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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
Donkey Kong newcomers discussion?

It's hilarious seeing people mention relevancy as an important factor (used against K. Rool, used in favor of Dixie, Cranky, and Funky) when Sakurai himself didn't even say it's a criteria that has to be met. And honestly it makes sense, Smash is a relevancy maker, it doesn't need to focus on being hip and cool and add the new flavor of the month because it knows it's already hip and cool. Otherwise, why would we have characters like :4falcon::4jigglypuff::4ness::4rob::4gaw::4feroy::4lucas::4duckhunt: that still stick around with us to this day?

Anyways, according to the link above, his criteria is as follows:
  • "The character must display personality in their game."
  • "It's important to have something only that character can do."
  • "Potential development issues and game balance is also taken into consideration."
  • "Distribution among franchises is also taken into consideration."
K. Rool, Dixie, Cranky, and Funky all fit the bill, so all four of them are fair game according to this criteria.
MamaLuigi, I love you man, but you gotta understand why this argument is so immensely awful.

I would explain it, but it looks like everyone else already has. All of the veterans you mentioned were totally relevant when they were added as newcomers and the rest are retro characters. You have to be aware that your drawing a false equivalence because you really want King K. Rool.

If these criteria you bring up is a justification for King K. Rool, then why wasn't he added in Brawl or Wii U? Back then, he actually was relevant, now he's been dead for 10 years and the Donkey Kong Country series has expelled him. He's less likely now than he was the past two games.

It doesn't matter if Sakurai didn't say it's a criteria that has to be met. Sakurai doesn't have to explicitly come out against everything. That whole "distribution among the franchise" thing? That refers to King K. Rool, who has had zero distribution among the Donkey Kong or Mario franchise. And you can't compare that to iconic famicom icons.

Tree Gelbman

100 Percent Done
Nov 3, 2007
Geno isn't going to make Square Enix money by being in Smash. At least not compared to characters that are either way more bigger than him (like Lara Croft) or characters who have an upcoming game Square Enix would sooner promote for advertisement purposes.
Not a single third party is going to be forced on Sakurai for advertisement purposes anyways. So let's just drop that notion right there, okay?

He'd probably laugh at Square if they told him to add Lara or a Dragon Quest character because ''Tomb Raider is coming out! Dragon Quest 985!"

Sakurai isn't adding third parties to sell their titles and we know he's very picky about them and their designs to the point he would have said no to Pac Man if Bandai Namco wanted to use any other design than the one we got.

So this notion that Square Enix would get this massive say in it because of advertisement is moot anyways. The worst thing that can happen with Geno is Square saying no when asked about him. And if they cared so little about him as you seem to imply? They wouldn't have even said yes to a Mii costume.

And like money is money irregardless. We don't know how much the Geno costume sold for Mii Fighters. So even if it came down to money.

Who knows if Square would happy with what they saw. But they're certainly not gonna say ''You can't use Geno", and then force anyone else on Sakurai. I was simply stating an idea that Sakurai asked last time and they wanted to see the merits of the character in terms of sales of the Mii Fighter costume. It's all hypothetical anyways. But they're certainly not gonna force anyone on him.

He'd just walk away from them. Even if the person was iconic. He adds these third party reps on his own merits and not the company's, not any advertisement b.s. So if Lara shows up or anyone else from Square. It's certainly not because of this ''Oh hahaha how cute Geno" mentality a lot of people think of for his potential rejection.

It'd be because Sakurai went for Lara Croft or a Dragon Quest character and they said yes. Not because they said no to Geno, but yes to them on the grounds of their own icon stature.
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Smash Champion
Nov 7, 2015
Realm 75731
MamaLuigi, I love you man, but you gotta understand why this argument is so immensely awful.

I would explain it, but it looks like everyone else already has. All of the veterans you mentioned were totally relevant when they were added as newcomers and the rest are retro characters. You have to be aware that your drawing a false equivalence because you really want King K. Rool.

If these criteria you bring up is a justification for King K. Rool, then why wasn't he added in Brawl or Wii U? Back then, he actually was relevant, now he's been dead for 10 years and the Donkey Kong Country series has expelled him. He's less likely now than he was the past two games.

It doesn't matter if Sakurai didn't say it's a criteria that has to be met. Sakurai doesn't have to explicitly come out against everything. That whole "distribution among the franchise" thing? That refers to King K. Rool, who has had zero distribution among the Donkey Kong or Mario franchise. And you can't compare that to iconic famicom icons.
Yeah gonna be honest, haven't really had the best week and wasn't thinking that well.

Deleted member

There is no need for personal attacks. Just let your evidence and points do the talking.
that's 'cause the thread got locked skippy, try to keep up. also that's a lot of ****ing words to write to say 'i know approximately as much as you do which is sweet ****-all, but lemme tell you how my opinion is better than yours'. you do know that ports need teams too, right? ain't a one-person ****ing job. you also are talking right out of your *** if you can fathom to know the size of the team behind this game. listings are just that, positions that folk need filled. rendering engines ain't gameplay engines, it's graphics. which prolly changed given the fact that they're on a bit more powerful hardware.

so, uh, yeah. neat wall of text. you won't mind the cropping of that quote to spare the ****ing server the pain of loading it all again, yeah?
Yes, "my opinion is beter than yours" in this case (if that's how you really wanna put it), wanna know why?

Because this is a disscussion thread and what we are having is bascially a debate, it's about taking a stance on a certain topic and using evidence to support your stance (and you have to use actual arguments and facts that support your stance, not feelings) . That's what i did in my post. I gave evindence that supported my stance as opposed to you, because all you do is just make baseless assumptions and swear whenever someone argues against you in order to look intimidating.

News flash mate, you just make yourself look dumb.

Also the reason as to why i did that wall of text is because i bothered to refute every single point that people in general use to say that this is a port, including your precious "we don't know yet" argument, that only showcases your ignorance on the matter (also i love how you try to drag me to your level of ignorance with the "i know as much as you do" part, which i predicted you would do). God forbid you got into an argument with Chronobound and GoldenYuiitusin, they would destroy you.

It's not my fault that you are too lazy to actually try to refute my arguments, and instead you ignore it because you know you don't have any. Im not gonna bother with the Job-listing part because @Gameboi834 already debunked your argument.

I will say this though, you truly are spiteful (but you are not a wolf though, there's another canine word that perfectly describes you, but this is a Christian Server so no swearing)

"Exemplify" is such a great word. It sounds so majestic and important, yet its meaning is typical and mundane.
That is the power of language. Also notice how i dind't use a single swear word in my post to get the point across (im not saying that my arguments would be weaker if i used them, but how you speak is extremely important to what you speak, not to mention that swearing is commongly used by those who have limited vocabulary and can't articulate their statements in a calm manner)

Oh and also i bothered to use Lowercase Letters and separated the text in order to make it easier to read (yet it was still too much for the guy to handle)

Also note that on their previous ports to the Switch, every single one except Hyrule Warriors Definitive Edition was also revealed with a confirmed release date, and even HWDE had a season.

If it was a port, why are they setting the release date at just "2018", instead of "look forward to playing Smash with friends on your Nintendo Switch on September 9th", or something like that?
HWDE is comparable to a Street Fighter 2 scenario that also has the Switch port treatement. Same game with new content. I mean the "Definitve Edition" already implies that is a version of an already existing game. I do agree that it's wierd that they didn't give a date for that port (because it's still is a port of an already existing game regardless of how much they added in) but TWEWY Final Mix didn't have a specific date either (only saying "available this year").

I think is that most third parties only give a set year when it comes to Switch Ports as far as i have seen.

The trailer for the Inklings is another. While that sort of animation being built for a port is possible, it's unlikely, especially with how long that animation was. If you look at the CGI animation they added for the accolades trailer for Tropical Freeze, it's about three seconds long. The CGI animation for the Switch reveal is almost exactly ONE MINUTE.
Actually the CGI animation used for the Accolades trailer is a reused (or at the very least slightly modified) animation part from a commercial of the Wii U version that happens at 0:09. I noticed this because i actually saw this commercial on TV back in 2014.

Or how about Sakurai's involvement? Remember when he showed off the Vifam mech toy (from the 1983 anime Ginga Hyōryū Vifam), and mentioned how he was using the gun for reference in his work? Odd that he'd need a reference like that to port a game. Or his talk about taking a vacation, but that his new project was "already picked out for him". Which occured in February of 2016, IIRC.

I don't think there is any reasonable grounds to argue that it is a port and not a new game.
Yeah i didn't mentioned that. Also Sakurai is no stranger to using toys in order to visualize charater movement.

And I still think that the Smash Ballot was intended because they planned to start work on a new game that far back. That wasn't a "who do you want to see added as DLC" ballot. It was a "who would you like to see in the next game" ballot. Designed because they were already planning and drafting the ideas for another Smash project, and Sakurai either wasn't sure who else to add after Smash 4's incredible cast, or because he just wanted to see who the fans still wanted to see.
Yeah i believe so too. In fact, the japanese version of the Ballot states that it would be used "for future software".
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True Blue Warrior

Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2013
United Kingdom
Not a single third party is going to be forced on Sakurai for advertisement purposes anyways. So let's just drop that notion right there, okay?

He'd probably laugh at Square if they told him to add Lara or a Dragon Quest character because ''Tomb Raider is coming out! Dragon Quest 985!"

Sakurai isn't adding third parties to sell their titles and we know he's very picky about them and their designs to the point he would have said no to Pac Man if Bandai Namco wanted to use any other design than the one we got.

So this notion that Square Enix would get this massive say in it because of advertisement is moot anyways. The worst thing that can happen with Geno is Square saying no when asked about him. And if they cared so little about him as you seem to imply? They wouldn't have even said yes to a Mii costume.

And like money is money irregardless. We don't know how much the Geno costume sold for Mii Fighters. So even if it came down to money.

Who knows if Square would happy with what they saw. But they're certainly not gonna say ''You can't use Geno", and then force anyone else on Sakurai. I was simply stating an idea that Sakurai asked last time and they wanted to see the merits of the character in terms of sales of the Mii Fighter costume. It's all hypothetical anyways. But they're certainly not gonna force anyone of them.

He'd just walk away from them. Even if the person was iconic. He adds these third party reps on his own merits and not the company's, not any advertisement b.s. So if Lara shows up or anyone else from Square. It's certainly not because of this ''Oh hahaha how cute Geno" mentality a lot of people think of for his potential rejection.

It'd be because Sakurai went for Lara Croft of a Dragon Quest character and they said yes. Not because they said no to Geno, but yes to them on the grounds of advertisement.
You completely missed my point if you honestly think I implied that Square Enix is going to force any character against Sakurai.

That being said, it's not up to Sakurai if Geno going to be in Smash, it's up to the third-party company that owns. You know, the on that hasn't seriously used him in any major capacity for +20 years, not even in the Mario sports games they collaborated with Nintendo for. To think Geno has any chance of being in Smash Switch is just setting yourself up for disappointment. And that's all I'd say on that.


Smash Champion
Nov 7, 2015
Realm 75731
I'd honestly be OK if we didn't get something like Subspace Emissary and Adventure Mode from Melee returned instead (with changes of course).

That said... why does it seem everyone here thinks the two can't co-exist?

Tree Gelbman

100 Percent Done
Nov 3, 2007
To think the situation is so cut and dry is the same kind of **** that lead people to think Cloud was impossible and on a level with Goku, a character from a damn anime.

Or how everyone thought Animal Crossing would never be in Smash because Sakurai deemed them pacifist and non-violent fighters. This same **** haunts a Nintendo icon like Isabelle even now that the series IS in Smash.

Nothing is impossible and to think that something is impossible is just not realistic.

Nothing is that set in stone. There's always room for the other possibility.

And that's all I'll say on that.


Smash Lord
Feb 17, 2014
Switch FC
So how would the Savvy Stylist work? I'm interested to see how.
I might have missed the initial calling on this but the hell,
Savvy Stylist, you're the designer, you're the model and the idol, THE STYLIST IS YOU

Strut your way down the battlefield, pose for attacks and summon the latest and greatest fashion accessories to your side
stomp with those heels, swing your best and heaviest purse around, the stage is your runway and the opponents are your audience



Smash Champion
Mar 18, 2018
Making another thing clear: the FE situation doesn't mean much for other franchises. (The general idea is also that every franchise is unique and has their own reasons for inclusion, most things in Smash can't be accurately compared to each other.)

FE has always been extremely lucky when it comes to newcomers in Smash.

Roy got in because of being implemented as a clone and promoting a new game.

Ike got in because his game, Path of Radiance, released in early 2005, perfect for Sakurai to go "I need some relevant characters... well lookie here!" Ike's game and its sequel's sales almost killed the franchise, there's no way he wouldn't have gotten in without a perfect trumping relevancy.

As it's been quoted many times, "If Awakening had come out 6 months earlier or later, Robin might've not made it in." Relevancy was very important for Awakening's newcomers.

Lucina also fits into this because of her easy-to-produce clone status. Perfect Awakening relevancy + little-needed development effort = clone newcomer.

Corrin, the infamous Corrin, had their game playable in Japan in 2015. This prompted the devs to convince Sakurai of Corrin's inclusion, even against his initial decision. Combine this with 2015/Fates being FE's 25th anniversary, and Intelligent Systems pushing Fates very much in everything they had access to, and Corrin is an inclusion that was just best for the industry at the time. There weren't really any other games for Nintendo to push in early 2016, so when they wanted to use DLC to promote a new character/game, Corrin was the best fit in that aspect. Not the best fit for Smash and its community, but perfect for big Ninty.

Pretty much only Marth got in completely on his own merit. Sakurai often refers to "the trends of time" when it comes to newcomers, and FE has always fit right into the relevancy category for inclusion, a factor considered to be very influential.

Consistent relevancy ever since even Marth's near-inclusion in 64 lead to what seems to be such an unprecedented growth for such an unsuccessful and uniconic franchise. The patterns and standards have been set for FE because almost every new game is a new main character, and Sakurai loves to justify newcomers for the fact that they are main characters. Throw enough spaghetti at the wall and eventually, it will stick. Plus, as I've said before, slots on the roster CSS isn't the only way that Sakurai distributes representation in Smash. It's not like Sakurai considers FE more important than other franchises, because it's not. It has just always been lucky when it comes to relevant newcomers.


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
I think there may be a lot of delishus crow being served up over the next few months. :grin:

Tree Gelbman

100 Percent Done
Nov 3, 2007
Like as much as it pains people to hear this on this forum?

Not a single damn thing about roster selection is cut and dry.

None of the prior "rules" or comments made by Sakurai indicate anything other than what he was feeling at the time.

Things change. The world turns. We are a party of people that only has half the information. And a party of people that have no idea what anyone involved with this series first or third party is truly feeling about anything we speculate about at any given minute.

Even **** like Goku's situation could change at any moment. It's very unlikely yes, but it's not impossible that Sakurai would go ''Well he is an icon and he does have a lot of cherished games."

It's unlikely but not impossible.
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Roberto zampari

Smash Journeyman
May 7, 2013
If you think that Fire Emblem and Mario series are overrated, indie characters deserve more love and respect.
Don't you think?


Smash Lord
Jul 3, 2014
I'd honestly be OK if we didn't get something like Subspace Emissary and Adventure Mode from Melee returned instead (with changes of course).

That said... why does it seem everyone here thinks the two can't co-exist?
Sure, they can coexist, but on the balance of probability it's very likely they won't, so people just choose their favourite. People have moved speculation away from wishlists and towards predictions.


Smash Champion
Apr 11, 2018

But definitely not as important as familiarity.
Punch Out Wii came out in 2009, 3 years before roster finalization, still the last gen. Wii Fit plus came out in 2009 too, still the last gen, and had a sequel in 2013. Duck Hunt is a retro pick, the point is that he's an old character from a dead franchise. Mega man had a game in 2010 but I'd argue it's different for 3rd parties because they are so iconic and unlike K Rool they rep their own iconic franchise, meanwhile the DK series continued without him.

And that doesn't account for :4greninja::4lucina::4robinm::4palutena::rosalina::4shulk::4villager::4bayonetta::4ryu: and most notably :4corrin:

One winged Devil

Smash Ace
Feb 19, 2018
Green Hill Zone/Chicago
Switch FC
Like as much as it pains people to hear this on this forum?

Not a single damn thing about roster selection is cut and dry.

None of the prior "rules" or comments made by Sakurai indicate anything other than what he was feeling at the time.

Things change. The world turns. We are a party of people that only has half the information. And a party of people that have no idea what anyone involved with this series first or third party is truly feeling about anything we speculate about at any given minute.

Even **** like Goku's situation could change at any moment. It's very unlikely yes, but it's not impossible that Sakurai would go ''Well he is an icon and he does have a lot of cherished games."

It's unlikely but notimpossible.
If we can get non video game characters into smash then I better get my boi Spider-Man and Twilight Sparkle in the game.
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Scoliosis Jones

Kept you waiting, huh?
Writing Team
Aug 7, 2012
Buffalo, New York
Seeing quite a bit of hostility/passive aggression today...easy everybody...don't make Old Man Jones come back :troll:.

So here's something I've been thinking about today...let's say Smash Switch started by transferring the Wii U roster over and building balancing as they went with new characters.

Now, here's the catch. Let's say the game launches with the Wii U Roster, +10 characters. The E3 presentation then goes on to reveal that Smash Switch will follow the same routine as Splatoon and ARMS. By this I mean, the game will update once in awhile with new, free content in the game. This would include newcomers, Mii Fighter costumes, stages, etc. Every month or two, we'd get new characters for roughly a year.

What do you think?


Smash Ace
Apr 11, 2017
Seeing quite a bit of hostility/passive aggression today...easy everybody...don't make Old Man Jones come back :troll:.

So here's something I've been thinking about today...let's say Smash Switch started by transferring the Wii U roster over and building balancing as they went with new characters.

Now, here's the catch. Let's say the game launches with the Wii U Roster, +10 characters. The E3 presentation then goes on to reveal that Smash Switch will follow the same routine as Splatoon and ARMS. By this I mean, the game will update once in awhile with new, free content in the game. This would include newcomers, Mii Fighter costumes, stages, etc. Every month or two, we'd get new characters for roughly a year.

What do you think?
It’s possible, and actually probable. It’d be smart on Nintendo’s part for financial gains. DLC was a booming success for Smash before, so why not do it again? I’d say every two-three months we’d get something new. A little more time to refine things a little.

Because to be honest there’s been a lot of ballot talk lately, and if all the newcomers were left up to the ballot, this roster might be pretty underwhelming in terms of hype. Not to say some people make poor character selections, but yeah...choices. I don’t think that will be the case, and we’ll see may 2-3 characters selected from the ballot.


Connery, Sean
Jun 27, 2013
Switch FC
I mean the Ridley shadow and the clouds in Greninja's trailer were just figments of people's imaginations. Ridley was disconfirmed in a segment about stage boss battles after talking about the Yellow Devil. The latter was, and always has been, a randomly made cloud formation.


You have the strength to overcome your destiny!
Writing Team
Aug 4, 2014
Wave Road
Seeing quite a bit of hostility/passive aggression today...easy everybody...don't make Old Man Jones come back :troll:.

So here's something I've been thinking about today...let's say Smash Switch started by transferring the Wii U roster over and building balancing as they went with new characters.

Now, here's the catch. Let's say the game launches with the Wii U Roster, +10 characters. The E3 presentation then goes on to reveal that Smash Switch will follow the same routine as Splatoon and ARMS. By this I mean, the game will update once in awhile with new, free content in the game. This would include newcomers, Mii Fighter costumes, stages, etc. Every month or two, we'd get new characters for roughly a year.

What do you think?
That would certainly be a very interesting, and probably smart, way of doing things. Going the Splatoon/Overwatch route of constantly updating with free content would be something that would keep this game alive for much longer. And with the entire Wii U cast in tow along with some newcomers, it'd be worth the price of admission. It'd also mean more patches.

I don't think Nintendo or Sakurai will do that, but hey, it's a model that works.

Scoliosis Jones

Kept you waiting, huh?
Writing Team
Aug 7, 2012
Buffalo, New York
That would certainly be a very interesting, and probably smart, way of doing things. Going the Splatoon/Overwatch route of constantly updating with free content would be something that would keep this game alive for much longer. And with the entire Wii U cast in tow along with some newcomers, it'd be worth the price of admission. It'd also mean more patches.

I don't think Nintendo or Sakurai will do that, but hey, it's a model that works.
See the thing is, Nintendo has literally done this with a number of games already but in different ways.

Splatoon 1 and 2 both did free updates, ARMS had free updates with new characters/stages, then you have XC2 with added content in a free update.

The way I see it working is this. The typical update that adds mii costumes or something like items would be free. The every once in awhile character would be free. Only particular characters would ask for a payment or something, I don’t know.

I’m just really thinking about that, and that’s what they’ve done with their major online multiplayer games as of recent. To not do that with Smash would be...interesting.
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Smash Journeyman
Jul 14, 2014
See the thing is, Nintendo has literally done this with a number of games already but in different ways.

Splatoon 1 and 2 bob did free updates, ARMS had free updates with new characters/stages, then you have XC2 with added content in a free update.

The way I see it working is this. The typical update that adds mini costumes or something like items would be free. The every once in awhile character would be free. Only particular characters would ask for a payment or something, I don’t know.

I’m just really thinking about that, and that’s what they’ve done with their major online multiplayer games as of recent. To not do that with Smash would be...interesting.
i dunno, maybe get stages and ****, but i deffo can't see any newcomers, ESPECIALLY 3ps, being free-to-play.


Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
These games need tracks in this new installment of Super Smash Bros
  • Sonic 3 & Knuckles
  • Sonic 3D Blast
  • Sonic CD
  • Sonic The Fighters
  • Sonic Mania
  • Star Fox 2
  • Diddy Kong Racing
  • Donkey Kong 64
  • Paper Mario
  • Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door
  • Wario World


Smash Lord
Jul 4, 2013
The Crow Buffet
That would certainly be a very interesting, and probably smart, way of doing things. Going the Splatoon/Overwatch route of constantly updating with free content would be something that would keep this game alive for much longer. And with the entire Wii U cast in tow along with some newcomers, it'd be worth the price of admission. It'd also mean more patches.

I don't think Nintendo or Sakurai will do that, but hey, it's a model that works.
Sakurai does seem to have ideals about finished products that conflict with that business model, but Nintendo's business practices have been changing a lot and so they might be able to compel him.
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Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
I thought K. Rool got the costume before the ballot started, though? In that case, it means he already knew a good amount of his popularity. The ballot does help him overall, but it's not ultimately a giant increase in his chances. His chances have only improved, but it'd be best to say no more than... 10% maybe? Albeit, a good number is hard to gauge, but it's not exactly a big improvement either way.


Connery, Sean
Jun 27, 2013
Switch FC
These games need tracks in this new installment of Super Smash Bros
  • Sonic 3 & Knuckles
  • Sonic 3D Blast
  • Sonic CD
  • Sonic The Fighters
  • Sonic Mania
  • Star Fox 2
  • Diddy Kong Racing
  • Donkey Kong 64
  • Paper Mario
  • Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door
  • Wario World
Hmmm from Diddy Kong Racing I'd like Wizpig's Theme, Crescent Island, and Haunted Woods in.

DK64: Hideout Helm (perhaps remixed), King Kutt Out (would fit a Gangplank Galleon stage), and Fungi Forest with day/night transitions.

Paper Mario: Final Battle Theme, Koopa Bros. Theme, and March Ahead (remixed)

Thousand Year Door: Cortez Battle Theme, Rawk Hawk Boss Theme, and a proper Rogueport.

Star Fox 2: Star Wolf's Theme, Venom, and Space Station


May 2, 2015
People born when the last mainline DK game with K. Rool came out are currently old enough to vote.

It's not reasonable to expect Nintendo to include a character who's been MIA for 18 years from his own series.

I'm sorry to be so blunt, but it's like asking for a new F-Zero character at this point.
You say that, but Roy came back due to fan demand and K. Rool was recognized enough to get a Mii Costume.

There really are no hard rules. I'm sorry but Sakurai is a human being who does things on a whim and loosely follows the rules he makes up on the spot.

Almost every argument or rule people on here pretend exists already has at least one exception by Smash 4 except the "no cartoon/anime originating" characters. (Maybe a few more but you get what I'm saying)
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Banned via Warnings
Jul 14, 2003
Tampa FL
Seeing quite a bit of hostility/passive aggression today...easy everybody...don't make Old Man Jones come back :troll:.

So here's something I've been thinking about today...let's say Smash Switch started by transferring the Wii U roster over and building balancing as they went with new characters.

Now, here's the catch. Let's say the game launches with the Wii U Roster, +10 characters. The E3 presentation then goes on to reveal that Smash Switch will follow the same routine as Splatoon and ARMS. By this I mean, the game will update once in awhile with new, free content in the game. This would include newcomers, Mii Fighter costumes, stages, etc. Every month or two, we'd get new characters for roughly a year.

What do you think?
I'd personally like that. Like I said in my last post, I expect they'll do free updates like they've been doing for all their multiplayer games. It will likely last for a year and maybe there will be a single player expansion like Splatoon's Octo Expansion.

That said, I don't think every character will come back (most of the guest will be cut due to licensing as Nintendo wont want to do it for 6 different characters) and Miis are definitely gone (Nintendo has scrubbed them from every game that isn't a port. They'll just be profile icons for here on out).

i dunno, maybe get stages and ****, but i deffo can't see any newcomers, ESPECIALLY 3ps, being free-to-play.
Its one reason I expect they'll scale back heavily on guest characters. They can't have them be free as they will be a cost to license them as well as other reasons (not a lot of big names left, complaints that the game is moving away from Nintendo which Sakurai has responded to, new management ect). Characters are not unrealistic as Nintendo added new characters for ARMS.


Aug 1, 2014
Switch FC
I understand what you mean, as it stands rex is more popular but I feel the vast majority of people wouldn't really care either way, people "wanted" chrom because he was the latest protagonist and I feel a lot of Rex's supporters are the same. Neither Rex or Elma would really generate that much hype to begin with since they're still pretty niche characters from a niche franchise. And still when rex would've been chosen no one knew about him anyway.
If you are talking about the non Xenoblade fans than...yeah... obviously.

But do you know who will cause more hype if she is annouced in Smash?

Nia from XC2 lol, and she's also pretty likely to some extent.
Eh, Elma would be well-received enough I guess. It's just that she wouldn't be one of the more popular and hype-inducing newcomers if she were to be in.
It's all comes down to her moveset I guess.
I think it is biased and has wrong information.
Not even considering they don't know what a prosecutor and defense are lol.

The Gamexplain guys always were against the character during Smash 4's speculation period, except for Derrick.

Kirby fought BD in SSU, he was just a Waddle Dee skin with a lot of health at the moment, but it happened.

Waddle Dees not being a part of Dedede's moveset makes them not important? Hello?
What if they just wanted to make his moveset more balanced? less random? what if the 3DS couldn't handle the Waddle Dee army? (that's just speculation), but yeah, it has a lot of dumb arguments.

Bandana Dee not able to have a moveset without borrowing stuff from others like Parasol Dee?
Even when BD himself uses a Parasol in Battle Royale so he isn't borrowing anything? And there is nothing wrong with borrowing things?

I don't really understand.
Not to mention the new game is being developed by HAL...

With this alone gives Bandana Dee a huge advantage.


Smash Hero
Jul 19, 2014
I think there may be a lot of delishus crow being served up over the next few months. :grin:
I'm sure I'll be stuffing and possibly will be stuffed full of crow in the coming days.

Though I don't think any arguments I've made have been outrageous.


Smash Master
Jan 24, 2015
Recency is important, mostly for the characters that aren't add because of their iconess (like the Third-Party) and/or aren't part of the historical characters (like Game & Watch).
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Aug 1, 2014
Switch FC
I don't think that's correct haha.

It says HAL because they made the original game, Smash 64.
If I remember correctly, HAL has always been involved in Smash Bros development in some way.
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Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
Hmmm from Diddy Kong Racing I'd like Wizpig's Theme, Crescent Island, and Haunted Woods in.

DK64: Hideout Helm (perhaps remixed), King Kutt Out (would fit a Gangplank Galleon stage), and Fungi Forest with day/night transitions.

Paper Mario: Final Battle Theme, Koopa Bros. Theme, and March Ahead (remixed)

Thousand Year Door: Cortez Battle Theme, Rawk Hawk Boss Theme, and a proper Rogueport.

Star Fox 2: Star Wolf's Theme, Venom, and Space Station
I love Fortuna's indoors theme in Star Fox 2. It's just repetitive. Paper Mario needs boss themes. And Sonic needs Sky Sanctuary.
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Smash Lord
Jul 4, 2013
The Crow Buffet
And this alone in my opinion gives Kirby series a slight advantage of having Bandana Dee in Smash...
Other than the part where BWD is post-Sakurai in terms of anything that would be used in his moveset, and Sakurai has a fairly open bias towards his own work in how he represents the Kirby series.


Aug 1, 2014
Switch FC
Other than the part where BWD is post-Sakurai in terms of anything that would be used in his moveset, and Sakurai has a fairly open bias towards his own work in how he represents the Kirby series.
Also compare to Mario, Zelda, and Pokémon series... When thenfour characters that tend to represent Smash Bros (cover art wise), Kirby series has the least character rep... So adding a fourth Kirby character actually makes sense.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 14, 2014
Miis are definitely gone (Nintendo has scrubbed them from every game that isn't a port. They'll just be profile icons for here on out).
that **** makes me sad. rocket uppercut dunks were the sickest and made my mii gunner a thing of ****ing terror.
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