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Survivor: Gabon - featuring Melee champion Ken

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Smash Apprentice
Mar 28, 2008
One last thing to add. It's so sad that Ken had to tell crystal to vote for Corinne. I think ken's odds to win the whole thing would be around 90% if he had successfully eliminated Matty in a smooth way... Now its gonna be very interesting...


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
He can pull it off, I mean hell...if Amber and ARAS of all people can win, then Ken can. And yeah...don't mention Fiji, that season's like....a stain in Survivor's underwear, or something.

Also, possible spoiler:

Apparently in an interview, Randy spoiled/confirmed that it's indeed a Final 3 this season.


crystal skies
Jan 20, 2007
wow, that was a fun episode.

=O Did Corinne say that she wishes Bob and Ken the best of luck? That's great news!


Young Link Extraordinaire
Jul 21, 2005
Freeeeeeeeak. I hate waiting an entire week for each episode.


Smash Cadet
Jun 23, 2008
I can tell our morale is pretty low here after this episode, but remember that the winner needs some doubt! Ratings would be bad for the last few episodes if it is obvious Ken wins. Over on the edgic thread, Ken is now overwhelmingly the favorite, especially since Matty had such a weak episode (no strategy and the proposal wasn't played up much).

Again, after they guessed Marcus as the winner, I don't know how much you want to trust edgic, but it does seem to predict the winner pretty well post-merge... Go Ken!


Smash Ace
Nov 5, 2008
but his position is definitely worse than before the episode. but still, i can still see him winning, now that all he has to do is get rid of matty next and somehow blindside bob


Smash Lord
Apr 24, 2005
Good post on srk by Hitaro0 that sums up Ken's situation pretty well, imo:

I don't get this. Either that or I can guess it correctly and feel really cocky.

Ken and Crystal agreed to vote for Matty because Bob told them that he has the Immunity Idol that Marcus threw into sea, but Ken proposed to Crystal to instead vote for Corrine so Bob would be forced to use his "Hidden Immunity Idol" to save her and get rid of Matty, thus eliminating two of the biggest threats (the "Hidden Immunity Idol" and Matty) in one vote and clearing their names from their allies (making the others believe that they never backstabbed them). There's a clip of Crystal doubting her choice and would rather vote for Matty because she doubts that the "Hidden Immunity Idol" is real. In the end, Crystal votes for Corrine and Ken votes for Matty. Next episode preview shows Ken complaining to Bob that he ****ed his game up by lying about the idol.

Let's start from the top. It should be ****ing obvious that the "Immunity Idol" was fake. Even disregarding the fact that Randy had every reason to know about the Idol (he was right next to Marcus, one of Marcus' closest allies) which would've saved his *** like HELL the last time (with what he would believe to be two hidden idols, he could've stayed in the game with Corrine and Bob up to the 3v3) and also disregarding the fact that everybody knows that Bob already made one convincing fake idol with weird-*** reasons like "forgot everything about everything" and "Marcus wanted to keep it hidden from everybody", the fact that Marcus himself didn't use it vs. Crazy Susie should be proof enough.

Second, Ken's "plan". It just plain doesn't make sense. He wanted Bob to be forced to be used his "Hidden Immunity Idol" by not voting for Matty. Yet he never told Bob or Corrine. Therefore, they never had an incentive to play the idol. Simply put, his "plan" failed because of Bob and Corrine's plan...which he knew about.

Next, the vote. There's a clip of Crystal doubting the idol is real, doubting Ken's plan. Yet she still votes for Corinne, according to Ken's plan, and Ken votes against Matty, against his own plan. This is simply backwards. Plus, Crystal would've discussed that (obvious) possibility with Ken. Which we never see.

Finally, Ken's situation. He complains to Bob that he's in deep ****. But that's also very weird; Ken's actually in a pretty good position, and Bob's the one in very deep ****. Ken still has Crystal for almost **** sure (only doubtful part is Ken's plan, which should've been discussed and a concluding result ending with today's vote, which would completely explain today's backwards vote), and there's no reason for Sugar to go haywire and team up with Matty and Sugar since she already knows that Matty's planning to split with Ken (therefore Ken's vote should be reasonable to her) and she already said that her best option would be getting 2nd and Ken 1st.

Bob, however, is all alone now, being the sole Onion (OG Kota) member, and he's still in the firing line since he is still a "physical and voting threat". Right now, Bob's only long-shot ally is Ken. I really doubt that he'd team up with Susie and Matty, since that would force him to keep a physical threat for a bit too long. Ken is also the only one, with Corrine and Bob, that voted for Matty in the last vote, which means he also sort of owes Ken, since he could think that he put Ken in a "1v1v4" situation or something.

Extra: Note that Ken's votes are very discernable to the others, so his vote is not secret at all. Plus, iirc (I'll check this later, when vids are uploaded), there was a second vote that was very simillar to Ken's. If it was Crystal's vote, we get an interesting ballgame.

So here's what I think: Ken and Crystal did discuss about the possibility of a fake Idol. They discussed and decided that this was best course of action to take in all four cases;

-The Idol is real, and is played to protect Corinne.

Matty and the "Immunity Idol" are out. Ken's vote makes Corinne and Bob trust him more, but not Crystal, since she didn't vote for Matty. Worst case scenario is two separate teams: Bob, Corinne and Susie vs. Ken, Crystal and Sugar. However, with Ken's trust, they might never recruit Susie, and they might think it is Bob, Corinne, Ken vs. Crystal, Sugar, Susie, while it is really Bob + Corinne vs. Ken + Crystal (+Sugar?) vs. Susie (+Sugar?). In that last scenario, Bob is out ASAP since everybody seems him as a complete threat (regardless of where Sugar is), Corinne is out next/before if Bob gets Immunity since she would get the most votes (3 votes out of 5 or 6), and Ken and Crystal go to Finals with either Sugar or Susie (most likely Sugar since she still has the real Hidden Immunity Idol). Worst case scenario is Immunity Challenges ****ing everything up, but if that's too worrisome for Ken + Crystal, they could just get rid of Susie to keep their trust until they get rid of Corinne/Bob.

-The Idol is real, and is not played to protect Corinne

Corinne is gone. Bob, stuck by himself, is either trapped in the same situation as above, except with one ally short/recruited. However, Matty gets out ASAP now. With Bob desperate, he will get a Bob + Ken + Crystal vs. Matty + Susie, with Sugar somewhere in there. Bob most likely plays the Idol to get rid of Matty at some point or other. Sugar has no reason to play her own Idol (she's not in the firing range, nor does she know of Bob's Idol, and she probably wants to get rid of Matty too), and I have no clue what rule happens with ties or double Immunity Idols ruling out every single vote, but either situation is not likely to happen, since Ken could convince Bob to use his Idol, since he doesn't know for sure if Sugar already has the Idol/has used the Idol. Although he went to Exile and didn't find it, Ken could convince him that Suger doesn't have/used the idol and that she won't vote for Matty. After the "3v3" day, he goes back to situation 1, except with one extra, bonus day with the Idol.
Immunity Challenges are the only twist possible.

-The Idol is fake, and used to "save" Corinne (in other words, is revealed to be fake).

Same as situation 2, except with Sugar having a much bigger role in the "Matty or Bob?" vote. Plus, the added bonus of Bob "putting Ken in that horrible position", faking an Immunity Idol making him more likely to vote with Ken. Sugar can vote for Bob and get the backstab vote, giving one or two more vote to Ken in the finals (he never voted for either Corinne or Bob) or she can go into the "tied vote" situation, which I presume both of the players in a tie vote are at a risk to be kicked out (although I don't know) meaning this could get Matty out immediately instead of him being a bigger threat in the Immunity Challenges, plus it would give Sugar Matty's vote (Sugar never voted for Matty).
But that's just for one episode.
Immunity Challenges are also the only problematic situation.

-The Idol is fake, and is not used to "save" Corinne (is not revealed to be fake)

Bob can play the "I have an eye-doll whoo" game, but this leads to the same as situation 2, except with hidden guilt about the Idol for Ken (instead of visible, which would just kill the "Idol" there and then, making it the same as Situation 3), and means that he'll just have to show whether he has the Idol or not when he's in the firing line. And if he's in the firing line, it's most likely that Matty, Susie and Sugar are going to be on the opposite end before Ken/Crystal.
Again, Immunity Challenges are a *****.

So to recap: To maximize on these possible situations, Ken and only Ken has to vote for Corinne. Crystal needs/ed to keep her respect with Susie, Matty and Sugar, in case the Idol was real, in case Sugar changed her mind and got crazy, and act as a "fake ally" that might backstab or spy if she wants to.
Ken has to be the one to do this, because he's the more "innocent-looking" one, plus he can manipulate everything better. Either that, or he convinces Crystal that this is true just so he can get the "I didn't backstab" votes. If he's really lucky, Crystal could've noticed that she has almost no chance to win anyway and just wanted to maximize Ken's chances at winning.

So in the end, Bob has to try to win pretty much every single Immunity challenge. So does Matty, which means one of them is probably gone next episode. And Ken is still running this ****.

Anyway, that's my take. It's very possible that I might just have everything about this situation wrong, but that's the most logical conclusion I can think of for now. I still really want to stop watching this show, but I've noticed that the game itself is pretty interesting, even disregarding the "semi-vidja gaieme" relation. It's just the producing, editing, and everything else that sucks about the show that sucks.

By the way, Ken got loads of airtime that episode. Lots in the beggining, not so much in middle (he wasn't too impressive during the challenges, but still edged some others in airtime), and lots at the end; heck, the camera was constantly on him when Jeff was asking the questions to other players. And the very end was completely focused on him (with a bit of Crystal).

Ken is not in a ****ty situation. In fact, I think he's in the best situation outside of maybe Matty or Bob (only one of the two), just because they're the "threat" characters. Sugar's also odd but has no reason to backstab Ken.
Predictions: Bob or Matty, whoever doesn't win Immunity, gets voted out next episode.

Oh, and if it isn't clear yet, if this is true, the only reason none of this could've been aired is because it would've "spoiled the show" or something, me guesses.

By the way, voting off Matty ASAP means that he would've gotten Bob + Corinne + Susie vs. Ken + Crystal + Sugar, where Sugar's Immunity Idol would've scored a win or opted for whatever tie situation this game has, but the fact that the "Immunity Idol" could've been real means that both of them voting for Matty would mean that they'd pretty much be stuck with Bob + Corinne + Ken + Crystal, maybe Sugar thrown in there, where Ken probably wouldn't've won the finals.
My guess is that Crystal didn't vote for Matty because it was too risky, what with Sugar and possible "Immunity Idol".

But it still seems odd.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 22, 2007
Tucson, Arizona
Ken was too hasty with his decisions tonight. He's smart enough to think about it thoroughly but he was nervous and messed up.

It would've been dumb for him to join Bob and Corinne. They have more of an advantage in jury votes over the other people besides Ken. It would be much less risky for Ken to stick with his 5.

Voting for Matty was his biggest mistake. He should've voted for Corinne anyways. If she were to play the idol, Matty would've gotten voted off regardless. Since the idol was fake, Matty was able to see that there was an extra vote from a traitor. Ken simply fell for the ploy.


Smash Lord
May 19, 2006
Mid-State NY
1. Yau-Man was the best survivor player to ever play the game, hands down. If he was in this season, I'd easily root for him over Ken at this point. I still remember after they revealed the winner, Jeff askd everyone "Who would vote for Yau-Man if he was in the final 3?" and EVERYBODY put their hand up.

2. So true

3. Id be really suprised to see Crystal gone from here. If she is, then it means Ken is already gone or he voted with her instead of against her.

4. At this point yes, but if Bob even makes it to the end... hes gonna win. If anything, he deserves it. Hes played the game as best as he can in a respectful kinda way.

Sugar's placed wrong in that. If they do make it final 2 this season, then she would simply use her idol and guarantee herself top 2. Jeff makes her vote someone off, and then bye bye Ken.

You forget you can only use the idol to guaruntee yourself into the final 4.
Now that i think about it, if Bob goes out next(whi9ch looks likely) Sugar could give her idol to matty who she is closer with. No one is planning to vote for her anyways since she has the idol. Crystal+Ken and possibly Susie vote Matty, get denied by idol. Ken gets voted out 2-0


Smash Rookie
Nov 30, 2008
Ken was too hasty with his decisions tonight. He's smart enough to think about it thoroughly but he was nervous and messed up.

It would've been dumb for him to join Bob and Corinne. They have more of an advantage in jury votes over the other people besides Ken. It would be much less risky for Ken to stick with his 5.

Voting for Matty was his biggest mistake. He should've voted for Corinne anyways. If she were to play the idol, Matty would've gotten voted off regardless. Since the idol was fake, Matty was able to see that there was an extra vote from a traitor. Ken simply fell for the ploy.

I agree with this 100%. I just don't understand why he voted for Matty. The only reason I can think of is that he intends to get Bob's trust and vote out someone from his old alliance sine the five person alliance is problematic and would come down to one person making the decision.


Smash Champion
Sep 16, 2008
I'ma Mothafrankenstein Beast. Get at me.
Good post on srk by Hitaro0 that sums up Ken's situation pretty well, imo:

I don't get this. Either that or I can guess it correctly and feel really cocky.

Ken and Crystal agreed to vote for Matty because Bob told them that he has the Immunity Idol that Marcus threw into sea, but Ken proposed to Crystal to instead vote for Corrine so Bob would be forced to use his "Hidden Immunity Idol" to save her and get rid of Matty, thus eliminating two of the biggest threats (the "Hidden Immunity Idol" and Matty) in one vote and clearing their names from their allies (making the others believe that they never backstabbed them). There's a clip of Crystal doubting her choice and would rather vote for Matty because she doubts that the "Hidden Immunity Idol" is real. In the end, Crystal votes for Corrine and Ken votes for Matty. Next episode preview shows Ken complaining to Bob that he ****ed his game up by lying about the idol.

Let's start from the top. It should be ****ing obvious that the "Immunity Idol" was fake. Even disregarding the fact that Randy had every reason to know about the Idol (he was right next to Marcus, one of Marcus' closest allies) which would've saved his *** like HELL the last time (with what he would believe to be two hidden idols, he could've stayed in the game with Corrine and Bob up to the 3v3) and also disregarding the fact that everybody knows that Bob already made one convincing fake idol with weird-*** reasons like "forgot everything about everything" and "Marcus wanted to keep it hidden from everybody", the fact that Marcus himself didn't use it vs. Crazy Susie should be proof enough.

Second, Ken's "plan". It just plain doesn't make sense. He wanted Bob to be forced to be used his "Hidden Immunity Idol" by not voting for Matty. Yet he never told Bob or Corrine. Therefore, they never had an incentive to play the idol. Simply put, his "plan" failed because of Bob and Corrine's plan...which he knew about.

Next, the vote. There's a clip of Crystal doubting the idol is real, doubting Ken's plan. Yet she still votes for Corinne, according to Ken's plan, and Ken votes against Matty, against his own plan. This is simply backwards. Plus, Crystal would've discussed that (obvious) possibility with Ken. Which we never see.

Finally, Ken's situation. He complains to Bob that he's in deep ****. But that's also very weird; Ken's actually in a pretty good position, and Bob's the one in very deep ****. Ken still has Crystal for almost **** sure (only doubtful part is Ken's plan, which should've been discussed and a concluding result ending with today's vote, which would completely explain today's backwards vote), and there's no reason for Sugar to go haywire and team up with Matty and Sugar since she already knows that Matty's planning to split with Ken (therefore Ken's vote should be reasonable to her) and she already said that her best option would be getting 2nd and Ken 1st.

Bob, however, is all alone now, being the sole Onion (OG Kota) member, and he's still in the firing line since he is still a "physical and voting threat". Right now, Bob's only long-shot ally is Ken. I really doubt that he'd team up with Susie and Matty, since that would force him to keep a physical threat for a bit too long. Ken is also the only one, with Corrine and Bob, that voted for Matty in the last vote, which means he also sort of owes Ken, since he could think that he put Ken in a "1v1v4" situation or something.

Extra: Note that Ken's votes are very discernable to the others, so his vote is not secret at all. Plus, iirc (I'll check this later, when vids are uploaded), there was a second vote that was very simillar to Ken's. If it was Crystal's vote, we get an interesting ballgame.

So here's what I think: Ken and Crystal did discuss about the possibility of a fake Idol. They discussed and decided that this was best course of action to take in all four cases;

-The Idol is real, and is played to protect Corinne.

Matty and the "Immunity Idol" are out. Ken's vote makes Corinne and Bob trust him more, but not Crystal, since she didn't vote for Matty. Worst case scenario is two separate teams: Bob, Corinne and Susie vs. Ken, Crystal and Sugar. However, with Ken's trust, they might never recruit Susie, and they might think it is Bob, Corinne, Ken vs. Crystal, Sugar, Susie, while it is really Bob + Corinne vs. Ken + Crystal (+Sugar?) vs. Susie (+Sugar?). In that last scenario, Bob is out ASAP since everybody seems him as a complete threat (regardless of where Sugar is), Corinne is out next/before if Bob gets Immunity since she would get the most votes (3 votes out of 5 or 6), and Ken and Crystal go to Finals with either Sugar or Susie (most likely Sugar since she still has the real Hidden Immunity Idol). Worst case scenario is Immunity Challenges ****ing everything up, but if that's too worrisome for Ken + Crystal, they could just get rid of Susie to keep their trust until they get rid of Corinne/Bob.

-The Idol is real, and is not played to protect Corinne

Corinne is gone. Bob, stuck by himself, is either trapped in the same situation as above, except with one ally short/recruited. However, Matty gets out ASAP now. With Bob desperate, he will get a Bob + Ken + Crystal vs. Matty + Susie, with Sugar somewhere in there. Bob most likely plays the Idol to get rid of Matty at some point or other. Sugar has no reason to play her own Idol (she's not in the firing range, nor does she know of Bob's Idol, and she probably wants to get rid of Matty too), and I have no clue what rule happens with ties or double Immunity Idols ruling out every single vote, but either situation is not likely to happen, since Ken could convince Bob to use his Idol, since he doesn't know for sure if Sugar already has the Idol/has used the Idol. Although he went to Exile and didn't find it, Ken could convince him that Suger doesn't have/used the idol and that she won't vote for Matty. After the "3v3" day, he goes back to situation 1, except with one extra, bonus day with the Idol.
Immunity Challenges are the only twist possible.

-The Idol is fake, and used to "save" Corinne (in other words, is revealed to be fake).

Same as situation 2, except with Sugar having a much bigger role in the "Matty or Bob?" vote. Plus, the added bonus of Bob "putting Ken in that horrible position", faking an Immunity Idol making him more likely to vote with Ken. Sugar can vote for Bob and get the backstab vote, giving one or two more vote to Ken in the finals (he never voted for either Corinne or Bob) or she can go into the "tied vote" situation, which I presume both of the players in a tie vote are at a risk to be kicked out (although I don't know) meaning this could get Matty out immediately instead of him being a bigger threat in the Immunity Challenges, plus it would give Sugar Matty's vote (Sugar never voted for Matty).
But that's just for one episode.
Immunity Challenges are also the only problematic situation.

-The Idol is fake, and is not used to "save" Corinne (is not revealed to be fake)

Bob can play the "I have an eye-doll whoo" game, but this leads to the same as situation 2, except with hidden guilt about the Idol for Ken (instead of visible, which would just kill the "Idol" there and then, making it the same as Situation 3), and means that he'll just have to show whether he has the Idol or not when he's in the firing line. And if he's in the firing line, it's most likely that Matty, Susie and Sugar are going to be on the opposite end before Ken/Crystal.
Again, Immunity Challenges are a *****.

So to recap: To maximize on these possible situations, Ken and only Ken has to vote for Corinne. Crystal needs/ed to keep her respect with Susie, Matty and Sugar, in case the Idol was real, in case Sugar changed her mind and got crazy, and act as a "fake ally" that might backstab or spy if she wants to.
Ken has to be the one to do this, because he's the more "innocent-looking" one, plus he can manipulate everything better. Either that, or he convinces Crystal that this is true just so he can get the "I didn't backstab" votes. If he's really lucky, Crystal could've noticed that she has almost no chance to win anyway and just wanted to maximize Ken's chances at winning.

So in the end, Bob has to try to win pretty much every single Immunity challenge. So does Matty, which means one of them is probably gone next episode. And Ken is still running this ****.

Anyway, that's my take. It's very possible that I might just have everything about this situation wrong, but that's the most logical conclusion I can think of for now. I still really want to stop watching this show, but I've noticed that the game itself is pretty interesting, even disregarding the "semi-vidja gaieme" relation. It's just the producing, editing, and everything else that sucks about the show that sucks.

By the way, Ken got loads of airtime that episode. Lots in the beggining, not so much in middle (he wasn't too impressive during the challenges, but still edged some others in airtime), and lots at the end; heck, the camera was constantly on him when Jeff was asking the questions to other players. And the very end was completely focused on him (with a bit of Crystal).

Ken is not in a ****ty situation. In fact, I think he's in the best situation outside of maybe Matty or Bob (only one of the two), just because they're the "threat" characters. Sugar's also odd but has no reason to backstab Ken.
Predictions: Bob or Matty, whoever doesn't win Immunity, gets voted out next episode.

Oh, and if it isn't clear yet, if this is true, the only reason none of this could've been aired is because it would've "spoiled the show" or something, me guesses.

By the way, voting off Matty ASAP means that he would've gotten Bob + Corinne + Susie vs. Ken + Crystal + Sugar, where Sugar's Immunity Idol would've scored a win or opted for whatever tie situation this game has, but the fact that the "Immunity Idol" could've been real means that both of them voting for Matty would mean that they'd pretty much be stuck with Bob + Corinne + Ken + Crystal, maybe Sugar thrown in there, where Ken probably wouldn't've won the finals.
My guess is that Crystal didn't vote for Matty because it was too risky, what with Sugar and possible "Immunity Idol".

But it still seems odd.
holy hannah montana and the beastie boys


Legacy of the Mario
Aug 3, 2008
San Antonio, Texas
Good post on srk by Hitaro0 that sums up Ken's situation pretty well, imo:
I guess that's a possible take on it. I dunno though, it seems quite farfetched to say that he's in 'the best situation', especially since his alliance is now in chaos.

Anyway, that's my take. It's very possible that I might just have everything about this situation wrong, but that's the most logical conclusion I can think of for now. I still really want to stop watching this show, but I've noticed that the game itself is pretty interesting, even disregarding the "semi-vidja gaieme" relation. It's just the producing, editing, and everything else that sucks about the show that sucks.
I agree with this though. :ohwell: They really try to make a propaganda out of Ken's personality (and everyone else).


Smash Apprentice
Jun 28, 2006
I still belive Ken will win, but only if he gets crystal gone next, she is playing him, any male is a sucker for a beautiful woman.


Smash Lord
Apr 30, 2008
He thought it through and figured that his best option was the split vote. I think his only mistake was to let Crystal vote Matty and vote Corinne himself.

Ken knows and I think we all knew that Matty had to go in order for Ken to win. Ken was presented this option. It was like he was duped into voting off Matty because of the idol. It was that this event allowed Ken a reason to go after Matty. The truth be told there was a lack of communication and execution between that temporary alliance. Thus resulting in Bob, Ken, and Crystal all being in trouble now. Sugar most likely will not join Ken at this point. I am not sure about Susie though.

I just hope Randy's little slip is right, that the spoiler video is right, and that Jeff was right about the twist at the end. Ken may make it through but it doesn't look good. His move broke up a strong alliance and now has Matty realizing that he has someone gunning for him sooner than expected.

If only Bob hadn't won immunity.


Smash Cadet
Dec 2, 2005
kens most like likely screwed now bob out mind gamed him

matty will secrrtly ally with susie and sugar.... matty will find out it was ken who voted for him through bob and crystal will turn against ken.... sugar is against crystal and ken @ this point(but wont let them know)....bob has close alies with sugar @ which point they turn on susie.... bob,matty,sugar in the final 3...

Ken has to win imunitty or hes gone....of course bob is mindgaming ken again saying he'll give him immunity....

if crystal had voted matty she and ken could have gone to the end but bob screwed them both over....

only other scenario for kens survival is if matty loses immunity chanllenge and convince enough people to vote him out as a physical threat....

ken needs to mindgame like no other if hes gonna win this...

still i cant feel bad for bob or matty if they win....they earned it... sugar and susie just got lucky.....


Smash Hero
Feb 10, 2008
Spokane, WA
I don't understand Ken's strategic choices here. I get that he was trying to get Corinne to flush out the idol, but Corinne can't play the idol AFTER the votes are read.

Why did he have Crystal vote Corinne while he voted Matty? They should have both voted for the same person regardless- Matty if they wanted Matty gone, Corinne if they wanted to flush out the idol.

At the very least, Ken gained a jury vote. :/

The bright side? People might not know who voted Matty. The downside? Ken's handwriting is distinct (someone might have picked up it was him), and he made a speech about how people would be surprised by the votes, making it too obvious that it was him.

This puts Ken in a bad position, but they're going to vote Bob next.

Really bad move on Ken's part :/ IMO, though, if he and Crystal had taken out Matty, but then gone with his original alliance the next turn...would've been perfect.

A question for those more familiar with the rules of survivor: what happens if there is a tie? Because we might to have Bob/Ken/Crystal vs Matty/Susie/Sugar.

They've been really hyping up Ken as a bad guy this episode. I hope it was just to show that "Bob's just as good a gamer lol" and not that Ken needs to go home :(

Come ooooon Keeeen!!
Probst did say that the final 3 would have a good vs evil feel, didn't he? Hopefully Ken is the evil :)


Smash Journeyman
Jul 9, 2008
Ken should have just voted out corrine anyway... if she played the idol matty would be gone. Win win situation WTF KEN!?!?!?!?


Smash Hero
Feb 10, 2008
Spokane, WA
I agree. Plus sugar made me worry about Ken on the next survivor. I'm kinda scared for him.

Plus, people kinda know how Ken voted due to his handwriting. Everything may backfire on him.
If anything, the fact that the previews are focusing on how bad Kenny's game is now means he's probably not going home.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 9, 2008
Plus why would Ken fall for that?! If Corrine had a real idol she would never tell Ken and she could easily take someone out on their alliance.


Smash Cadet
Mar 10, 2008
Los Angeles
Ever notice how often the show seems to be splicing "he's stupid" or "they're stupid" into testimonials?

I just noticed it now with Ken, and they've done it with Marcus and Randy, where during the testimonial they'll cut away to some montage for 2 seconds when they roughly splice "That's stupid" from some other conversation right into the middle of a player's sentence.

Does survivor usually do this? It seems kinda underhanded.

Ken's blunder was not in worrying that the idol was real. His error was mathematical.
He should've had crystal vote Matty, and he should've voted for himself (the only neutral choice) to force a tie. If the idol was real, Matty goes home. If the idol is fake, it goes into a tie runoff, and the Fang 5 get to all vote Corrine again. But retrospect is 20/20.

The editing really seems to be turning against Ken. Sugar and Matty've been getting nicer and nicer edits.

You know, if Sugar engineers Bob 6th, Ken 5th, and Matty 4th from II play, she could win the final 3. But then, Randy hasn't killed himself.


Smash Hero
Feb 10, 2008
Spokane, WA
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VwRxrSLklxc interesting vid. I'm not sure if it happened before or after Bob started mixing things up with his fake idol but I think its after or ken is really just being to blindside happy.

Woah, THAT was interesting.
This occurred during tonight's episode, since Corinne was in the game at the time. Which means that the preview from next episode, with Sugar talking badly about Ken and Crystal, might mean Sugar won't go along with them. :/


Smash Hero
Feb 10, 2008
Spokane, WA
Alright, I'm going to go on a limb here and throw down my predictions.
Assuming nothing is upset by immunity victories:

Bob will be voted out next episode.
Then, it will either be Matty or Ken.
When we get down to final four, it'll be anyone's game, based on who wins immunity. If Matty is still in, he has the best chance of winning immunity.

If Ken gets to final three, and Matty is not there (and I believe that final five WILL vote out either Ken or Matty, as the perceived leader and the perceived physical threat respectively), he will win. If Matty makes it, he has a good chance of winning. There's a very good chance of the final three being just the girls.

I'm giving Ken a 30% chance of winning this. Bob'll go next unless he wins immunity, then Ken has to survive through two eliminations to win.

Also, spoilers for those that haven't seen:


Smash Lord
Jun 4, 2008
I just don't see it playing out for Ken.

Bob could easily flip which would make it Bob/Sugar/Suz/Matt against Crystal and Ken

Even if he doesn't Flip it would be a tie situation.

But I think he will flip if he doesn't win immunity.

I'm so depressed. I don't want Ken to leave. That would suck. He'd end up on ponderosa with a bunch of people who hate him.


That may mean absolutely nothing but it has raised my curiosity and I want to check credibility....so

Where did you get that?
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