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Super Smash Bros. Ultimate: Stage Creation Contest (Complete)


Ivy WAS Saurly missed
Jun 19, 2013
Pacific Northwest
Switch FC
I feel like I picked a bad week for my first entry since there are so many good entries this week!
We're glad you're here though fam, your stage is dope. You can never know who is gonna win before the grades come in too, there have been hella surprises

Deleted member

All right guys. Round 28 is officially closed. See you on Sunday with the grades for it.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 12, 2014
Philadelphia, PA
Yeah, every competitor here has insanely good stages this time, don't think there's a single weak one of the bunch. Rating this round must be a heartbreaker.

Deleted member

Time for Round 28 grades!

psb123's grades:

Heads of the Hewdraw by Kevandre Kevandre

Iconic Status: 5/5

Hewdraw was one of the bosses in the original game. And even though he's almost completely locked to Chapter 3 in Uprising that is really early on. Early enough to where new players were very likely still in the high of this being a new Kid Icarus Game. I'm sure a lot of people would recognize this.

Originality: 10/10

A boss hazard stage where you fight on the boss is brilliant. And the rest of the stage after you separate the Hewdraw heads is extremely faithful to the source level in Uprising.

Playability: 9/10

The Hewdraw head in the coliseum can rack up some decent damage. But at 50% health and a cramped quarters that you can't be launched through he goes down pretty quickly. That's really the only concern here and even then you can choose not to have the stage move to that point.

Overall Score: 24/25

Quaggled Mireclops by S SkySkipper

Iconic Status: 4/5

My lack of Pikmin knowledge is not my friend here. But you say this boss is fought after it swallow Louie. Since in the source game this brings in a character from Pikmin 2, I'll give you a 4.

Originality: 10/10

This uses the idea Kevandre's stage had of "A boss hazard stage is the boss itself" but in a different way. Hewdraw basically recreated the level from the source game. This makes the boss almost the entire stage itself and really plays up the setting of you fighting for survival and victory atop a dangerous creature.

Playability: 6/10

The main issue here is that the stage has no safe spot. The Muddy area can KO you if you're still there when the stage scrolls, the legs launch you around very often, the tongue covers a wide area, and the bulb have spikes to protect it makes KOing the thing more difficult than it needed to be. No barrier but it can take a lot of damage probably would have been a better way to go.

Overall Score: 20/25

Crystal Arch by GolisoPower GolisoPower

Iconic Status: 4/5

I don't know much about Diablo. But I'll be lenient and give you a 4 since Diablo himself is in this stage.

Originality: 8/10

I like how things like the Health Meter for Diablo and the Red Glow to know who he's targeting are implemented. But all in all I think the layout is on the bland side.

Playability: 4/10

Honestly getting Yellow Devil vibes from how Diablo functions. He takes up too much space for a stage this size which is made worse by his wide range of powerful attacks. He also takes too much damage. And by a large margin. That kind of health would be alright for an Adventure Mode boss, but for a stage boss it's too much.

Overall Score: 16/25

Mother Base by Good Guy Giygas Good Guy Giygas

Iconic Status: 4/5

Unfortunately being a Phantom Pain location hinders it a bit. Metal Gear Solid 5 came out during the (sadly still current) massive fall from grace Konami is going through. But appearances in Peace Walker and similar structures like Big Shell existing prevents it from getting a 3 or lower.

Originality: 10/10

There is so much to love about the creativity of this stage. It uses Metal Gear's signature Stealth by providing areas to hide from the boss, it gives a speech bubble with the iconic warning when the boss approaches, and you can even remove it from the match completely by using an exclusive item to defeat it in the same manor as in the source game.

Playability: 8/10

The Metal Gear itself and the Killer Bee are powerful, but the Metal Gear only targets one player at a time before leaving for a bit. The limit to how often the boss is present and how much havoc it can actually cause makes this a very manageable boss hazard.

Overall Score: 22/25


Iconic Status: 5/5

Samus Returns is a pretty notable game all in all. Sure maybe not as much one Prime 4 comes out, but the first 2d Metroid in years should not be ignored.

Originality: 8/10

It uses a bunch of enemies as hazards, some of which are bosses. Dracula's Castle looks to do the same thing but I won't score you too low here since fighting Metroids is the entire point of the source game.

Playability: 6/10

The layout suffers from an odd mix of having both caves of life and a lack of a solid center ground at the same time. The Metroids also cause some issues. Some are better than others and there is a little more room to fight when one appears. But that room disappears with them and the Omega Metroid might be too large an obstacle for a stage this size.

Overall Score: 19/25

Stardust Speedway by PeridotGX PeridotGX

Iconic Status: 5/5

Thanks to Metal Sonic and his boss fight, this is the fan favorite level of Sonic CD

Originality: 10/10

This has a lot of the same pros as Kevandre's idea. The fight doesn't happen unless you start it and it can scroll through the level at certain points of the fight. There are also some pretty creative ways to fight Metal Sonic. Particularly the phase where you can throw Silver Sonic's into him.

Playability: 9/10

The 3rd phase has some powerful attacks but can potentially not be on screen for very long depending on how much damage you dealt in the first phase. That's a nice touch that makes it more up to the players how much of a hindrance this boss can be.

Overall Score: 24/25

Chozo Ruins by Primid Primid

Iconic Status: 5/5

Samus may have ended up on this planet against her will. But it contains ruins and history from the species that raised her which makes it a pretty big deal in Prime 1. Which is a very recognizable game.

Originality: 10/10

First of all I really like the choice of a Boss. Chozo Ghosts aren't exactly a boss in Metroid Prime but they are a notable and difficult enemy that functions as a boss in Smash in this idea. And giving a player an item that only they can pick up once they've defeated one is quite the creative reward.

Playability: 10/10

The Ghosts don't have attacks that are too dangerous and go down easily in just 3 hits. Perfectly manageable.

Overall Score: 25/25

Cosmic77's grades:

"Heads of the Hewdraw" by Kevandre:

Iconic Status: 4/5

I had an internal debate on what score I should give you. While I don't think KI Uprising was really that iconic, I do think people would be able to recognize which franchise this stage comes from.

Originality: 10/10

Love the way you handled this boss fight. The initial layout of fighting on the back of a dragon is unique by itself, but the falling into the arena part was really the highlight of your stage. You also did a decent job of staying true to the game.

In a way, this is kinda like an optional boss fight. Not many people would've thought of that. Good job.

Playability: 7/10

Pretty tame for a boss fight. However, I do have some concerns with the arena segment. If you're trapped inside until both heads are defeated, then less cooperative players could take this opportunity to rack up some damage on their opponents.

Overall Score: 21/25

"Quaggled Mireclops" by SkySkipper:

Iconic Status: 5/5

Same problem I had with Kevandre's stage. Just not sure if Pikmin 3 is iconic enough to warrant a perfect score.

Still, this is unmistakably a Pikmin boss.

Originality: 7/10

I appreciate the attention to detail you put in your stage (really liked the puddle for some reason), but the boss fight itself is a little bland. There's not enough action going one here for me think this would be a fun boss to fight against.

Granted, this thing doesn't have many tricks up its sleeve. It's sheer size was the biggest obstacle in Pikmin 3.

Playability: 7/10

I needed a little more info on your stage. How much damage does it take to defeat the boss? How much damage will the tongue sweep deal?

There's also no true safe space in your stage. Go to the edge, the legs will get you. Go to the center, the bulb will get you. Watch out for the tongue; it covers the entire stage minus the legs.

Even though it doesn't make sense, floating platforms would've helped tremendously. Perhaps Flying Pikmin carrying leaves?

Overall Score: 19/25

"Crystal Arch" by GolisoPower:

Iconic Status: 3/5

Not sure what to give you since I've never actually played this game. Perhaps my score is way off and you deserved more, but I felt like this was fair based off the research I did on Diablo.

Originality: 7/10

Ehh... I'm not really sure how I feel with this boss. Half of his attacks are extremely unique, but the rest feel really generic.

The shadow clone thing at the end was a nice touch that helps this boss stand out a little more from the others, but I gotta say, it's awfully similar to Master Core.

Playability: 4/10

The attacks bring up a few areas of concern, but nowhere near as much as entirely different detail in your boss. You gotta watch that health! 400 is pretty insane for a boss, and even a group of four people might have trouble defeating this thing.

100-150 would be more reasonable.

Overall Score: 14/25

"Mother Base" by Good Guy Giygas:

Iconic Status: 4/5

I feel like a broken record with this round. "Pretty iconic for the franchise, but I'm not sure if it's iconic enough overall".

Originality: 10/10

Now this is exactly what I'm looking for in a boss fight.

- Unique layout
- Interesting background
- Fits the franchise
- Creative gimmick (search light)
- Challenging but fair boss fight.

If I had to nitpick, I'd say the search light is similar to Gamer, but I don't think that's worth deducting points for.

Playability: 8/10

Aside from areas where you can camp (looking at you, bottom platform), my only complaint is the amount of ground the attacks cover. However, the stage does technically provide safe spots, so...

Also, I would've liked more info on how much damage the attacks cause.

Overall Score: 22/25

"SR-388" by TKOWL:

Iconic Status: 5/5

The only reason I'm giving you a perfect score is because this game is fairly new. Otherwise, you'd get the same explanation as your fellow competitors.

Originality: 9/10

Not necessarily a boss fight, but I like what you came up with. You went into great detail with the enemies and made each one function differently from the rest, all while staying true to the game of origin.

I also like the idea of wildlife crawling around in the background. That should make this stage more attractive.

Playability: 5/10

Not so much the enemies as the layout. Caves of life can shave off lots of points from your score, and the one you put in this stage looks intimidating to say the least.

Overall Score: 19/25

"Stardust Speedway" by Peridot GX:

Iconic Status: 5/5

The first stage in this round where I can easily say a perfect score is deserved.

Originality: 9/10

I'm impressed with what you created. This stage transitions from different parts of a boss fight instead of just focusing on a single phase. You also took a lot of inspiration from the games, and that's not always easy to do in a Smash stage.

My only gripe is that Metal Sonic never respawns. Once the fight is over, you have nothing else to make the stage interesting or fun.

Playability: 7/10

It's not perfect, but your stage isn't as bad as you think. Yeah, the hazards can get in the way more than a few times, but you did provide an option to avoid the boss fight. Not sure if that matters anymore since we now have the option to disable hazards, but it was a nice touch regardless.

Overall Score: 21/25

"Chozo Ruins" by Primid:

Iconic Status: 4/5

Y'know, I should just copy and paste my grades at this point.

Iconic to the franchise, not sure if iconic overall.

Originality: 10/10

Not sure if the other judges will agree, but I actually love your interpretation of a boss fight. You defeat an easy boss, and you're rewarded with a powerful but not too OP item. Feels like this will be a simple but fun boss that players will be fighting over to defeat first. Also loved the layout you created.

My only gripe? Check the grade from the stage above yours. I don't want the boss to permanently disappear. Luckily, your layout is interesting enough to make up for it.

Playability: 10/10

The only person to get a perfect playability score from me in this round. The boss dies so easily that I can't see it being a huge threat to the players.

Overall Score: 24/25

TheMarioAddict's grades:

"Heads of Hewdraw" by Kevandre:

Iconic Status: 4/5

The only point I’m taking off here is because I don’t think that Kid Icarus, as a series, is all that notable or iconic outside of one game. That said, what a game it was! And you’ve picked a pretty recognizable early boss from that game, so you get a lot of points for that!

Originality: 9/10

Once again, I’m only taking one point off here, because the stage layout seems a bit on the dull side. While airborne, the stage is essentially just a big flat platform (ok, maybe not flat, but still), and the rest of the stage never really changes that up. Thankfully, you knocked it out of the park in all other regards - destroying the entire stage by attacking a dragon’s head is pretty unique, and the freefall isn’t something we’ve really seen either. Very nice idea all around!

Playability: 8/10

I worry that the initial Hewdraw head may be a bit too easy to destroy, such that players may accidentally kill it even if they don’t want to. I also worry about the second head’s attacks, but those are both fairly minor concerns, overall - the rest of the stage seems perfectly playable.

Overall Score: 21/25

"Quaggled Mireclops" by SkySkipper:

Iconic Status: 3/5

This is probably going to be biased, so I’ll come right out with it: I don’t like Pikmin. And because I don’t like Pikmin, I really don’t know how iconic the series as a whole is, let alone this specific game or area. This hampers your score quite a bit, but I threw in a pity point to acknowledge my lacknowledge… er, uh, lack of knowledge. Seems like a cool area, at least.

Originality: 7/10

I feel largely the same about this stage as I do about Kevandre’s stage - the platform layout seems a bit basic, and underutilized. It’s mostly flat terrain, with only a pool of water and some moving legs to spice it up. The reason you scored less, though, is because unlike his stage, the Quaggled Mireclops feels too similar to other Pikmin stages, at least as far as aesthetics are concerned. Granted, there’s only so much wiggle room you have when it comes to Pikmin (all the areas kinda look the same to me), but stage with a change of scenery would’ve really helped. All that aside, I like the same things about this stage too - fighting atop a boss is not really something Smash has seen before, and it’s extra fitting in this case.

Playability: 5/10

So… look, I know this is a boss round, so I’m gonna have to be more lenient on bosses and boss attacks than I normally would be. Even so, there’s no safe place to stand on this stage. Once it starts moving, the legs try to shake you off, and the tongue sweeps across the rest of the stage. Furthermore, you can only put an end to the madness when the Mireclops feels generous enough to let itself be attacked. If this were a boss in an adventure mode, I would love it, but as a normal stage for people to play on? There’s just a lot of problems.

Overall Score: 15/25

"Crystal Arch" by GolisoPower:

Iconic Status: 3/5

This is in the same boat as SkySkipper’s stage - I know nothing about Diablo 3, so I couldn’t tell you if it’s iconic or not. Once again though, it looks neat.

Originality: 9/10

This is a really cool idea - after looking up some reference images of the original area, I’d say it looks pretty unique to anything else in Smash (though it does look a bit like something out of Bayonetta). Given the subject of the round, I’ll put aside my usual thoughts on bosses and say that the wide array of attacks he can perform makes him stand out from other bosses in Smash, and the reward of a shadow fighter is really interesting. I also really love the boss health bar - it’s a nice touch. Overall, very nice!

Playability: 6/10

So right off the bat: this stage layout seems a bit problematic. I’m not sure that I like the idea of small bottomless pits next to the spire… things, and if your picture is to scale, then I could see a couple characters struggling to get out of that center area. Second, Diablo has way too much health. 400% is an insane amount of damage, it really needed to be cut back to like, 200% at best. And then you went and gave him a heal move!? I mean, at least he can be killed pretty quick if all players decide to focus on him, and I know this is the boss round, but... holy crap, this guy is way too strong.

Overall Score: 18/25

"Mother Base" by Good Guy Giygas:

Iconic Status: 4/5

“You’re gonna make a stage based on him?

Yeah, Mother Base is a really good choice for a Metal Gear stage. And if this were a pure Metal Gear round, I’d probably give it a 5/5. But this is a boss battles round, and I don’t recall any huge boss battles in MGSV that took place on Mother Base. Had this been based on Peace Walkers and involved a battle against Zeke, it’d be a much better implementation, but as is, I think I’m warranted in removing a single point.

Originality: 9/10

As I said above, this is a really good choice for a Metal Gear stage. It’s very different from Shadow Moses island, and the layout is pretty distinct from anything else in Smash too. The stage just oozes MGS charm, and the boss even does a pretty good job of being a fresh take on the typical stage boss premise (though I’m docking a single point for the self-admitted similarity to Gamer). It’s a really, really good idea, all around!

Playability: 7/10

The platform layout here is really interesting, however the platform at the very bottom of the stage has me concerned. You know how you can stand on the laser gun on Corneria? It’s like that, except there’s no penalty for staying there (and in fact, Sahelanthropus’ field of view actively encourages you to go there). It’s a spot I could see heavily being camped. Aside from that, the boss seems pretty dang strong, but you did provide easily accessible safe zones, so I’ll be a bit lenient there. And though the supply drops do boost your creativity score a bit, I feel like it complicates the boss battle a bit too much. Just let him be damaged normally and give him less health, and I think it’d be a much stronger stage overall. Still, not terrible by any means!

Overall Score: 20/25

"SR-388" by TKOWL:

Iconic Status: 5/5

SR-388… I feel like someone made a stage based off of that already, but I can’t seem to remember who...

Well, in any case, this is a really good choice as well. I was prepared to drop the same issues on you that I dropped on Good Guy Giygas, but then again, SR-388 does encompass all of Samus Returns, so it’s a bit more passable here. It’s got all the stuff I like too - a popular area from a decently popular game, and lots of little things fans can appreciate and newcomers can still recognize. Well done!

Originality: 10/10

This stage is oozing personality. It’s got a nice platform layout, it’s very different from not just other Metroid stages (no lava!), but other Smash stages in general! Top that off with a smattering of enemies you can fight (and, for some of them, kill fairly easily) and the counterattack mechanic, and it’s almost a perfect encapsulation of what Samus Returns is all about!

Playability: 6/10

Yikes. So, layout first: the cave concerns me a lot. Caves tend to be ripe for camping, and while the pit in the middle alleviates that somewhat, it’s still a bit on the campable side. And then… the Metroids. Surprisingly, they don’t hurt your score too much, but there are some problems. Once again, I’ll be lenient for Zeta and Omega, since they’re the bosses the stage is built around (though some of the attacks, Omega’s especially, seem too punishing for my tastes), but Gamma Metroids don’t have that same distinction. Alpha Metroids are fine, since they seem to have minimal interference and health, but the Gammas would only make the Cave of Life even worse, constantly slamming around characters in a very enclosed space. Overall, even if we removed the bosses entirely, it’d be a struggle to play on this stage.

Overall Score: 21/25

"Stardust Speedway" by PeridotGX:

Iconic Status: 5/5

Ah jeeze, you went and made a stage based off my favorite area in all of classic Sonic, and you included an awesome boss fight against a beloved character at the same time!? That’s not even fair - it’s actually illegal for me not to give this a perfect score.

I hope you’re proud of this blatant manipulation of a judge’s emotions. Don’t let it happen again, or I’m calling the police. /s

Originality: 10/10

There’s a lot to like with this one. The platform layout in the very first phase is a bit bland for me, but the rest of the stage makes up for that in spades. I love that you managed to incorporate just about every aspect of the Metal Sonic fight from Mania into this stage, even the stupid Silver Sonic section! That phase particularly scores high points with me, with lots of unique aspects to it, and the whole stage is different from the two “grassy hills” zones that Sonic currently is represented with. Wonderful job!

Playability: 8/10

You underestimate the playability of this stage, methinks. Yes, there are some problems, mainly with Metal Sonic Kai (never give free Final Smashes as rewards), but you cleverly included an easy way to avoid fighting the bosses entirely, a method that requires two players to essentially agree they want to fight the boss. That said, I could easily see someone camping in phase one by just standing on top of the hologram. If their opponent doesn’t want to deal with the boss, then… well, better be good with grabs, I guess.

Overall Score: 23/25

"Chozo Ruins" by Primid:

Iconic Status: 5/5

Once again, an excellent choice of stage - a memorable area from a memorable game in a memorable series, with a notable boss fight that fans and strangers alike can recognize! It’s the ultimate… uh, quinfecta? ...yeah, Imma go with quinfecta. Well done!

Originality: 8/10

I really like the platform layout for this stage, since it seems like it fits the way that room was designed, despite your stage having a very different layout from the actual room. The chozo ghosts are a perfect fit for this stage as well, making this stage really stand out from other Metroid stages. The item thing with the statue is pretty interesting too. I’m only docking points because the ghosts, while cool, are fairly basic, and while the aesthetic of a ruined temple is new for Metroid, it’s not as new with Smash as a whole (Mushroomy Kingdom, Temple).

Playability: 8/10

The chozo ghosts die really easily, so the only thing I’m taking off points for is the potential for circle camping this stage gives. I could very easily see players running away in a big loop around this stage, keeping matches going for much longer than they should. Still, not terrible by any means, so great job!

Overall Score: 21/25

Total Scores:

Kevandre: 66 points

SkySkipper: 54 points

GolisoPower: 48 points

Good Guy Giygas: 64 points

TKOWL: 59 points

PeridotGX: 68 points

Primid: 70 points

The Winner is........................
Chozo Ruins by Primid



Smash Master
Sep 17, 2017
Congrats, Primid Primid for your Chozo Ruins Stage!

Well, crap. Did decently well, I guess, but I knew selling my soul to Diablo would have drawbacks. :(

Good Guy Giygas

Smash Master
Jul 7, 2013
Official Doomguy Hype-Man®
Switch FC
Congrats to Primid Primid for his first entry/win!

Also, I really enjoyed this round. Lots of cool, creative submissions from everyone. I would definitely be down for another boss round should you guys choose to do another one!
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Smash Hero
Jun 8, 2017
That Distant Shore
Congrats to Primid!

Two second places in a row? For shame... anyways I've never played a Banjo game so I won't be able to submit a stage, sorry.


Smash Hero
Dec 17, 2017
On a planet far far away...
Switch FC
Probably the most brutal round I ever graded. So many stages I wanted to see win.

Anyways, round of applause for Primid and everyone else who participated. Loved the amount of effort and sheer creativity you guys put into your boss stages.
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Deleted member

Time for Round 29!

Winning the poll at 6 votes, Round 29 is.........


It's kind of interesting in a way that this round received enough attention to stick around while series like Final Fantasy and Castlevania did not. But it does make at least some sense given how impactful these games were on the N64. Microsoft may own them now through owning Rareware but Xbox head Phil Spencer at least has said he's willing to go through with putting them in Smash.

So for this round we'll be focusing on stages from the legendary two platformers of the bear and bird. Now technically there were 3 games released after those two. But.................while not outright banned they will hurt your iconic status score. A lot.

And with that, on August 27th 2018, Round 29 has begun. You have until Friday, August 31st to submit entries.

Good Luck!
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Smash Apprentice
Aug 6, 2011
A Distant Planet
Oh dang, well that was unexpected! I'm honored since everyone's stages were so cool! It truly was an epic round for the ages.


Ivy WAS Saurly missed
Jun 19, 2013
Pacific Northwest
Switch FC
Click Clock Wood

Click Clock Wood is the final world in Banjo Kazooie, and one of its most interesting. The background behind this world is that there are four different versions of the same layout, with minor-to-major variances depending on what season you’re currently in. For instance, the lake is nice and refreshing in Autumn and Spring, but completely dry in Summer and iced over in Winter. There are many of these differences despite the similar layout of the stage overall, which is a large circular area, with an enormous tree as the centerpiece.

I’ve decided to embrace this as much as I can. So without further ado…

It does not matter which we start with, as it is randomly decided which season is the first one when you load up the map. This version is Summer, which is the most neutral version. There is a large tree in the middle, with three platforms on the sides of the tree that you can jump to from anywhere. There is a branch on the left side of the map that one can stand on as well. In addition, the water feature on the left side of the map becomes an additional place to stand, becoming a walk-off.

Mumbo’s Hut on the right side of the stage is just there as an extra platform, don’t worry… No transformations for me this time J. The hill his hut sits on is another place one can stand as well, though the tree area in the center has a pit at the bottom. Walk off the hill toward the tree and you’ll fall to a KO so watch out.

Thirty seconds into battle and the season will change!

The lake on the left side of the map is full, and if you’re standing in the shallows, you’ll start swimming. Regular swim physics apply, so don’t tread water!

The squirrel Nabnut will also open his door near the bottom bit of the tree for Fall! It becomes an extra platform, which is helpful. In addition, the fallen leaves by Mumbo’s Hut has increased the amount of walking space on that end, so you have a little more room to walk around.

During Winter, the lake freezes over, becoming a slippery platform. The branch on the left side has also disappeared.

The leaves have also disappeared at the top of the tree, LEAVing only sharp sticks behind. If you’re launched into them, you’ll take some damage and fall back down to the ground/platforms, but the combo potential is not there as you can’t interact with the branches more than once every five seconds. If you’re launched up there again, you’ll soar right through.

In spring, the branch on the left hasn’t grown back yet, but the lake has thawed and an enormous flower has bloomed in the center of the map! The flower as well as its stamen are additional platforms, but look out, because they are drop-thruable platforms, both of them.

An additional gimmick of Click Clock Wood as a Smash Bros stage is that, if items are turned on and all frequencies match, some items will appear more often depending on the season.

Summer – Hothead

Autumn – Super Leaf

Winter – Mr. Freeze

Spring – Lip’s Stick

And that’s it! I tried to make a combination of definitely-different but not super complex with this stage and I think I hit a fine medium. In a game where every world is iconic, it’s hard to pick one. And, truth be told, when I was a lad I never made it to Click Clock Wood because Rusty Bucket Bay is the biggest sin in gaming. That damn engine room… That said, it’s always intrigued me. Replaying the game as an adult, it was awesome and was one of the most memorable experiences in the game for me.

Unlockable: Unlock Banjo of course


Four Seasons of Click Clock Wood (Medley that changes with the season): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IrGobUUMy_E

Isle O’ Hags (Banjo Tooie): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eKnhh8u_I6M

Tick Tock Clock (Mario Kart DS): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PrvfD25HJ0A

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Smash Master
Sep 17, 2017

(Sorry I could’nt draw the stage like I usually do (don’t have access to the tools atm, but imagine Ridley taking up an 8th of the lower platform.)

Stage Name:
Spiral Mountain


Gimmicks and Hazards:

Howdy, pardners! Y’all comin’ down to see mah Spiral Mountain stage? Well ya plum arrived just in time! Whether it be th’ game that started it all or th’ doggone dumb car game, Spiral Mountain is th’ hub world fer most of th’ series. This stage has sloped areas here like that there Moray Towers, but in reverse. Th’ top two stages’re soft, meaning people can duck beneath it! Not just that, but th’ stage is constantly rotatin’ without stoppin’. Doesn’t seem like muc-WHAT IN TARNATION?! Oh, right. Gruntilda appears on this here stage too. Every 30 seconds, Grunty’ll appear on this stage and cast a spell on a random cast member, throwin’ them off harder than a packed horse from a cliff side. Them curses’ll range from Flowers to shrinkin’ ‘em down to them new Ramblin’ Mushrooms. There’re also no blastlines behind that mountain, so you can hide behind it and sneak attack in the right circumstances! Thanks fer stoppin’ by! Y’all come back now!

Yes. Redirect your dash 100 times.

Banjo-Kazooie Medley
Spiral Mountain (Banjo-Kazooie)
Gruntilda Battle Theme
Gruntilda’s Lair Theme

Deleted member

Poll for Round 30 is up. Same as before but our new voting option is the repeat round for Fire Emblem.


Ivy WAS Saurly missed
Jun 19, 2013
Pacific Northwest
Switch FC
Ooh, Fried Emblem, you say...



Smash Hero
Mar 24, 2014
Miami, NYC
Switch FC
SW 3124 9647 8311
So I have to immediately follow this thread. This thread is dope.


Smash Hero
Mar 24, 2014
Miami, NYC
Switch FC
SW 3124 9647 8311
Welcome man! This thread is awesome, aside from. Smashboards images breaking half the time anymore lol
I'm legitimately overwhelmed from actually wanting to read thirty back pages...
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Ivy WAS Saurly missed
Jun 19, 2013
Pacific Northwest
Switch FC
No I'm legitimately overwhelmed from actually wanting to read thirty back pages...
That sounds like a good time. We've had a lot of excellent rounds in this contest with a lot of steep competition and intriguing ideas. I hope you enjoy the previous entries... And maybe submit one yourself! :)


Ivy WAS Saurly missed
Jun 19, 2013
Pacific Northwest
Switch FC
I'm surprised how many people haven't played the series, at least the first game

Deleted member

I'm a little bummed at only two stages so far when we're halfway through the round as well. I thought that since Banjo-Kazooie was getting a lot of votes in the poll that more people would be interested in submitting a stage for it but apparently not.


Smash Rookie
Jun 15, 2018
Let me take you on a journey. Imagine you are your younger self and have been playing through Banjo-Kazooie on your brand new N64. You get sucked in to this magical world where you play as a talking bear and bird who are trying to fight against an evil witch who kidnapped your sister to steal her youth.
You pass the hub world, Spiral Mountain with ease. You get to Mumbo’s Mountain and have a blast collecting notes and jiggies and saving jinjos. It’s easy and you get through the level with enough jiggies to finally reach the second world: Treasure Trove Cove.
This is where the game gets a bit more difficult. Not only is the platforming more difficult and the various items are more scattered than the last world, but every time you venture too far from land in the water, the music changes from happy, pirate-y music to Jaws. Suddenly you are being chased by Chomper the shark who gives no mercy and begins to try to eat you. You’ve seen this happen in movies. You can’t swim back to the shore fast enough. Chomper is relentless and right behind you the whole way back. How do you even beat a level like this?
With that picture in mind, imagine you FINALLY get the courage to tackle Treasure Trove Cove again and FINALY collect enough jiggies to proceed to the next level, Clanker’s Cavern. Great! More water. You proceed through the water cautiously. No sharks. Nothing attacks you. You begin swimming around to try to find a place to continue through the level. You see a small tunnel under the water and dive down, not knowing what lies on the other side.
You enter the pipe, swim for just a few seconds and you see this:
You turn right back around, exit the level, and just go back to Mumbo’s Mountain.
This was my first experience with Clanker’s Cavern. I can only smile as I think back on that moment and because of that Clanker has become one of my favorite BK characters.
You eventually learn that Clanker has been chained to this cavern and is used by Grunty (the aforementioned witch) as a garbage grinder! Throughout Clanker’s Cavern you travel above, below, around, and even inside of Clanker. The goal for my level design was to reflect the gameplay of this world into a playable SSBU stage. Now, without further ado…

Name of Stage: Clanker’s Cavern
Game of Origin: Banjo-Kazooie

This level starts with the top of Clanker's back above the water. There are two platforms high above Clanker. Two players spawn on Clanker's back, the other two on each of the platforms. Surrounding Clanker is the water he floats/lives in (poor guy). The water will have standard smash water physics. Blast zones are top, left, right, and bottom (through the water). We'll call this stage 1 as seen below:

From here we get in to the "Gimmicks and Hazards of the Stage":

After about 30 seconds Clanker begins to rise out of the water. This is inspired by the part of the game where you have to free Clanker by swimming under him and through the key, releasing slack on the chain that is binding him. Players will hear this sound as the main stage rises:

Video Starts at 4:20

Keep in mind, the main stage (Clanker) is the only thing moving. The two platforms above Clanker will NOT move. The center of the stage has a slight bulge where Clanker's blowhole is located. While there is now less of it, water still remains on both sides of Clanker. Blast zones remain the same. We'll call this "Stage 2" (image below):

Stage 2 will last twice as long as Stage 1. Stage 3 is next, but not before the transition trigger! Ten seconds before the transition to Stage 3, Clanker's blowhole begins to slowly expand larger until - CLINK! CLANK! The screw that was lodged in Clanker's blowhole erupts, damaging any players in the way (has substantial knockback). Because of this, the animation for the expanding blowhole will be enough that it is a warning to the players to stay away.

At this time, the screen begins to lower and direct players in to the blowhole (arrows will guide players in game where to go next). Any player that does not make it in the blowhole will lose a stock. And thus begins the final stage transition: Stage 3.

You can do so many things with this but here is my attempt to represent another iconic part of this World in Banjo-Kazooie: exploring the inside of Clanker. I have numbered the image above to correspond with the following explanations:

1) The floor this time is completely flat with three boxes on the ground. The boxes are not breakable and serve as additional "walls."
2) The sides are blast zones. This is where, if we were looking from the outside in, Clanker's gills would be located. After 30 seconds, an animation begins in the background of water pouring in to the "room." Water begins to cover the floor and boxes start to float. Eventually, the boxes that stacked (on the left) topple over. All three boxes now serve as platforms, floating in the water. The sides are still blastzones throughout all of this.
3) This is both entrance and exit. This also serves as a blastzone at the top (if you can knock your opponent through it). After 30 seconds of filling up, the water rises to the top. All three of the boxes are funneled to the blowhole which serves to push the players toward the exit. Any players left behind lose a stock (notice there are only 3 boxes for the potentially 4 players). Once reaching the top, the boxes are spewed out and into the water on both sides of Clanker (2 boxes to the left, 1 to the right). The boxes slowly drift towards and out of the blastzones as we transition back to Stage 1 (players can stand on the boxes until the exit the blastzones).

The illustration I'm going for here is that Clanker is being dragged back under water due to his chain tightening again.

The stages cycle in this order until the match is over.

Is your stage unlockable:
Beat Event 29: Clanker Crusade!
-Battle as Banjo & Kazooie against Metal Ridley (Ridley + Metal box, not mech Ridley) and Metal Bowser to free Clanker!

Extra Stuff:
As far as background stuff goes, the main thing is to have Clanker's tail swaying side to side as he does in the game.
Soundtrack will be a remix of the Clanker's Cavern theme, which will be sped up to be more something you can pummel your friends to. Clanker's Cavern Theme (Original)(Youtube). Additionally, Stage 3 will have Clanker's breathing (though muffled so as not to be distracting or detract from the music, but just loud enough to add ambiance). Sounds inspired by his in game sounds: "Inside Clanker - Banjo-Kazooie Sounds" (Youtube).

That's it! This was my first submission (because Banjo) and I had a lot of fun making it. Good luck to all the entrants!
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Ivy WAS Saurly missed
Jun 19, 2013
Pacific Northwest
Switch FC
Let me take you on a journey. Imagine you are your younger self and have been playing through Banjo-Kazooie on your brand new N64. You get sucked in to this magical world where you play as a talking bear and bird who are trying to fight against an evil witch who kidnapped your sister to steal her youth.
You pass the hub world, Spiral Mountain with ease. You get to Mumbo’s Mountain and have a blast collecting notes and jiggies and saving jinjos. It’s easy and you get through the level with enough jiggies to finally reach the second world: Treasure Trove Cove.
This is where the game gets a bit more difficult. Not only is the platforming more difficult and the various items are more scattered than the last world, but every time you venture too far from land in the water, the music changes from happy, pirate-y music to Jaws. Suddenly you are being chased by Chomper the shark who gives no mercy and begins to try to eat you. You’ve seen this happen in movies. You can’t swim back to the shore fast enough. Chomper is relentless and right behind you the whole way back. How do you even beat a level like this?
With that picture in mind, imagine you FINALLY get the courage to tackle Treasure Trove Cove again and FINALY collect enough jiggies to proceed to the next level, Clanker’s Cavern. Great! More water. You proceed through the water cautiously. No sharks. Nothing attacks you. You begin swimming around to try to find a place to continue through the level. You see a small tunnel under the water and dive down, not knowing what lies on the other side.
You enter the pipe, swim for just a few seconds and you see this:
You turn right back around, exit the level, and just go back to Mumbo’s Mountain.
This was my first experience with Clanker’s Cavern. I can only smile as I think back on that moment and because of that Clanker has become one of my favorite BK characters.
You eventually learn that Clanker has been chained to this cavern and is used by Grunty (the aforementioned witch) as a garbage grinder! Throughout Clanker’s Cavern you travel above, below, around, and even inside of Clanker. The goal for my level design was to reflect the gameplay of this world into a playable SSBU stage. Now, without further ado…

Name of Stage: Clanker’s Cavern
Game of Origin: Banjo-Kazooie

This level starts with the top of Clanker's back above the water. There are two platforms high above Clanker. Two players spawn on Clanker's back, the other two on each of the platforms. Surrounding Clanker is the water he floats/lives in (poor guy). The water will have standard smash water physics. Blast zones are top, left, right, and bottom (through the water). We'll call this stage 1 as seen below:

From here we get in to the "Gimmicks and Hazards of the Stage":

After about 30 seconds Clanker begins to rise out of the water. This is inspired by the part of the game where you have to free Clanker by swimming under him and through the key, releasing slack on the chain that is binding him. Players will hear this sound as the main stage rises:

Video Starts at 4:20

Keep in mind, the main stage (Clanker) is the only thing moving. The two platforms above Clanker will NOT move. The center of the stage has a slight bulge where Clanker's blowhole is located. While there is now less of it, water still remains on both sides of Clanker. Blast zones remain the same. We'll call this "Stage 2" (image below):

Stage 2 will last twice as long as Stage 1. Stage 3 is next, but not before the transition trigger! Ten seconds before the transition to Stage 3, Clanker's blowhole begins to slowly expand larger until - CLINK! CLANK! The blowhole that was lodged in Clanker's blowhole erupts, damaging any players in the way (has substantial knockback). Because of this, the animation for the expanding blowhole will be enough that it is a warning to the players to stay away.

At this time, the screen begins to lower and direct players in to the blowhole (arrows will guide players in game where to go next). Any player that does not make it in the blowhole will lose a stock. And thus begins the final stage transition: Stage 3.

You can do so many things with this but here is my attempt to represent another iconic part of this World in Banjo-Kazooie: exploring the inside of Clanker. I have numbered the image above to correspond with the following explanations:

1) The floor this time is completely flat with three boxes on the ground. The boxes are not breakable and serve as additional "walls."
2) The sides are blast zones. This is where, if we were looking from the outside in, Clanker's gills would be located. After 30 seconds, an animation begins in the background of water pouring in to the "room." Water begins to cover the floor and boxes start to float. Eventually, the boxes that stacked (on the left) topple over. All three boxes now serve as platforms, floating in the water. The sides are still blastzones throughout all of this.
3) This is both entrance and exit. This also serves as a blastzone at the top (if you can knock your opponent through it). After 30 seconds of filling up, the water rises to the top. All three of the boxes are funneled to the blowhole which serves to push the players toward the exit. Any players left behind lose a stock (notice there are only 3 boxes for the potentially 4 players). Once reaching the top, the boxes are spewed out and into the water on both sides of Clanker (2 boxes to the left, 1 to the right). The boxes slowly drift towards and out of the blastzones as we transition back to Stage 1 (players can stand on the boxes until the exit the blastzones).

The illustration I'm going for here is that Clanker is being dragged back under water due to his chain tightening again.

The stages cycle in this order until the match is over.

Is your stage unlockable:
Beat Event 29: Clanker Crusade!
-Battle as Banjo & Kazooie against Metal Ridley (Ridley + Metal box, not mech Ridley) and Metal Bowser to free Clanker!

Extra Stuff:
As far as background stuff goes, the main thing is to have Clanker's tail swaying side to side as he does in the game.
Soundtrack will be a remix of the Clanker's Cavern theme, which will be sped up to be more something you can pummel your friends to. Clanker's Cavern Theme (Original)(Youtube). Additionally, Stage 3 will have Clanker's breathing (though muffled so as not to be distracting or detract from the music, but just loud enough to add ambiance). Sounds inspired by his in game sounds: "Inside Clanker - Banjo-Kazooie Sounds" (Youtube).

That's it! This was my first submission (because Banjo) and I had a lot of fun making it. Good luck to all the entrants!
Yoooo. Welcome to the contest. This is an excellent stage. I had a very similar reaction to Clanker when I first played this game as a lad, too.

Deleted member

Let me take you on a journey. Imagine you are your younger self and have been playing through Banjo-Kazooie on your brand new N64. You get sucked in to this magical world where you play as a talking bear and bird who are trying to fight against an evil witch who kidnapped your sister to steal her youth.
You pass the hub world, Spiral Mountain with ease. You get to Mumbo’s Mountain and have a blast collecting notes and jiggies and saving jinjos. It’s easy and you get through the level with enough jiggies to finally reach the second world: Treasure Trove Cove.
This is where the game gets a bit more difficult. Not only is the platforming more difficult and the various items are more scattered than the last world, but every time you venture too far from land in the water, the music changes from happy, pirate-y music to Jaws. Suddenly you are being chased by Chomper the shark who gives no mercy and begins to try to eat you. You’ve seen this happen in movies. You can’t swim back to the shore fast enough. Chomper is relentless and right behind you the whole way back. How do you even beat a level like this?
With that picture in mind, imagine you FINALLY get the courage to tackle Treasure Trove Cove again and FINALY collect enough jiggies to proceed to the next level, Clanker’s Cavern. Great! More water. You proceed through the water cautiously. No sharks. Nothing attacks you. You begin swimming around to try to find a place to continue through the level. You see a small tunnel under the water and dive down, not knowing what lies on the other side.
You enter the pipe, swim for just a few seconds and you see this:
You turn right back around, exit the level, and just go back to Mumbo’s Mountain.
This was my first experience with Clanker’s Cavern. I can only smile as I think back on that moment and because of that Clanker has become one of my favorite BK characters.
You eventually learn that Clanker has been chained to this cavern and is used by Grunty (the aforementioned witch) as a garbage grinder! Throughout Clanker’s Cavern you travel above, below, around, and even inside of Clanker. The goal for my level design was to reflect the gameplay of this world into a playable SSBU stage. Now, without further ado…

Name of Stage: Clanker’s Cavern
Game of Origin: Banjo-Kazooie

This level starts with the top of Clanker's back above the water. There are two platforms high above Clanker. Two players spawn on Clanker's back, the other two on each of the platforms. Surrounding Clanker is the water he floats/lives in (poor guy). The water will have standard smash water physics. Blast zones are top, left, right, and bottom (through the water). We'll call this stage 1 as seen below:

From here we get in to the "Gimmicks and Hazards of the Stage":

After about 30 seconds Clanker begins to rise out of the water. This is inspired by the part of the game where you have to free Clanker by swimming under him and through the key, releasing slack on the chain that is binding him. Players will hear this sound as the main stage rises:

Video Starts at 4:20

Keep in mind, the main stage (Clanker) is the only thing moving. The two platforms above Clanker will NOT move. The center of the stage has a slight bulge where Clanker's blowhole is located. While there is now less of it, water still remains on both sides of Clanker. Blast zones remain the same. We'll call this "Stage 2" (image below):

Stage 2 will last twice as long as Stage 1. Stage 3 is next, but not before the transition trigger! Ten seconds before the transition to Stage 3, Clanker's blowhole begins to slowly expand larger until - CLINK! CLANK! The blowhole that was lodged in Clanker's blowhole erupts, damaging any players in the way (has substantial knockback). Because of this, the animation for the expanding blowhole will be enough that it is a warning to the players to stay away.

At this time, the screen begins to lower and direct players in to the blowhole (arrows will guide players in game where to go next). Any player that does not make it in the blowhole will lose a stock. And thus begins the final stage transition: Stage 3.

You can do so many things with this but here is my attempt to represent another iconic part of this World in Banjo-Kazooie: exploring the inside of Clanker. I have numbered the image above to correspond with the following explanations:

1) The floor this time is completely flat with three boxes on the ground. The boxes are not breakable and serve as additional "walls."
2) The sides are blast zones. This is where, if we were looking from the outside in, Clanker's gills would be located. After 30 seconds, an animation begins in the background of water pouring in to the "room." Water begins to cover the floor and boxes start to float. Eventually, the boxes that stacked (on the left) topple over. All three boxes now serve as platforms, floating in the water. The sides are still blastzones throughout all of this.
3) This is both entrance and exit. This also serves as a blastzone at the top (if you can knock your opponent through it). After 30 seconds of filling up, the water rises to the top. All three of the boxes are funneled to the blowhole which serves to push the players toward the exit. Any players left behind lose a stock (notice there are only 3 boxes for the potentially 4 players). Once reaching the top, the boxes are spewed out and into the water on both sides of Clanker (2 boxes to the left, 1 to the right). The boxes slowly drift towards and out of the blastzones as we transition back to Stage 1 (players can stand on the boxes until the exit the blastzones).

The illustration I'm going for here is that Clanker is being dragged back under water due to his chain tightening again.

The stages cycle in this order until the match is over.

Is your stage unlockable:
Beat Event 29: Clanker Crusade!
-Battle as Banjo & Kazooie against Metal Ridley (Ridley + Metal box, not mech Ridley) and Metal Bowser to free Clanker!

Extra Stuff:
As far as background stuff goes, the main thing is to have Clanker's tail swaying side to side as he does in the game.
Soundtrack will be a remix of the Clanker's Cavern theme, which will be sped up to be more something you can pummel your friends to. Clanker's Cavern Theme (Original)(Youtube). Additionally, Stage 3 will have Clanker's breathing (though muffled so as not to be distracting or detract from the music, but just loud enough to add ambiance). Sounds inspired by his in game sounds: "Inside Clanker - Banjo-Kazooie Sounds" (Youtube).

That's it! This was my first submission (because Banjo) and I had a lot of fun making it. Good luck to all the entrants!
Can't give any thoughts on the stage itself until grades. But I'm happy to see the submission count get up to at least 3. Thank you for your stage Bozikins and welcome to the contest.


Smash Rookie
Jul 24, 2018
Jinjo Village
Appearing in every Banjo-Kazooie game to date, the Jinjos are small creatures of many colors that were cursed by Gruntilda the witch and unable to move until Banjo and Kazooie come along and free them. Jinjo Village, their home town and the location of this stage makes an appearance in Banjo-Tooie, the second game of the series.

Description: The main platform of the stage is the rooftop of King Jingaling's Throne Room. It is a flat surface with a large bump in the middle. Off to the right side of the screen is one of the Jinjo houses, which is a slightly smaller platform.

Gimmicks: As the battle goes on, every now and then, a Jinjo will appear on the stage, as seen on the right side of the house in the picture above. It will stand it place, waving its arms and calling for help. The first player to touch the Jinjo rescues it and it flies away. Once a player has rescued five Jinjos, the Mighty Jinjonator (as seen in the upper left of the picture above) is summoned. The Jinjonator circles in the air above the player who summoned him a couple times before flying at a nearby opponent. This attack isn't guaranteed to hit, but it's difficult to dodge. If it hits, this attack does about 35% damage.
Sometimes, however, one of the Minjos, the arch enemies to the Jinjos, will appear instead. Minjos look and behave just like Jinjos, except that when you get close, they attack, doing 2% to 4% damage. They can be easily defeated, though, and are taken out by one hit from any attack.

Unlockable: Yes. Find all the Jinjos in Adventure Mode.
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Deleted member

Dang low turnout for Banjo so far
I too am pretty disappointed in just how many people in this contest have a blatant lack of culture.
I'm a little bummed at only two stages so far when we're halfway through the round as well. I thought that since Banjo-Kazooie was getting a lot of votes in the poll that more people would be interested in submitting a stage for it but apparently not.
Well these messages aged poorly :p


Smash Rookie
Jun 15, 2018
Noticing that images are disappearing from our submissions. Can we add links to those images so that they are still accessible? Contest will probably be over by the time I can get to mine though. Didn't see anything in the rules about editing so thought I'd ask first.

Deleted member

Noticing that images are disappearing from our submissions. Can we add links to those images so that they are still accessible? Contest will probably be over by the time I can get to mine though. Didn't see anything in the rules about editing so thought I'd ask first.
The best way to go about it would be to either make a new post with the links or to edit the post of your submission to include the links (in which case a new post letting me know you have done so will be helpful). I've already gathered all the submissions and their images in a google doc, so the judges will be able to grade the stages no problem. But I will need the images to come back so that I can properly add the winning stage to the Hall of Fame.
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