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Super Smash Bros. Ultimate: Stage Creation Contest (Complete)


Ivy WAS Saurly missed
Jun 19, 2013
Pacific Northwest
Switch FC
To let you guys know- I'm going on an Alaskan Cruise on the 25th and dunno if I'll be able to submit stages for two week's worth of rounds... I'll try to find a way to throw those in there if I can but I probably won't be as verbose as usual lol

Deleted member

To let you guys know- I'm going on an Alaskan Cruise on the 25th and dunno if I'll be able to submit stages for two week's worth of rounds... I'll try to find a way to throw those in there if I can but I probably won't be as verbose as usual lol
We'll miss your submissions, but have fun on your vacation! And don't forget, you can always submit any ideas you had for rounds you might miss for fun.


Ivy WAS Saurly missed
Jun 19, 2013
Pacific Northwest
Switch FC
Thanks. I'm reasonably sure I can that first week and probably could at the end of the second week but we'll see... Gonna have to be catching up on several thousand work emails after I get back lol

Deleted member

Time for Round 18 grades!

psb123's grades:

Deepsea Metro by GolisoPower GolisoPower

Iconic Status: 4/5

Splatoon 2 exists solely because of the success of Splatoon 1 and this represents something that gives more exposure to the world of Splatoon and the Octolings. Both of which are things that a lot of Splatoon fans have wanted to see. However it is DLC that is still fairly new (it wasn't even released when you submitted this stage) so I don't think it's had quite enough time in the sun yet.

Originality: 7/10

Apart from the enemies there's not a lot this stage really does. And the whole enemies as hazards thing is a pretty common, and in some ways overused, idea. I was considering being a little more lenient since I haven't played the Octo Expansion and would not know how well this ties in to the source material. But what made me decide against it was the fact that the Octo Expansion wasn't out when this stage was submitted.

Playability: 6/10

Some of those Octarians don't sound too bad, but most of them do. Plus the layout of the stage has too much potential for caves of life.

Overall Score: 17/25

Castle Bleck by TheMarioaddict TheMarioaddict

Iconic Status: 5/5

This may be the end game area, but you see bits and pieces of it inbetween chapters. It stands out pretty well for Super Paper Mario which is the only Paper Mario game not to follow the traditional gameplay formula and still be at least decently praised by fans (and the only PM game like that to be good :p)

Originality: 10/10

We don't see staircases on Smash Stages a lot and Dimentio adds a nice touch to this as well while staying true to what he does in Super Paper Mario. Plus the overall setting of Castle Bleck is pretty darn unique.

Playability: 10/10

The only thing that could cause some concern here would be Dimentio. And while his attack certainly does a lot of damage it's easy to not get caught in and there is potential for escape. Especially in team matches. Not to mention the fact that him floating around for a few seconds first makes his attack easy to telegraph. No problems here as far as I'm concerned.

Overall Score: 25/25

New Donk City by Munomario777 Munomario777

Iconic Status: 5/5

It's the favorite kingdom of a lot of Odyssey fans and is home to one of the games most memorable moments AND brought an oldschool, minor Mario character into the spotlight. Whenever the idea of a Mario Odyssey stage comes up, most people flock to this. I wonder what will happen in regards to that idea ;)

Originality: 9/10

This is a darn good layout for New Donk City! Very faithful to how you roam around the place in Odyssey. My only real gripe is the festival being locked to Saturday evening. For Animal Crossing it makes sense but the New Donk Festival isn't locked to a specific day. The festival should definitely be there but there are other ways to incorporate it.

Playability: 9/10

Not the biggest fan of needing bounces from Taxi's and Umbrellas to get to certain areas. But nothing else poses an issue.

Overall Score: 23/25

Bowser's Castle by TKOWL TKOWL

Iconic Status: 5/5

With me having both seen a lot of people saying and being in the camp of Bowser so desperately needing a stage like this, combined with how notable an area it is from so many Mario games, it can't not have a perfect score.

Originality: 10/10

I LOVE that layout! I have had so much trouble in the past picturing a way for a Bowser's Castle stage to look that I really really liked. You have no idea how grateful I am to you for giving one here. As for the enemies. That's a very risky gimmick to add for originality since it's such a common idea. But with how you incorporated them, as well as how well it meshes with your idea overall, I think you get a pass here.

Playability: 10/10

The Magikoopa had me a bit concerned. But I think it's easy enough to deal with given a bit of effort.

Overall Score: 25/25

Boss Fight by Kevandre Kevandre

Iconic Status: 5/5

This kind of stage is one that would need to stand out more for it's bosses rather that it's location, and fortunately a lot of these bosses are quite recognizable. Not to mention they are all Lava oriented bosses. Which makes the lava setting of the stage itself fit quite well.

Originality: 10/10

In addition to the pros of the lava setting I mentioned earlier, the idea of a stage that brings a bunch of bosses from multiple Nintendo games into one is by default very creative. There's really no reason to take off any points here.

Playability: 9/10

The only reason I'm taking off a point is because Mecha Bowser's Fireballs sound just a tad bit too tricky to deal with. But I'd say you did a good job balancing all the others.

Overall Score: 24/25

Dream Palace by PeridotGX PeridotGX

Iconic Status: 5/5

Certainly an odd choice considering compared to an actual level from Star Allies. But people like those Dream Friends and the free dlc adding more gives a lot of incentive to replay the game.

Originality: 10/10

I got to say I'm a big fan of the unique way the enemies (technically?) were incorporated here. Instead of them going around dealing damage they grant a buff to the character they've friended. A buff that is very faithful to the source material and sensible for Smash no less.

Playability: 10/10

The friends are already not a problem here since they grant a fighter a reasonable buff. And the layout causes no problems either.

Overall Score: 25/25

Whomp's Fortress by SwagGuy99 SwagGuy99

Iconic Status: 5/5

Honestly you could pick any location from Mario 64 and it'd be hard to give it a low iconic score since the game is so impactful and memorable. But being the 2nd level of the game does give Whomp's Fortress a slight edge.

Originality: 10/10

I've been a fan for some time now of the idea of getting actual Mario 64 levels into Smash as stages. And this one is very faithful to the source material. Not just in layout, but in hazards.

Playability: 10/10

I don't mind the Bullet Bill since you can detonate him early by attacking from a distance. I was at first concerned by the cannon since it seems easy to get forced into it. But you didn't say it deals any damage so that negates the problem.

Overall Score: 25/25

Pokemon Stadium 3 by Jamisinon Jamisinon

Iconic Status: 5/5

The main reason that a lot of people have had this idea is because of the thought process of "People want an actual Pokemon Stadium 3 game. So why not reference that idea in Smash?) which makes sense.

Originality: 3/10

I'll admit that I've been a fan of the idea of a stadium 3 stage as well and credit where it's due I do like the Fighting Form you came up with. Truth be told I probably would have scored this higher if not for the fact that Pokemon Stadium 1 AND 2 have already been shown to be in Smash Ultimate. And since this stage takes 3 layouts that were already used in those stages it sadly gets hurt in the creativity department by unfortunate circumstances.

Playability: 10/10

Fortunately you did pick the most playable forms out of the ones used in the first 2 stadiums. And the new fighting form doesn't pose any issues either as far as I'm concerned.

Overall Score: 18/25

Cosmic77's grades:

"Deepsea Metro" by GolisoPower:

Iconic Status: 4/5

Splatoon 2 is extremely popular, so most content from that game would be easy to recognize.

However, this is from DLC. I don't think it's fair for me to give this a perfect score since only a limited number of people who bought Splatoon 2 would've bought the DLC too.

Originality: 7/10

I like the subway concept, but the enemy swarm thing has been used so many different times in this contest. I really would've preferred something else.

Still, the enemies themselves are unique. At least they wouldn't be carbon copies of other common enemies we see in Smash.

Playability: 5/10

I appreciate the Octarians being easy to eliminate, but there's power in numbers. Imagine fighting 12 of these guys with two players.

Overall Score: 16/25

"Castle Bleck" by TheMarioAddict:

Iconic Status: 3/5

As much as I love SPM, the game is past it's prime. An area like this wouldn't feel like a Paper Mario stage unless you actually played this specific game before.

Originality: 7/10

The setting is unique, and I do like the layout of the stage. Dimentio was also a nice addition, and I think he functions very differently from every other stage boss (if that's what he should be called) we've had in Smash.

That being said, it feel like your stage is missing that special something for when Dimentio isn't around. Maybe Bleck, Nastasia, Mimi, and Mr. L could make cameos?

Playability: 7/10

Dimentio is OP as heck. Getting 50% damage from one attack is pretty crazy, and that could ruin the entire battle for one poor soul.

I'll at least take into account that he can be defeated.

Overall Score: 17/25

"New Donk City" by MunoMario777:

Iconic Status: 5/5

I feel like this score should be self-explanatory.

Originality: 10/10

I absolutely love the layout you came up with. Feels like this would be a really fun stage to play on. The use of the moving girders, umbrellas, and taxis are also a nice homage to Odyssey,

Playability: 10/10

I was thinking of deducting points for the size of your stage, but since a large 8-player Smash stage seems to be what you were going for, I decided against it.

Overall Score: 25/25

Congratulations! You're the fourth person to receive a perfect score from me!

"Bowser's Castle" by TKOWL:

Iconic Status: 5/5

This place has been appearing in Mario games for years. Not sure why it should deserve anything less than a perfect score.

Originality: 7/10

Honestly, I would've been fine without the enemy gimmick. Your stage has a very unique layout that suits Bowser's castle, and the lava enemies felt like enough.

However, I guess I shouldn't deduct points for you adding more content, or at least not in the originality score.

Playability: 7/10

Enemies are enemies. Even if they're easy to dispatch, they can still get in the way, and yours are no exception.

Overall Score: 19/25

"Boss Fight" by Kevandre:

Iconic Status: 3/5?

This isn't really a specific place, but you chose to add a bunch of iconic Nintendo bosses, so I guess that's what I'm supposed to be looking at, right?

Mecha Bowser? Iconic.
Primal Groudon? Iconic.
The rest? I'm not convinced.

Originality: 9/10

Grading your stage is hard.

On one hand, "boss blitz" are a common concept that people come up with all the time in video games. On the other hand, Smash has never had anything like this, and no one has came up with this idea in the contest so far. Then there's the bosses themselves. They're all very unique, and I can tell you put a lot of time into designing them.

...I'll tell you what. Since I was more critical of your previous stage, I'll be more lenient with this one.

Playability: 6/10

These bosses aren't annoying like Yellow Devil, but I still see them interfering with the fight more often than they should.

I do appreciate you clarifying that each segment only lasts 15 seconds though. That's much more manageable.

Overall Score: 18/25

"Dream Palace" by PeridotGX:

Iconic Status: 5/5

Not the most memorable area you could've chosen. However, the iconic Kirby enemies compensate for this. Once you summon Waddle Doo or Chilly, people are gonna say, "Oh, it's those guys from the Kirby games!"

Originality: 8/10

Normally, I hate "summoning" concepts, but I really like this one. Maybe it's because it functions so similar to Star Allies, or maybe it's because the helpers aren't crazy OP or interfere with the battle. Either way, good stage gimmick.

Playability: 10/10

Since the helpers don't actually do anything themselves, and since the power-ups aren't ridiculously OP, I see no reason to deduct points.

Overall Score: 23/25

"Whomp's Fortress" by SwagGuy99:

Iconic Status: 5/5

Can't beat the classics. This stage is extremely memorable, and it's appearance in Galaxy 2 helps.

Originality: 7/10

Well, you stayed true to the game and made a stage based off of actual areas from Thwomp's Fortress. My only complaint is that I'd like to have seen more than just these three areas.

Playability: 8/10

Not much to nitpick on except for the bomb and the Bullet Bill.

Overall Score: 20/25

"Pokemon Stadium 3" by Jamisinon:

Iconic Status: 5/5

Just about any generic Pokemon stadium stage with a Pokeball on the floor should be easy to recognize.

Originality: 1/10

I really like the idea of mashing the two Pokemon Stadium stages together, but I'm supposed to be grading these stages based on creativity and originality, not practicality.

The only part of your stage that was original was the fighting type segment, and even then it's just a rip-off of Boxing Ring.

Playability: 8/10

At the very least, copying the stage helped me get a very vivid idea of how your hazards would work.

Overall Score: 14/25

Total Scores:

GolisoPower: 33 points

TheMarioAddict: 42 points

MunoMario777: 48 points

TKOWL: 44 points

Kevandre: 42 points

PeridotGX: 48 points

SwagGuy99: 45 points

Jamisinon: 32 points

The Winner is..................
Blue Team

The last of the team colors in actual Smash games. How fitting that it would be used on the Anything Goes round. The two stages that tied for first are..............

New Donk City by MunoMario777


Dream Palace by PeridotGX



Ivy WAS Saurly missed
Jun 19, 2013
Pacific Northwest
Switch FC
Time for Round 18 grades!

Playability: 7/10

Dimentio is OP as heck. Getting 50% damage from one attack is pretty crazy, and that could ruin the entire battle for one poor soul.

I'll at least take into account that he can be defeated.

Ridley confirmed for OP in Smash Ultimate



Smash Apprentice
Feb 9, 2018
Firstly grats to this weeks winners. I felt everything was judged fairly. Secondly, I was unaware that previous iterations of Pokémon Stadum had been confirmed at the time of my submission. So for fun I wanted to finish what I started with Pokémon Stadium 3. So I present to you:

Pokémon Stadium 3 (Alternate Version)

So I will again keep the base form of Pokémon Stadium as it has always been. If it ain't broke don't fix it.

I'm keeping the Fighting Transformation as I had it previously. As you can see I took the pokémon type symbol for fighting and mirrored it on the stadium floor during this transformation. I really like the concept of combining the Boxing Ring and Kalos into one transformation. Two platforms would rise at the edges in the same location that base Kalos stage has and the boxing ring would create small walls on either side just like the Boxing Ring stage. The colors of the boxing ring are based on that of the television series, episode 29 "The Punchy Pokémon."
Fighting transformation.jpg

I decided to go with one of my original ideas of a Dark Transformation. In this transformation Yveltal is summoned in the background. He doesn't attack the players. But he controls the darkness on the stage. He will at random times during the transformation make the entire stage fade to complete darkness. There will be some visual sign in the background giving players ample warning when the darkness will come. The complete darkness would last somewhere in the 3 to 5 second range then normal lighting would quickly be restored. He will create this darkness twice, maybe three times during the transformation. Since complete darkness would greatly affect competitive play I'm making Yveltal considered a stage hazard so he can be toggled off. The floor stage stays the same and all platforms are removed during this transformation.
Dark stadium 1.jpg
Dark stadium 2.jpg
Dark stadium 3.jpg

The other idea I toyed with was a Fairy Transformation. The floor of the stage resembles that of Fairy Garden, the Pokémon card. When I think of Fairy types I think floaty and so the side platforms are removed and one large platform appears in the middle of the stage fairly low to the ground. This platform slowly goes up and down. So this transformation would feel somewhat similar to Smashville or Town & City.
Fairy Stadium.jpg

Lastly I have the Poison Transformation. In this transformation the side platforms extend and a large platform rises up above them at the center of the stage. Following the large platform Team Rocket appears with Koffing who spreads poison across the bottom of stage including the ledges (so holding ledge would leave you vulnerable to poison damage). During the entire transformation damaging poison would cover the bottom of the stage. You can however still use the stage but you will receive damage any time you come into any contact with the base level of the stage or the ledges. It's pretty much a 'the floor is lava' transformation but 3 large platforms ideally give enough room to play outside the poison but you could still choose to take poison damage as a means to approach etc. I toyed with the idea of considering the poison a stage hazard but I kinda like it and think it's a crucial part of this particular transformation. Koffing and Team Rocket are in the background technically so they won't create any collision.
Poison stadium.jpg

In two of the transformations I decided to have pokémon appear and affect gameplay. This aspect wasn't really present in Melee but Brawl had it to some extent so I'm continuing that trend. I really like the idea of Team Rocket showing up bc there were such a big part of the TV show but haven't been really showcased in smash.
Music: A "Pokémon Stadium 3" track would be the main theme. "Poké Floats" would also make an appearance. With other Stadium stages confirmed I think "Pokémon Stadium" and "Pokémon Stadium 2" should not be present for this stage. But there is still a plethora of potential pokémon music. I'm not well versed on this particular subject but I think music from more recent Pokémon games would be more fitting than the old classics which are likely to be used on returning pokémon stages.
This would be an unlockable stage, easily unlocked though. Perhaps something like play 10 matches on other Pokémon Stadium stages.
Let's hope Sakurai gives us a real Pokémon Stadium 3. Feel free to let me know what kind of transformations you would make and how they would play. I think there's tons of potential for a lot of different transformations.
Last edited:

Deleted member

Time for Round 19!

Winning the poll at 8 votes, Round 19 is...............

Animal Crossing and Pikmin

Our first round that I like to call a "Double Dip Round" since it covers two separate franchises at once. I suppose you could count Round 3 as Splatoon and ARMS since no one submitted a Xenoblade stage that round which led to it becoming it's own round. But either way this is our first kind of round like this since Round 3.

Anyway, there's really not much for me to say here. Normally this is the part where I clarify what's eligible and what isn't and while you may think that Hey Pikmin and Animal Crossing Pocket Camp are games that I might exclude from this round I'm actually not going to. As far as I can tell that means every Animal Crossing game and every Pikmin game are allowed for this round.

And with that, on June 18th 2018, Round 19 has begun. You have until Friday, June 22nd to submit entries.

Good Luck!

Deleted member

Poll for Round 20 is up. As usual it has all the options from before that have yet to become a round. With Earthbound being the new voting option.


Ivy WAS Saurly missed
Jun 19, 2013
Pacific Northwest
Switch FC
Main Street

Animal Crossing New Leaf

I’ve never been a big Pikmin fan, but I’ve put anywhere between a little time and a whole hell of a LOT of time into every single Animal Crossing game (Save the mobile one) so I figured I’d go with something from that series. Unfortunately, between the two basic town-based stages and Tortimer Island, I didn’t feel like there was a lot to choose from. I briefly considered doing something atop of the train that you come to town on, but having just done something similar from Paper Mario I decided to rip off the MS Paint stage from Smash 4 instead.

The stage begins on the right side of Main Street from New Leaf, featuring the edge next to the ocean, as well as several shops of varying height. Using the bench on the right side, any character can reach jumping to the top of the shoe store. For ten seconds, the stage is stationary like this, but after that the camera begins to pan to the left.

As the camera moves, so too should the fighters, lest they get left behind and KO’d. In the middle of Main Street here, the gateway sign is a drop-thruable platform and this is a spot you can stand on the grass. The stairs in the background are purely aesthetic.

The final bit of the stage is on the left side of main street, ending with the museum and a cliff wall. If your character falls into the pointy-topped trees, you'll receive a bit of knock-up and some damage, but not a lot. It’ll stay at this last bit for another ten seconds before it starts slowly moving to the right again.

There are no other hazards. Animal Crossing is a chill game series- its stages should be similarly chill in nature.


This stage will be interesting in that it will have the most songs that play on the stage and yet also the least selection.

The stage’s music will select whatever that current hour’s song is. Every hour has its own theme, as seen here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qB4agGGyZFg


Deleted member

Main Street

Animal Crossing New Leaf

I’ve never been a big Pikmin fan, but I’ve put anywhere between a little time and a whole hell of a LOT of time into every single Animal Crossing game (Save the mobile one) so I figured I’d go with something from that series. Unfortunately, between the two basic town-based stages and Tortimer Island, I didn’t feel like there was a lot to choose from. I briefly considered doing something atop of the train that you come to town on, but having just done something similar from Paper Mario I decided to rip off the MS Paint stage from Smash 4 instead.

The stage begins on the right side of Main Street from New Leaf, featuring the edge next to the ocean, as well as several shops of varying height. Using the bench on the right side, any character can reach jumping to the top of the shoe store. For ten seconds, the stage is stationary like this, but after that the camera begins to pan to the left.

As the camera moves, so too should the fighters, lest they get left behind and KO’d. In the middle of Main Street here, the gateway sign is a drop-thruable platform and this is a spot you can stand on the grass. The stairs in the background are purely aesthetic.

The final bit of the stage is on the left side of main street, ending with the museum and a cliff wall. If your character falls into the pointy-topped trees, you'll receive a bit of knock-up and some damage, but not a lot. It’ll stay at this last bit for another ten seconds before it starts slowly moving to the right again.

There are no other hazards. Animal Crossing is a chill game series- its stages should be similarly chill in nature.


This stage will be interesting in that it will have the most songs that play on the stage and yet also the least selection.

The stage’s music will select whatever that current hour’s song is. Every hour has its own theme, as seen here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qB4agGGyZFg

Me as a tailor? DEAR GOD NO!!!!!!!! Have you seen me try to keep my hand steady for things that require it as much as sewing? You'd have better luck getting a Bayonetta player to stay still for a free hit at EVO then you would keeping my hand steady! I would lose that job in a heart beat. Which would not be good since I need money for a membership to AlphaSSB AlphaSSB 's dance club. What's not to love about a dance club that exclusively plays the Star Wolf theme?


Smash Master
Sep 17, 2017

Stage Name:
Hocotate Freight

Pikmin 2

Gimmicks and Hazards:
Rockets, Crane


(Dear god, my Photoshop skills are bad. XD Also, if you can't tell, that's Fulgore on the crane.)

Hocotate Freight is the company ran by the eponymous President, and is first seen in the beginning moments of Pikmin 2. At the center of the stage is a rocket poised for takeoff. After 30 seconds of battle, the rocket will take off, carrying any opponents with them, similarly to the Hocotate Bomb item, but much slower. Above the stage is a crane carried by a Hocotate Freight UFO (Which is off-screen) that can be used as a platform. When the rocket launches, the crane will move out of the way for the rocket to launch, moving to the left. After a full minute of waiting, the crane will veer to the right and drop another rocket into the center over the course of 30 seconds, said rocket launching in another 30 seconds. While the crane is moving, players can hit opponents into the crane while it is moving. This causes the crane to 'grab' the opponent, treating it like a sort of grab in the sense that the player can escape by mashing buttons and that they stay grabbed for longer the more damage they take.



Hey! Pikmin Medley
Pikmin Medley
Garden of Hope (Pikmin 3)
Zukan Kyotu (Hey! Pikmin)
Forest of Hope (Pikmin)
Plasm Wraith (Pikmin 3)
Valley of Repose (Pikmin 2)
Last edited:


Bring Back Star Fox
Jun 19, 2014
United States
Switch FC
Main Street

Animal Crossing New Leaf

I’ve never been a big Pikmin fan, but I’ve put anywhere between a little time and a whole hell of a LOT of time into every single Animal Crossing game (Save the mobile one) so I figured I’d go with something from that series. Unfortunately, between the two basic town-based stages and Tortimer Island, I didn’t feel like there was a lot to choose from. I briefly considered doing something atop of the train that you come to town on, but having just done something similar from Paper Mario I decided to rip off the MS Paint stage from Smash 4 instead.

The stage begins on the right side of Main Street from New Leaf, featuring the edge next to the ocean, as well as several shops of varying height. Using the bench on the right side, any character can reach jumping to the top of the shoe store. For ten seconds, the stage is stationary like this, but after that the camera begins to pan to the left.

As the camera moves, so too should the fighters, lest they get left behind and KO’d. In the middle of Main Street here, the gateway sign is a drop-thruable platform and this is a spot you can stand on the grass. The stairs in the background are purely aesthetic.

The final bit of the stage is on the left side of main street, ending with the museum and a cliff wall. If your character falls into the pointy-topped trees, you'll receive a bit of knock-up and some damage, but not a lot. It’ll stay at this last bit for another ten seconds before it starts slowly moving to the right again.

There are no other hazards. Animal Crossing is a chill game series- its stages should be similarly chill in nature.


This stage will be interesting in that it will have the most songs that play on the stage and yet also the least selection.

The stage’s music will select whatever that current hour’s song is. Every hour has its own theme, as seen here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qB4agGGyZFg

Alpha's Dance Club? Hahaha, brilliant. I can't dance, but I'd run one hell of a club, that's for sure.

I'll call it "The Sargasso Lounge".


Smash Journeyman
Dec 14, 2013
Right Behind You
Switch FC
Main Street

Animal Crossing New Leaf

I’ve never been a big Pikmin fan, but I’ve put anywhere between a little time and a whole hell of a LOT of time into every single Animal Crossing game (Save the mobile one) so I figured I’d go with something from that series. Unfortunately, between the two basic town-based stages and Tortimer Island, I didn’t feel like there was a lot to choose from. I briefly considered doing something atop of the train that you come to town on, but having just done something similar from Paper Mario I decided to rip off the MS Paint stage from Smash 4 instead.

The stage begins on the right side of Main Street from New Leaf, featuring the edge next to the ocean, as well as several shops of varying height. Using the bench on the right side, any character can reach jumping to the top of the shoe store. For ten seconds, the stage is stationary like this, but after that the camera begins to pan to the left.

As the camera moves, so too should the fighters, lest they get left behind and KO’d. In the middle of Main Street here, the gateway sign is a drop-thruable platform and this is a spot you can stand on the grass. The stairs in the background are purely aesthetic.

The final bit of the stage is on the left side of main street, ending with the museum and a cliff wall. If your character falls into the pointy-topped trees, you'll receive a bit of knock-up and some damage, but not a lot. It’ll stay at this last bit for another ten seconds before it starts slowly moving to the right again.

There are no other hazards. Animal Crossing is a chill game series- its stages should be similarly chill in nature.


This stage will be interesting in that it will have the most songs that play on the stage and yet also the least selection.

The stage’s music will select whatever that current hour’s song is. Every hour has its own theme, as seen here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qB4agGGyZFg

Who the heck put me in charge of people's homes? That's just gonna lead to homes that get robbed and/or burned down within a week!


Smash Apprentice
Oct 12, 2014
Philadelphia, PA
Stage Name:
Club LOL

Animal Crossing: New Leaf


Located in the business square is Club LOL, a night club formed from a public works request from Dr. Shrunk and the trendiest place for the hippest animals. During the days it's an empty concert hall, but at night DJ K.K. shows up and brings his full mixtape along. Animals and villagers from all over come to jam to his tunes.

Keeping in line with Smashville, this is a simple stage layout with very little in stage gimmicks. The blastzones are close and in four-player matches, the fighters will be hording for any stage space possible. Two platforms move up and down stage wires, sometimes tilting 90 degrees in the other direction. The main hazard on this stage is mostly visibility, as flashing stage lights are all around and fake smoke covers the bottom blast zones sometimes. The action here will always be like a party and be fast, chaotic, and flashy.

Randomized animals and villagers will be moshing in the foreground, which take from a huge pool such as common animals like Del, Agent S, Scoot, etc., to important townsfolk such as the Able Sisters and Kicks. Other human villagers may join in too, having the presets as seen in Smashville. The gyroid performing with DJ K.K. are also randomized, but all of these features are just aesthetic things.

Unlockable?: No


The selection of tracks on Club LOL are spare but are extremely long, and every new match starts from a random location within the mixes.

-K.K.'s Club Mix (An arrangement of DJ K.K. songs from Animal Crossing: New Leaf, performed like in-game)
-K.K.'s Retro Club Mix (An arrangement of NES DJ K.K. songs from Animal Crossing: New Leaf, performed like in-game)
-K.K's Smash Bros Mix (An arrangement of Smash series tracks from a variety of franchises done in K.K. Slider style)


Smash Master
Sep 17, 2017
Main Street

Animal Crossing New Leaf

I’ve never been a big Pikmin fan, but I’ve put anywhere between a little time and a whole hell of a LOT of time into every single Animal Crossing game (Save the mobile one) so I figured I’d go with something from that series. Unfortunately, between the two basic town-based stages and Tortimer Island, I didn’t feel like there was a lot to choose from. I briefly considered doing something atop of the train that you come to town on, but having just done something similar from Paper Mario I decided to rip off the MS Paint stage from Smash 4 instead.

The stage begins on the right side of Main Street from New Leaf, featuring the edge next to the ocean, as well as several shops of varying height. Using the bench on the right side, any character can reach jumping to the top of the shoe store. For ten seconds, the stage is stationary like this, but after that the camera begins to pan to the left.

As the camera moves, so too should the fighters, lest they get left behind and KO’d. In the middle of Main Street here, the gateway sign is a drop-thruable platform and this is a spot you can stand on the grass. The stairs in the background are purely aesthetic.

The final bit of the stage is on the left side of main street, ending with the museum and a cliff wall. If your character falls into the pointy-topped trees, you'll receive a bit of knock-up and some damage, but not a lot. It’ll stay at this last bit for another ten seconds before it starts slowly moving to the right again.

There are no other hazards. Animal Crossing is a chill game series- its stages should be similarly chill in nature.


This stage will be interesting in that it will have the most songs that play on the stage and yet also the least selection.

The stage’s music will select whatever that current hour’s song is. Every hour has its own theme, as seen here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qB4agGGyZFg

I'm in real estate, huh? Hmm...not sure if I could pull it off, but it might be worth a shot.


Ivy WAS Saurly missed
Jun 19, 2013
Pacific Northwest
Switch FC
I super don't regret changing the names of these businesses. I just wish I coulda put everyone in there

The Museum doesn't usually have any writing on it but I'm naming it the TKOWL TKOWL Museum after the fact because dude ALWAYS got the best art in this contest
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Smash Journeyman
Dec 14, 2013
Right Behind You
Switch FC
Welp. This is an awkward round for me, because I do know quite a bit about the Animal Crossing games… except I really don’t like them. I’m not going to go into detail (it would double the length of this post), but long story short, I find the games too simple, repetitive, and not very interesting. Funnily enough, AC’s Smash stages are the same way - Smashville and Town & City are basically the same exact aesthetic with different, yet incredibly neutral platform positions. And people really seem to like those stages (competitively, at least), so I figured: eh, why break the trend?

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Campground!

Please excuse the crudity of this image - I didn’t have time to make it to scale or paint it.

Name of Stage:

Game of Origin:
Animal Crossing: New Leaf - Welcome Amiibo

Description of Stage:
As with all previous Animal Crossing stages (Tortimer Island excluded), the stage takes place atop a large floating piece of wood, with three thinner pieces of wood serving as the stage’s passable platforms. Keeping with the simple and neutral tradition, the middle platform remains stationary, while the two side platforms move back and forth between the positions shown in the image. And yes, when at the lowest point, the three platforms effectively act as one long platform. Directly behind the stage, a miniature version of the campgrounds sits - a fire pit in the center, a pine tree on the left, and a camper van on the right. Various characters from the Animal Crossing series will appear on this platform at the start of the match, and will mill about the campsite throughout the match (occasionally stopping to watch the fight). Further in the background, you’ll see a somewhat overhead view of the campsite (pretend that’s included in my drawing).

Gimmicks and Hazards of the Stage:
None! Like the AC stages before it, this stage is pure platforms. Also like the stages before it, this stage sports a real-time day/night cycle, and can of course be the venue for a K.K. Slider concert on Saturday nights.

Title (Animal Crossing: New Leaf)
Campground (Animal Crossing: New Leaf - Welcome Amiibo)
Agent K.K. (Animal Crossing)
K.K. Metal (Animal Crossing)
Town Hall (Animal Crossing: New Leaf)
Able Sisters (Animal Crossing: New Leaf)
Resetti’s Theme (Animal Crossing)

And that’s all I’ve got! I admit it’s not the most original stage I’ve ever done, but I hope you enjoy nonetheless!
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Smash Hero
Jun 8, 2017
That Distant Shore
Animal Crossing: New Leaf
Town Hall

The Town Hall is a location in most Animal Crossing games, but this one is mostly based around New Leaf. The base platform layout is basic, with walkoffs. The Town Hall is mostly in the background, but you can stand on the top of it.

About 20 seconds into the match, Isabelle appears. She walks to a random part of the map and places a Gyroid, which soon turns into a public works project! There are many of them, such as benches, lighthouses, and even a Café! they function as additional platforms. Isabelle returns to create another about 30 seconds later. There can only be 3 PWPs, the oldest ones disappear first. The hazard toggle removes Isabelle.

Notes: Initially this stage was Main Street based and the PWPs were the stores being built, but Kevandre took that idea and I improvised.
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Totally humorous voice over and YouTube guy.
Jun 9, 2018
A van down by the river
Switch FC
Name of Stage: Reset Center

Game of Origin: Animal Crossing City Folk

Description: It's a flat stage, yeah, but there may be a little special someone to occasionally visit you.

Stage Hazards: Resetti will pop out of the ground once or a few times per game, accompanied by a flashing red light that illuminates the stage. (depending on how long it lasts.) and he'll work exactly the same way he would in Brawl as an Assist Trophy


Agent K.K. : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fsdrQ2V87NU
K.K. Condor : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KWtGZC9HdyM
Resetti's Theme (Remix) : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=60IPzxXmDKs
K.K. Cruisin : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OiR7JHrSHdA

And More!

Edit: Image won't load, so here's some links of what i was going for



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Deleted member

Alright Guys. Round 19 is now closed. See you on Sunday with the grades for it.

Deleted member

So uh, I can't really say I know for sure the exact details. But one way or another it looks like there's something that needs Cosmic's attention that has prevented him from having all of his grades submitted by now. It's looking more and more likely that the Round 19 grades will have to wait until after today. Round 20 will still start as scheduled tomorrow though.


Ivy WAS Saurly missed
Jun 19, 2013
Pacific Northwest
Switch FC
Well damn. I just thought your internet went out or something lol


Totally humorous voice over and YouTube guy.
Jun 9, 2018
A van down by the river
Switch FC
Good luck everyone!
So uh, I can't really say I know for sure the exact details. But one way or another it looks like there's something that needs Cosmic's attention that has prevented him from having all of his grades submitted by now. It's looking more and more likely that the Round 19 grades will have to wait until after today. Round 20 will still start as scheduled tomorrow though.
No worries. we can wait.

Deleted member

Time for Round 20!

If I recall correctly this is the first time we've ever had a tie for 1st place in the poll. With Earthbound and The Other Kirby Games both having 5 votes each.

Of the two, I choose Round 20 to be..............

The Other Kirby Games

Back in Round 1 the decision was made for it to be the rather restrictive category of only 3 Kirby games. Those being Return to Dreamland, Triple Deluxe, and Planet Robobot. Some Realizations have been made since then that restrictions like that aren't the greatest of ideas but obviously by the time I realized that Round 1 was already done.

So we're giving Kirby a more fair opportunity by allowing the rest of his series to have it's time to shine. Return to Dreamland, Triple Deluxe, and Planet Robobot aren't allowed for this round since they've already had their time in the sun, but ever other Kirby game is eligible.

And with that, on June 25th 2018, Round 20 has begun. You have until Friday, June 29th to submit entries.

Good Luck!


Ivy WAS Saurly missed
Jun 19, 2013
Pacific Northwest
Switch FC
Frozen Hillside

(Kirby Air Ride)

I’ll be real with you guys. The only Kirby games I ever really got into were Amazing Mirror, Air Ride, and recently Star Allies. But by far the game that I put the most time into was Air Ride, so I decided to do a stage based on that.

The main platforms are four Warp Stars that start off all in a row on one of Air Ride’s most memorable tracks, the ice-themed Frozen Hillside. But don’t despair, for once we have an ice themed level without any ice physics! Instead we have a lovely Aurora Borealis (Yes, at this time of year, at this time of day, in this part of the country, localized entirely within my kitchen).

The four warp stars are in a row and can be walked across when they’re in this fashion. The race starts off pretty simply, going in a straight direction. But when the track turns…

The warp stars will change heights to compensate for the turn, so pay attention to where the track is going!

Think of the ground as like a Big Blue scenario, yes you can technically jump back up if you hit the track but you have to be real quick or you’ll be KO’d!

In addition, at some point in the track the warpstars will come across the four grind rails…

When these come, the ground disappears completely and the warp stars will change elevation to remain on their individual rails! You can jump through a warpstar from below, but you can’t drop through from above so watch out.


Echo’s Edge (Star Allies): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uEzfSFudB8w

Ice/Freezing Area (Amazing Mirror): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qlYHpVwPHFs

Frappe Snowland/Sherbet Land (Mario Kart 64): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t7NepeWLuTU

Everfrost Peak/Snowball Valley (Diddy Kong Racing): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=61bd1sc3Hlo



Totally humorous voice over and YouTube guy.
Jun 9, 2018
A van down by the river
Switch FC

Star Allies came out a while back, but it's always nice to take a look at the old games. so for this stage, we are looking back to Kirby's Dream Land 2. one of the earliest Kirby Games. For the stage, I'm thinking Castle Dedede, known as the "Dark Castle" in the game.

This would be a flat stage, for one minute, as the free for all begins, Kirby's animal friends, Rick Kine and Coo would appear. Rick, from the left, Coo, from the top. and Kine, from the right. Rick would turn into Stone rick and roll across the stage, damaging anyone he touches. Kine will hop around the stage at varying heights, as Ice Kine, with his trusty Ice Aura surrounding him. Coo will grab a parasol and start spinning like a tornado, he will fly around the middle of the screen to take out airborne fighters. (They can be KO'd with one hit for each of them) They will each appear one at a time every 20 seconds. A part of the castle will then break off after one minute and 20 seconds. (To make sure each animal friend get's a chance to shine) and take to the sky, the camera following.

Starting out as a flat platform parts of it will crumble and be replaced by other platforms to keep up the tension. on top of that, the Warrior Dark Matter will appear, to hack and slash his foes using the same moves he did from Kirby's dream land 2. He is the same size as kirby and can be knocked out. he will come back a few minutes later.

Red Platform = Part that rises
Orange = Rick's Path
Blue = Kine's Path
Purple = Coo's Path
Green = Crumbling Platform
Pink = Replacement Platform
Yellow Line Indicated what platform is replaced by what (ex. Green Platform A Crumbles, the yellow line points to pink platform A, so when Green Platform A Crumbles, Pink platform appears)


Duel In The Sky: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2aNdPPAVw-g
Coo The Owl: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BE5lSQ0SRFs
Kine The Fish: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FhG7a0hT1rk
Rick The Hamster: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WxvaO9WaMfk
It's Boss Time: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WxvaO9WaMfk

I spent a long time making this, and trying to make it enjoyable. Hope you all like it!
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Smash Journeyman
Dec 14, 2013
Right Behind You
Switch FC
Guys, I have a confession: I purposely tied this round because I didn’t have an Earthbound stage ready (forgive me my selfishness, and thank you PSB for unintentionally falling for my ploy and choosing Kirby as the round). Even so, Kirby! It’s a fun game series, with a lot of bright and colorful locations to draw from, but I tend to find the gloomier areas of Kirby more memorable for some reason. In that spirit, I’ve picked one of the most memorable locations in the gloomier style!

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Shiver Star Factory!

This too is an old stage of mine, but re-worked so much the new version is basically un-recognizable.

Name of Stage:
Shiver Star Factory

Game of Origin:
Kirby 64

Description of Stage:
This stage has a pretty funky layout. There’s a nice solid (though kinda small) base platform in the center, along with two passable platforms in the top left and top right. Additionally, jutting out from the main platform are two angled conveyor belts, each of which slowly push players away from the center of the stage. Due to this, the ledges at the end of the conveyors are NOT grabbable. Visually, you’ll be able to see some machines working in the background, along with a few cameo appearances from various Kirby 64 enemies.

Gimmicks and Hazards of the Stage:
The primary hazard of this stage is the two mallet-smasher-things in the center. Every 20 seconds or so, one of the two mallets (it always alternates back and forth) will start to bend away from the stage, signaling that it’s about to strike. 5 seconds after it leans back, WHAM! The mallet smashes down, dealing 25% damage to any player caught beneath it and burying them into the ground (ala pitfall). After the smash, the mallet instantly pops back up, and the cycle continues.

Factory Inspection (Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards)
Pop Star (Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards)
Rock Star (Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards)
Neo Star (Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards)
Dark Star (Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards)
Vs Miracle Matter (Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards)
Access Arc (Kirby: Planet Robobot)
Robobot Rush (Kirby: Planet Robobot)
Vagrant Counting Song of Retrospection (Kirby: Planet Robobot)

That’s all for this one! Hope you enjoy!
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Smash Apprentice
Oct 12, 2014
Philadelphia, PA
Ripple Star

Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards


At the beginning of Kirby 64, the Dark Matter menace attacks the planet of Ripple Star, home of peaceful fairies. In an act of desperation, the queen fairy sends the little fairy Ribbon along with their power crystal across space to find help. The Dark Matter swarm chases her and shatters the crystals across the planetary system, with Ribbon herself crashing onto Pop Star and teaming up with Kirby and friends to reassemble the crystal and save her homeland. They eventually arrive back on Ripple Star, only to find that the entire Dark Matter menace has taken the castle under siege, acting as their hive. Kirby and his friends infiltrate the strongholds and take down Miracle Matter, and revealing the source of the Dark Matter's power, the Dark Star.

This is a flat stage with a fountain situated in the middle, where a platform might jettison up on occasion. There are two large pits on the side, but there is plenty of room to fight on the stage to avoid them. The stage seems light on hazards, until a cloud of Dark Matter spawns in 20 seconds into the match. The Dark Matter cloud does a variety of things to the stage; it can cause a huge wave of darkness to overtake one of the pits, causing damage to anyone in contact and barring off one of the blastzones for about 10 seconds. Another thing it can do is spawn in red hexagonal platforms from the Dark Star in an erratic placement, being like the Pictochat drawing with the bunches of tiny platforms, and the platforms will stay there for about 15 seconds. The final thing it can do is summon Miracle Matter, who will stay in the background and do one of three attacks: shoot a Spark beam that bounces around the stage and loops from the blastzone, throw down a Fire jet that stretches a far distance, or release a shot of 8 Needle missiles that go in a cross and diagonal shape. Like every stage, however, these hazards can be turned off if you don't want to be annoyed and enjoy the sights of an uncorrupted Ripple Star.

Fairies will be watching the fight until Dark Matter attacks, causing them to scatter around. The Queen Fairy sometimes may be watching too, and will be dragged into the Dark Matter cloud once it spawns. There are caves in the backgrounds of the cliffs where monsters will be crawling around. Overall this stage has a highly varied tone: it can jump from happy and bubbly one minute, and then dark and vicious the next.

Unlockable?: Yes (Play as King Dedede in 10 matches)


Ripple Star Medley (Arrangement of the Ripple Star Select theme, Ripple Star Catacombs, and Ripple Red) (Remix)
Miracle Matter (Remix)
02 Battle (Brawl Remix)
Rock Star (Kirby 64)
Neo Star (Kirby 64)
Dark Star (Remix)
Dark Castle (Planet Robobot Remix)
Hyper Zone (Kirby's Dreamland 3)
Another Dimension (Kirby's Return to Dreamland)
Moonlight Capital (Kirby Triple Deluxe)
Gatehouse Road (Kirby Star Allies)
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Smash Hero
Dec 17, 2017
On a planet far far away...
Switch FC
Wait, we're starting a new round already? Did psb123 post the grades earlier or something? I got my final grade done at around 7:00 EST this morning.

Deleted member

Wait, we're starting a new round already? Did psb123 post the grades earlier or something? I got my final grade done at around 7:00 EST this morning.
Round 19 grades have not been posted yet. I did get your final grade this morning but I only had time to get Round 20 started before I had to leave for work. I have a small moment here on break to give this update but Round 19 grades, while they will be posted today, won't be ready for a couple more hours.


Smash Master
Sep 17, 2017
Here goes:


Stage Name:
Green Valley

Kirby and the Rainbow Curse

Gimmicks and Hazards:
Rainbow lines

From a highly underrated Kirby game (At least in this stage contestant's opinion), Kirby and the Rainbow Curse's Green Valley is one of the first levels of the game. The platforms themselves are spaced far away, so it is difficult to jump from platform to platform on your own, even with directional air dodging involved. However, there is a solution: every 15 seconds, a rainbow line will be "drawn" onto the stage and stay on there for 20 seconds as a soft platform. These can either loop, go in a straight line or serve as a ramp, as shown in the photo. The rainbows that make up the line will start rotating in the direction it was drawn in, moving any passengers along it at as fast as Sonic's walk speed. This can be useful for counter moves like Vision and Slip Counter, as well as some projectiles such as Super Missile and Splattershot. You can still move through joystick while on these platforms, however the line will affect how fast you go.


Rainbow Curse Medley
Canvas Canyon (Canvas Curse)
Fly! Kirby Rocket (Kirby and the Rainbow Curse)
Green Greens (Rainbow Curse)
Dark Crafter (Rainbow Curse)
Drawcia Theme (Canvas Curse)

Deleted member

Poll for Round 21 is up. Now that The Other Kirby Games has become Round 20 the new voting options to take it's place is Smaller Mario Games.

What does Smaller Mario Games mean? Well so far we've had a round for the Main Series Platformers, Mario Kart, the Mario RPG's, and we've had a round for Mario Party on the polls for some time now. Smaller Mario Games covers everything else. The Sports games, Luigi's Mansion, Captain Toad, Mario + Rabbids, Dr. Mario, Mario vs. Donkey Kong, and any other more obscure Mario games that might be escaping my memory.

Smaller Mario Games is also the last voting option that was on the back burner. Meaning that the 7 categories you see on the poll now are the last 7 rounds of the contest. Ever since it started back in the end of January it's had a great run. But the end is drawing close.

Now that all that's out of the way, time to work on those Round 19 grades.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 14, 2013
Right Behind You
Switch FC
Smaller Mario Games is also the last voting option that was on the back burner. Meaning that the 7 categories you see on the poll now are the last 7 rounds of the contest. Ever since it started back in the end of January it's had a great run. But the end is drawing close.

Well then, I better put my all into those last seven stages! It's been great while it lasted, man.

Deleted member

Time for Round 19 grades!

psb123's grades:

Main Street by Kevandre Kevandre

Iconic Status: 5/5

I'll admit I've never invested a lot of time into the Animal Crossing games personally. But I have seen and played enough to know that all the buildings here are homes to recognizable places of business within the series.

Originality: 9/10

Animal Crossing is a tricky one to come up with unique ideas for in the realm of stages. But all in all I think you did pretty good with this one. A stage scrolling from left to right going through a town works pretty well for AC. I guess the villagers could do more than just be in the background but that is a pretty minor thing all in all.

Playability: 9/10

Needing the bench to get on top the buildings at the beginning isn't the kind of thing I'm too keen on. But even if you don't need it for that, there a still a couple spots here where people could get stuck during KO attempts. Not a whole lot, but it is still noticeable.

Overall Score: 23/25

Hocotate Freight by GolisoPower GolisoPower

Iconic Status: 2/5

It may be stationed on Olimar's Home Planet, but the appeal of Pikmin's locations is exploring the lush areas of foreign planets. This isn't exactly a lush area and is it even seen anywhere besides the opening cutscene of Pikmin 2?

Originality: 7/10

Even if you ignore the fact that the Arcade Bunny already does the Crane thing as an assist trophy this stage doesn't do a whole lot. Just having a large gap appear in the stage after a while that lasts for too long and makes it trickier to recover.

Playability: 5/10

When the rocket goes away it takes too long to come back. And that leaves a big obstacle for recovery that isn't present when the rocket is around. I'll acknowledge that it does take some time for the Rocket to go away but even then there is still a walk-off on the left.

Overall Score: 14/25


Iconic Status: 5/5

I'm not sure how much time people really spent in this place in New Leaf. But it does heavily feature the ever famous K.K. Slider. So probably a lot.

Originality: 10/10

Looking nice! I like how it takes the K.K. performances of Smashville on Saturday Nights and makes a full stage out of them. And quite possibly one of the most unique stages you could have for Animal Crossing as well. The Night Club lights and fog offer a lot of creativity in the setting and I like how the wire platforms can tilt a bit.

Playability: 9/10

The only real possible issue here is the fog that covers the bottom blast zones. It could be a small issue depending on how much of the blast zones you can actually see. Without clarification on that, I do have to take off a point.

Overall Score: 24/25

Campground by TheMarioaddict TheMarioaddict

Iconic Status: 3/5

Not added until the Welcome Amiibo update huh? Sadly that's not doing you any favors here. Truth be told, as weird as this might sound, I think you would have done better on Iconic Status here if you had based this off of Pocket Camp instead. Sure that's a mobile game, but it is a much more notable game in the realm of a Camp setting in Animal Crossing.

Originality: 2/10

Once again I feel like basing this on Pocket Camp would have helped you here. A stage unique to a Nintendo Mobile game is by default creative enough to where it would have earned you at least 1 extra point here. But even then this stage's layout and platform functions are too similar to Smashville and Town and City.

Playability: 10/10

Granted the layout you chose is still very playable. Even if it's reused from two stages already in Smash Ultimate.

Overall Score: 15/25

Town Hall by PeridotGX PeridotGX

Iconic Status: 5/5

The Town hall is essentially the office of the Mayor. And New Leaf makes a big deal out of you being the mayor. Plus, it's where you most commonly find Isabelle. Who quickly became one of the most popular Animal Crossing characters.

Originality: 10/10

Now that's what I'm talking about! A stage that adds Public Works Projects overtime to add more to the stage works really well for Animal Crossing.

Playability: 10/10

You know how I feel about Walk-offs. But what stopped me from taking a point off for that this time was the PWP's make it harder, and I'd wager less interesting, to camp at the edge.

Overall Score: 25/25

Reset Center by Guh-Huzzah! Guh-Huzzah!

Iconic Status: 3/5

Blame this on my lack of Animal Crossing knowledge if you want. But this doesn't seem like something all that notable. It's got Resetti in it, bleh. But he is a very well known Animal Crossing character. So I'll give it that.

Originality: 1/10

Using what a past item did as your stages only gimmick unfortunately really hinders you score here.

Playability: 7/10

The text bubbles from Resetti block off your view of parts of the stage and I honestly can't tell if this stage is a walk-off or not. Without clarification I do have to take points off for it, but not as much as I would otherwise since I still can't say I know for sure.

Overall Score: 11/25

Cosmic77's grades:

"Main Street" by Kevandre

Iconic Status: 5/5

Main Street is a pretty iconic part of New Leaf (arguably more iconic than the New Leaf stage we ended up getting in Smash 4). It's definitely got that Animal Crossing feel to it.

Originality: 9/10

I think Animal Crossing is a series that forces you to think of simple stage gimmicks aside from hazards and stage bosses, and I think you did a excellent job of this by creating a stage that slowly moves back and forth across the town.

Would've liked to have seen some detail on what the villagers would do, but I guess that's nitpicking on my end.

Playability: 8/10

The layout of the roofs are a little strange. I see a few places where someone could easily get stuck in infinite combos (The placement of Larry is a good example).

The trees are also something I took note of, but I didn't feel like they were worth deducting points for.

Overall Score: 22/25

"Hocotate Freight" by GolisoPower:

Iconic Status: 3/5

Pikmin as a whole is hard to grade on iconicness, but I don't think an industrial area like this would be the best choice. Pikmin is known for its wildlife and outdoorsy areas.

Originality: 10/10

I don't think your gimmick is phenomenally creative, but compared to everything else in this round, it tops the rest.

I actually like the use of the rocket more than the crane. It's a simple idea that also seems very unique for a Pikmin stage.

Playability: 7/10

Assuming the crane functions like a less aggressive Arcade Badge Bunny AT, it could definitely get in the way.

Overall Score: 20/25

"Club LOL" by TKOWL:

Iconic Status: 5/5

K.K. Slider has become a bit of an icon for Animal Crossing. Any stage focusing on him has to have a perfect score.

Originality: 10/10

I'm in love with the stage you came up with. A night club stage with fog machines and flashing lights is something that I'd want to see in Smash. No question.

I also appreciate the detail you put into describing the audience. Animal Crossing fans are sure to stop for a second and see if they can recognize any of the shadowy silhouettes in the crowd.

Playability: 9/10

I really wanted to give you a perfect score here, but I have to be fair. The fog covering the lower parts of the stage can get in the way of those who want to recover. Poor Little Mac wouldn't even be able to wall jump properly.

Overall Score: 24/25

"Campground" by TheMarioAddict:

Iconic Status: 5/5

Debated on whether or not this deserved a perfect score since it came out four years later after New Leaf's release. I decided to just go along with it since it's hard to see this as anything but an Animal Crossing stage.

Originality: 6/10

I know you're trying to keep it simple, but this stage feels awfully similar to what we've already gotten before (Which might have been your goal). Not saying it can't be simple, but I really would've liked to have seen something a little bit different, like a unique layout in Kevandre's stage or a drastic change of scenery in TKOWL's stage.

Playability: 10/10

No issues. This stage should definitely be legal in tournaments.

Overall Score: 21/25

"Town Hall" by PeridotGX:

Iconic Status: 5/5

Arguably the most iconic place in New Leaf. You should be familiar with the building where Isabelle spends most of her day.

Originality: 9/10

The idea sounds really cool, and it's certainly original. I only wish you would've shown us what the stage would look like after a few public projects were done.

Playability: 8/10

Can't give you a perfect score because I don't know what the full layout would be. Without enough space, I could see fighters getting pummeled in the little gap between Town Hall and one of the bigger public projects (cafe, lighthouse, etc.)

Overall Score: 22/25

"Reset Center" by Blips:

Iconic Status: 4/5

I don't think this is the most iconic area from the game, but Mr. Resetti is an Animal Crossing mainstay. He definitely helps your score.

Originality: 3/10

I like Mr. Resetti, but your stage's gimmick is essentially just the Brawl Assist Trophy. I admire the effort you took to bring him back with his own stage, but the gimmick itself isn't original at all.

Playability: 8/10

Resetti's text bubbles block the view of the stage.

Overall Score: 15/25

Total Scores:

Kevandre: 45 points

GolisoPower: 34 points

TKOWL: 48 points

TheMarioAddict: 36 points

PeridotGX: 47 points

Blips: 26 points

The Winner is.................



Smash Journeyman
Dec 14, 2013
Right Behind You
Switch FC
Yeah, I figured making it like the previous Smash stages would lose me originality points... then again, a lack of originality sorta mimics how I feel about AC in general, so I'm ok with that :p

Congrats to TKOWL!

Deleted member

Guys, I have a confession: I purposely tied this round because I didn’t have an Earthbound stage ready (forgive me my selfishness, and thank you PSB for unintentionally falling for my ploy and choosing Kirby as the round).
Huh. Not the reason I thought you changed your vote. But I'll take it. I've been getting impatient waiting for the other Kirby round to happen anyway :p

Best get to work on that Earthbound stage though. Based off of the last poll I would not be surprised if that ends up becoming Round 21. And it does currently have the lead on the current poll.
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