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Super Smash Bros. Ultimate: Stage Creation Contest (Complete)


Smash Apprentice
Oct 12, 2014
Philadelphia, PA

WarioWare: Mega Microgame$

Appearing as an unlockable minigame in almost every Warioware to date, Pyoro acts somewhat as a meta joke on "the popular game of the moment" that gets Wario back into his greedy gaming monopoly. The game Pyoro itself is one that is very simple but addicting: players take control of a small red bird on a line of cement blocks, and must move around eating falling seeds with the bird's incredibly long extending tongue. If a seed hits Pyoro, the game ends immediately, but if not, it will eliminate a piece of the ground. As the blocks disappear, the space players have to work with is shortened more and more, as Pyoro lacks the ability to jump (which is terrible for a bird). Players need to eat the seeds before they hit the ground or Pyoro, but eating a white seed can call in a fly to bring in a brick that repairs the ground. When the Nintendo DSi released, Pyoro was repackaged as one of the first DSiWare games, Bird & Beans, for two bucks. It even got a surprise appearance at the 2017 Nintendo World Championships, showing clearly the love for this little piece of Warioware legacy.

This stage is a long walk-off, presenting a flat plane of battle for fair fights to occur, but the gimmick after about 10 seconds will start to come in. Green seeds from the sky begin falling on the ground, and Pyoro walking around in the background layer will try to scramble to eat them up. However, the players can assist in this, using any aerial attacks to get rid of the seeds before they hit the ground. If both Pyoro and the player fail to stop the seed from falling, a piece of the ground gets broken, creating a fall-down gap. This creates a seemingly infinite amount of platform variations depending on where the seeds fall: you could get either multiple small gaps or one giant pit. The seeds don't inflict any damage when they fall, but if Pyoro is hit by one, he leaves the battlefield for 15 seconds without any line of defense, requiring players to stop the slow but deadly income of seeds. After the 15 seconds are up, though, he revives, ready to eat more seeds. If a white seed is eliminated, a piece of the stage gets flown back in, patching up the hole, and preventing anyone from recovering if they unluckily get stuck under the block. If a lot of the stage is full of holes, a golden seed may very rarely fall, and busting it will recover all the platforms on the stage. If players overlap with a block slotting back in, they are hit with fixed knockback with no damage upwards, like when Bridge of Eldin reforms.

As the match progresses, the background behind the green bushes will begin having more detail and go further into the night, as city skyscrapers, water, and shooting stars will appear. However, if Pyoro is eliminated, the background resets to its original, starting state.

Pyoro Medley (Remix)
Dribble & Spitz Stage (WarioWare: Twisted!) (Remix)
Wario de Mambo
Tomorrow Hill
Body Rock
Ashley's Revolution 3
Work Those Muscles!


Ivy WAS Saurly missed
Jun 19, 2013
Pacific Northwest
Switch FC

WarioWare: Mega Microgame$

Appearing as an unlockable minigame in almost every Warioware to date, Pyoro acts somewhat as a meta joke on "the popular game of the moment" that gets Wario back into his greedy gaming monopoly. The game Pyoro itself is one that is very simple but addicting: players take control of a small red bird on a line of cement blocks, and must move around eating falling seeds with the bird's incredibly long extending tongue. If a seed hits Pyoro, the game ends immediately, but if not, it will eliminate a piece of the ground. As the blocks disappear, the space players have to work with is shortened more and more, as Pyoro lacks the ability to jump (which is terrible for a bird). Players need to eat the seeds before they hit the ground or Pyoro, but eating a white seed can call in a fly to bring in a brick that repairs the ground. When the Nintendo DSi released, Pyoro was repackaged as one of the first DSiWare games, Bird & Beans, for two bucks. It even got a surprise appearance at the 2017 Nintendo World Championships, showing clearly the love for this little piece of Warioware legacy.

This stage is a long walk-off, presenting a flat plane of battle for fair fights to occur, but the gimmick after about 10 seconds will start to come in. Green seeds from the sky begin falling on the ground, and Pyoro walking around in the background layer will try to scramble to eat them up. However, the players can assist in this, using any aerial attacks to get rid of the seeds before they hit the ground. If both Pyoro and the player fail to stop the seed from falling, a piece of the ground gets broken, creating a fall-down gap. This creates a seemingly infinite amount of platform variations depending on where the seeds fall: you could get either multiple small gaps or one giant pit. The seeds don't inflict any damage when they fall, but if Pyoro is hit by one, he leaves the battlefield for 15 seconds without any line of defense, requiring players to stop the slow but deadly income of seeds. After the 15 seconds are up, though, he revives, ready to eat more seeds. If a white seed is eliminated, a piece of the stage gets flown back in, patching up the hole, and preventing anyone from recovering if they unluckily get stuck under the block. If a lot of the stage is full of holes, a golden seed may very rarely fall, and busting it will recover all the platforms on the stage. If players overlap with a block slotting back in, they are hit with fixed knockback with no damage upwards, like when Bridge of Eldin reforms.

As the match progresses, the background behind the green bushes will begin having more detail and go further into the night, as city skyscrapers, water, and shooting stars will appear. However, if Pyoro is eliminated, the background resets to its original, starting state.

Pyoro Medley (Remix)
Dribble & Spitz Stage (WarioWare: Twisted!) (Remix)
Wario de Mambo
Tomorrow Hill
Body Rock
Ashley's Revolution 3
Work Those Muscles!

Deleted member

"Is psb alive?"

I wouldn't be surprised if some of you are asking that. And the answer is alive and kicking. Mainly kicking yesterday for being much more annoying then I expected. Early morning shift at work, for an 8 hour day, combined with a lack of sleep the night before, need for a trip to a clinic after I was done (don't worry. It was nothing more than the symptoms of a cold going from my nose to my ears) AND having to take a decent walk from the clinic to the pharmacy where I needed to get the nasal spray for said cold. By the time I had returned home to even be able to post Round 31's grades, I was so tired I could barely keep my eyes open. Let alone concentrate on grading stages.

The grades for Pokemon 2 will arrive. I just can't make any dedicated promises on when until I get my energy recharged.


Ivy WAS Saurly missed
Jun 19, 2013
Pacific Northwest
Switch FC
Take your time bud. We're in no hurry. Or force one of the other judges to compile the grades

Deleted member

Time for Round 31 grades!

psb123's grades:

Po Town by Ya Boi Guzma

Iconic Status: 4/5

Maybe I'm being a bit critical, but for as memorable as Team Skull is, they are so for their mannerisms rather than there home base. A high score for Po Town still fits since it's such a team skull heavy location. But on your journey you don't spend a lot of time here and without Team Skull, it's kind of a generic spooky mansion. A high score for sure. But not a full one.

Originality: 8/10

This one's kind of a weird one to grade on originality for me. Technically speaking it doesn't really have anything going on besides a big platform to fight on. But at the same time that also means it doesn't have any problematic gimmicks that do more harm then good. Plus, there isn't really anything inherently wrong with simple stages like this anyway. Truth be told, there aren't a lot of Pokemon stages that go for this level of simplicity. So in that regard, this would actually me one of the most unique Pokemon stages in Smash Bros. :p

There are some good factors in this category, and some questionable factors. I think an 8 works out well enough.

Playability: 10/10

A simple layout with no gimmicks or iffy design typically leads to no issues in Playability. And that's exactly the case with this stage.

Overall Score: 22/25

And yes guys, I know this stage was submitted by Kevandre Kevandre , not Guzma

Sprout Tower by TKOWL TKOWL

Iconic Status: 5/5

An early game area that has a lot tied to the first gym and seems like one of Gold and Silvers most notable landmarks. Looks like this stage was considered for Melee for a reason.

Originality: 10/10

I mean yeah the layout has got some similarities to Tomodachi Life. But at the same time it's got enough differences and the layout of Tomodachi Life doesn't tilt. Day & Night Cycle with fitting Pokemon cameos for both is a nice touch as well.

Playability: 9/10

This score is mainly because of the tilting. I think the amount of time the stage spends tilted is reasonable enough. But it is the kind of hazard that just prevents a perfect playability score by nature.

Overall Score: 24/25

Battle Royal Arena by GolisoPower GolisoPower

Iconic Status: 3/5

Well it does feature the faces of some notable Pokemon and having kept up with the Sun & Moon trailers I know this feature was advertised enough to where people know about it. But does anyone even use it that much? You're only required to do it once in the story and after that it's just kind of.......forgettable.

Originality: 3/10

I'm not sold on this one. Obviously Punch-Out's boxing ring is a thing. But beyond that this is overall a bland idea compared to other options for a Sun & Moon stage. The general lack of memorability is part of that, but it also just doesn't fit well thematically as a Gen 7 area when compared to some kind of island or ultra space locale.

I also find it weird that the tents of Gyarados and Tyranitar do things to affect the battle while those of Charizard and Haxorus are just platforms. And the things that Gyarados and Tyranitar do don't really fit them all that well. Gyarados isn't exactly known for being a debuffer in actual Pokemon battles and Tyranitar effectively just uses Mirror Coat. Which I'm pretty sure he can't learn. Some kind of Sandstorm like thing for Tyranitar probably would have been better.

Playability: 5/10

Not really sure what to think about the elevation of the platforms here given the limited amount of info on that your drawing gives me. Most of the tents are alright all in all except for Haxorus. Those blades make it hard to get to the center without taking damage, which would encourage camping if you do get there, and they've got a hefty amount of knockback when you collide with them. Though the knockback does decrease if you collide with it at a slower speed so there is that.

But the real big problem here are the buffs granted to those who KO others. Those make it pretty likely that this stage would only be chosen for non-serious matches. Granted within those matches players would (hopefully) not get too salty over it. But the cause for irritation is there and it would make sense to feel that way. And if it's a situation where you have to play this stage because the mode you're in chose it for you? Then you'd best hope things work out in your favor on who's KOing who.

Overall Score: 11/25

Aether Paradise by Luminario Luminario

Iconic Status: 5/5

There's a reason that this was the most common idea for a Sun & Moon stage before Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon expanded on Ultra Space. It was once the most prominent location for utilizing the potential of Ultra Beasts as a stage hazard and is the home base of the games more threatening villainous team.

Originality: 10/10

First of all the.............Mamoswine in the room? Is that seriously the closest thing there is to an Elephant Pokemon because I can't remember anything else.

Anyway, what I was about to talk about is the fact that using Pokemon as stage hazards in Pokemon stages is very common. So much so that one could easily knock this stage a few points for doing the same thing. So why didn't I? A couple of reason.

For starters the Ultra Beasts are a rather interesting kind of Pokemon in that you can't actually catch them with regular Poke Balls. You have to use Beast Balls. That's probably why we haven't seen any Ultra Beasts as Pokeball Pokemon yet. And with no Beast Ball item in sight, I think it would make a lot of sense for them to be reserved as a hazard for a Sun & Moon stage.

Sure that's talking more about likeliness, but even so there's also the reason why I didn't remove points from you score despite Ultra Beasts being used as hazards in submissions to previous rounds. Picture this, an Aether Paradise stage, WITHOUT any Ultra Beasts. That just doesn't work. The Ultra Beasts as hazards makes too much sense for this idea and the stage would be incredibly bland without them.

Playability: 8/10

Despite the sizable wealth of Ultra Beasts in this stage, all but one of them are pretty well balanced. A decent amount of them don't do any damage and some, most notably Celesteela, can actually be a help instead of a hindrance. Truth be told, that one UB is the only reason the stage is losing points here. As you can guess, that UB is Guzzlord. Now for as dangerous as he is, he is the rarest of them all. But while it is separated into 3 instances, he still can spend 30 seconds trying to gobble you up. There are two things in particular that you could have done here that would have helped. Those going for the route of just one suction that tries to pull you in for 15 seconds, and clarifying exactly how powerful the suction is.

Had you implemented one of those two things, I would have bumped your score up to a 9. And if you implemented both, it would have been a perfect 10.

Overall Score: 23/25

Poke Pelago by S SkySkipper

Iconic Status: 3/5

Another one of those minor, lacking in notability features like the Battle Royal. This one at least has some more use since it means you can technically all the items like Evolutionary stones that you want. And if nothing else, Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon did reveal that the guy who runs this place is Lusamine's missing, amnesiac husband.

Originality: 7/10

Not too bad all in all. It fits the island theme of Alola quite well and the gimmicks, while minor, get the job done of spicing things up without making the stage too dangerous. The only real concern, which will apply more to playability, is the length of the stage. You've basically got 2.5 final destinations here and that makes for a stage that's too big without the right kind of layout to compensate it like what Temple has.

I get what you were going for by trying to include all 5 islands which I do think would be a good idea. I just think there are better ways to execute it. You'll see the other judges mention further down the idea of transitioning between each Island one by one and I think that would have been a good way to implement the idea. Personally though I think an even better alternative would be to do what TKOWL did with his Golden Pyramid stage in the Gameboy Advance Round (Round 26). In that stage he combined the themes of the various areas of Wario Land 4 into one stage. That kind of thing would have worked well here too. Just make one big island that combines all 5 islands into one.

Playability: 5/10

Naturally the long length of the stage is more of a problem here. I suppose the hot spring damage could present an issue if you get stuck there as well but the overly long amount of ground this stage covers and the distance that would need to be closed to even fight in it really is the bigger concern here.

Overall Score: 15/25

Wigglytuff's Guild by PeridotGX PeridotGX

Iconic Status: 5/5

My knowledge of Mystery Dungeon is limited. But according to your information these guilds are a big part of the games because it's where you get assigned your missions. Sounds iconic enough to me. And since this one is particular is based on Explorers, which is the fan favorite, more power to it.

Originality: 9/10

That's a pretty fitting gimmick for the kind of game Mystery Dungeon sounds like. My only real gripe is that the items you can get out of rewards are exclusive to this stage. That has some potential to cause confusion unless you take the time to memorize what they all do and how to use them. Which probably wouldn't be very hard all things considered. But it would still probably be best to have them just be the regular items.

Playability: 9/10

Most of it turned out pretty good. Only real negative is another case of time durations needing fine-tuning. The Pokemon who help you are on screen for too long. 15 seconds at max is what should be done for this kind of circumstance. The delay between Wigglytuff putting things on the notice board can probably be shortened to 20 seconds as well.

Overall Scorce: 23/25

Cosmic77's grades:

"Po Town" by Kevandre:

Iconic Status: 5/5

I don't think a vandalized mansion screams "Pokemon", but the cameos from the other characters help you here. Plus, it's a Su/Mo stage, so you have the advantage of relevancy as well.

Originality: 7/10

I love the layout of your stage. Doesn't look like anything else we've had in Smash before. Just wished you would've been a tad more descriptive. You didn't necessarily need a gimmick, but adding more background elements like what you did with those grunts walking past the windows would've been much appreciated.

Playability: 10/10

I don't have any issues with your stage. Layout seems fair and there aren't any hazards.

Overall Score: 22/25

"Sprout Tower" by TKOWL:

Iconic Status: 4/5

I know this was originally planned to be an actual stage for Melee, but I don't think it stood the test of time. For people who have played this game, it'd be extremely iconic. Newer fans... Debatable.

Still, the old Pokemon make it clear what franchise this comes from. That was a nice touch.

Originality: 8/10

I like the concept. Having a tower that tilts back and forth is extremely unique for a stage.

However, to contradict what I just said, we already have two Pokemon stages that involve the stage being moved around somehow. This feels really similar to Zekrom's attack in the Unova stage.

Playability: 8/10

So my biggest concern is the structure of the tower. Reminds me of Wrecking Crew, and believe me, ladder combos are absolutely terrible on that stage.

Aside from that, no real complaints. I appreciate the lower platforms for the bad jumpers.

Overall Score: 20/25

"Battle Royal Arena" by GolisoPower:

Iconic Status: 5/5

I know exactly why you chose this stage. Not the most memorable area from Su/Mo if you ask me, but it might actually have the highest chance of getting in Smash.

I guess the likelihood of a stage appearing in Smash is a completely separate thing from iconicness, but whatever.

Originality: 6/10

I really don't want to say this every time we get a boxing ring stage, but this feels like a rehash of a stage we already have in Smash. Take a guess which one I'm talking about.

Statues were cool though. Helped your stage feel a little more different.

Playability: 3/10

I'm so sorry, but there's many many things going on with your stage that I have to nitpick.

- No image provided for Gyarados and Tyranitar.
- Sheer size of statues.
- No clarification on which parts of the statues can be stood on and how they wouldn't be solid platforms.
- Rewarding winning players more than the losing players.

Overall Score: 14/25

"Aether Paradise" by Luminario:

Iconic Status: 5/5

Aether Paradise is one of my favorite areas in Su/Mo.

Biased opinions aside, this is an important part of the story. Definitely a memorable area to anyone who's played this game.

Originality: 6/10

You were very descriptive with your stage, and I appreciate that. Unfortunately, the gimmick you chose gets used all the time in this contest (Seriously, I think you're the fourth person to implement Ultra Beasts).

But to point out something you did that was unique, the layout is nice. It's simple, but very different from the other Pokemon stages.

Playability: 7/10

I don't think I need to explain much here. The UBs can be a nuisance at times, and some feel a little overpowered.

I mean, the UBs are supposed to be overpowered, but perhaps just not in Smash.

Overall Score: 18/25

"Poke Pelago" by SkySkipper:

Iconic Status: 4/5

Well, you have relevancy on your side. Other than that, I don't think this was the best choice for a stage. There are a plethora of other options you could've went with that would honestly make a lot more sense as a stage.

Originality: 6/10

Ehh... It's a decent stage. I think you were on the right track, but you implemented the idea in the wrong way. Personally, I would just drop the gimmicks entirely and have this stage travel from island to island. If you had done that, I actually would've loved this as stage.

Playability: 4/10

Too much water.

But seriously, this stage is loooooong. Getting a KO is gonna be nearly impossible if you camp out in the middle island. I still say you should've let this stage travel from island to island.

Overall Score: 14/25

"Wigglytuff’s Guild" by PeridotGX:

Iconic Status: 4/5

Man, I wish I knew how to grade this. It's obviously Pokemon, and this is pretty good representation of the Mystery Dungeon series, but does it stack up against stages from the main series?

It's good, but not completely up to par with everything else.

Originality: 9/10

I think this is a fantastic way to represent the Mystery Dungeon series. Completing small tasks and being rewarded with a power-up is very suiting for this stage.

I would've liked more details on the background though. Seeing Pokemon walking around on the sidelines would've been a great touch.

Playability: 8/10

My only issue is that random Pokemon you might have to battle. Needless to say, anything that draws your attention away from the real fight warrants a few points getting deducted.

Overall Score: 21/25

TheMarioAddict's grades:

"Po Town" by Kevandre:

Iconic Status: 5/5

I love Po Town. I love it so much that, had I not been late to the first pokemon round of this contest, that’s what I would have made my stage based on. I will admit I’m unsure if the top of Guzma’s mansion would be distinctly “pokemon” enough on it’s own, but you thankfully added some cameos from Gladion and Team Skull, which neatly solves that issue.

Originality: 8/10

I’m taking off just a couple points for a complete lack of unique gimmicks. Not that there’s anything wrong with a purely neutral stage (personally, those tend to be my favorites), but I am judging originality, and it’s hard to say something unique when you don’t bother to speak up in the first place. Even so, there’s a lot here that I like - the platform layout is pretty interesting, and very different from other large stages, plus Po Town would be a huge change in tone from other Pokemon stages. So all in all, even with a lack of defining gimmicks, this is a pretty solid stage!

Playability: 7/10

Most of the points you’re losing are from that topmost platform - it’s not by much, but it looks just far enough away from the platform below it that I could see some characters struggling to reach it. Which, in turn, means some characters could camp it, which would be in addition to the high risk this stage poses for circle camping. Still, a purely neutral stage means a pretty high playability score, so well done!

Overall Score: 20/25

"Sprout Tower" by TKOWL:

Iconic Status: 5/5

This hits all the right spots for me - Sprout Tower is one of the more interesting structures in all of Pokemon, and it’s encountered early enough in Johto that a lot of people would have seen it. Like Kev’s stage, I was somewhat worried that the stage on it’s own wouldn’t be “Pokemon” enough, but like with his stage you remedied that with a healthy smattering of Pokemon cameos. Beautifully done!

Originality: 9/10

I mean, you yourself admitted a slight similarity to the layout of Tomodachi Life, so I have to take off a point for that. That said, it’s not 1-for-1, so you’re only losing the one point. The tilting is a nice mechanic, and I did debate taking off a point for it sharing some similarities to Palkia’s thing on Spear Pillar, but then again Palkia completely changes the gravity, where this stage just tilts the tower. And of course, the japanese tower is a very unique aesthetic, both for Smash and Pokemon. I love it!

Playability: 8/10

So to bring up Tomadachi Life again - one of the big problems with that stage is that, because of the sheer size of it, it becomes a playing ground for circle camping. Though your stage appears to be thinner, I think it would suffer from the same issue. The tilting of the Tower goes some way towards fixing that, but I don’t think it’s quite enough. Still, the rest of the stage seems perfectly fine to me, and I know I’d love playing on this stage from time to time!

Overall Score: 22/25

"Battle Royal Arena" by GolisoPower:

Iconic Status: 3/5

Ok, I gotta be honest: I completely forgot that this area existed, and considering how memorable most of the mainline Pokemon games are, that’s saying a lot. But by all other accounts, this seems to hit the right buttons - memorable game, very obvious “Pokemon” elements to it, so in that regard, it’s a decent pick.

Originality: 8/10

Gotta say, I don’t think I’d have come up with the interchangeable side platforms if I were making this stage, plus some of the effects are pretty interesting, so that’s a pretty nice originality boost there. However, while it’s definitely different from other Pokemon stages, we’ve seen a setting like this in Smash before - the Boxing Ring. Granted that stage doesn’t have the big Pokemon structures on the sides, but still, I’m looking for things that Smash as a whole has never seen. Either way, there’s lots of unique stuff here!

Playability: 1/10

Forgive me, GolisoPower. I don’t want to tear you to shreds, but there’s far too many problems with this stage in a playability sense. Prepare for a lecture, this is a long one.

First: Haxorus, all by himself, is a nightmare. Not only do his blades do a problematic amount of damage and knockback, but - at least going by your picture - they’re huge!! And because of their size, they both serve as a really easy hazard to knock opponents into and serve as a near impenetrable shield for the platform on his head, making it the perfect camping spot (even more so when you consider how high up it is, meaning many characters straight up won’t be able to reach it).

Additionally, with no images for Gyarados or Tyranitar, I can’t say for certain if they would be good or bad strictly as platforms. It’s also a shame because it means I can’t see where Gyarados’ eyes are/can affect, nor can I see where Tyranitar’s crest sits. But even so, dropping stats of someone who just happened to be in Gyarados’ line of sight is worrying, as is the possibility of errant reflected projectiles.

And the hidden mechanic… jeeze. From the sounds of it, you’re buffing the surviving players based on how many stocks they have. Which is a terrible idea, because it creates what we in the game design industry call a Positive Feedback Loop - to put it simply, it means players who are already winning win more, and players who are already losing lose more. If you want to reward a player like this, reward them for doing a specific action - that way, even the guys in last place have a chance at getting a reward. Doing things based on stock count or KOs just lets the guy who’s already winning run away with the lead.

It’s… it’s just a mess. And unfortunately, I just don’t see any way that players could work around these issues.

Overall Score: 12/25

"Aether Paradise" by Luminario:

Iconic Status: 5/5

Aether Paradise is a really cool spot from Sun and Moon, and if we ever do get a Sun/Moon stage in Smash, I’d be willing to bet it’d be the Aether Paradise. It hits all the right spots for me, so a perfect score is the only choice.

Originality: 8/10

First off, love the platform layout - it’s simple, but it’s still unlike most other stages in Smash, which is surprisingly difficult to achieve at this point. The aesthetic of the Aether Paradise is nice, though I will note that clean, almost mechanical looking platforms (like in the Aether Paradise) are seen in a good number of Pokemon stages. However, that’s not why you lost points here: the points were for the gimmick. Pokemon stages, even going all the way back to Smash 64, have had a tendency to rely on the gimmick of “Pokemon show up and mess with the stage.” We’ve seen it in Saffron City, Spear Pillar, and Unova Pokemon League (you could also argue that Kalos Pokemon League and both Stadiums do this as well). So while I admit that the Ultra Beasts work within the context of the stage (I even really like Nihilego’s mechanic, very cool!), I’m not going to shy away from calling out the trend.

Playability: 7/10

Platform layout is fine to me, though I’ve seen people say that heavily sloped stages like this can give unfair advantages to some characters. I don’t know how true that is, so you’re not losing points for it, but something to keep in mind. I am taking a couple points for some of those Ultra Beasts, though. Xurkitree, Kartana and Celesteel, for instance, have effects that last for way too long (I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again: these kinds of things should be 15 seconds, max). Guzzlord also seems a bit strong for my tastes, but you say he’s pretty rare, so I’ll be lenient on him. Bottom line, the UBs make this stage somewhat problematic, but far from ruin the stage.

Overall Score: 20/25

"Poke Pelago" by SkySkipper:

Iconic Status: 3/5

Not my first choice of location, considering it exists solely in a side mode of Sun and Moon, but I can’t say I didn’t remember it. Still, it’s not exactly the most iconic location you could’ve picked from those games.

Originality: 6/10

This was a tough one for me to grade, so I’m just going to go point by point. The good points are that it has a unique platform layout and isn’t too similar to any other Pokemon stage, so no point loss there. We have, however, had a few island/ocean stages before, so that dropped a few points. The gimmicks you implemented were the hard part to score - they all fit the stage pretty well, but a few of them just felt kinda… bland. In the end, I’m not super impressed with the gimmicks, so they lost you a point or two, but nothing massive.

Playability: 4/10

I’m not entirely sure you realize just how massive of a stage this is. Each island is half a Final Destination long!? That would mean that, if we squished each and every island right next to each other, the stage would be well over double the length of Final Destination (2.5x as long, to be precise). And again, that’s only if we shove the islands right next to each other - with the gaps included, it’s looking more like triple the length. That’s just comically oversized, considering that you can't even fit it in with the other "huge" stages due to the very horizontal terrain. And it gives a massive advantage to anyone with long range (Pit would go nuts here).

And I wish that were the only problem, but Isle Avue is another big problem all on it’s own. It takes 15 seconds of being on land for the timer to reset? Well then you better pray you can move the fight to a different island (or keep from getting launched in the air), because if you get stunlocked over there, you’re gonna start taking massive damage with no escape.

The one good thing I can say is that it doesn’t look too difficult to navigate the stage - it would take a while, but it’s not hard to do. You’d really have been better off basing the stage on just one island, or having it transition between each island. With all of them at once, it becomes a huge chore just to move around the stage.

Overall Score: 13/25

"Wigglytuff’s Guild" by PeridotGX:

Iconic Status: 4/5

Ah, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon… I only played Red Rescue Team, but I can’t deny it was a very successful spinoff series. I don’t know if it’s quite as notable as the mainline games, which is the only reason I’m taking off a point for this stage, but it’s certainly got it’s fans. And if I remember correctly, the guild was pretty important in those games, so I’m sure players would remember it.

Originality: 6/10

Ok, I have to talk about the platform layout.

You know how everyone harps on Metroid stages for constantly using the lava gimmick? Well I don’t know why, but for some reason people seem to give the Pokemon stages a pass for constantly using the same layout - a flat base with two passable platforms, one on the left, and one on the right. It's in almost every Pokemon stage - the two Stadiums and Unova Pokemon League practically have identical layouts, Kalos Pokemon League is the same thing but with the platforms spread apart, and Spear Pillar manages to be the most different by having a second base platform and making the passables move up and down. And now, here in the Pokemon round, you’ve presented yet another stage that fits that description. For that reason alone, I’m taking a huge chunk of points out of your score.

The rest is fine though. Really cool mechanic with the missions! Perfectly fits the Dungeon games.

Playability: 8/10

My only playability concerns come from some of the missions. Fighting a Pokemon mid-battle could really mess up the flow of things, and a couple of those rewards sound problematic (30 seconds is way too long for a partner pokemon to hang around). Other than that, it’s pretty solid. Well done!

Overall Score: 18/25

Total Scores:

Kevandre: 64 points

TKOWL: 66 points

GolisoPower: 37 points

Luminario: 61 points

SkySkipper: 42 points

PeridotGX: 62 points

The Winner is.................
Sprout Tower by TKOWL



Ivy WAS Saurly missed
Jun 19, 2013
Pacific Northwest
Switch FC
Dang so close! Congrats tkowl!

I hope to see some kind of Team Skull representation in Smash ultimate.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 14, 2013
Right Behind You
Switch FC
ok, is it just me or does the most recent smash blog post sound like the kind of description someone would post for their stages here?

(I can't seem to link individual posts, so here's the whole thing for the curious)

Today's Stage
Ness's hometown has a drugstore in the middle and houses on either side. Watch out for cars entering the stage from the right—they can hit you for 30% damage!


Y'know, since I am a judge and all...

"Onett" by Sakurai

Iconic Status: 2/5

Never played the games myself, but they seem to have a cult following. Plus it's an early area in the game, so you get a couple points. But the obscurity of Earthbound keeps me from giving it a high score.

Originality: 9/10

I love all the little touches to this stage, like how you incorporated a bunch of stuff into the actual layout, from the roofs to the power lines. The cars are pretty interesting too, should serve as a great cameo for those who did play the games. I'm only taking off a point because you don't go into much detail on any other parts of the stage, like... I dunno, it'd be cool if the Drug Store sign could fall and temporarily break the platforms below it.

Playability: 4/10

30%?? Jeeze, man, I know being hit by a car would hurt, but that's just too much damage. Plus, as cool as the layout is, I could see it being pretty problematic in a competitive setting, with the walkoffs and high walls and all. Could be interesting in casual matches though!

Overall Score: 15/25

Not bad for a first entry, but you've got a long way to go before you're a top-level stage maker, Sakurai. If you keep at it, maybe someday you'll make some stages that actually seem like they could be in the official game.
Last edited:


Ivy WAS Saurly missed
Jun 19, 2013
Pacific Northwest
Switch FC
ok, is it just me or does the most recent smash blog post sound like the kind of description someone would post for their stages here?

(I can't seem to link individual posts, so here's the whole thing for the curious)


Y'know, since I am a judge and all...

Onett by Sakurai

Iconic: 2/5

Never played the games myself, but they seem to have a cult following. Plus it's an early area in the game, so you get a couple points. But the obscurity of Earthbound keeps me from giving it a high score.

Originality: 9/10

I love all the little touches to this stage, like how you incorporated a bunch of stuff into the actual layout, from the roofs to the power lines. The cars are pretty interesting too, should serve as a great cameo for those who did play the games. I'm only taking off a point because you don't go into much detail on any other parts of the stage, like... I dunno, it'd be cool if the Drug Store sign could fall and temporarily break the platforms below it.

Playability: 4/10

30%?? Jeeze, man, I know being hit by a car would hurt, but that's just too much damage. Plus, as cool as the layout is, I could see it being pretty problematic in a competitive setting, with the walkoffs and high walls and all. Could be interesting in casual matches though!

Overall Score: 15/25

Not bad for a first entry, but you've got a long way to go before you're a top-level stage maker, Sakurai. If you keep at it, maybe someday you'll make some stages that actually seem like they could be in the official game.
I mean, I completely based my descriptions on the Brawl dojo descriptions lol


Smash Master
Sep 17, 2017

Stage Name:
Crafted World

Yoshi's Crafted World

Gimmicks and Hazards:
Clock clouds, layered platforms

Hey, guys, remember when Sakurai made that Woolly World stage for SSB3DS/Wii U before Yoshi's Woolly World was released? Well, I'm gonna follow in his footsteps with this: Crafted World! Based on the upcoming game Yoshi's Crafted World, these two buildings are part of the level shown in the Treehouse Demonstration! See those yellow doors? These lead to a second layer similar to Jungle Hijinx, and when a character goes through one, their outline will be visible from inside these two buildings, whose roofs (rooves?) serve as soft platforms. The reason these buildings are translucent in this picture is that there is a means of getting inside: the yellow doors, which work sort of similarly to the ones found in Subspace Emissary and Smash Run. The white and blue blocks shown aren't platforms, but when they start flashing, they'll push out and become a hard platform. If any players are in front of it while it pushes out, they will simply be pushed out. After 20 seconds, a cloud with a clock on it (the one in the center) will appear, and will disappear after 15 seconds of not being hit. When a player hits it, the stage will flip and reveal the insides of the buildings. While flipped, the same outline rules apply. The half clear-half solid platform on the building on the right shows that this platform can be accessed both outside and inside. The one with the higher-up door can also be accessed both outside and inside. The retractable platforms are also accessible from the inside of the stage. The clock cloud won't appear again for another 20 seconds. Hope this stage can hype up those looking to get Crafted World next year!


Crafted World Medley
Woolly World Medley
Yoshi's New Island (Smash Ultimate)
Big Baby Bowser (Yoshi's Island)
Big Baby Bowser (Yoshi's Woolly World)
Burt the Bashful (Yoshi's Island)


Ivy WAS Saurly missed
Jun 19, 2013
Pacific Northwest
Switch FC
View attachment 165509

Stage Name:
Crafted World

Yoshi's Crafted World

Gimmicks and Hazards:
Clock clouds, layered platforms

Hey, guys, remember when Sakurai made that Woolly World stage for SSB3DS/Wii U before Yoshi's Woolly World was released? Well, I'm gonna follow in his footsteps with this: Crafted World! Based on the upcoming game Yoshi's Crafted World, these two buildings are part of the level shown in the Treehouse Demonstration! See those yellow doors? These lead to a second layer similar to Jungle Hijinx, and when a character goes through one, their outline will be visible from inside these two buildings, whose roofs (rooves?) serve as soft platforms. The reason these buildings are translucent in this picture is that there is a means of getting inside: the yellow doors, which work sort of similarly to the ones found in Subspace Emissary and Smash Run. The white and blue blocks shown aren't platforms, but when they start flashing, they'll push out and become a hard platform. If any players are in front of it while it pushes out, they will simply be pushed out. After 20 seconds, a cloud with a clock on it (the one in the center) will appear, and will disappear after 15 seconds of not being hit. When a player hits it, the stage will flip and reveal the insides of the buildings. While flipped, the same outline rules apply. The half clear-half solid platform on the building on the right shows that this platform can be accessed both outside and inside. The one with the higher-up door can also be accessed both outside and inside. The retractable platforms are also accessible from the inside of the stage. The clock cloud won't appear again for another 20 seconds. Hope this stage can hype up those looking to get Crafted World next year!


Crafted World Medley
Woolly World Medley
Yoshi's New Island (Smash Ultimate)
Big Baby Bowser (Yoshi's Island)
Big Baby Bowser (Yoshi's Woolly World)
Burt the Bashful (Yoshi's Island)
Great. Now I want Arthas in Smash Bros. Thanks.

Realtalk though I'd be A-OK with a Warcraft platform fighter. Mostly because I want to beat the crap out of Alliance characters with our Horde heroes Thrall and Vol'jinn (RIP)..

Deleted member

View attachment 165509

Stage Name:
Crafted World

Yoshi's Crafted World

Gimmicks and Hazards:
Clock clouds, layered platforms

Hey, guys, remember when Sakurai made that Woolly World stage for SSB3DS/Wii U before Yoshi's Woolly World was released? Well, I'm gonna follow in his footsteps with this: Crafted World! Based on the upcoming game Yoshi's Crafted World, these two buildings are part of the level shown in the Treehouse Demonstration! See those yellow doors? These lead to a second layer similar to Jungle Hijinx, and when a character goes through one, their outline will be visible from inside these two buildings, whose roofs (rooves?) serve as soft platforms. The reason these buildings are translucent in this picture is that there is a means of getting inside: the yellow doors, which work sort of similarly to the ones found in Subspace Emissary and Smash Run. The white and blue blocks shown aren't platforms, but when they start flashing, they'll push out and become a hard platform. If any players are in front of it while it pushes out, they will simply be pushed out. After 20 seconds, a cloud with a clock on it (the one in the center) will appear, and will disappear after 15 seconds of not being hit. When a player hits it, the stage will flip and reveal the insides of the buildings. While flipped, the same outline rules apply. The half clear-half solid platform on the building on the right shows that this platform can be accessed both outside and inside. The one with the higher-up door can also be accessed both outside and inside. The retractable platforms are also accessible from the inside of the stage. The clock cloud won't appear again for another 20 seconds. Hope this stage can hype up those looking to get Crafted World next year!


Crafted World Medley
Woolly World Medley
Yoshi's New Island (Smash Ultimate)
Big Baby Bowser (Yoshi's Island)
Big Baby Bowser (Yoshi's Woolly World)
Burt the Bashful (Yoshi's Island)
You know I'm not going to lie. I thought it would end up being the case that when this round eventually happened, that Yoshi would only get one stage submitted and that everything else would be a Wario stage. Good to be wrong sometimes.


Smash Rookie
Jul 24, 2018
Yoshi's Storybook
Yoshi's Story
In Yoshi's Story, Baby Bowser steals the Super Happy Tree from the Yoshis and turns their island into a popup book. On the Yoshis' quest to get it back, that popup book serves as a level select screen, with each page presenting up to four levels, only one of which must be beaten to advance to the next page.

Description: This stage is based around the popup book from Yoshi's Story. Every 15 seconds, the page turns to a new layout with new hazards, with about a 3 second transition as the page turns, the popup elements collapse and the new ones pop up.
Above, you can see the stage as it starts out. It is a fairly basic stage with a few bushes serving as platforms above the base of the stage. The Toadies and Shy guy are only background decoration.
This is the second page. Once the page is turned, the base platform becomes lava, which does about as much knockback as the lava from Brinstar, but only does 2% damage. The main purpose of it is to force players onto the arch above the lava. Like the Toadies, the Blargg is also a background element. However, not shown in this picture is the bone dragon that will emerge from the background on either the left or right side once each time the stage cycles through this form at a random interval. It will wait about 3 seconds after appearing before biting at the side of the stage closest to it, and doing 15% damage to anyone it bites.

This is the third page of the book. The mountain peaks you see here serve as the main platforms, however clouds will also drift by, which can be stood upon. This is the only form of the stage in which the bottom floor isn't present at all.

This is the fourth page of the book. This form of the stage is flat in the middle but with a bush off to the left and a tree to the right that can serve as platforms. There is also a giant piranha plant on this form of the stage, which functions the same way as the bone dragon from page 2.

This is the fifth page of the book. This form has two large anemones that can be stood upon. At the surface is a clam, floating on top of the water in the middle of the stage and a Shy Guy pirate ship that sails around and can be stood upon. The snorkel snake will also come out of the background and swim around, serving as an extra moving platform. This form of the stage features slight underwater mechanics when under the water's surface - everyone jumps higher and moves and falls more slowly. It's not a big effect, but just enough that you'd notice the difference when entering or leaving the water.

This is the final page of the book. On top of the base level are two further levels of platforms. This form features a giant sword that will stab at the stage, acting like the bone dragon and the piranha plant, as well as a saw blade that does the same, except that it will attack down the middle of the stage. Both of these appear once per rotation.

After the sixth page, it transitions again back to the first page and the level starts over again.

Unlockable: Beat Adventure mode with Yoshi
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Ivy WAS Saurly missed
Jun 19, 2013
Pacific Northwest
Switch FC
Yoshi's Storybook
Yoshi's Story
In Yoshi's Story, Baby Bowser steals the Super Happy Tree from the Yoshis and turns their island into a popup book. On the Yoshis' quest to get it back, that popup book serves as a level select screen, with each page presenting up to four levels, only one of which must be beaten to advance to the next page.

Description: This stage is based around the popup book from Yoshi's Story. Every 15 seconds, the page turns to a new layout with new hazards, with about a 3 second transition as the page turns, the popup elements collapse and the new ones pop up.
Above, you can see the stage as it starts out. It is a fairly basic stage with a few bushes serving as platforms above the base of the stage. The Toadies and Shy guy are only background decoration.

This is the second page. Once the page is turned, the base platform becomes lava, which does about as much knockback as the lava from Brinstar, but only does 2% damage. The main purpose of it is to force players onto the arch above the lava. Like the Toadies, the Blargg is also a background element. However, not shown in this picture is the bone dragon that will emerge from the background on either the left or right side once each time the stage cycles through this form at a random interval. It will wait about 3 seconds after appearing before biting at the side of the stage closest to it, and doing 15% damage to anyone it bites.

This is the third page of the book. The mountain peaks you see here serve as the main platforms, however clouds will also drift by, which can be stood upon. This is the only form of the stage in which the bottom floor isn't present at all.

This is the fourth page of the book. This form of the stage is flat in the middle but with a bush off to the left and a tree to the right that can serve as platforms. There is also a giant piranha plant on this form of the stage, which functions the same way as the bone dragon from page 2.

This is the fifth page of the book. This form has two large anemones that can be stood upon. At the surface is a clam, floating on top of the water in the middle of the stage and a Shy Guy pirate ship that sails around and can be stood upon. The snorkel snake will also come out of the background and swim around, serving as an extra moving platform. This form of the stage features slight underwater mechanics when under the water's surface - everyone jumps higher and moves and falls more slowly. It's not a big effect, but just enough that you'd notice the difference when entering or leaving the water.

This is the final page of the book. On top of the base level are two further levels of platforms. This form features a giant sword that will stab at the stage, acting like the bone dragon and the piranha plant, as well as a saw blade that does the same, except that it will attack down the middle of the stage. Both of these appear once per rotation.

After the sixth page, it transitions again back to the first page and the level starts over again.

Unlockable: Beat Adventure mode with Yoshi
This is incredibly effing clever. I never once would have considered the storybook itself. I love this creativity.

I just hope we don't have to listen to that weird song that plays on the stage selection lol

Deleted member

Reminder that Round 32 ends tomorrow at about 11:00pm pacific time.

ryuu seika

Smash Master
Jul 21, 2010
Amidst the abounding light of heaven!
Yoshi's Crafted World
Game of Origin: Yoshi's Crafted World


Introduction: The moment I heard this round was coming, I knew exactly what I wanted to make: A simple, wide stage with highly asymetric edges that would make the greatest possible use of Yoshi's latest gimmick. The only problem was, I've been pretty busy and not really had time until now to scour videos for stage elements.

Gimmicks/Hazards: The first such element that came to me when I did get chance to look, though, was the rolling cardboard hill/bridge that you see obscuring the lake on the right. This is a walk off segment but it's one angled to prevent grab-based abuse and, if you do camp it, you'll get a nasty surprise later on.
Then, there came the house. A simple object with a walkable roof, not unlike Onett's buildings. It does hide a little more but we'll get to that in a moment. For now, just know that the yellow/brown segment is intangible, allowing you to walk straight into that water pit if you're dumb enough.
That's not a swimming area, btw, just a visual obscuring a fall to your death.
Next were the grey mid-segments. Traintracks on which a train will appear every 50 seconds, looping round from one to the other and off into the foreground or background.
To warn you of this, little barriers decend to the side of them, blocking them off from the outer edges of the stage and taking the appearance that you'd expect to see at a level crossing. Their placement is marked in orange and they can be jumped over in the moment between them having fully decended and the first train coming. If you're super quick. Realistically, though, your best bet would be to walk the other way and stand safely infront of the house. After all, you can go there while the barriers are still coming down.
Finally, there's a tiny little platform before the river on the left, just for fun. This can also be walked infront of or stood upon.

Flipside: In addition to trains every 50 seconds, the stage will flip horizontally on a similar timer, meaning that something is happening every 25. When this occurs, the stage layout is mirrored completely, with one minor change: You now walk inside the house instead of infront of it. This means that the roof is nolonger a tangible platform but that the orange blocks inside are standle on and that you can nolonger fall into the pit.
Aside from this, the main difference is visual. You can now see the lake where all the rivers meet in the background, instead of a card-crafted woodland and the trains go the other way.
There is, however, one other thing that needs to be addressed and that's what happens when you're stood on an asymettric platform during the flip. Quite simply, you fall, starting exactly where you were. Once the flip animation is over, you're going to need to react to that.
But, if you're already below the right side's hill/bridge when it comes your way, consider yourself blessed. The stage will kindly pop you up on top.

Overview: A single form, non-moving stage with an unusual layout and a single, well-signposted hazard. It is asymetric, with one side clearly superior to the other, but no player can control either one forever due to the stage's simple gimmick. Designed for fun, not serious competition, but intended to be fair all the same.

Unlockable: Yes
SD off the side as Yoshi.


Smash Master
Sep 17, 2017
Yoshi's Crafted World
Game of Origin: Yoshi's Crafted World


Introduction: The moment I heard this round was coming, I knew exactly what I wanted to make: A simple, wide stage with highly asymetric edges that would make the greatest possible use of Yoshi's latest gimmick. The only problem was, I've been pretty busy and not really had time until now to scour videos for stage elements.

Gimmicks/Hazards: The first such element that came to me when I did get chance to look, though, was the rolling cardboard hill/bridge that you see obscuring the lake on the right. This is a walk off segment but it's one angled to prevent grab-based abuse and, if you do camp it, you'll get a nasty surprise later on.
Then, there came the house. A simple object with a walkable roof, not unlike Onett's buildings. It does hide a little more but we'll get to that in a moment. For now, just know that the yellow/brown segment is intangible, allowing you to walk straight into that water pit if you're dumb enough.
That's not a swimming area, btw, just a visual obscuring a fall to your death.
Next were the grey mid-segments. Traintracks on which a train will appear every 50 seconds, looping round from one to the other and off into the foreground or background.
To warn you of this, little barriers decend to the side of them, blocking them off from the outer edges of the stage and taking the appearance that you'd expect to see at a level crossing. Their placement is marked in orange and they can be jumped over in the moment between them having fully decended and the first train coming. If you're super quick. Realistically, though, your best bet would be to walk the other way and stand safely infront of the house. After all, you can go there while the barriers are still coming down.
Finally, there's a tiny little platform before the river on the left, just for fun. This can also be walked infront of or stood upon.

Flipside: In addition to trains every 50 seconds, the stage will flip horizontally on a similar timer, meaning that something is happening every 25. When this occurs, the stage layout is mirrored completely, with one minor change: You now walk inside the house instead of infront of it. This means that the roof is nolonger a tangible platform but that the orange blocks inside are standle on and that you can nolonger fall into the pit.
Aside from this, the main difference is visual. You can now see the lake where all the rivers meet in the background, instead of a card-crafted woodland and the trains go the other way.
There is, however, one other thing that needs to be addressed and that's what happens when you're stood on an asymettric platform during the flip. Quite simply, you fall, starting exactly where you were. Once the flip animation is over, you're going to need to react to that.
But, if you're already below the right side's hill/bridge when it comes your way, consider yourself blessed. The stage will kindly pop you up on top.

Overview: A single form, non-moving stage with an unusual layout and a single, well-signposted hazard. It is asymetric, with one side clearly superior to the other, but no player can control either one forever due to the stage's simple gimmick. Designed for fun, not serious competition, but intended to be fair all the same.

Unlockable: Yes
SD off the side as Yoshi.
Oh-HO! Looks like we both chose the same stage! This’ll be fun!

Deleted member

Alright guys. Round 32 is now closed. See you on Sunday with the grades for it.

Deleted member

Time for Round 32 grades!

psb123's grades:

First of all, remember how I said "Good to be wrong sometimes" when I thought that Yoshi would only get one stage and that everything else would a Wario stage. Well wrong I most certainly was because the exact opposite happened. Thank goodness for TKOWL in the GBA round am I right? Anyway.

Watch Out Below by Kevandre Kevandre

Iconic Status: 5/5

Now that's what I'm talking about! So far in Smash we've had Yoshi's Island this, Yoshi's Island that. The point is that it would be nice to see an actual level from a Yoshi's Island game as a stage. And this is certainly one of the more memorable ones. Stand-out gimmick, takes place early in the game, and the game in question is the only one of the trilogy that's remembered fondly. Which I find quite odd by the way. Yoshi's Island DS and Yoshi's New Island don't seem that far off from the original in terms of quality.

Originality: 10/10

I don't really know how this stage could be more faithful to it's source material honestly. You even got it down to being able to tell where the chomp appears from where he jumps from in the background. Plus this kind of level just offers a unique idea for a Smash stage on it's own. What with the whole Chain Chomp thing and what-not. The Yoshi Mole Tank is a nice reference as well.

Playability: 8/10

Only real concern here is that it's kind of hard to tell a couple of things about the Chain Chomps. Damage percentage isn't clarified all that much sure. But I'm more worried about where you'll be launched if you're hit by a Chomp. Is it a straight spike down? Do you get launched upwards? It's kind of hard to tell honestly.

Overall Score: 23/25


Iconic Status: 5/5

This one just barely earned it's 5. Your description points out it's importance to the WarioWare series, but for those who have not played Warioware they probably wouldn't be too keenly aware of this stage's origin since it doesn't show up in a lot of promotional material. Not that I'm aware of anyway. The thing is though, are people who have never played the series really the factor that iconic status should be judged upon? I'm in the camp of no so I'll go with a 5.

Originality: 10/10

You know it never really struck me before until recently but I'm pretty easy to please in the originality department aren't I? This stage is a faithful recreation of it's source and it includes the very wise mechanic of having players able to attack the seeds instead of having to rely solely on Pyoro to get rid of them. And that's really all I need. Yeah similarities to stages like bridge of eldin are there, but I can't see a lot of other layouts that would fit with this idea considering the gimmick.

Playability: 9/10

Having to keep up with attacking the seeds as often as you do might get in the way of the fight just a tad bit. But it isn't that problematic at the end of the day.

Overall Score: 24/25

Crafted World by GolisoPower GolisoPower

Iconic Status: 5/5

I find it so, SO weird to be giving this stage full iconic points when it's based on an unreleased game. But I mean, Woolly World became a stage before the game came out, the Yarns and Crafts stuff is where most of the praised Yoshi games are coming from nowadays, and there is a Crafty Yoshi skin for Yoshi in Ultimate. Weird as it feels, I can't think of enough reason to argue against a 5.

Originality: 8/10

Right off the bat, I don't like dual plane stages. It's kind of ironic in a way. Before Smash Wii U I saw a sizable chunk of people think the idea of dual plane stages sounded pretty cool. Then we actually got one and everyone hated it. Can't say I blame them though, I don't like Jungle Hijinx either.

What I can praise this stage for though, is that it utilizes the dual plane thing in a far less agonizing way. While being faithful to the source material too boot!

Playability: 7/10

I mean yeah the dual planes thing has some camping exploits by nature, but you can switch between the planes a lot more frequently than Jungle Hijinx so it doesn't sound as bad here. That's not to say the potential to abuse it isn't there. Because it is.

Overall Score: 20/25

Yoshi's Storybook by S SkySkipper

Iconic Status: 4/5

Maybe I'm being a little harsh here. But while Yoshi's Story is certainly memorable it doesn't seem to stick out in people's nostalgia as much as some other Yoshi games.

Originality: 6/10

The idea of having the Storybook from Yoshi's Story open up to pop out the stage is certainly a good one. Unfortunately the very first Yoshi stage in the history of Smash Bros. already beat you to that idea. That's not to say a different rendition of the stage couldn't expand upon it. That's what you tried to here but the positive effect of it is removed a bit by the pages just being recreations of the level select screen.

I know I praise stages for being faithful to their source material but you don't need to go that extreme with it. Creating original layouts based off of the various pages in Yoshi's Story really would have been the better move here.

Playability: 6/10

There aren't exactly any super big problems. But every page except the first and second to last has layouts that are just too difficult to navigate. Lava or an empty void in place of any center ground. Damaging hazards like the Piranha Plant, Bone Dragon, and Saw Blade. There just isn't enough room for a comfortable fight in this stage.

Overall Score: 16/25

Yoshi's Crafted World by ryuu seika ryuu seika

Iconic Status: 5/5

Same reasons as GolisoPower's Stage

Originality: 10/10

It uses the flipside gimmick without need for Dual Planes (sorry GolisoPower. But bringing it up was kind of unavoidable) and incorporates a few other things like the train. Doesn't seem like it has any originality problems to me.

Playability: 8/10

Playability though? Yeah there's a couple issues there. The Flipside thing honestly probably shouldn't be incorporated into a stage because it seems that it causes too many problems. Only flipping once every 50 seconds? Not only is that under utilizing the feature but one of the sides but there are places in the stage that can hinder you if you just happen to be there when the stage flips. I also think that if the water is there you should be able to swim in it. Or just not have it there at all. Either way having water that you can't swim in is too deceptive.

Overall Score: 23/25

Cosmic77's grades:

"Watch Out Below!" by Kevandre:

Iconic Status: 5/5

I remember this level. Took me forever to realize that there were two different types of Chain Chomps that were part of the museum.

Moving on from my memories from long ago, this stage looks and feels like everything you'd expect from Yoshi's Island. Not sure if the DS game will be fresh in people's heads, but every handheld Yoshi's Island game is nearly identical in appearance IMO.

Originality: 10/10

I think this would be a fantastic stage to play on. The Chain Chomp gimmick is simple, but it's interesting enough to make the stage stand out from every other Yoshi's Island stage currently in Smash.

I also like the use of the Mole-Tank. By repairing the hole, Chain Chomps will be able to fall down at random locations for the entire match.

Playability: 7/10

I'm afraid massive metal balls of destruction falling from the sky could possibly hurt someone. Possibly.

But seriously, getting spiked for an automatic KO would suck.

Overall Score: 22/25

"Pyoro" by TKOWL:

Iconic Status: 4/5

It's a WarioWare icon for sure, but WarioWare has tons of content. Since this minigame has never been a huge part of the games, I can see people not knowing where this came from.

Originality: 10/10

I'd be absolutely ecstatic if this became a stage. It has a lot of potential, and I think it would continue the trend of wacky WarioWare stages Smash is known for. Well done.

Playability: 6/10

So many beans. Pyoro can't possibly eat them all, and if you're too busy fighting to knock out the falling beans, you'll end up with a very wonky stage with a lot of random gaps.

Overall Score: 20/25

"Crafted World" by GolisoPower:

Iconic Status: 5/5

If relevancy wasn't enough, we already have a Crafted Yoshi alt. This stage is fine in the iconicness department.

Originality: 8/10

I like the way you incorporated the flipping element into your stage. That's the biggest part of Crafted World from the looks of it, so adding it is almost necessary IMO. Layout looks quite interesting as well.

Playability: 5/10

Your gimmicks are always holding your stages back from getting the high score they deserve.

Yes, the flipping thing is unique and creative, but I don't see how it could work very well if it can swap angles while multiple players on different sides of the stage are fighting. Might have been better if you approached this the same way Ryuu did with his stage.

I also think entering and exiting the doors at any time can be an issue. Players could take the lead and camp for the entire match if they wanted to.

Overall Score: 18/25

"Yoshi's Storybook" by SkySkipper:

Iconic Status: 5/5

Yoshi's Story has a very distinct style that's hard to mistake for something else. That, coupled in with the fact that we already have a stage based off of this game, makes me feel comfortable when I say that people will likely recognize this stage.

Originality: 6/10

You made layouts based on the areas of the stage selection map. While that might seem like a cool idea to some, it doesn't stand out very much for me. If I'm being honest, it kinda feels like an easy copy-and-paste layout with a few bells and whistles thrown on it.

The unique gimmicks you added in each area are what saved you from getting an even lower score.

Playability: 8/10

I normally complain about transitions taking too long, but yours feel a little too fast. 15 seconds isn't that long at all.

There's also a few hazards that raise some concerns, namely the saw blade and sword in the last area. Adding how much knockback and damage they would deal would've helped ya.

Overall Score: 19/25

"Yoshi's Crafted World" by Ryuu seika:

Iconic Status: 5/5

*See GolisoPower's grade.

Originality: 10/10

First off, what kind of unlockable condition is that!? "This stage of arts and crafts can be unlocked if you play as Yoshi and commit suicide."

Second, I really love your stage! It seems creative, unique, and looks like it'd be a total blast to play on. I also like how many different references you were able to cram into your stage. The train and the flipping gimmick suit this stage very well.

Playability: 8/10

The flipping shtick isn't perfect (and will likely never be "perfect"), but I think you approached it in a better way than GolisoPower. Even if it automatically switches, it's a lot easier to account for everyone if the stage is always facing the front and players can't be on opposite sides of each other.

Oh, and the train is a pretty big hazard. Definitely something that's capable of getting in the way of a battle.

Overall Score: 23/25

TheMarioAddict's Grades:

"Watch Out Below!" by Kevandre:

Iconic Status: 5/5

This was kinda tricky for me to evaluate - see, in my opinion, Yoshi’s Island on the whole is pretty dang iconic, but the individual levels sort of blend together as one homogenous mass (I have the same problem with most of Mario’s 2D games). I don’t think any of the levels really stand out from any of the others… that said, you did pick a level with a pretty interesting (and memorable) mechanic, so I went ahead and gave this one the benefit of the doubt.

Originality: 8/10

I don’t think we’ve ever had a smash stage that tears away the floor quite the same as this, so you get high marks for that. The platform layout is pretty neat too - a little big for my taste, but the falling chomps go a long ways towards fixing that. My one issue relates to what I said before - to me, the levels from Yoshi’s Island all look and feel the same, which isn’t so bad on it’s own… until you remember that Yoshi’s Island (Brawl) exists. The stark artistic similarities between that stage and yours aren’t really your fault, but I still feel they’re worth taking a couple points off.

Playability: 8/10

The only real concern here is the falling Chomps - you talk about their KO potential, but don’t specify how much damage they do, so I assume they hurt quite a bit. Still, I assume the shadows give decent telegraphing, and the rest of the layout is fine to me (though I’m told walls can be problematic for some characters). It’d be a fun one to play on, for sure!

Overall Score: 21/25

"Pyoro" by TKOWL:

Iconic Status: 3/5

So to be perfectly honest, I know nothing about the WarioWare series. The only one I’ve ever played is D.I.Y., which (notably) is one of the few WarioWare games not to have Pyoro in it. So I couldn’t tell you one way or the other if Pyoro is iconic, but your description leads me to believe it’s something of a staple, so I’ll give you some points for that. Though if others are like me, then those unfamiliar with WarioWare aren’t gonna have a clue what game this is supposed to be from.

Originality: 8/10

So normally I’m not a fan of stages that are basically “Final Destination with one hazard”, but in this instance I think the hazard you have - the falling seeds and breaking ground - are inventive enough to save you. It does feel like Bridge of Eldin as a result, but you implement things so differently from BoE that I can give it a pass. Not to mention I could see this stage leading to very frantic fights, which is perfect for a WarioWare stage.

Playability: 7/10

So right off the bat, I have a big concern - based on your description, white and gold seeds only restore the ground if Pyoro eats them or a player attacks them, right? So, hypothetically, what if neither happens during a match? Is there any point at which the stage automatically says “ok, this is ridiculous. I’m making an executive decision” and just brings the ground back on its own? Because if not, that’s a huge problem. Aside from that, it’s just a lot of little things. Walk-offs always give me pause, and I think the mechanic (though exceptionally fun in casual) could get in the way of regular Smash battles. It’d still be a crazy fun stage, don’t get me wrong - it just wouldn’t be a stage people do a lot of actual fighting on.

Overall Score: 18/25

"Crafted World" by GolisoPower:

Iconic Status: 3/5

I’m conflicted on how to rate the iconic-ness of a game that hasn’t even released yet… I mean, how could I? I don’t know whether the game will be loved, hated, or forgotten, let alone any one area from that game. I don’t know anything about it, and I’m not able to learn more until the game comes out. So unfortunately, I have to give you a very middle-of-the-road score.

Originality: 6/10

Well, the multi-layered thing would have been unique if not for Jungle Hijinks. Plus… I might be misremembering, but I feel like you yourself have used mechanics like this in some of your past stages (I mean, it’s cool and all, but you gotta get some new ideas man). The doors and the clock thing are a fresh spin on it, but not enough for my tastes. Also, visually, it looks similar (I assume) to Woolly World, so I’m taking a point for that.

Playability: 4/10

My problems with this stage boil down to two things - its size and its layers. The multiple layers, even back on Jungle Hijinks, lead to a ton of playability issues (mainly camping). So that took off a big chunk of points. Then the size and platform layout come along and further take off points (I think this stage would be a bit unwieldy to navigate, especially for those with poor movement options). I will give this stage one thing though: I could easily see it becoming a meme stage that people play on to do crappy role-playing.

Overall Score: 13/25

"Yoshi’s Storybook" by SkySkipper:

Iconic Status: 4/5

I know the storybook is technically only a thing from Yoshi’s Story, but iirc it’s a somewhat thematic link between all the Yoshi’s Island games, so it’s a good choice for a Yoshi stage! I’m not sure it’s the absolute best choice, but it’s a good one nonetheless.

Originality: 8/10

I really like the idea of this stage, changing between different locales by way of turning pages… with the wide variety of locations you go to, it really makes it feel like you’re going through an entire storybook! My only gripe is that it all feels kind of… haphazard. Like, you knew you wanted to make a stage based on the book, but then when it came to actually making the stage, you just slapped up some pics from google and called it a day, without much thought put into how the stage would actually work. And that hurts the stage, both in creativity and - as we’ll see in a moment - in playability.

Playability: 6/10

There’s not really one big problem here, as much as many small ones. Firstly, the attackers on pages 2, 4, and 6 are mildly concerning. Second, the layouts of pretty much every page (when taken as depicted) are a bit all over the place (page 1 has really short platforms, page 3 has very little space to stand on even if we account for the clouds, the right tree on page 4 looks oddly high up, and the top platform of page 5 is far too close to the ceiling). Thirdly, the water movement is cool, but I could see it messing with the flow of battle a lot, even if the effect is relatively small. Taken together, the end result is a middling score. Sorry.

Overall Score: 18/25

"Yoshi’s Crafted World" by ryuu seika:

Iconic Status: 3/5

[See my notes on GolisoPower’s stage]

Originality: 7/10

I like how you decided to interpret the stage flipping mechanic. The asymmetry helps emphasize the gimmick, but the parts that are symmetrical ground the whole thing. I like the addition of the train too - adds another wrinkle to the whole thing. Once again I feel that, visually, it may end up feeling similar to Wooly World, but there’s not much that could fix that.

Playability: 7/10

You mention that camping the walk-off would be difficult because of the flip mechanic, but I disagree, for one reason (a common reason at this point): the stage transition takes way too long. I may be misreading, but it looks like you said the flip happens every 50 seconds. That’s… that’s absurd. That’s more than enough time for someone who can abuse a walkoff to do so, twice. However, the absurd wait time is an inadvertent blessing, since the train follows the same timing, meaning it doesn’t interfere with the match too much. Throw in the stage’s size, and I find myself having to take away a decent amount of points.

Overall Score: 17/25

Total Scores:

Kevandre: 66 points

TKOWL: 62 points

GolisoPower: 51 points

SkySkipper: 53 points

ryuu seika: 63 points

The Winner is..............
Watch Out Below! by Kevandre



Ivy WAS Saurly missed
Jun 19, 2013
Pacific Northwest
Switch FC
Wow! Reading the grades and seeing how tough the competition was I was like "Dang I don't think I'm gonna win... *SCREECH*"

Congrats to the other competitors too! This was a close one!


Smash Journeyman
Dec 14, 2013
Right Behind You
Switch FC
Huh. Didn't get thrashed like last time. That's good...I guess. Anyways congrats to Kevandre Kevandre for Watch Out Below!!
If ever I am harsh, know that it's because I have the utmost confidence in your abilities, and know that you can make the best stages you can with a push in the right direction (even if that push feels more like a forceful shove).

That goes for all of you contestants, btw, not just GolisoPower. I know critique can hurt sometimes, but if you use it to grow and improve, then you can make some frikkin' awesome stages!

...I didn't intend this to become an inspirational speech, but that's sort of where we've ended up, isn't it?

Welp, might as well run with it, so... BELIEVE IN YOURSELVES!!!

Deleted member

Time for Round 33!

Winning the poll at 5 votes, Round 33 is.......................................

Mega Man

Ah yes, the run & gunning Blue Bomber (why did the US Boxing ring call him "Blue Metal Hero"?) who introduced the extremely innovative weapon copy and is considered by a good chunk of people to surpass even Mario as the king of the NES.

Not that Mega Man is all about the NES titles though. 7 and 8 came after gaming's 8-bit savior and 9 and 10 were on different systems as well despite the 8-bit look. Then there's the Game Boy games, Mega Man & Bass, and some quirky spin-offs like that Japan exclusive PS1 Kart Racer (yeah there actually is one surprising as it may be).

And of course, Mega Man 11. I'll admit I'm a bit surprised people didn't wait a couple weeks so that MM11 would actually be released before voting this round into having it's turn. But most (possibly all) of the Robot Masters and their stages have been revealed by now so there is enough to work with. And technically speaking Mega Man 11 is eligible. Yoshi's Crafted World is even farther away but that didn't stop two stages based on it from being submitted.

That's a lot to work with but even so, it's still just the classic series.

The X series has 8 platformers (one of which is only good enough to be a guilty pleasure and one that is just bad), 2 minor Gameboy Color Games, and an RPG that most people seemed to just brush off for being different (shame too. It looks pretty good).

The Battle Network series is there as well. Including a spin-off that plays like a mix of Mega Man Battle Network and the original Mega Man series.

And everything else after that is pretty straightforward.

Mega Man Zero
Mega Man ZX
Mega Man Star Force
Mega Man Legends

No crazy spin-offs in any of those! .......................Okay technically Legends has that one spin-off that features Tron Bonne.

Even that mobile game Rockman Xover is allowed. Though it will mutilate your Iconic Status score.

I think the only game I'm outright banning is Street Fighter X Mega Man. Those use Street Fighter levels and at that point you might as well just be making a Street Fighter Stage since Ryu is in Smash as well. We're sticking purely to Mega Man games here.

And with that, on September 24th 2018, Round 33 has begun. You have until Friday, September 28th, at about 11:00pm Pacific Time, to submit entries.

Good Luck!


Ivy WAS Saurly missed
Jun 19, 2013
Pacific Northwest
Switch FC
Central Highway

(Mega Man X)

Admittedly, I’ve never played a Mega Man game, for more than a stage or so, anyway. My initial plan of having a stage that was identical in layout but with small variances depending on the randomly selected robot master was a grand ambition, but I realized that I am not the person who should make that stage.

What I do know is Mega Man X, at least a bit. More than any other game from the series, anyway, having watched the Beard Bros play it on their channel a while back.

Thinking of the locations from that game, I really thought that the first stage, Central Highway, was probably the most memorable overall so here we are.

It’s weird to make a stage in Photoshop again rather than Illustrator.

Anyway, so there are two big platforms on this stage, different broken bits of the highway staggered one higher and one lower. There are cars abandoned on the right side, but they aren’t interactable, they are just little extra platforms. In addition, the lamp posts in the foreground are passable platforms themselves.

I know, not very exciting for a stage…

Until you hear a chopper overhead dropping off Vile!

Vile is the boss of this stage. Though it is important to note that Vile doesn’t do any damage to you- he will, however, stun you for two seconds with his paralyzing beam! So be on the lookout for that, or set up your opponents to be hit by it!

Vile will be defeated if you deal him 35% damage and he won’t appear again for 45 seconds. Do note that you have to deal Vile himself the damage rather than his Ride Armor. If he is not defeated, he'll stick around for 20 seconds before jumping back into his chopper.

And that’s it! I know, it doesn’t have my usual flair, but it’s hard with a series you aren’t super familiar with and I could see this being a stage in Smash all the same.

Unlockable: Summon the Zero assist trophy as Mega Man.


Opening Stage (Megaman X): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OOASEZW2tYk

Vile/Sigma Fortress Boss Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tmEHkEGQJYU



Smash Master
Sep 17, 2017

Stage Name:
Air Man's Stage

Mega Man 2

Gimmicks and Hazards:
Goblins, scrolling, clouds

TFW You can't beat Air Man.

But in all seriousness, this is the stage I'm using. The domain of the Robot Master and meme icon Air Man, this stage leads to one of the 8 Robot Masters you fight in Mega Man 2. The stage is constantly scrolling, so your goal is to constantly move. Some clouds form around and can partially obscure platforms (And other players, as you can just barely see with Corrin). Another hazard is the Goblins. These big guys act as platforms, but the drills are what make them dangerous. If you touch a drill, you'll take 4% damage and some slight knockback. They slowly rise out of the Goblins' heads over 2 seconds and stay there for another 2 seconds before retracting over yet another 2 seconds before rising again after a final 2 seconds. The blocks that compose the platform can range from 1-5 blocks long, each block being about 1 Kirby wide and 1 Kirby tall. This is a 2D stage similar to Game & Watch or Duck Hunt, meaning the characters are flat on this stage. The platforms are randomly generated in the positional range shown, as well as the Goblins' position and cloud shape. Despite their abundance, they won't appear every other platform. Sometimes they appear every 10 platforms. Sometimes they spawn right next to one another. There is one platform that all players start on that's about the full length of Final Destination.

Yes. Stay airborne for 5 minutes overall.

Air Man's Stage (Smash 4)
Air Man's Stage (Mega Man 2)
Mega Man 2 Medley
Mega Man 4 Medley
Bounce Man's Stage (Mega Man 11)
Tornado Man's Stage (Mega Man 9)
Air Man ga Taosenai (You Can't Beat Air Man)
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Ivy WAS Saurly missed
Jun 19, 2013
Pacific Northwest
Switch FC
View attachment 166439

Stage Name:
Air Man's Stage

Mega Man 2

Gimmicks and Hazards:
Goblins, scrolling, clouds

TFW You can't beat Air Man.

But in all seriousness, this is the stage I'm using. The domain of the Robot Master and meme icon Air Man, this stage leads to one of the 8 Robot Masters you fight in Mega Man 2. The stage is constantly scrolling, so your goal is to constantly move. Some clouds form around and can partially obscure platforms (And other players, as you can just barely see with Corrin). Another hazard is the Goblins. These big guys act as platforms, but the drills are what make them dangerous. If you touch a drill, you'll take 4% damage and some slight knockback. They slowly rise out of the Goblins' heads over 2 seconds and stay there for another 2 seconds before retracting over yet another 2 seconds before rising again after a final 2 seconds. The blocks that compose the platform can range from 1-5 blocks long, each block being about 1 Kirby wide and 1 Kirby tall. This is a 2D stage similar to Game & Watch or Duck Hunt, meaning the characters are flat on this stage. The platforms are randomly generated in the positional range shown, as well as the Goblins' position and cloud shape. Despite their abundance, they won't appear every other platform. Sometimes they appear every 10 platforms. Sometimes they spawn right next to one another. There is one platform that all players start on that's about the full length of Final Destination.

Yes. Stay airborne for 5 minutes overall.

Air Man's Stage (Smash 4)
Air Man's Stage (Mega Man 2)
Mega Man 2 Medley
Mega Man 4 Medley
Bounce Man's Stage (Mega Man 11)
Tornado Man's Stage (Mega Man 9)
Air Man ga Taosenai (You Can't Beat Air Man)
When I think of NES Mega Man, this is the stage I think of. Mostly because it was the first stage I chose to try in MM2 and it was the one that convinced me that Megaman wasn't for me lol

Good Guy Giygas

Smash Master
Jul 7, 2013
Official Doomguy Hype-Man®
Switch FC
When I think of NES Mega Man, this is the stage I think of. Mostly because it was the first stage I chose to try in MM2 and it was the one that convinced me that Megaman wasn't for me lol
Lol same. When I think of Mega Man, I tend to remember the stages that I found the most annoying, one of which was Air Man's stage. But this one has always stood out to me for other reasons too. It's pretty memorable as far Mega Man stages go.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 12, 2014
Philadelphia, PA
Damn, Kevandre beat me to the punch, I had a Central Highway stage planned out. I guess I’m going with my Megaman Battle Network plans (I feel more passionate towards that series anyways as it was a huge piece of my childhood), but here was a preview of what I had (and I think Kevandre made a better layout anyways):

I’ll post my actual stage entry later


Ivy WAS Saurly missed
Jun 19, 2013
Pacific Northwest
Switch FC
Damn, Kevandre beat me to the punch, I had a Central Highway stage planned out. I guess I’m going with my Megaman Battle Network plans (I feel more passionate towards that series anyways as it was a huge piece of my childhood), but here was a preview of what I had (and I think Kevandre made a better layout anyways):
View attachment 166442

I’ll post my actual stage entry later
Sorry lol. Yours, as always, looks great aesthetically. I think the judges are okay with multiples based on the same stage though


Smash Apprentice
Aug 6, 2011
A Distant Planet
Damn, Kevandre beat me to the punch, I had a Central Highway stage planned out. I guess I’m going with my Megaman Battle Network plans (I feel more passionate towards that series anyways as it was a huge piece of my childhood), but here was a preview of what I had (and I think Kevandre made a better layout anyways):
View attachment 166442

I’ll post my actual stage entry later
Just curious, do you draw your stages by hand in Photoshop or a similar program? They always look damn good.
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Smash Apprentice
Oct 12, 2014
Philadelphia, PA
Just curious, do you draw your stages by hand in Photoshop or a similar program? They always look damn good.
I actually do draw them by hand in Sketchbook Pro, painting the background elements and stuff. I find them more fun that way and it lets me practice backgrounds and stuff.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 12, 2014
Philadelphia, PA
Anyways, onto the main event:

Internet Square
Megaman Battle Network (Series)

In this alternate universe take of the Megaman series, Dr. Light pursues the studies of the internet instead of robotics, creating a vast cyber society where the entire world is connected by the web (a reality that doesn't seem too far off from our own). The virtual world is almost as vast as our own, connected in many ways with one another by roads and sentient programs and human-owned helpers called NetNavis. However, there are those who wish to take advantage of these forms of communication for evil, which is where Dr. Wily comes in, wishing to see the deletion of the internet and world. As Lan Hikari and his NetNavi Megaman.Exe, the two journey across the internet through their Battle Network series to bust viruses, collect battle chips, and eliminate the evil forces of the World Three, Nebula, Dark Chips, etc. This sub-series of Megaman went on for six years, had its own spiritual successor in Star Force, and has many fans to this day that look back at the series very fondly.

The stage is four platforms: one raised midway on the left and right, and two in the center: one higher which is pass-through, and one below which is solid. Two diagonal bridges span across the gaps between the side and bottom platforms. This is a relatively peaceful layout, until the hazards come in. On the left and right platforms are markers for teleporters, and they will occasionally light up. Stepping into them will cause the player to warp to the one across the stage in an instant, which can create opportune advantages: one can run into them wielding a Hammer for instance to instantly warp to the other side and threaten out those running away. After about ten seconds, the teleporters turn off, and don’t turn back on for 50+ more seconds. The main, defining gimmick of the stage, however, are the various NetNavis that will warp into the top-middle platform background, ready to cause their own brand of stage havoc, turning the far background red. Only one can appear at a time, and go through a 20-30 second phase. Once they disappear, no new one will appear for another minute or more. Each is from a separate numbered Battle Network game, representing the whole series in little pieces.

FireMan: shoots a Fire Arm at either the left or right platforms, engulfing them in flames. The flames don’t launch very far, but inflict instant knockback damage, as flame attacks do.

KnightMan: flings a Royal Wrecking Ball towards either the left or right bridge, creating a large gap. An indicator will also flash for a second or so over which bridge will be smashed. Anyone caught under the telegraphed falling mace is meteored extremely hard. The bridge regenerates once KnightMan leaves.

PlantMan- indicators will show up on the stage’s platforms that flash yellow, and then vines will sprout up, ensnaring anyone on them, taking small wrapping damage, and allowing opponents to get free attacks on them. The flashes of yellow last long enough that an aware player can jump out of the way before they get caught.

ShadeMan- starts out in the middle, and then transforms into a bat. The background darkens slightly, as he flies to a location, only to suddenly appear and shoot a large Noise Crush, stunning anyone on the ground and knocking anyone in the air away. Very telegraphed attack but deadly if you get caught in it.

CloudMan- spreads black storm clouds across the stage, which occasionally electrify and shoot thunderbolts downwards, acting like Pikachu's Down B. Can be eliminated with simple attacks, but more will be thrown out if some get removed.

DiveMan- floods the bottom section of the stage, turning it into a water pit and making the bottom platform and a half of both bridges inaccessible. Occasionally summons a wave that crashes into the sides of the platforms, inflicting knockback. This wave is telegraphed by a portion of the water receeding as DiveMan lifts up one of his arms.

The background of the stage is a constantly shifting layered tileset that may turn into different web-related icons. In the background platforms, generic NetNavis and Mr. Plugs will be attending to their business, with the net monorail even coming through sometimes. However, when a villainous Navi attacks the stage, they retreat, replaced then by HeelNavis and viruses. When a boss navi’s timer is up, they will either teleport away or be confronted by the likes of ProtoMan, GutsMan, or Colonel, attacking them and teleporting away to fight them.

Theme of Megaman Battle Network (Remix)
Battle Network Battle Theme Medley
Battle Network Boss Theme Medley
Fire Field (FireMan's Stage) (Megaman Battle Network) (Remix)
Proof of Courage (Megaman Battle Network 2) (Remix)
Navi Customizer (Remix)
Global Network (Megaman Battle Network 4) (Remix)
Quest In The Water (Megaman Battle Network 5 DS)
Break The Storm (Megaman Battle Network 6) (Remix)
Last edited:


Ivy WAS Saurly missed
Jun 19, 2013
Pacific Northwest
Switch FC
So I'm kind of surprised that we only got three stages this round. I've never really been into Mega Man but I've always been under the impression that it was quite popular

Deleted member

So I'm kind of surprised that we only got three stages this round. I've never really been into Mega Man but I've always been under the impression that it was quite popular
It is. It’s just this contest has a limited number of contestants so I guess the majority just didn’t feel like they knew enough about Mega Man to contribute. It doesn’t help that, Yellow Devil aside, Wily Castle really earned a status as THE Mega Man stage.

Deleted member

Reminder that Round 33 ends at about 11:00pm Pacific Time tonight.

...............which is 5 hours away. This week has been kicking my butt lately let me tell ya.
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