Stop saying I'm being irrational. I'm being completely irrational. You are literally saying nothing but demanding me to do stuff.
I'm tired of you talking down to me, sans the crap you are fuming. You've done it half a dozen posts in a row, and it's annoying. In fact, it is annoying me more than what Nintendo is doing right now. Other than that, I am calm right now. But if there's one thing I hate, it is being talked down to. If you keep doing it, I will block you.
I'm mad that we won't get to see videos of the best smash tournament ever, and the biggest smash tournament ever. This is insane. This is stupid. This is pointless This is like the Super Bowl of Smash not getting recorded.
It's stupid, and quite frankly, I won't forgive Nintendo unless they reverse it. And you know what=??? I can boycott Nintendo if I want, and if you disagree with my actions on that front, then I got two words for you: