Yeah, when concerning the story, just keep things simple
There's no shame in having the plot itself be just a glorified excuse to bring all the characters together because why exactly are aspects like story progression/character development/exposition/plot inconsistencies/etc necessary in a non-canonical crossover game anyway? Character interactions are where it's at. The focus IMO should be on the fact that all of these different worlds and characters are coming together, and how they'd think of each other, not just what they're all doing
What makes crossovers truly great to me is not just when these characters are in the same game/special/place, but when they actually
notice and interact with each other. What Inuyasha would think of Ranma if they ever met and vice versa, what Spider-Man and Batman meeting each other would be like, what the Mortal Kombat characters would think of the Killer Instinct characters and vice versa, and the list goes on and on
If a crossover fails to get this aspect right for its story, then it pretty much fails overall for me (story-wise anyway)
when somebody posts about the diversity of a pair of spectacles not once but twice on a Smash Bros thread don't be surprised if I lack interest.
because everyone here cares if you show interest in something or not, right
Not giving a **** about something is just THE coolest thing in the world to people, apparently
Not trying to be mean or condescending BTW, just saying