LMAO, EVO is streaming Brawl right now!
Did John literally just say Nintendo doesn't care about cancer if they don't let a video game get streamed?
Wow. Okay then.
No, I'm saying if they really liked us raising money for Breast Cancer cure research, they'd let us livestream, and run for this last spot next year to raise even more Breast Cancer cure research money, which by de facto means they don't care for cancer research as much as their bottom line... whatever that is.
I still don't know what Nintendo of America does, other than translations, delaying games, putting up their crap servers, putting up their region locking, not making games (Retro Studios is totally independent from them, sans translations and small minor crap which they also usually get with Nintendo of Japan), and botching crap up.
Also, you are now blocked, because you are an idiot... goodbye, good riddance, and may you learn to actually open your eyes for once you blind fool.