More rivalries banter like my previous post.
[collapse="Pit vs. Dark Pit"]As Pit exits out of Palutena's Temple, Dark Pit is waiting for him.


"Running an errand for your goddess, Pit?"

"Uh... No. Why do you ask?"

"With all the things that happened between us after the Chaos Kin and Hades, we never had a chance to fight for real, had we?"

"You came here just to pick a fight with me?!"

"Well, who would have known that Master Hand fellow would pick me of all fighters? We still have a score to settle, after all!"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! You really mean to..."


"SETTLE IT IN SMASH! Let's do this!" (Both make an identical stance with their bows. Boss Fight 1 from Kid Icarus: Uprising plays.)[/collapse]
[collapse="Lucina vs. Meta Knight"]Meta Knight stands still, looking over a cliff, the wind blows through his cape. Steps are heard coming from behind him.

"At long last, a challenger. And one who knows the way of the blade as well..."

"A masked swordsman... You must be the one who challenged me."

"I am Meta Knight. Indeed, I am the one who challenged you. I believe you could be called a masked swordswoman as well? It matters not... Let us fight. There's no need for words in an honorable duel. I long to see how your skills with the blade are. Hold nothing back!"

"Very well. I accept your challenge!" (Makes her signature fighting stance. The theme from Battlefield plays.)[/collapse]