Thing is, though, I really don't see Miiis and the Villager coexisting. The Villager is already using a lot of Wii-stuff(like the Bowling Ball, and the boxing gloves), so I think the Mii would be redundant if they weren't some sort of customizable character.
You underestimate the sheer amount of things the Mii could pull out. They might not even make it entirely item themed, who knows what Sakurai will do with him/her (assuming the rumor is true, I remain a skeptic until the end!), and I don't know what the Mii Party games are like and how much that'd come into play with him/her. Because of this, and the unique trait of what the Mii is, I will welcome him/her happily, as he/she is someone I desire behind my top three, I do not find him/her redundant or lacking in something to offer creatively simply because there is trainer and a villager.
Little Mac? Meh, can't say I'm too invested. Although admittedly, I can easily imagine him to be a blast to play, going all out boxing his opponent with all of his moves. There's the, "Oh he is so bland!~" thing but honestly I bet Sakurai could give him something not only distinct but most importantly exciting to play, to really give you a Punch-Out feel during Smash.
Whether you like the characters we have now or not, Sakurai and those who assist him are clearly at the top of their game really inputting personality into the sets of these Smashers!
Pac Man is someone I haven't wanted, but always defended when people spoke poorly of him. Could easily be fun, very iconic, plus the insertion of Pac Man content into the game in general. He'd easily be welcomed.
Can't say I find these newcomers "lackluster", despite none of them being my top three (Ghirahim, Paper, and Palutena), nor being the big hitters (Ridley, King K. Rool, and Mewtwo). But I'm glad to see many of you guys positive about the characters, and also how it plays. ^_^ The big hitters and our personal desires can always show up later.