in Tas!! Thats right, I decided out of no where to go to Tas for a week, can you guess who I'm staying with?! But yeah I'm down here for a week, its cold...but Sloth said he would keep me warm at night...In anycase at one point I'm going to be in Melbourne, I should probably talk to someone there or something...Cao!? are you reading this Cao!?...I should probably just call him...In anycase I'm off for now, the massage oil has just reached body temp.

Oh, yeah, Fridays bi-weeklies are going to end now...unfortunately I have a class then for my new semester so I'll have to change the day...I'm thinking saturday but...work usually needs me, and I need monies! Maybe it will be a different day of the week....but that seems a bit crap... In anycase...I'll keep you guys updated...


Smash Ace
Dec 27, 2006
Megatron ripped me in half T-T
Shoutouts? OK!!!1

Firstly I'd like to apologise,
I was for the most part a grump, over the trip i could be seen looking grumpy/sad/tired so i apologise for doing that more than the usual, i don't think i can blame the lack of sleep primarily for the way i acted, for a while i forgot why i played smash competitively, and how i have gone about playing smash up until now.
Things have changed for me, I've gone from being the only person in Sydney to being the supposed leader of Sydney's smash community, which is now bigger than ever. i have gone from not expecting anything in tourny results to being favourite to win them in Sydney, from being a participant in tournaments to actually organising them and having to know how they work. The change has been a strange one.

I have always enjoyed travelling for smash, being in a group of people that travel to play the game, I've made many good friends as a result. This is why i offered to host so many people, because i had met them already and knew that the experiences would be awesome ( most of them anyway), because it's been that way everywhere else. I guess i forgot that was the reason i had so many people over in the first place.

I had come to believe that i was better than i was, because i was winning tournaments for a change, but the interstate guests rightfully put me back in my place and it was a wakeup call for me that i didn't handle so well. No one likes to lose if they expect to win, and I've made it as far as i have with the mentality of not expecting anything, when that changed i spose that made me more... "grumpy" >.<
things didn't go to plan sometimes, and a level mind would have handled it better than my own grumpy one.

all that sh*t aside it was such an awesome trip and I'm very glad that qld and Melb could make it, and as such the experience deserves some shoutouts...
Who am i to deny that?
My mum thinks we did a pretty good job hosting 8 people for a week so i should be less hard on myself, shut up about this self pity cr*p and get on with the shoutouts ;)


Mark: You pulled some serious strings to get to Sydney and i am so glad you did, our matches were awesome and i can always count on you for a laugh. I probably had some of the deepest conversations with you as well, i spose its good to have someone you can share thoughts with, especially a good thinker like yourself. Smash-wise, somehow we've grown pretty even, so its natural that i enjoyed our matches the most. thanks for coming down Thom, it wouldn't have been the same.

Freddo: I've never really talked to you much up until this trip and its probably something I'll regret for a long time. you have an awesome Fox, and i don't think i'll ever surpass it, its a good credit to your name to be able to consistently be relied on for your smash talents, thanks for deciding to stay at mine, your welcome any time you want to venture back to Sydney, smash or not. I'll pass on your thanks to mum ;)

Dave: such an organised well travelled person, there was no way i was gonna keep up with you night life wise ;) what did you expect? that i was some kind of clubbing extraordinair? i seemed to do well against you until tournament day, and your peach finally kicked into gear,
I finally saw why you were making it into the finals so much and so consecutively, you have a lot of pride in the state you represent, and that's a good thing to have, i know you won't be organising anything any more, but I'm sure you'll happily look on. Thanks for helping mark to get up here, i deeply appreciate it.
Keep smashing dave, wherever you are ;) and use boozer more!

Sam: Never... ever do that to me again, that was the most intense match ever, Kas may think i handled pressure well, but f*ck man if i handled it ok, you soaked it up! falcon should beat Ness easily especially on FD. but that was just a crazy match, the most intense I've ever had. I guess you can't ever beat pressure... don't know how ken does it...
Hope you found a healthy stash of melon bread to keep ya goin, the smash scene wouldn't be the same without sammeh, you stick strong to the character you like, and you don't care about the result, you keep on trucking, and that is a quality i can aim for, well done!

Ben: I talked to you very little, and you probably won't read this but it would be rude to leave you out, i hope you enjoyed your trip to sydney, and hope that the investment was well worth it ^_^ just try not to kill sam before the end huh? and if you do at least tape it ;)

Oni: I would be lying if i said i saved the best for last ;) Oni, as annoying as you can be you can poke fun at yourself as well, and take some harsh criticism without problem. Not only that but your young, way to young to be travelling to another state for a video game yet you have and that is just awesome.
You enjoy smash, which an only be a good thing if you're being pummelled now, imagine when you get better? how much you'll want to play then? everyone was quick to help you improve but i think you're right on track oni, don't expect to much from yourself. And sorry about the cab ride, i spose you can get me back if i have to find your place one day ;)

Queenslanders! Regroup!

Toia, Josh: I am so sad you guys didn't come down, seriously you guys join qld in making smeeash awesome, i respect the reasons for your absence, i'm just typing this to say you were missed ;)
Hope to see you guys in Qld soon!

oh the rumours i had heard, The kiwi, the weirdo, the random god of smash... so on so forth. You fit right in with the Qld fellas, when you take the game serious your a very good contender, plus your hilarious, that's a qldr in a nut shell :p
Azen is a Kas wannabe :p he cheats to much
next time i'll have a cage ready i promise :p try not to kill Zac, as much as you would like to lol, i'm glad you made it Kas, and if your crazy enough to want to learn falcon from me, I'll try my best, i promise it won't be zac coaching.
Krispy kreme FTW!

Zac: LMFAO, omiig your are f*cking ********, seriously before i make kas a cage i'll make you something to turn you sane O.o i don't think thats even possible. Well now that i think about it, its best you stay Dark wing Dracula Tang lol. who would want to change that?
I'm pretty sure you filmed kas more than me, people have been whispering, saying your obsessed with me, which is understandable, Sloth is also in denial.
DDR freak, Smeeash freak, you alter the way i freaking speak i swear, your still crazy good and know too much. Aim for the top zaccy boy, you know enough to get there, and you can definitely be cheap enough ;)
Cause Yooooouuuu're te beeasht in Queeeeeiiiiinshlaingd MIIGOUURR

Ben: Scrubby! you now, officially, own me in smash. brutal falco lol seriously very brutal, yet you main your peach, so i guess that's either loyalty or somethin else, the flower idea was awesome, and as a result you guys can stay whenever now ;) awesome!
Directing you through the city was pretty phail:

Ben: okay, so we turn left here...
Jaz: (low mumble): don't do that....
Ben: okay in the left lane...
Jaz: It's no left turn
Ben: ...WTF JAZ!
Jaz: i probably should have said that louder....
Ben: this place is fwaauucked!

Thanks for driving everyone down, you champion, and happy birthday! when i win the lotto i'll send you some.. aaah forget what its called but jeans from the place, despite you telling me the name like 500 times...

Juggie: Improved much! you can infinite grab IC you piece of sh*t and your shiek is better! omg get that rat has come such a long way ^_^ i'm so proud *sniff* glad you could make it little man, i can't wait to come up to brizzy and see you all, you never ditched me. ever.
thanks for getting that crew battle on camera, well zac did it... but your camera lol anyway can't wait to see my mikul dance XD
you've come far wee man, keep on smashing! don't let zac corrupt your brain like he has mine, or is it too late lol, i miss sizzler and cold rock being within walking distance T-T

Mikul: i'm sorry you couldn't make it maing you better know how bus' work before next time o.o

Sydney guys:

Kulla: thanks for helping out with the hosting, you are getting really good really fast, it scares me o.o
Your sheik is nearly unstoppable and your luigi has become uber pro, you captained Sydney B which probably would have beat Sydney A, you made the effort to come and see the guys all the time, your definitely doing the Sydney scene proud, thanks for helping out when you could ^_^

Pat: I versed you once and that was a tourny match... wtf LOL It just means you were so busy getting to know everyone else, you had no time, but we always vs so its fine, don't fret. You did extremely well against Melbourne in the crew battle! which isn't easy... well done buddy hope to vs you soon thatnks for carting Kit and Johnno around, i'm sure it was an awesome experience for them too, thank them for the effort for me, i don't think they come here much.

Chicken Salad: You knocked Cao out in crews... you knocked me out in the first tourney, you, my friend, are a force to be reckoned with. That jiggs is getting better and as soon as you nail the rest combos, you'll be the one everyone goes... oh no! Not him!!!

Bjay: We won teams!!!! holy crap, i could say all these nice things but really... i mean wow, we won.
thats all there needs to be said really, what an awesome peach you have!

Stu: you made a massive effort, you nearly hosted, and probably would have if i wasn't so greedy and kept everyone to myself ;), your always around stui, it would be awesome if you could keep doing that ^_^

Mic: another falcon? oh noez! mic your moving up... i see you there don't think you've been overlooked. I'm sorry for leaving you out in crews, it was just an odd number thing, no bearing on skill whatsoever, you've improved heaps since melb, hopefully you can take more improvement from the qldrs too. soon that falcon will be pwning me, its written somewhere...

Xeno: I was a grump and an *** on the Sunday, things were backing up and sh*t, and you pull through and organise pizza, what a champ! plus your on the improve as well, these tournies are only gonna get more interesting, hope to see you after some tafe lessons, i finish earlier now ;)

Keeno, Sanc: You guys are an awesome team, and i can't imagine a tourny without yaz, your always around, an impressive Ylink and Falco as always. I barely saw you guys apart so i suppose that's why you have a joint shoutout lol, keep on coming to tournies and meets guys, not for your sakes... but everyone else's. your helping us get better

Funky: Dude what happened? i turn around every time i see you owning someone but all these tales of people getting at you reach my ears... blasphemy i say, that fox is becoming a threat, soon it'll define the word ;)

Brinton: so... you organised a Lan and tournie on one day, and then did a swiss WITHOUT a laptop... jeeze brint, don't show us up or anything :p
Though next time, if you have something on you'll need to tell me, i don't want to interrupt a busy schedule, and it just ='s more stress, thansk for the support.

thats all from me guys, it's Qld's turn next and we hope to have the next big thing at the animania festival known as smash

so next up is Smash @ Smash

can't wait ;)

one ova kind

Smash Rookie
Mar 17, 2007
whow, ki beat CAO!?

yikes, guess i missed a truckload that wednesday...ohh well, next time, keep at it ki! ur gettin ta crazy smasher level real fast dude! Cheerz to the dude wif tha sleepy pink thing!


Smash Champion
Dec 1, 2006
Sydney, Australia
Omigou~ I didn't shout out to our Ben who's the one who droveified us down there~

In that case...

Ben, I love you. <3
Migosh you almost broke my heart when you said I had to call my parents before going though.
I would've been much more on edge if you didn't let me. : D

I don't really like playing anything competitively, which is why I don't attend tournament, or rather, I do, but I don't PARTICIPATE in the tournament, I'd rather just play friendlies. : D

Salad-man or Jaz. Bestest.~


Smash Journeyman
Mar 2, 2002
k, im getting there on friday and leaving sunday. i have saturday free to spend with you guys. if you organise a meet tell me where it is and ill navigate my way through your city and find you!


Oct 29, 2004
Select photos

Brief shoutouts:
Kulla - Best host ive ever had! thanks for the multiple trips to the airport, housing, beowulf and all that. see you this weekend? lets play!
Chicken Salad - Nice playing you, awesome fun to talk with
Jaz - I just try harder when there's a stake. You're still a lot harder for me than just about everyone else out there so i gotta play cautious. thanks for organising this one - everyone had fun!
Pat - this guy think hes good... yeah hes alright :p missed the grease cat but hanging out a lot made up for it see you soon buddy
Johno - ***** doesnt go to smash tourney but banks on poker. see you in famous one day
Kit - nice getting to know you too - camper in poker
Stu - Pity you couldn't join us for the drive out, i wanted to spend some time with you, alas work is good.
funky - awwwww :)
oneovakind - the happy sydney guy is too good
bjay - is too good
13 - is too good
and so forth....
Syke - good games, good times funny shiz through and through. prolly the only guy which made me try hard in the whole tourney, nice one
Scrubs - alot smarter this time around, nice peach dittos. notable for fast driving skills
Juggywugsy - WUB. <3
Sirias - we dont get enough sun to age. nice games with freddo i had a watch. nice afternoon entertainment
Freddo - good games to you getting 2nd twice. i didnt think youd get that far but yeah cheering helps, i learnt that long ago. thanks for coming up and i hope you got alot out of the trip to share with everyone else
Oni - next time hang out with us, but nice work getting up
Mark - good talk driving up - Ben wants money. lol but is no big deal, good to see familiar faces around
Sam - JAZ VS SAM dun dun dunnnnnnnnnnnnnnn


Smash Lord
Mar 12, 2007

Just kidding. I fell for the spoilers and before I knew it, I was already at the 4th chapter. Must delete spoilers.... my weekend will be ruined!!!11!!1!1!1
[/random ****]

Lol don't think so. I want everyone's babies!!! Because, I am hosting a smash meet at my place not this saturday but the saturday after this one. (28/7/07)

Type out if you can come or not!

one ova kind

Smash Rookie
Mar 17, 2007
OMG Caotic remembered me!

wow dude, tha bloke who's possibly the most famous of all the smasher's i personally no remembers me, im flattered :D i love u Caotic! w00t


Smash Cadet
Mar 28, 2007
count me in for that saturday stu. chicken salad will be my navigator so hes probly coming too.

what time does it start n finish?


Oct 29, 2004
cus Sydney is WUB.

Kulla - slightly mentally ********. =) Thanks for spedning your largely sleepness night with me in Melbourne. St. Jeromes would have been great if we waited for it to die down, but theres next time - a good friend indeed

wtf @ Sam and quardupling his money in 15 minutes at Crown? for fuks sake the guys constantly lucky


Smash Lord
Feb 25, 2007
Out of curiousity,

Does anyone know the date for SAS at Animania?

sas = smash at 'smash' >.>


Smash Lord
Mar 12, 2007
Dunno bjay - they haven't posted up the smash tournament yet. All they've mentioned is Tekken, MKDD and DDR...

Info regarding smash meet my place:
Where: 73 Hale Rd Mosman Sydney 2088
When: 28/7/07, from 9 till late at night (my parents are going out dancing at nitetime so that's ok with them)
Why: Kulla has deserted us!!! (jk jk)
How: By being there and having a bucketload of fun!

****. I was gunna type something here but now I've forgotten what I was gunna type in the first place.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 12, 2006
Hey everyone, got back from my trip yesterday! And man, I'm still really tired, there was a massive lack of sleep happening at one time, but thanks Cao, Sam and Ben for putting up with the whinging, I tend to do that alot.

A very quick summary of my trip: I was in tazzie for 5 days and melborune for 2ish, two of those days, no smash was played, the others I played many matches with Sloth, Neon, Cao and Sam. Plus I also did alot of touristing stuff, but I am a bad tourist, and hence no photos. In anycase it was still a great deal of fun and I'd like to thank Neon and Cao for letting me crash at theirs. Saved me alot of time and effort in finding and staying at a backpackers, and the next time I come down, which im sure I will, I'll be sure to give you guys plenty of notice.

On to the Sydney smash scene, unfortunatly, there will no longer be friday bi-weeklies, as I now have uni and work then, soooo...either I move it to tuesdays, or I stop hosting them...I dunno, sometimes I will have friday nights off and could maybe host a late night thing, but most chances are I'll have work at 9 the next morning...so I could be willing to make the sacrafice. In anycase, obviously there is nothing happening at my place today, however, next week I will have a meet on tuesday, let me know if anyone can make it...



Smash Journeyman
Mar 2, 2002
Mad holiday. Travel around Aus sitting in peoples bedrooms playing smash. Living the good life there kulla :p


Smash Lord
Feb 25, 2007
Stu I'll be at your meet. Not sure what time I'm showing up yet. Hopefully early.

Any word on that Animania SAS thingy date/


Smash Lord
Feb 7, 2007
Dunno bjay - they haven't posted up the smash tournament yet. All they've mentioned is Tekken, MKDD and DDR...

Info regarding smash meet my place:
Where: 73 Hale Rd Mosman Sydney 2088
When: 28/7/07, from 9 till late at night (my parents are going out dancing at nitetime so that's ok with them)
Why: Kulla has deserted us!!! (jk jk)
How: By being there and having a bucketload of fun!

****. I was gunna type something here but now I've forgotten what I was gunna type in the first place.

there is an mkdd tourny at animania? mkds or mk64 would be better :) But id be happy just to come and lose smash :)
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