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Super Smash Bros. Ultimate: Stage Creation Contest (Complete)


Deleted member

Time for Round 30 Grades!

psb123's grades:

Mario's Tennis by Kevandre Kevandre

Iconic Status: 3/5

Let's be real here, unless you're a gamer who frequented the internet around the peak of videos like those of the AVGN, you won't know what the Virtual Boy is. Sure there were a lot of those but even then hardly anyone ever talks about the Virtual Boy anymore.

Originality: 7/10

Well for being a stage based on the Virtual Boy it gets the job done. For better or worse. I'm not sure how well the court flipping would do for people's eyes. And for this Mario Tennis game in particular, you've done pretty much all you could with the layout. The main problem lies in the lack of creativity the source game offers. When you look at the courts from other Mario Tennis games, it's hard to find this stage appealing considering what else the series could offer.

Playability: 8/10

Once again, not sure how well the whole perspective switching thing with the court work. To be honest though I'm probably just being paranoid about the eye strain. As for the Tennis ball. It's a constant presence which leads to it being more annoying than it probably needs to be.

Overall Score: 18/25

Phantom Stage by GolisoPower GolisoPower

First of all, like I said in the last batch of grades, I really think it's time for the fancy ways of explaining your stage to end. The novelty is gone and it makes it more frustrating to understand your stages in the long run. But for this one, let's see how you did.

Iconic Status: 5/5

I think this game still has just enough modern day relevance to warrant a full score here. If it were an older game, than it would honestly depend on how well it withstood the test of time.

But right now it's a game that people were getting curious on when they saw gameplay, and when it actually came out lots of people thought it was a better game than it had any right to be. It's no Mario Odyssey, but it should be recognizable enough.

Originality: 9/10

This might seem like an odd score considering this stage goes for the same thing of "really basic layout" that Kevandre's goes for. But honestly I do not the layout a problem in his stage or yours. In fact, the layout of your stage mimics the actual, well, stage from this area in the source game quite well. And the breakable blocks add a unique flare that fits as props for a play.

My only real gripe is the Phantom. I think the role he's been casted in is fine as what's essentially the new codec calls. But the problem is that they seem to be triggered at random. Having a way to trigger them manually is kind of a necessity.

............I can't believe I'm taking a point off for THAT of all things I'll admit. But I do think it's just barely a big enough deal to warrant it.

Playability: 10/10

I mean yeah the negative effect boxes are there. But they seem like the kind of "risk vs. reward" type of thing that you might want to catch opponents in with a ranged attack. It's an unpleasant hazard if it happens to you sure, but sometimes those can be welcome if executed right.

Overall Score: 24/25

Mini-Land by Good Guy Giygas Good Guy Giygas

Iconic Status: 4/5

For a series that's been around as long as this one I don't think a low score is warranted. Probably not a full score, especially since this is based on the newer games, which I'm not sure whether or not they did well among the fanbase this series gathered. But you can still tell it's a Mario vs DK stage. So it works out well in the end.

Originality: 10/10

This stage captures the puzzle elements of the source series perfectly and uses them in a way that can lead to some very creative platforms set-ups. I also like the addition of the Mini-Mario and the power-up everyone can gain by guiding him to the goal. Very nice touch.

Playability: 10/10

That creative element does you a lot of favors on playability too. The strategy involved on whether or not you want to guide the Mini-Mario to the goal to give everyone a power-up that you might need, or prevent him from getting to the goal in favor of denying an opponent a power-up they could use really is the kind of thing that adds a lot to the appeal of casual stages.

Also, thank you, for giving as many passable platforms as you did. There were a lot of them, connections or not, that could have presented a lot of problems if you made them solid. But you didn't. Good call.

Overall Score: 24/25

Mario Paint by TKOWL TKOWL

Iconic Status: 4/5

The source games quirky nature and use of a mouse made it very memorable. But it is high enough in age that I don't think I can award full points.

Originality: 9/10

At it's core it has a lot of similarities to Mario Maker but you know, so does the source game. And this stage takes advantage of the differences Mario Paint has from Mario Maker and uses it to it's advantage. That music track section in particular is a really appealing aspect.

Playability: 6/10

So close on this one. I mean yeah the random placements of the layout that could be closer to the blast zone and the gnats would have prevented a 10 anyway. But you specifically mentioned that the blast zones are on the sides which leads me to believe that there aren't any vertical blast zones. That's too much of a hindrance to a match.

Overall Score: 19/25

Luigi's Mansion by S SkySkipper

Iconic Status: 5/5

People know what Luigi's Mansion is. It was a Gamecube classic that got a 3DS sequel which wasn't technically as memorable. But that still led to a 3DS remake of the original which is what this stage is based on.

Originality: 10/10

I'd be lying if I said I had much of a problem with the Luigi's Mansion stage currently in Smash. But honestly, I like your interpretation of the idea better. More appealing layout and a lot more charm with the ghosts that can appear.

Playability: 9/10

That's a whole lot of ghosts. So color me surprised to see that the ones that do something to the fighters (which are more rare than the ones that don't) are actually pretty balanced. Very minimal damage output and the rarest of all can even give you a star! My only real concern here is the mansions roof. Like Great Plateau Tower it's just a tad bit awkward having a solid ceiling block your opponents path to the top blast zone. Sure there is a work around by snaking around to the top of the mansion. But's it's not quite as convenient as Great Plateau Tower where you can just break the barrier.

Overall Score: 24/25

Vibe Island by Luminario Luminario

Iconic Status: 3/5

You know for being as important of a Mario character as she is, it's kind of a shame that Peach didn't meet the same success as Luigi when it came to getting her own games. I'm sure Super Princess Peach has it's fans, but it's age and lack of continuation don't do it's iconic status any favors.

Originality: 10/10

For starters I like the design of choice of basing the layout on a mashup of worlds from the game inspired by the overworld map. Very creative. And the Vibe scepter adds some interesting effects that stay very faithful to the source material.

Playability: 7/10

This may be to your surprise, but your score here is not because of the Vibe Hearts. They all have their points of advantage and disadvantage, some more than others. But all in all they combine the same kinds of strategy elements present in the stages of both Good Guy Giygas and GolisoPower in choosing whether or not to go for them depending on the situation or trying to knock an opponent into them in what would be a bad situation for them.

The problem in this stage comes in the form of the platforms. First of all the solid platform in the air around the center of the stage creates too much of a "cave of life" kind of scenario. In contrast, the platforms on the sides are small, few in number, and are pass through, which makes the side areas dangerous to be in. Had you removed the solid platform from the center and put more of that kind platform around the side areas it would have worked out much better.

Overall Score: 20/25

Wario City by PeridotGX PeridotGX

Iconic Status: 3/5

It feels sad to say this about post Gamecube era Mario Sports games since a lot of them offer some great stage potential. But they just don't seem to be as fondly remembered as the ones of the past. Which is even more of a shame for this one since it was on of K. Rools few post DK64 pre-Ultimate appearances. And don't get me started on how disappointing this is for Mario Sports Mix. That game has playable Final Fantasy characters! Though no Geno or Mallow despite being a Mario game oddly enough.

Originality: 3/10

The creative setting is the stages strongest point here. And even then that's only a background thing. Otherwise we have a big stage that's just, a big empty space. The lack of platforms and things happening during a match just make this so, bare.

Playability: 4/10

The lack of platforms also make the stage far to difficult to navigate. Yes the manholes are there but the risk involved with how they can launch you makes it seem like it would be more effective to use them as another KO option. Speaking of that, the stages size makes KO's at the top hard enough to get that you'd want to prioritize KOing off the side. And since this stage is a walk-off that's not exactly a good thing.

Overall Score: 10/25

Ladida Plains by ryuu seika ryuu seika

Iconic Status: 3/5

Same score and reasons as Luminario's stage.

Originality: 8/10

Using the same game and overall kind of idea as another contestant (Luminario in this case) in of itself is not a problem. We've had situations like that before. But I don't think this stage encompasses the same creativity as the other Super Princess Peach Stage. Instead of meshing together different areas in a unique but fitting way, we have one area with a much more basic, but still okay in the long run, platform.

I also am in preference of the idea of the Vibe Scepter dropping hearts that can grant the various effects instead of everyone just always having one of them depending on the background color. The effects you came up with are pretty nice though and the cloud platforms function in a way I don't think an official smash stage has used before.

Playability: 5/10

For a stage with this kind of layout, not being able to grab the ledges until specific requirements are met is a huge hindrance. Plus, in order to play as a character with their proper stats on this stage, you'd have to resort to turning the hazards off or using the Battlefield or Omega form. Having stat changing effects in play constantly would be too much of a deal breaker for too many people.

Overall Score: 16/25

Cosmic77's Grades:

"Mario's Tennis" by Kevandre:

Iconic Status: 2/5

Well, it's Mario. That's one good thing about your stage. Unfortunately, just about everything the Virtual Boy encompasses is extremely niche and shrouded in obscurity. Only dedicated fans would recognize this.

Originality: 7/10

I can't remember who, but I'm fairly certain someone already incorporated this gimmick into their stage during a previous round (fighting on a tennis net, dodging a tennis ball).

The idea is creative, but I've seen it used before. You did put your own little "Kevandre twist" on it though, so I can't say it's a carbon copy.

Playability: 8/10

I don't know how this stage would look in HD, but man, it really is hard to look at. Can't believe I'm actually saying this as legitimate criticism, but your stage could give people headaches.

Overall Score: 17/25

"Phantom Stage" by GolisoPower:

Iconic Status: 5/5

The number of games featuring both Mario and Rabbids is limited. I have a feeling you'll automatically know what game this stage comes from.

Originality: 8/10

Wonderful performance, as always.

So, I like the layout, I like the theme, and I like the gimmick. However, I really wish you would've done more with Phantom. Perhaps have him fire music notes as projectiles?

Playability: 9/10

Aside from that single box on the stage, I think you're fine.

Overall Score: 22/25

"Mini-Land" by Good Guy Giygas:

Iconic Status: 5/5

Almost gave you a 4, but this franchise has been pretty active throughout the years. Might be too generous with my score, but I stick with my opinion that people would recognize this stage.

Originality: 10/10

You just nailed it with this stage. It's extremely creative, extremely unique, and is absolutely on-point with the the real games. The little bonus after getting Mini Mario to the door was also a nice touch. Fantastic job all around.

Playability: 6/10

The stage is great, but I'm not sure if it's very playable. There's so many cramped spaces present that I can see players becoming easy victims of combo food. Not to mention those Caves of Life being a problem as well.

Overall Score: 21/25

"Mario Paint" by TKOWL:

Iconic Status: 4/5

Mario Paint is a funny game that people often use to make remixes with on YouTube. Sadly, aside from that, there's not much to make this game memorable.

Originality: 6/10

If I'm being honest, the gnat minigame and the Music Maker is what gave you this high of a score. This stage feels like a rehash of Mario Maker with some Pictochat sprinkled in. It sounds creative on paper, but it functions almost identically.

Playability: 7/10

I don't want to say your stage is unfair with the hazards, but I feel like they could be a nuisance at times. The stamps in particular sound like a pain to deal with, even if they cause minimal knockback.

Overall Score: 17/25

"Luigi's Mansion" by SkySkipper:

Iconic Status: 5/5

The game was referenced in a trailer last month. If you don't recognize this stage, crawl out from that rock you've been hiding under.

Originality: 8/10

So let me get something out of the way: grading your stage was extremely difficult. There were so many different topics I went back and forth on.

- The stage is literally a reimagined version of the existing Luigi's Mansion, but hasn't this been done before with existing Kirby and Pokemon stages?

- You incorporated far too many ghosts and gimmicks into your stage, but should that really effect your score if each of them function differently?

- The ghosts function exactly like they do in the game. Is that a sign of creativity, or copy-and-paste?

In the end, I gave you an 8. However, I still don't know if that's what I should've given you.

Playability: 8/10

Lots of hazards, but none of them seem unfair either. Again, I'm not really sure what score to give you here, as you provided damage percentages and all the necessary details to give me an idea of how the ghosts would attack.

Overall Score: 21/25

"Vibe Island" by Luminario:

Iconic Status: 3/5

Super Princess Peach is a strange game. I don't want to say it's forgettable, but I also don't think it's quite as iconic as other series like Luigi's Mansion or MvsDK.

Originality: 9/10

A nice and simple stage. Layout seems interesting, and the Vibe Hearts provide a little extra zest. Not as wacky as some of the other submissions, but the emphasis on the unique layout makes up for it.

Playability: 9/10

Taking a single point off for the Rage and bottomless pits. Aside from that, your stage is golden.

Overall Score: 21/25

"Wario City" by PeridotGX:

Iconic Status: 3/5

A bit random if you ask me. Wario City feels and looks like something you'd associate with Wario, but I don't think many people would know what game this came from.

Originality: 4/10

This stage feels a little rushed. I'm sure the background would look lovely at night, but the layout and the gimmick of the stage is underwhelming when you think of everything thing else you could've used.

This stage probably needed to sit in the oven for a little while longer.

Playability: 8/10

The manholes can KO someone at 120%, so obviously I can't give you a perfect score.

Still, once you get past that, there's not much going on in your stage that would warrant a deduction.

Overall Score: 15/25

"Ladida Plains" by Ryuu Seika:

Iconic Status: 3/5

*See Luminario's grade.

Originality: 8/10

It's simple. Almost a little too simple for me.

Regardless, you did put in some creative things here and there. I like the use of the bushes, and the collapsible bridge was a nice addition.

Playability: 7/10

The bridges are the only thing I have an issue with, but it's warranted. Not being able to grab the ledge is a huge red flag for characters with poor horizontal recoveries.

Although coincidentally, this would benefit Peach players tremendously.

Overall Score: 18/25

TheMarioAddict's Grades:

TheMarioaddict's Grades

"Mario’s Tennis" by Kevandre:

Iconic Status: 3/5

I mean, it is Mario, but damn if it doesn’t feel like you went out of your way to pick the least iconic Mario stage possible. The only thing saving this from a lower score is that, despite the game in question being pretty forgettable, it still very clearly reads as a Mario stage (a Mario spin-off stage, but Mario nonetheless).

Originality: 3/10

Kev. I gotta level with you here. You and I, we’ve got a connection. We’re fellow vets from the old contest. When it comes to making smash stages, it’s like we grew up together. I don’t let that influence my grades, of course, but I’m always excited to see what you’ve got cooked up for these contests. We’re like brothers, man.

So know that it hurts me just as much as it hurts you to say that this is far, far from the most original stage you’ve ever showcased.

Like… this is Final Destination. It’s literally Final Destination with a tennis ball and eye cancer. The parallaxing background is… neat, I guess, but it doesn’t really feel like a unique selling point (at least, not one that wouldn’t already be covered by the Virtual Boy aesthetic). To your credit, I cannot deny that the aesthetic is something completely new to Smash, but… that’s literally the only good thing I can say about the originality of this stage. And the tennis ball is kinda original, but it’s not nearly enough to save you here. I’m sorry.

Playability: 9/10

On the flipside, there’s pretty much no playability issues here. The tennis ball is just enough for me to remove a point, but the rest of the stage is… well, like I said, it’s Final Destination. And Final Destination is like, the staple of playable stages (right next to Battlefield).

Overall Score: 15/25

"Phantom Stage" by GolisoPower:

Ok, Goliso, I gotta agree with PSB on this one - the unique ways of describing the stages were funny at first, but I think they’re overstaying their welcome a bit. I love the passion, don’t get me wrong, but try to keep things more straightforward next time, ok?

Iconic Status: 4/5

Mario + Rabbids is recent enough that it’s very worthy of a high iconic score, though I can’t say for certain whether this is a memorable area or not (I skipped M+R). Still, probably a good pick from that game.

Originality: 7/10

As with Kevandre, I’m not too keen on the stage effectively being “Final Destination+”, but you’ve managed to include enough “+” that you’ll earn a much better score here. The boxes give some much needed additional platforms, and the negative-effect boxes give that mechanic an extra twist. The Phantom is kinda cool, though I’m unclear on if he actually interacts with the fighters or just talks about them, Codec style. Either way, he’s a nice touch.

Playability: 8/10

There’s not many problems here with playability, but the negative-effect boxes don’t do any favors. They’d certainly make this a fun casual stage, but in more competitive settings, I can see people steering clear of this place. But yeah, not bad over all.

Overall Score: 19/25

"Mini-Land" by Good Guy Giygas:

Iconic Status: 5/5

The Mario vs Donkey Kong Minis series is pretty distinct, I’d say, and it’s certainly a game that Mario fans would at least know of. Even a non fan would get the idea as soon as the mini Marios show up in this stage, so you get full marks here!

Originality: 10/10

This is one of my favorite concepts I’ve seen in this entire contest. Correct me if I’m wrong, but outside of the literal stage builder, there’s never been a Smash stage that lets players freely place their own platforms. It’s god damn brilliant, and so perfectly matches the tone and feel of the Mario vs Donkey Kong games that I absolutely have to give it a perfect score here.

Playability: 7/10

I’ll be honest: I wanted you to get my first ever 25/25 for this stage. And you almost did, but sadly there are a few problems I have with this stage - namely, the ability to make walls would make this stage a camper’s dream. Just from a glance, I can see about 6 different ways a camper could force you to approach them from above just by placing down walls to their left and right. And yes, you could get rid of the walls by making some platforms of your own, but a camper could just as easily re-make any walls you get rid of. There’s some other minor stuff (walk-offs, virtually no means of downwards KOs), but the camping is the biggest thing. Everything else seems solid!

Overall Score: 22/25

"Mario Paint" by TKOWL:

Iconic Status: 5/5

It’s Mario Paint. I don’t think much more needs to be said.

Originality: 8/10

There’s a lot to love here, really! The randomness and somewhat unprofessional artstyle both scream “Mario Paint”, and although you’ve got a couple similarities to Mario Maker, you did enough differently that it still feels like it’s own thing. Instead of a full-random stage that gets generated at the start, you have an unchanging base platform and a constantly shifting set of passable platforms, which I think is a much better way to use this mechanic than how Mario Maker does it. Nicely done!

Playability: 9/10

The Gnats give me a little bit of concern, but only enough to remove 1 point. Everything else is perfectly playable.

Overall Score: 22/25

"Luigi’s Mansion" by SkySkipper:

Iconic Status: 5/5

It’s Luigi’s Mansion. It hardly needs any introduction or explanation, I think.

Originality: 7/10

So let’s bring up the most obvious problem first: Luigi’s Mansion is already a stage. And yes, I know that there have been multiple versions of other stages (Yoshi’s Island, for instance), but even then, they usually do a lot to ensure they’re thought of as different stages. I’m not sure this iteration of Luigi’s Mansion does enough to meet that mark for me. Thankfully, that’s the only big problem - everything else is pretty original to this stage, and the portrait ghosts especially help boost this stage’s creativity! Nicely done.

Playability: 3/10

There are a lot of problems here, but the biggest one can be summed up in three words: Cave of Life. This stage has a Cave of Life to rival the likes of Spear Pillar, and that’s not a good thing. You really would have been better off making the roof a passable platform, in my opinion. And to make matters worse, a lot of those Portrait Ghosts seem damn near unavoidable if you’re inside the mansion (for the record: based off my math and the numbers you gave, the ghosts other than Neville, Lydia, and Madame Clairvoya each have around a 5% chance to appear). Also, this is an absolutely huge stage, which further hurts the playability, and… to put it simply, I’m not a fan.

Overall Score: 15/25

"Vibe Island" by Luminario:

A quick aside: I saw someone point out on reddit that if Wario and Peach had joined smash in the opposite order, we’d likely have a Wario Land based Wario moveset and a Super Princess Peach based Peach moveset. Truly, we live in the worst possible timeline.

Iconic Status: 2/5

I only have a passing knowledge of this game, but even that I think is a statistical outlier. Like, it was a cool concept and all, don’t get me wrong, but… does anyone remember this game? Literally anyone? Outside of you and ryuu seika, I doubt it.

Originality: 10/10

I always love stages that can take weird architecture and turn it into a functional platform layout, so already you’ve got a good start. But the Vibe Scepter really gives this stage the final push it needs to be something truly original. The vibes are all perfect representations of their respective mechanics, and fit pretty well in the Smash environment, I’d say. Well done!

Playability: 6/10

The emotions do leave some room for concern, but I’m actually more concerned by the platform layout. This stage seems ripe for circle camping, especially with the solid upper platform. Now that I look at it, that thing does make a pretty big cave of life as well, which further hurts the playability. It’s not all bad, but it’s certainly not perfect.

Overall Score: 18/25

"WarioNessRool Floats" by PeridotGX:

I mean, really, this stage just has it all. Wario, Ness, and King K. Rool? It’s ingenious, it’s perfectly made, and really it’s the only thing worthy of getting a perfect sco…

Huh? What do you… uh huh… Wait, so it’s not…? Yeah, ok, I… alright, alright! I get it! Jeeze.

Ok, so I’ve just been informed that the stage is not in fact WarioNessRool Floats. Apologies for the confusion. Let’s grade the real stage then, shall we?

"Wario City" by PeridotGX:

Iconic Status: 4/5

Mario Super Sluggers was my jam back in the day, and Wario City was one of my favorite stadiums next Daisy Cruise, so I might be biased. Still, I think Wario City’s got a lot that makes it stand out, especially since Wario’s big stupid face could clue in just about anyone on the origins of this stage.

Originality: 9/10

This is a stage with a lot of originality, even though it doesn’t seem so at first glance. Your picture doesn’t really do the aesthetic of Wario City justice, so let me tell everyone else - it’s not like anything else in Smash (I mean, maybe like New Pork City, but not really). The manholes are a nice touch too - nicely calls back to the actual stadium while serving a useful purpose in the stage. Awesome job, really!

Playability: 5/10

We need to talk about that upper platform. Forget what I said about Giygas’ stage - THIS is the real camper’s dream stage. It’s just… it’s so campable it’s not even funny. Also, I’d like to point out that this is the only stage I’ve ever seen that would theoretically become less playable with hazards off - assuming the hazard toggle would affect the manholes, turning hazards off would make it straight up impossible for some characters to reach the top of the stage.

Overall Score: 18/25

"Ladida Plains" by ryuu seika:

Iconic Status: 2/5

The same things I said about Luminario’s stage apply here. It’s really, really not a memorable game, and the stage is gonna suffer for that.

Originality: 8/10

I like how you and Luminario had very different takes on the Vibe mechanic from Super Princess Peach - where he had very literal interpretations of the vibes, you more went with capturing the general feel of each vibe, which I think I prefer. That said, I don’t know if your version of this stage is as visually distinct as his, nor are your mechanics as inventive, so you lose just a couple points. Not bad though!

Playability: 9/10

This is a much more playable Super Princess Peach stage. Simple mechanics that don’t intrude too much, and can easily be resolved via the hazard toggle. The layout’s pretty nice too! The cloud platforms raise some minor concern, but overall, this is a perfectly playable stage!

Overall Score: 19/25

Total Scores:

Kevandre: 47 points

GolisoPower: 65 points

Good Guy Giygas: 67 points

TKOWL: 58 points

SkSkipper: 60 points

Luminario: 59 points

PeridotGX: 43 points

ryuu seika: 53 points

The Winner is...............
Mini-Land by Good Guy Giygas



Smash Master
Sep 17, 2017
Congrats Good Guy Giygas Good Guy Giygas for Mario vs. Donkey Kong's stage!

psb, Marioaddict, I'll comply. I wanted to add a little whimsy, but if you guys're sick of it, then I'll stop. Not that I'm complaining, it was fun while it lasted. :)


Ivy WAS Saurly missed
Jun 19, 2013
Pacific Northwest
Switch FC
I super knew that Mini-Land would win this one, as soon as I saw it I was like "yep that's it right there" lol

Congrats to the winner. I'm still crossing my fingers for some kind of Virtual Boy stage in a Smash game, because I think that's so Sakurai.

Good Guy Giygas

Smash Master
Jul 7, 2013
Official Doomguy Hype-Man®
Switch FC
Congrats Good Guy Giygas Good Guy Giygas for Mario vs. Donkey Kong's stage!
Thanks GolisoPower GolisoPower , and everyone else for their nice words!

I'm still crossing my fingers for some kind of Virtual Boy stage in a Smash game, because I think that's so Sakurai.
Dude, I'm totally with you on the Virtual Boy representation in Smash haha. Your stage made me laugh when I first saw it because it was so unexpected, but the more I thought about it, the more I wanted to see Virtual Boy stuff in the actual game. Even if the system itself was just item that would colorize the screen black and red, I can see Sakurai acknowledging it in some way. Modern gamers need to experience its headache-inducing eyeball barf aesthetic.
Last edited:

Deleted member

Time for Round 31!

Winning the poll at 6 votes, Round 31 is..............

Pokemon 2

It may be 2nd part in some ways, but Pokemon is one a heck of a juggernaut that earns quite the sum of cash. Which you might have figured out given how many open rounds lately have had a Pokemon stage :p

But we've got another hurrah for the Pocket Monsters to go through, and this one is entirely dedicated to them. Well, the games anyway. I'm know the anime has had a small influence in Smash over the years, but locations exclusive to it are ineligible. Same goes for anything exclusive to the manga, and trading card game.

I'm also putting a ban on Pokemon Go. Nothing against it, and I do consider it a game. But the problem is the games nature makes it just point a camera at real life. It doesn't have any fictional locations of it's own to go through which kind of defeats the purpose of a Smash Bros. Stage.

In terms of what is allowed though, we're not just talking main series here. Spin-offs like Snap, Pokken, and Mystery Dungeon are allowed as well. Come to think of it, probably the only spin-off that wouldn't be allowed is Puzzle League. Given it's focus on the anime.

And with that, on September 10th 2018, Round 31 has begun. You have until Friday, September 14th (at about 11:00pm Pacific Time) to submit entries.

Good Luck!


Ivy WAS Saurly missed
Jun 19, 2013
Pacific Northwest
Switch FC
(Dang I hella expected Yoshi/Wario to win)

Po Town

(Pokémon Sun/Moon/Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon)

Hey, it’s ya boi, Guzma! I heard you smashers wanted to come down to ol’ Po Town to do your battle, eh? Just don’t get in the way of my Team Skull guys and we’ll be good. This is our headquarters, after all.

Ah, you want to fight on top of my mansion? So be it. Just don’t mind it when someone like me, Gladion, or some of my Grunts will walk from the window to the balcony or the other way around. We won’t interfere with your battle, but we gotta go about our business, you know what I mean?

The mansion’s roof is big- big enough for even eight of you guys to fight on top of! And yeah, I know it’s dangerous to climb a roof while it’s rainin’ like this, but I made sure to put extra traction up top so nobody will slip, this is an Ultimate fight, not some kinda Brawl.

Forgive my grunts having tagged up the place a bit- it’s seen better days but we’re as strong as ever. But I’ll help ya out too- let me show ya where you can step on the roof.

All those green spots are safe to stand in, and you can pass through em too. The red ones at the bottom are a little harder, and will stop you from jumpin’ through.

I know Po Town ain’t much for you guys what with your big space travel battles and pokéfloats, but it’s home for us Team Skull boys and we take care of our stuff, mostly.

(Okay, Kevandre here. I wanted to make what was basically just a big stage for 8 player Smash without any gimmicks, and thinking of locations in Pokemon, I thought that Po Town was perfect. It was easily my favourite location in Gen 7 [but I’m also a sucker for Team Skull] so I threw this one together. I hope you guys like it!)



Deleted member

Poll for round 32 is up. The polls aren't really going to need explanation going forward. They'll be the same, just without the winner of the previous poll. And it will keep going like that until they've all been used up.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 12, 2014
Philadelphia, PA
Sprout Tower
From Pokémon Gold and Silver

In Pokémon Gold and Silver, the site of the first gym challenge is Violet City, home of Falkner and his bird Pokémon. However, before taking him on, one must make it through Violet’s other landmark feature, the Sprout Tower. It is a Japanese-style structure with three floors of Monks that all use Bellsprouts. The most memorable feature players often remember of the Tower is its wobbling center pillar, thought to keep the structure from collapsing by providing constant shifting leverage. Rattatas are able to be encountered inside, but during the night, this becomes a rare chance for players to catch a Gastly. Sprout Tower was initially planned to be in Melee according to an old interview with Sakurai, but was cut for unknown reasons along with Akanea and Ice Top. With this being the ultimate Smash game, it would be awesome if this scrapped concept returned.

This a thin, vertical stage with a solid base at the bottom and five pass-through platforms in sequence at the top, making it somewhat a stretched-out version of Tomodachi Life. However, the placement of these platforms make it unique: the two larger ones on the edges of the roofs can be ledge grabbed, but the smaller ones cannot. The smaller platforms serve multiple purposes, from being assistants to characters with weak jumps making it higher up the tower to being a strategic control point, as the raised elevation makes opponents on the lower ones have to use different, higher-reaching attacks, but those on the bottom don’t have to fear of being struck from the bottom, creating a flip-flopping king of the hill-sequel situation. No conventional damaging hazards take place on the stage, but every once in awhile, one of the middle sliding doors will open, showing the pillar in the middle begin to sway to the left or right...

...and the entire state will tilt by about 20-25 degrees that direction! Suddenly, certain blast zones become closer or farther and terrain becomes slanted, changing up the flow of battle! After about 20-25 seconds, the central pillar moves back in position, stabilizing the stage to its regular layout. Matches on this stage are fairly standard but take a wild but manageable approach in no time!

The stage has a day-night cycle, going through a cycle every 3 minutes or so. This has no effect on when the Tower tilts. During the day, the left or right doors will occasionally open to reveal the inside, where Bellsprout might be dancing, Rattata might run around, and/or a monk may be watching. However, during the night, the Rattata are replaced with Gastly, which float on the inside and out, not harming any fighters. In the background lake waters below, Poliwag and Poliwhirl might swim around, and in the trees Pineco swing around on the undersides during the day and Hoothoot come and roost in the trees a night. In the distant background on rare occasions, Ho-oh and Lugia can be seen flying around at day and night respectively.

Violet City/Sprout Tower (Remix)
Pokémon Battle! (Gold and Silver) (Super Smash Bros. Melee)
Dark Cave (Remix)
Rival Silver Battle (Remix)
National Park (Remix)
Route 42 (Remix)
Dragon’s Den/Champion Lance (Remix)
Legendary Beasts Battle (Remix)
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Smash Master
Sep 17, 2017

Stage Name:
Battle Royal Arena

Pokemon Sun and Moon

Gimmicks and Hazards:
The Pokemon statues at the corners, Battle Royal rules


Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the Battle Royal Arena stage! This is the setting for a feature in Pokemon Sun and Moon, Battle Royals! Each time this stage is selected, the Pokemon statues at the corners will be different. They do not serve as a wall to block KOs. Here's how they work:

  • Charizard: This Pokemon statue is a typically flat extra platform for characters to land on.
  • Haxorus: This Pokemon has blades on the sides of its head that will deal 10% damage and as much knockback as Jigglypuff's Rollout if knocked into at a fast enough speed.
  • Gyarados: This Pokemon doesn't deal damage. Rather, once every 30 seconds, its eyes will flash, and anyone within range of the light when they flash will gain a decrease in stats for 10 seconds.
  • Tyranitar: This Pokemon has a crest on its head that reflects projectiles. The thing about this one is that the crest doesn't move at all, unlike Link's Shield, and even then, the latter deflected.
The statue layouts are as follows:

  • Left: Charizard, Right: Haxorus
  • Left: Gyarados, Right: Charizard
  • Left: Tyranitar, Right: Gyarados
  • Left: Haxorus, Right: Tyranitar
There is also a hidden mechanic in this stage: in Stock battles, the first person to run out of stocks triggers buffs to the stats of the remaining characters based on how many stocks they have left, with Timed battles applying for the first person to be KO'd 3 times. When that happens, they cannot trigger these buffs for the remainder of the match.

Yes. Unlock Incineroar.

Battle Royal (Pokemon Sun and Moon)
Trainer Battle (Pokemon Sun and Moon)
Battle! vs. Red/Blue (Pokemon Sun and Moon)
Battle! vs. Title Challenger (Pokemon Sun and Moon)
Battle! vs. Kahuna (Pokemon Sun and Moon)
Battle! vs. Team Skull Grunt (Pokemon Sun and Moon)


Smash Lord
Jun 7, 2014
Your guess is as good as mine
I dunno if this is similar to anyone elses from past rounds, so I'm just gonna throw mine in here anyway.

Aether Paradise (Pokemon Sun & Moon)
aether paradise look 1.PNG
aether paradise look 2.PNG

This stage is based off the Aether Paraside area, a futuristic looking white walkway over an artificial nature reserve underneath. The stage is pretty simple in it's setup: a large flat centre with an incline on one side and a decline on the other, with each leading to another flat platform. There's a lift in the centre that occasionally brings down a soft platform over the middle, and as it ascends it retracts the platform so there's no risk of star KOs.
Aether Paradise Stage default.png
The main gimmick of this stage are the numerous Ultra Beast hazards that pop up periodically.
Aether Paradise Stage Nihilego.png
Nihilego descends lazily from a Ultra Hole above, then seeks out a fighter to latch on to. If it manages to catch someone then they gain an attack buff while slowly accumulating %. moving back and forth quickly will have Nihilego let go of you, though stragetically using the attack buff might be worth the damage. Only latches onto a single player per appearance.
Aether Paradise Stage Buzzwole.png
Buzzwole stands at either the top flat platform or the bottom and poses. If any fighter gets too close then Buzzwole jumps into action and punches them hard towards the centre. Be careful at the edges whenever this UB pops up. Stays there for around 15 seconds.

Aether Paradise Stage Pheromosa.png
Pheromosa zips across the stage horizontally, knocking away any fighter in it's way. It zips from Ultra Hole to Ultra Hole in the background a couple times before slicing along the stage, so there's a little warning. It flies parallel to one of the 3 flat platforms, so if it flies across the highest one like in the image then staying on the centre or lower platforms will make sure you're completely safe.

Aether Paradise Stage Xurkitree.png
Xurkitree drops from a Ultra Hole above and crackles with electricity, knocking out the power in Aether Paradise and covering the stage in darkness besides the area around Xurkitree's head, with the range of light shown in the image. The darkness lasts for around 30 seconds, when Xurkitree jumps back into the Ultra Hole the power comes back on.

Aether Paradise Stage Kartana.png
Kartana pops out of the Ultra Hole and floats down side to side as if a piece of paper, just behind the fighting. When it gets down to the supporting pillars of the stage it straightens out and slashes them, taking down an entire side of the stage. Can be either side, but the centre is always untouched. Kartana's slashes do no damage to fighters, but the falling stage does spike anyone under that part of the stage. After around 25 seconds the ruined part of the stage starts to blink back into existence, like in Sun & Moon when Nihilego fades into and out of reality. Anyone caught in the reappearance of that part of the stage only get slight damage and are pushed up like on Bridge of Eldin.

Aether Paradise Stage Celesteela.png
Celesteela's massive body drops onto the ground a fair distance from the stage as it's two arms disappear off screen each side. After a few seconds the exhaust part of the arms appear below each side and begin to shoot flames upwards. This covers the entire lower part of the blast zones as it's active. The exhaust also shoots a continuous windbox upwards, lightening every fighter off the edges (like during the Flying part of Pokemon Stadium 2). This lasts for around 20-30 seconds before Celesteela's arms return to it and it launches slowly like a rocket back into an Ultra Hole.

Aether Paradise Stage Guzzlord.png
The rarest of UBs on this stage. The image doesn't really do it justice, as Guzzlord is so big it only partially pops out of the Ultra Hole from the side. After a few seconds of it appearing on the screen it opens it's mouth and creates a vacuum which pulls in the fighters for around 10 seconds. It's mouth is a danger zone, so any fighter that enters is KOed immediately. Sorta like the Bulborb on the Pikmin stage, only more dangerous. Opens and closes it's mouth a total of 3 times more before retreating back into the Ultra Hole.

Aether Paradise remix
Vs Aether Foundation Employee
Vs Aether President Lusamine
Vs Ultra Beast
Vs Tapu Guardian
Vs Solgaleo/Lunala
Vast Poni Canyon
Vs Ultra Recon Squad
Vs Guzma
Mantine Surf
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Smash Rookie
Jul 24, 2018
Poké Pelago
Pokémon Sun & Moon
Poke Pelago is a feature introduced in Pokémon Sun and Moon. It is a small chain of five islands off the coast of Alola developed by Mohn where your Pokémon that are stored in the PC can visit to explore, grow berries, level up and more.

Description: The stage is made up of five small-ish islands lined up in a row, surrounded by water on all sides. Each is about half the size of Final Destination.
Each island has its own unique features, so starting from the left, let me describe each one individually:
Isle Abeens: This island has a big beanstalk growing in the middle of the island. The leaves on the beanstalk can serve as platforms. Additionally, if attacking near the beanstalk, it will shake and drop a few Poke Beans. Eating a Poke Bean can have one of several effects, depending on the color. Green beans heal 1% damage. The other beans increase one of your stats by 5% for five seconds. Red increases damage done by your attacks. Orange increases how far your attacks launch your opponents. Yellow increases your jump height. Blue reduces the damage you take. Purple reduces how far opponents' attacks launch you. Light blue makes you move faster. Rarely, about one in twenty times, a rainbow bean will drop. This has the effects of all the beans and lasts for 8 seconds. After hitting the beanstalk, it takes time for the beans to grow back, so the less time that passes since the beanstalk was last hit, the fewer beans will drop, or even none at all if it's too soon. It takes about 20 seconds for the beans to fully grow back.
Isle Aplenny: This island is the only one of the five where you can't walk straight into the water, being raised a little ways. Otherwise, it's fairly unremarkable.
Isle Aphun: This island features two levels with a short ladder connecting them. In the background is a cave. Every 20 seconds or so, a Pokémon will come out of the cave and leave an item in the box for anyone to pick up.
Isle Evelup: Other than the play structures on this island, which provide a unique playing field, there is little to talk about on this island.
Isle Avue: This island is almost entirely composed of a hot spring. If you stay in the hot spring for 3 seconds, it will heal 3% damage. However, this is subject to a diminishing return. The next 3 seconds only heals you 2%, and a further 3 seconds only heal 1%. If you stay in long enough, it will even start to hurt you, with the damage increasing at 1% every 3 seconds in that same pattern. This can be reset by spending 15 seconds on land on one of the other islands. Leaving the hot spring will pause the timer, but if you return to the hot spring before the 15 seconds are up, it will pick up where it left off.

In the background, you will be able to see various Alola Pokémon. For example, Pyukumuku or Crabrawler may crawl up on the beach, Wingull, Oricorio or Toucannon may fly by or Lapras or Mantine surf past. They are only there for show, though, and don't interact with the battle.

Unlockable: Use 90 Pokeballs or Master Balls and see every Pokémon that can come out of them.


Smash Champion
Aug 8, 2018
do it do it do it do it do it
I wish I could! But sadly I don't really got the talent to make visuals that would match my idea of what I'd want it to look like xD. Not even a Pokemon fan; so I'd probably butcher the faithfulness as well xD


Smash Lord
Jun 7, 2014
Your guess is as good as mine
I wish I could! But sadly I don't really got the talent to make visuals that would match my idea of what I'd want it to look like xD. Not even a Pokemon fan; so I'd probably butcher the faithfulness as well xD
Go for it anyway~ I've been drawing my stages using the line tool in paint. As long as you show how the stage is set up and what the general aesthetic is we'll get it.

Deleted member

I wish I could! But sadly I don't really got the talent to make visuals that would match my idea of what I'd want it to look like xD. Not even a Pokemon fan; so I'd probably butcher the faithfulness as well xD
Go for it anyway~ I've been drawing my stages using the line tool in paint. As long as you show how the stage is set up and what the general aesthetic is we'll get it.
As one of the judges who would be grading your stage, I can tell you right now that Luminario's pretty much got the nail hit on the head. So if it's something you want to try submitting I'd say go for it. If something ends up being too unclear one of the judges can inform you and give a suggestion for how to convey it in an edit.
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Smash Champion
Aug 8, 2018
As one of the judges who would be grading your stage, I can tell you right now that Luminario's pretty much got the nail hit on the head. So if it's something you want to try submitting I'd say go for it. If something ends up being too unclear one of the judges can inform you and give a suggestion for how to convey it in an edit.
I appreciate all the positive comments! I'm just very particular on my own art lmao.

Deleted member

I appreciate all the positive comments! I'm just very particular on my own art lmao.
I know what you mean. I couldn't draw a decent picture to save my life :p All in all it's your choice in the end. I'd be interested in seeing what you'd have to offer. But it's your call whether or not you want to submit something.

Deleted member

Reminder that Round 31 ends tomorrow at about 11:00pm pacific time.


Smash Hero
Jun 8, 2017
That Distant Shore
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers
Wigglytuff's Guild


Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time/Darkness/Sky were DS games, and sequel to Red/Blue Rescue team. In it, Wigglytuff's Guild was basically home-base for most of the game, where you selected your mission, got some items, and where you ate and slept at night. The Smash version takes place on the exterior, with it almost being a clone of Unova Pokémon League, with two floating platforms and walls.

The stage's special gimmick is the Outlaw Notice Board! About 10-15 seconds into the match, Wigglytuff (Or Chatot if Jigglypuff is in play) writes a message on the board, being the crime and the bounty. Shortly afterwards, the thing accociated with it appears. They are...

Missing Item: A Substitute doll or similar appears on stage. If someone picks it up and holds it for 10 seconds, a random Pokémon appears, you give them the item, and they give you the reward, simple enough.

Missing Pokémon!: A Pokémon appears in a cage either on stage or flying above it. If you deal 30% damage to the cage, the Pokémon breaks free, walks to the door of the guild, and gives you the reward. Most of the Pokémon are taken from the Pokeball list, but there's also Azurill.

Defeat the Pokémon: A Pokémon appears that you need to defeat, it has 60 HP. Once defeated, a Pokémon appears from the guild and gives you the reward. Once again lots of the Pokémon are pulled from the Pokeballs, but Drowsee, Skunktank, Kabutops, and Dusknoir also appear.

You may have noticed that I haven't mentioned the rewards. They are...

Health Boost: You get thrown an Oran Berry from the Pokémon you helped. It heals you, but how much is dependent on what it is (Item: 20%, Missing is 35%, and Defeat is 50%).

Item: You get a random item from the Mystery Dungeon series. Some are the Blast Seed, which is a powerful explosive, the Warp Orb, which teleports you back on stage, and the Iron Thorn, which is a trap that deals a lot of damage

Partner Pokémon: Sometimes the Pokémon's reward... is itself! It helps you fight your enemies for about 30 seconds before despawning. This reward doesn't happen with item recovery missions.

Once cleared, Wigglytuff waits about 30 seconds to post a new thing. It's unlocked by either completeing classic mode with Pikachu (I wish Grovyle) or eating an apple as Jigglypuff.

Deleted member

Am I missing how Pokemon Mystery Dungeon is a crossover game? I only played Blue and Darkness so if there's some mashup stuff happening later I gotta get in on that...
I was wondering if anyone else was confused about that. Never played it before but Mystery Dungeon really doesn't strike me as a crossover.
Mystery Dungeon is an obscure series that I think is Japan only. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon is far more sucessful then the others (I think there were even Digimon/MD crossovers)
That's because PMD completely overshadowed the game that pokemon originally crossed over with. The original Mystery Dungeon game was actually a Dragon Quest spinoff, released in Japan only in 1993. It continued like that for a while (spawning different versions with original characters), but then it crossed over with Pokemon in 2005, and the rest is history.
So Mystery Dungeon was it's own thing, and then when it decided to crossover with Pokemon it became so successful that the Pokemon brand completely took it over.

Gaming history is fascinating let me tell you.


Smash Hero
Jun 8, 2017
That Distant Shore
Animal Crossing: New Leaf
Town Hall

View attachment 149453
The Town Hall is a location in most Animal Crossing games, but this one is mostly based around New Leaf. The base platform layout is basic, with walkoffs. The Town Hall is mostly in the background, but you can stand on the top of it.

About 20 seconds into the match, Isabelle appears. She walks to a random part of the map and places a Gyroid, which soon turns into a public works project! There are many of them, such as benches, lighthouses, and even a Café! they function as additional platforms. Isabelle returns to create another about 30 seconds later. There can only be 3 PWPs, the oldest ones disappear first. The hazard toggle removes Isabelle.

Notes: Initially this stage was Main Street based and the PWPs were the stores being built, but Kevandre took that idea and I improvised.
Looks like this stage is outdated. Super hyped for Isabelle!


Smash Master
Sep 17, 2017
I'm indifferent to her as a character, but I'm super hyped to see an adorable secretary dog beat the crap out of a murderous purple space dragon
Yeah, I don’t know what’s funnier, this or a tiny cream-yellow mouse with next to no control over his powers doing the same thing!

Deleted member

Heads up. I have received all the grades I need to get started on the results. But I have some out of house, and away from computer, things that will need my attention in a few minutes. Grades will still be posted today. But it will probably be a few hours before I can get to them.

Deleted member

Alright! Done with all that stuff and back at my computer!

So are grades on the way? ......................not yet.

There's a tiny bit of misunderstanding going on about what one of the judges meant in one of their statements. And it's the kind of thing that could affect that stages score. Until clarification is reached, we're stuck in a limbo.


Ivy WAS Saurly missed
Jun 19, 2013
Pacific Northwest
Switch FC
Alright! Done with all that stuff and back at my computer!

So are grades on the way? ......................not yet.

There's a tiny bit of misunderstanding going on about what one of the judges meant in one of their statements. And it's the kind of thing that could affect that stages score. Until clarification is reached, we're stuck in a limbo.

jk take your time


Smash Journeyman
Dec 14, 2013
Right Behind You
Switch FC
Alright! Done with all that stuff and back at my computer!

So are grades on the way? ......................not yet.

There's a tiny bit of misunderstanding going on about what one of the judges meant in one of their statements. And it's the kind of thing that could affect that stages score. Until clarification is reached, we're stuck in a limbo.
wow, judges are the worst, u guys suck

༼ つ ◕_ ◕ ༽つ GIVE GRADES ༼ つ ◕_ ◕ ༽つ

Deleted member

Well this is certainly taking longer than I expected. And guess who has to leave the computer early tomorrow and won't be back until the later half of the day? I'll have enough time to get Round 32 started before all that. But looks like we'll be waiting on the Round 31 grades until after that.

Deleted member

Well the clarification that was needed has been received. But Round 31 grades will still have to wait since I only have time to get Round 32 started right now.

Winning the poll at 7 votes, Round 32 is

Yoshi and Wario

Now like with Donkey Kong, your mileage will vary on whether or not these are considered Mario games. But both characters have their own series symbol in Smash Bros. so we're counting them as their own things. Which means you can't pick something like Yoshi Valley from Mario Kart or Wario's Battle Canyon from Mario Party. Those are still Mario games.

We're looking from areas from the series of Yoshi and Wario Games.

The Yoshi's Island Trilogy
Yoshi's Story
Woolly World
Yoshi Touch & Go
The WarioWare Games
The Wario Land Games
Wario World
That kind of thing

Bear in mind that this is a double dip round. Not a crossover round. You can only submit a stage from one of the two series. Not both. And as always, only one entry per contestant.

And with that, on September 17th 2018, Round 32 has begun. You have until about 11:00pm pacific time on Friday, September 21st to submit entries.

Good Luck!


Ivy WAS Saurly missed
Jun 19, 2013
Pacific Northwest
Switch FC
Watch Out Below!

Yoshi’s Island

I’m going to start by confiding that this is a stage I made back in 2014. I didn’t contribute it to the contest at the time because they were in some kind of hiatus or something, and I didn’t expect a Yoshi round so I just put it in the thread. I am very fond of this stage though, so I wanted to use it in this contest if I had the chance, to finally be graded for it.

This stage is based off of one of the earliest levels in Yoshi's Island for SNES, called Watch Out Below! In this level, Yoshi & Baby Mario must traverse through the stage with... something sinister lurking for them.

See the chain chomps chilling out in the background? Keep an eye on them, or else...


The Chain Chomps will jump from the background and fly toward you! They're not an insta-kill at regular percents but you still definitely want to avoid getting hit. They can also strike at multiple places on the map, not just where it's shown above. They'll also only attack every 35 seconds or so.

But where do they go? Do they just bounce off-stage or..?


Well great. Now there's a hole in the stage that you can fall through! It would suck to be spiked down there for a KO!

After a small amount of time, a familiar Mole-Tank will come make some repairs.


The Yoshi-Mole-Tank will launch you upward if it hits you while it's repairing the hole, so don't think you're in the clear if it shows up while you're falling, but it probably won't KO you unless you're at a really high percent. Oh, and look- The Chain Chomp is back in the background again, ready for another go.

The Chomps will, well, Chomp at the ground in three different places. Where it jumps from in the background is a clue for where.

The blast zones are a little closer than most, but not properly conveyed in these pictures. It's not close enough to essentially be walk-off level of throwing ease. But don't get launched near the side!

Unlockable? Sure. Beat Classic as Yoshi.

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