I want the shield system changed to where it only covers around half the character's body at any given time. It never shrinks and grows darker like Yoshi's current shield. This makes it where blocking is actually hitbox based as opposed to being high, mid, or low so it's actually easier to understand blocking. This allows for 50/50 attack mixups and even crossups which I love.
We also need to have tech throws. How to go about exactly I don't know. Do we go like 3D fighters where you guess which specific throw or like 2D fighters where is simply one counter for any given throw (sans command grabs).
Finally, I'd like DI to be simplified. Instead of having the ability to, in theory, DI in any possible direction, I'd like it narrowed to no more than three directions such that it's easier to balance them and that there isn't a magic angle to get out of any followups. Also, I'd like if not every move had DI in it. This way, it adds more depth to combo enders for whether you want to opt for high damage or mixups.
I feel that blocking mechanic (as much as I hate to say it) may be too complex to Smash, when I got into other fighters, coming from a Smash background, one of the toughest things getting used to at first was the low/high block mechanics. Sure, I could learn it for Smash, but it might be a little too complex for the casual crowd to handle. Most of the other mechanics I mentioned are not too intrusive. But blocking is a larger part of a fighter, I can see people getting pissed off at getting hit despite blocking because they went for a high block when the computer did a sweep or something. The simplicity of Smash's block mechanics are what make it easy to learn. I understand where you're coming from, pulling off High-Low combinations in 2D fighters is very rewarding, but think of the poor casuals on this one...
Agreed on the DI and strings though.
Honestly...I personally don't like the idea of high jumps (you can already double jump). I think air throws are a good idea, however I think they should be implemented as a command grab (like falcon's up-B) and I don't believe every character should have them. The lack of set combos is something that sets smash bros apart from other fighting games, though some attacks naturally string together. The character specific shield durability would be good, but I feel like that problem is address by the character's weight having an affect on how far they fly. When you say "faster game speed" do you mean melee as opposed to brawl or something more along the line of movement speed or attack speed?
I think that meter should be left out for two reasons. The biggest reason is Playstation All-Stars. The other reason is I feel like the smash balls did fine as an item. I agree that the assist trophies are a bit lacking. It just allowed them to not be pokemon. What other items would you like to see (whether new or brought back) and what would you like to see removed from the item list?
I miss the red shell a lot.
I'm really not sure if I would add any others though I would be really happy if the smoke ball did something useful or did not return.
How does PSABR having a meter in any way affect Smash? Sony didn't invent meters in fighters, Street Fighter had them LONG before Sony decided to get in on it. Also, I think Sony accusing Nintendo of copying ideas is a bit absurd this far in the game, considering how many ideas of theirs were literally rip-offs from Nintendo innovations, from a 4 button controller, to the Analog Stick, to Motion controls, the list goes on...
The reason why I'd like to allow Final Smashes to be buildable through meters as well as items, is so that they get balanced (as in no FS is a free kill anymore, more like SF4 Ultras, where the more damage you take, the more they build, thus adding suspense, but the damage they do isn't game breaking), and can hopefully see the light of day in competitive play.
As far as items go... I hardly ever play with them on, so I don't care what they add or remove really.
- We already have two jumps which heights you can control. Adding an extra jump mechanic to jump higher seems unnecessary to me.
- Air throws in the form of alternate aerial animations for >B moves (e.g. PM Lucario or vBrawl Ganondorf) would be cool for certain characters in order to solidify play styles or to differentiate a character from a clone.
- Air dashes would make it too easy to come back on stage unless you only get a single directional dodge which leaves you unable to move like in Melee.
- Traditional strings and combos have no place in Smash as it is right now. Smash is meant to have the freedom of movement of a platformer with a simple beat 'em up attack system. Improvisation, prediction, offensiveness and great execution are part of what makes name Smash combos so spectacular.
- Cancelling could make a comeback in a more intuitive form than L cancelling. Something akin to Brawl's buffering (but tweaked to actually end inputs) would work fine since it lends itself to the controller scheme.
- Game speed that is faster than Brawl would be good but Brawl wasn't unbearably slow so whatever.
- Specific shield durability is one of the more interesting ideas I've seen but shield durability has never been an issue in a character being way above or below others.
- Yeah whatever, more final smashes. *Shrugs*
High Jumps:
I wanted to address this here that way I kill two birds with one stone. We do have two jumps, you're right, but so do many other fighters, and they also include High Jumps. The difference is that High Jumps are a special command a little more complex that a normal jump that allows for very quick follow ups and aerial combos. The catch is that High Jumps can only be performed on the first jump and only from the ground. So it doesn't affect recovery in any way. Only Ground to Air transitions, combine with with Jump cancels and you have some neat combo/juggle potential. Think of it as the OPPOSITE to L-Cancels. This is especially helpful for characters with slower jumps and falls speeds as they now have the means to do quick air follow ups. How to do it? Well In most fighters it's usually down then up. In Smash, you could do Uptilt+Jump?
Air Throws: No, I mean like in video related (
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nP8SFqGWHZA), though not as broken (they fixed that in the later installments). A large portion of fighting game out there have these and Smash Bros, which has a very large focus on aerial combat could really benefit from adding more tools to expand aerial combat. Obviously you would only have forward and back air throws which act immediately like in the video I posted. I just say, press the grab button in midair while titling forward or back to do an air throw. You obviously have to be near an opponent to get them to activate, and if you miss it wiffs and not only are you wide open to a counter attack, but you also get your -500 bonus points post battle for "Butterfingers."
Air Dash
Air Dashes would be used in place of your second jump, the number of Dashes, and distance each dash gets depends on how many jumps your character has (Kirby obviously gets 4), and how high they can normally Jump (Falco gets nice distance from his air dashes, Kirby or Meta Knight... Not so much). This way they are used for what they're intended to, combos/evasion, not so much for recovery, though they might be helpful in sticky situations. You only get two directions like in GG and BB, forward and back at a 180 degree horizon, no angular Dashes. I think either Jump+Smashing/Tilting the Stick, or Air Dodge+Smashing/Tilting the Stick could work well. I lean more toward the latter, that way there are no mistaken registers, and that way you can't Air Dodge during and Air Dash, thus making Air combat more strategic.
With these three tools you now give Smash Bros its much desired focus on Aerial play without slowing down the engine to molasses. When I say increase Speed, I simply mean faster than Brawl's slow play. If Brawl was SF4, and Melee Guilty Gear, then an in-between Blazblue speed that's fast enough to keep it tense, but slow enough to make it strategic is a nice sweet spot.
Canceling, Combos and Strings:
I never liked L-canceling to be honest it gave to much of an edge to the characters that had good air play, and with Melee's lack of decent anti-air moves many characters suffered from this and it further divided the tiers. I think landing Lag should stay, it is a nice restriction to allow slower or more ground focused characters to have some edge. Jump cancel as the opposite is nice, canceling your ground techs with a jump to follow up gives them a similar edge, but not as broken. Dash Cancels and Special Cancels are a must in allowing certain combos and strings to be possible. Not too difficult to learn or implement, but certainly very useful in bringing real strings and combos to Smash. I know what you mean about Smash combos being more intuitive, and I agree, but certain characters would really benefit from being able to chain moves together. There is no reason to be restricted by the boring 1-2 MASH the A button combo, and not being able to flow into tilts more easily. Certain moves SHOULD flow more easily. This is necessary for establishing good Ground play, and giving non Air based characters more of an edge. It is a way of balancing the game so that certain characters that meet certain requirements don't dominate the game like they have in previous games. Take Ike for example, he's a slow powerhouse, but part of the main reason he suffers isn't because he's slow, it is because most of his more useful moves have this really slow start-up lag that makes him being any good, more a matter of being lucky and catching your opponent with them, than a subject of skill. If Ike for example could go from is 5A jab combo, to Dtilt, after the second hit and finally an Uptilt or Smash Attack he would be much more of a force to deal with than he is now. Would he be broken? Certainly not, he sticks by his archetype, the slow-Powerhouse, but there is no excuse for slow characters to suck simply because they lack the speed to keep up with foes. Combos help balance this out and give slower characters more of an edge, and it makes Ground play also more strategic.
One last thing, added focus on Air Play means ALL characters will need at LEAST ONE Anti-Air move/jab, be it Forward tilt, Up tilt, Up Special, I don't care, you can't have air focus, and not include AA moves, this is something we've needed since Smash 64, not ALL characters come with good quick AA.
Final Smashes:
See previous reply.
I was playing Playstation All Stars Battle Royale and its mechanics kept me thinking... Those who played it [or who know how it works] will understand
In the Game Cube controller layout, Smash Bros. uses 2 buttons [X & Y] for jumping... Isn't it kind of a waste of one good button?
One of those buttons could be a second special button, or something like that.
That would add a variety of new tricks to every character, and even make the old characters feel a lot more fresh.
I dunno, just my opinion.
I think they SHOULD do something with all the extra buttons, the WiiU Pro has 2 more buttons than the GCN, to that add the 3 already unused buttons we have on that controller and you have a total of 5 buttons that can still be used for something.
I think that on the WiiU, the Gamepad (the + not the screen) and the Stick should both be used for the same thing. Taunting should have a specific button and the directional inputs give you a different taunt. Having the option of Pad and Stick could be great for some personalization.
Two special buttons seems odd, and Smash should definitely stay away from the Arcade 236 and the like inputs. We already have a weak/strong division with tilts and Smash attacks.
Though many 6 button fighters have weak, medium, heavy punch/kick variations.
Guilty Gear does: punch, kick, slash, heavy slash, dust, respect. With dust being the special/launcher and respect a sort of taunt.
Blazblue does weak, medium, heavy, special.
Smash could do that. weak fast tilts, and medium/heavy tilts on another button, specials still get assigned to one button, and Smash attacks remain on the medium/heavy tilts button. Jump is the last button. R1 is grab, R2 is block/dodge/air dodge/air dash. L1 is to activate the Final Smash, L2 for taunts. The Second stick is for shorcuts with uncharged Smash Attacks being the default. Double tapping on the pad is the same as Smashing the stick. Up+Jump is high jump... And all your attacks barring Smash attacks have 5,4/6,2,8 variations (look at your numberpad if this confuses you), with medium tilts getting an additional Dash attack. Some characters will still keep their preset combos with the 5 medium tilt. Did I miss anything? Oh, obviously all the button commands can be customized in an options screen and saved to an account. I've never heard of a fighter that didn't allow that these days.
On final Smashes, this is how I want them to work, you can choose the FS a la SF Alpha 3 'isms,' where after choosing your character, you choose their Super move. One is a power-up ability or transformation like Warioman, that boosts their attributes, one is a Super Move like Samus' Beam the like, and the Final one is a premade Combo, like Great Aether and the like. All of them are balanced so that no FS is too strong. Most will do a good 50% damage and do decent knockback, at high percent it will kill if you get hit, IF you get hit. However, they shouldn't be game breaking. Building up the meter should be difficult. A, you can collect Smash Balls, 3 Smash balls, fill up your meter. Or B. you can have an option to where the meter builds the more damage you take, a la SF4. It should take a good 200% damage to get a full meter. In a 3 stock battle you may see one FS, or none at all.
Likewise, you can also use the meter to summon Assist Trophy support. No longer glorified Pokeballs, ATs are now picked before a fight. Before you choose a stage, you have an option to choose ONE AT from a list. Using and AT will take up 50% of you Smash meter, and you must have at least that much to be able to use them, but not 100% as a full meter will always give you a FS. ATs range from balanced to broken... But certain ATs can be banned from tourney play, likewise this whole thing can be take out from competitive play if it proves too broken (both ATs and FS should still remain a toggle option), however the idea is to make both viable options. ATs function like in the Jump series, some cause status effect on you or your opponents, some distract them by attacking, some also heal you a bit.
The Smash Meter, is just a non-intrusive, circular meter that surrounds your Damage %. You can tell how much you have based on how much of the circle is filled. When it's completely full, it will flash (no more darkening the screen, I hated that in Brawl).