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Super Smash Bros 4 (Wii U/3DS) Topic

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Didn't know a new chapter was out. Awakened Mewtwo being faster doesn't surprise me though. Definitely going to be interesting to see it's stats.
The chapter had been out since last CoroCoro. The third is coming quite soon.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
The moon has low self esteem and needs a pick me up.
Girrrlllll you're just jealous you didn't get invited to THE MEN OF MOONKNIGHT!!!
TERRIBLE NEWS! Best Buy has updated their list of stores that is doing the Nintendo Experience. It use to be 89 stores in USA, now it's 54. Now my nearest Best Buy went from a 10 minute drive to a 3 HOUR drive.
No stores in Northern California, aka one of the richest area in the world and a huge gaming hotbed=??? Seems legit. I guess Best Buy really is getting ready to go out of business sooner rather than later! :laugh:


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
Greatest photoshop troll evah.
That Bayonetta image isn't a photoshopped image; it's a Brawl hack.
Apparently bananas aren't in starting towns
I don't think they ever were starting fruits in Animal Crossing.
Are we doing this Free-4-All thing??? E3 is tomorrow! :surprised:
Just for the Nintendo Direct on Tuesday, and it will be on Skype. Add me on Skype "Johnknight1ftw" if you haven't btw guys (to anyone planning on being there). I'll find a way to will myself to wake up at 7 in the morning! :laugh:


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
I haven't played animal crossing since the gamecube I can't remember all these things


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ As much as I LOVE GENO (and I do; it's documented), he ain't happening.
I wish I could... If the Gamecube supported Wi-Fi, I would play Melee with you guys.
Project M via Brawl's online. ;)
I wanna see High-Definition Bowser.
I do too, but it might just blow our minds... literally...
I haven't played animal crossing since the gamecube I can't remember all these things
Yeah, I got the Wii Animal Crossing and I never "finished it." With the GameCube Animal Crossing, I freaking have one of everything (and I have so much money I had to bury some of it), and I hacked the heck out of that game for the awesome NES titles. :shades:


Sep 5, 2011
Switch FC
Adidas' shoes are nice, but their clothing is horrible, often times uncomfortable, and totally generic-looking. Also, they don't have LeBron James, Patrick Willis, Michael Jordan, or Peyton Manning sponsored by them.
My mom doesn't really like LeBron. It had something to do with the terms "Back in the day" and "Michael Jordan".

I stole CLAIMED your belt while you weren't looking. Go, on, prove me wrong. Try to find it. IT'S MINE NOW!!!
I don't remember being bested by Worthless Protoplasm A recently. :troll: :chuckle:

I also don't remember being beaten by Negative Man.
This is now you.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ It was obviously a troll move bro. There's a slight chance it's a real HD Brawl hack, but if it was, it would get some turrible frame rates, and would probably crash, which is why I was just rolling by trolling. :shades:
My mom doesn't really like LeBron. It had something to do with the terms "Back in the day" and "Michael Jordan".
That flu game + the Finals winning Game 6 the next year = two of the greatest moments in sports history.
I don't remember being bested by Worthless Protoplasm A recently. :troll::chuckle:
Well that's because Holder didn't claim your belt; I DID!!! :troll: :chuckle:
Hope you don't mind if I intrude on this thread for the next 36 hours. This is a rare, exciting time and I want to spend it with people who are as big of fans of the series as I am.
No, please, you are welcome into the territory of THE MEN OF MOONKNIGHT!!!


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
I wouldn't bet against Mega Man, but I would bet against Geno. Although to be honest, I would rather be wrong than make that betting money.
You see, I once said the same thing about Geno and Brawl but it still ended up being one of my favorite games of all time. Even if they don't make it, the game will still be fun and chances are fans will figure out how to hack them in anyways.
Fanmade hacks and mods made Brawl into the best game ever IMO, even though I consider the actual release a disappointment. What Brawl Minus and Project M did to Brawl's gameplay and engine was incredible. Add in all the music hacks, the stage hacks, costume hacks, PSA hacks, and all the tools to allow some super awesome hacking (10 costumes per character hacks, Brawlbox, image modifier, etc), and my goodness we got some incredible we can make in Brawl and through Brawl.
I'm ready when ever you are Heel. Is Croph ready?
I think N3ON is Heel's ally. As for Croph... I never considered it, but she could be a nice candidate for our next... opening...


Smash Legend
Jun 4, 2009
Arcata, CA
Adidas' shoes are nice, but their clothing is horrible, often times uncomfortable, and totally generic-looking. Also, they don't have LeBron James, Patrick Willis, Michael Jordan, or Peyton Manning sponsored by them.
Yeah. Retro sneakers and classic pieces are the only thing they do right. But then again a lot of similarly oriented brands tend to fall into the street wear and athletic leisure look which is often horrible in it's own right. So regardless of label it's all there in one way or another.

I'm fairly loyal to Sambas and Chuck Taylors but I'll admit that Dunks do catch my eyes from time to time. They've been putting out very interesting collaborations and special edition pairs lately.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
Yeah. Retro sneakers and classic pieces are the only thing they do right. But then again a lot of similarly oriented brands tend to fall into the street wear and athletic leisure look which is often horrible in it's own right. So regardless of label it's all there in one way or another.
I don't look at sneakers to much because the only real "sport" I do is running/hiking, and I do that as an exercise more than anything. But even then, it's not hard to tell that Nike has a wider variety, probably do to them being bigger than Adidas.

Also, Nike clothing IMO just generally "works" better in and out of sports than Adidas, although that is not always the case obviously.

Oh, and I get tired of when athletic wear often going for the "thug looks." It's so 80's in the worst way possible. Actually, I'm tired of that "look," "style," and "lifestyle" as a whole to begin with. It's pretty freaking juvenile, and IMO it can really hurts the image of the company, especially with sponsors with musicians who they pass off as "basically the same as athletes." No, they're not, and it's a stupid comparison. Just make it a sub-brand aimed at fans of certain music and music-centric fashions stupids.
I'm fairly loyal to Sambas and Chuck Taylors but I'll admit that Dunks do catch my eyes from time to time. They've been putting out very interesting collaborations and special edition pairs lately.
That Paper Mario shoe....

Holder of the Heel

Fiat justitia, pereat mundus
Dec 3, 2011
Switch FC
Giant Johnknight post.

That's you, she's chickenpox. :troll:
*starts eating salad* ;~;

Out of picking the two teams, I've guessed all 8 of the last NBA Finals right.
You've chosen the wrong person to impress by talking about SPORTS.

Nope. Either you can be right-hand man, or you can be an... associate or ally, who may or may not actually be a part of the MEN OF MOONKNIGHTS, but an associate or ally nonetheless. The choice is yours as to which if you choose to accept, of course.
After you insulting me and my partner, and my potential additional partner, and knowing your mission of conquest, I cannot accept this. The last things you will know are the taste of failure, the sound of defeat, the smell of destruction, the feel of powerlessness, and the sight of doom.

I am allowing him to do that, too, except he will actually have allies, and he'll make a huge share of profit, and he'll gain POWER!!!
Lies, you sit on a throne of LIES. You'll be giving him absolute orders, something we at N3ON Heels and Co. just simply won't try to do. And power isn't our interest, our interest is to make sure you DON'T have power.


So much for the N3ON Heels under the Moon. So N3ON, Heel... ready to join THE MEN OF MOONKNIGHT=??? First one to join becomes my right-hand man and is required to do nothing but not take an alliance with our enemies.
Your right hand does nothing? You're lying through your teeth here. You see, when a creature can only tell lies, then they aren't very good at deceiving. And you are the ruler of untruth! Neither of us will join you, no matter what. :glare:

MEN OF MOONKNIGHT is the best, and we will destroy all the rest.
So, basically everyone except you and (potentially) Monkey? :smirk:

If you so want, we can form an alliance and trade deal to where you can remain a soloist, but still have some... "friends" at THE MEN OF MOOKNIGHT!!! ;)
Your deal has been made pointless, he has these benefits with me already. Plus it is the side against you, which is his plan anyways. :p
I think N3ON is Heel's ally. As for Croph... I never considered it, but she could be a nice candidate for our next... opening...
He was talking about us playing Brawl online silly. XP


Smash Hero
Feb 2, 2010
Rialto, CA
Switch FC
better bust out your NSMBWii's cause you've got another 128 levels to go through thanks to the fans.



Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
You've chosen the wrong person to impress by talking about SPORTS.
I already know you're an idiot, so what's to lose=??? :laugh:
After you insulting me and my partner, and my potential additional partner, and knowing your mission of conquest, I cannot accept this. The last things you will know are the taste of failure, the sound of defeat, the smell of destruction, the feel of powerlessness, and the sight of doom.
First off, my insult wasn't you and your "partner" and potential "partners," but your group, which would clearly be disjointed. Second off, you really want to murder me, really=??? You're pinning ME as THE BAD GUY, and you want TO MURDER ME=??? Superman, Spider-Man, Batman, and many other super heroes would be ashamed.
Lies, you sit on a throne of LIES. You'll be giving him absolute orders, something we at N3ON Heels and Co. just simply won't try to do. And power isn't our interest, our interest is to make sure you DON'T have power.
First off, I don't sit on a throne or even a chair. I'm too busy walking around in my walk thinking twenty five steps ahead in five billion different scenarios. Secondly, when I am sitting down, it's on a couch, a bed, or something exercise-related. And third off, THE MEN OF MOONKNIGHT isn't about me, Moon, fastblade, or any future members or allies, but about THE MEN OF MOONKNIGHT as a whole, and all the people we are sworn to protect, the morals we are sworn to uphold, and the causes we have devoted ourselves to fight for.
Your right hand does nothing? You're lying through your teeth here. You see, when a creature can only tell lies, then they aren't very good at deceiving. And you are the ruler of untruth! Neither of us will join you, no matter what. :glare:
I take back my offer to you then. And yes, I trust all of THE MEN OF MOONKNIGHT to honor our codes. That is why we aren't strict, but liberally run. And when the MEN OF MOONKNIGHT isn't liberally run, it's as a group, from top to bottom, from left to right, as a whole, all seeking to do good by THE MEN OF MOONKNIGHT!!!
Your deal has been made pointless, he has these benefits with me already. Plus it is the side against you, which is his plan anyways. :p
Let the man think for himself you blundering fool.
He was talking about us playing Brawl online silly. XP
I know, and I was turning this into a real fight. Why don't we play a real man's Brawl online... like say, Project M=??? :lick:


Sep 5, 2011
Switch FC
Real men play Brawl the way it was made. You're just holding on to a game from 12 years ago. (Man, I felt old saying that, and I'm only 17.)


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
When did Brawl's Dojo start? I don't remember.
The first one right after the E3 trailer (which was on my 16th birthday on May 10th, 2006). The second/last one opened in May 2007 after the previous one closed a few weeks beforehand.
Pacman and Megaman really do represent pivotal points in gaming history. I definitely think they should be included.
Pac-Man is one of the most important video game characters, games, franchises, and icons of all-time.

Mega Man is arguably Nintendo's best historical third party franchise ever, with so many great titles over so many great years.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
Yeah the Paper Marios are sweet. Coraline'sDunks still leave me astonished at how rad they are.
I never even saw that movie and I love those shoes.
It really is awesome. NSMBWii had some gnarly hacks overall.
Yeah, and I can't wait to see what people are gonna do with Mario Kart U and Super Mario U, let alone Smash Wii U and 3DS! :grin:
better bust out your NSMBWii's cause you've got another 128 levels to go through thanks to the fans.
And that is why we should all love fan mods... they make everything better! :) (except nude mods, weird mods, most emulator hacks, and most pirating hacks)


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
I just ordered the game and watch: Ball from club nintendo

1200 points

took me a while to get that much points

Now I got everyone I wanted

Yeah the Paper Marios are sweet. Coraline's Dunks still leave me astonished at how rad they are.

It really is awesome. NSMBWii had some gnarly hacks overall.
Those are some awesome shoes


Smash Hero
Feb 2, 2010
Rialto, CA
Switch FC
also, apparently, you don't even need a hacked Wii, all you need is love the disc. (and a Wii... or a wii u)

Holder of the Heel

Fiat justitia, pereat mundus
Dec 3, 2011
Switch FC
I already know you're an idiot, so what's to lose=??? :laugh:
Everything Johnknight. Everything.

First off, my insult wasn't you and your "partner" and potential "partners," but your group, which would clearly be disjointed. Second off, you really want to murder me, really=??? You're pinning ME as THE BAD GUY, and you want TO MURDER ME=??? Superman, Spider-Man, Batman, and many other super heroes would be ashamed.
First off, if you are making an analogy illustrating disjointedness, why make the objects demonstrating that unappealing and demeaning, some of which are as such no matter the composition? LIES! :p Second off, there are some villains that cannot be reached with words. It is not as if you did not intend to destroy others in your mission of conquest, this is what we've been discussing and hearing about since the genesis of this not-quite-an-adventure-yet adventure. Actually, before the genesis itself death and murder were already decided upon to be motifs. They are laws of this universe just as much as gravity is now. You fear death John, but hear me, no poor fate will fall unto you. No, the wicked is blessed by the blade of justice, not damned! You will only be saved by repenting (and wearing high heels for eternity).

First off, I don't sit on a throne or even a chair. I'm too busy walking around in my walk thinking twenty five steps ahead in five billion different scenarios. Secondly, when I am sitting down, it's on a couch, a bed, or something exercise-related. And third off, THE MEN OF MOONKNIGHT isn't about me, Moon, fastblade, or any future members or allies, but about THE MEN OF MOONKNIGHT as a whole, and all the people we are sworn to protect, the morals we are sworn to uphold, and the causes we have devoted ourselves to fight for.
First off, you're thinking fifty steps too few in thirty trillion too few scenarios. Secondly, I was speaking figuratively, you figurative donkey. :troll:Thirdly, I'm aware of your intentions, and this dystopia will never exist. Not so long as there are Heels in this world. It would not end even with my death. My hate...never perishes. It is born in a cycle with no end! I will rise again in high heels everywhere. Those like you...those who share the blood of Johnknight and the spirit of Moon Monkey...they are eternally bound to this curse. A Heel of my hatred shall ever follow your kind, dooming them to walk with extreme difficulty to wander a world of foot pain for all time!

Let the man think for himself you blundering fool.
I did, I am speaking for what he has already spoken of.

I know, and I was turning this into a real fight. Why don't we play a real man's Brawl online... like say, Project M=??? :lick:

Vanilla or nothing at all. :p


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
Real men play Brawl the way it was made. You're just holding on to a game from 12 years ago. (Man, I felt old saying that, and I'm only 17.)
Not really. Brawl as a competitive game is turrbile to play unless you like camping, stalling, and running away, and seeing as how I'm a competitive player who likes competing at a high level (although I love casual clowning around as well; yesterday my brother did Giant Melee on Brinstar, and it is AMAZING!!! Drowning lava deaths are hilarious), and how I hate running away or just general campy play, Melee is better, and Smash 64 is, too IMO because of that.
Real men play No Items Fox NOlimar Only Final Destination.
Actually I'm a huge fan of the Smash 64 bumper. The combos, kills, and setups you could do with that item was insane, especially on Peach's Castle 64 with that bumper on the top. I used to always have fun with that and get kills that way. It's too bad the bumper wasn't in Melee, and that the Brawl bumper was garbage.

Also, I'm not a big fan of Final Destination, especially the Brawl version.
[collapse="On top of that..."]-My favorite stage is actually Rainbow Cruise. I just love the layout of that stage, and it's always been my go-to counter-pick stage. I've lost only twice on it in tournament matches, and both were to ranked opponents in Melee. Brawl players were too Weak to ever beat me on that stage! :shades:

-After that, my next favorite stages (in no particular order) are Peach's Castle 64 (I love that it is in Project M), Delfino Plaza (my most wanted Brawl stage that was BETTER than I could have ever dreamed it to be), and Mute City (I'm still waiting for a Brawl hack for that stage).

-After that, my next tier of favorite stages (in no particular order) are Hyrule Castle, Dreamland 64, Yoshi's Story, and Smashville (Balloons = 1 point, KO's = 1 point; ties go to the guy who wins the fight, and if neither do, then it goes to the one with more KO's, and if neither do, then it goes to who had the better placement, and if it's a tie in that scenario, then whoever won the fight wins; yes, the rules are complex, but so are balloons). :troll:[collapse="After that, my favorite stages, in a rough order are:"]-Project M's Dracula's Castle (whoever made this stage should work on the next smash bros game; it is incredible)
-Saffron City
-Project M's Skyworld (no breaking bottom platforms! HORRAY!!!)
-Project M's Wario Ware
-Congo Jungle (64)
-Fountain of Dreams
-Project M's Green Hill Zone
-Castle Siege (especially the Project M one without the 2nd transformation; not that it's bad, but the 1st and 3rd transformation are so good!)
-Onett (a great stage for practicing combos and teching. I prefer the Project M version where the cars are weaker and don't kill)
-Project M's Pokémon Stadium 2 (no transformations!)
-Project M's SSE Jungle (such a great large teams/FFA stage)
-Yoshi's Island (Brawl)
-Pokémon Stadium
-Project M's Skyloft (it's just the top left side of Hyrule Castle without any of the rest of it, flying above Skyloft with a Skyloft design)
-Project M's Rumble Falls
-Kongo Jungle (Melee)
-Battlefield (Brawl)
-Project M's Norfair
-The "How to Play" Stage (64)
-The Balanced version of The Summit some Brawl modder made (look it up on the Brawl Vault; I have it, and it is AMAZING!!!)
-Battleship Haleberd
-Jungle Japes
-Brinstar (Melee)
-Mushroomy Kingdom I-I (Balanced Brawl version only; I think this version of the stage should be in Project M, actually)
-Corneria (especially the Brawl version with all the fixes of stuff from the Melee original verison)
-Poké Floats (it's just so fun)
-The Brawl hacked stage Poké Floats 2 (EternalYoshi is a genius for making this stage)
-Termania: Great Bay
-Lylat Cruise
-Final Destination (Melee)
-Sector Z
-Battlefield (64)
-Hyrule Castle
-Princess Peach's Castle (Melee)
-Green Greens Brawl modded version (with no bombs in the middle and the two sides connected to the main side version only)
-The Summit (I have a soft spot for this turrible stage)
-Mushroom Kingdom II
-Pirate Ship (Balanced version with no interferences; I would like a version where you automatically drown in the water, actually)
-Mushroom Kingdom (64)
-Planet Zebes (64)[/collapse][/collapse]


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
The Moonknights try to convince us they aren't just an iron-fisted and oppressive dictatorship by releasing planned PR statements, enforcing their code which must be followed, striking deals with other major corporations, and placating the easily-swayed with fancy titles that in reality amount to nothing!

Your enemies are mounting John and forming alliances, your own men are fleeing, soon your tyranny will topple, at the hand of freedom fighters such as Neon Heels and our heroic allies!
Don't be sheep to his empty promises and "big brother" tactics! Join the resistance!

In other news New Leaf is good fun and I'm going to bed. ;)
omg tomorrow is the last day before Smash


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
there are some villains that cannot be reached with words. It is not as if you did not intend to destroy others in your mission of conquest, this is what we've been discussing and hearing about since the genesis of this not-quite-an-adventure-yet adventure. Actually, before the genesis itself death and murder were already decided upon to be motifs. They are laws of this universe just as much as gravity is now. You fear death John, but hear me, no poor fate will fall unto you. No, the wicked is blessed by the blade of justice, not damned! You will only be saved by repenting (and wearing high heels for eternity).
I do not fear death; just not completing my purposes with THE MEN OF MOONKNIGHT, which are HOLY PURPOSES!!! Young Justice and Green Lantern must be saved! Mewtwo must return in Smash Wii U and 3DS! And the Xbox One better not win this generation.

Also, I seek not to murder you or anyone, and that is a common way of THE MEN OF MOONKNIGHT! To seek violence and murder of that caliber is proof that you are clearly the evil one. We would merely defeat the threat of you, take your power, give you to a just judge and jury, and leave you be afterwards, while you seek to murder those who merely have different ideas just for that reason alone.
First off, you're thinking fifty steps too few in thirty trillion too few scenarios.
But perhaps I'm deceiving you, and I actually have the unique power to see glimpses of the future, and that I am basing my few scenarios based off that=??? :troll:
Thirdly, I'm aware of your intentions, and this dystopia will never exist. Not so long as there are Heels in this world.
So you'd rather we have a world where shows like Dog with a Blog doesn't gets cancelled but shows like Young Justice and Green Lantern do=??? What is wrong with you=??? What next, are you gonna claim Dragon Ball GT is better than Dragon Ball, and that Naruto is superior to Dragon Ball Z=???
It would not end even with my death. My hate...never perishes. It is born in a cycle with no end! I will rise again in high heels everywhere. Those like you...those who share the blood of Johnknight and the spirit of Moon Monkey...they are eternally bound to this curse. A Heel of my hatred shall ever follow your kind, dooming them to walk with extreme difficulty to wander a world of foot pain for all time!
Ah, so you are evil then. You seek to destroy us eternally, while we merely seek to destroy the threat you two impose upon our goals.
Vanilla or nothing at all. :p
False, we'll settle this the old new fashion way... with Super Smash Bros. Wii U. My K. Rool... against your Ghirahim. Oh, but what was that=??? Ghirahim is only a trophy and a sticker in that game=??? Well that's too bad then I guess. Poor Holder Wolder. Such a sad, sad baby. :p


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
Join Psycho and I promise not to drink your brain juices after I dominate your minds


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
Dearest Psycho, do you wish to enter into an alliance with THE MEN OF MOONKNIGHT=??? You don't have to be a member, just an ally, in which we will engage in mutually beneficial practices, dealings, and alliance-based things.
The Moonknights try to convince us they aren't just an iron-fisted and oppressive dictatorship by releasing planned PR statements, enforcing their code which must be followed, striking deals with other major corporations, and placating the easily-swayed with fancy titles that in reality amount to nothing!
WE WILL GET YOUNG JUSTICE AND GREEN LANTERN BACK! WE MUST! We must also fight for the right to our past stages back, and to fight for the bumper to work like it worked in Smash 64, where it was combolicious!!!
Your enemies are mounting John and forming alliances, your own men are fleeing, soon your tyranny will topple, at the hand of freedom fighters such as Neon Heels and our heroic allies!
Like your heroic "partner" who wants to kill people who don't seek to kill him=??? What's heroic about that=???
Don't be sheep to his empty promises and "big brother" tactics! Join the resistance!
Yes, but will these mixed up and messed up allies work=??? Will they remain loyal=??? I doubt so. If I pull one brick from this wall, I think the whole thing will collapse. And even if I don't, you will destroy each other, like the power hungry savages you are without proper order.

But alas, it is time for me to say my goodbyes. Goodbye my fellow MEN OF MOONKNIGHT!!! Goodbye my allies of THE MEN OF MOONKNIGHT!!! Goodbye to those protected by THE MEN OF MOONKNIGHT!!! And goodbye to those who are neutral on THE MEN OF MOONKNIGHT!!! I bid you farewell, adu, and I wish to see you when the morning star rises. I'll be there at the sunset, waiting for my morning glory. But for now, the night calls me, and when the night calls you, as a member of THE MEN OF MOONKNIGHT, you must protect it.

Holder of the Heel

Fiat justitia, pereat mundus
Dec 3, 2011
Switch FC
I do not fear death; just not completing my purposes with THE MEN OF MOONKNIGHT, which are HOLY PURPOSES!!! Young Justice and Green Lantern must be saved! Mewtwo must return in Smash Wii U and 3DS! And the Xbox One better not win this generation.
These things will come to pass organically, you need not meddle (except the Justice and Lantern stuff :laugh: )! This leads me to believe you are simply seeking power. Holy purpose? Ha! I laugh at your words. HA!

Also, I seek not to murder you or anyone, and that is a common way of THE MEN OF MOONKNIGHT! To seek violence and murder of that caliber is proof that you are clearly the evil one. We would merely defeat the threat of you, take your power, give you to a just judge and jury, and leave you be afterwards, while you seek to murder those who merely have different ideas just for that reason alone.
If I were to be taken to a judge, they'd realize that I was warring against a tyrant, they'd give me every honor that can be bestowed upon a person, and send me right back out to get the job done.

But perhaps I'm deceiving you, and I actually have the unique power to see glimpses of the future, and that I am basing my few scenarios based off that=??? :troll:
Hey! The only person allowed to deceive me is N3ON! :awesome: But what if I have the power to see the altered futures meddled with by future seers and thus rendering your few scenarios useless=???=???=???

So you'd rather we have a world where shows like Dog with a Blog doesn't gets cancelled but shows like Young Justice and Green Lantern do=??? What is wrong with you=??? What next, are you gonna claim Dragon Ball GT is better than Dragon Ball, and that Naruto is superior to Dragon Ball Z=???
Dog with a Blog... that show was on in the living room tonight because of my sisters... holy crap it was bad. but so is so many other things

And no, I will not claim these things. Those are not the reasons we oppose you.

Ah, so you are evil then. You seek to destroy us eternally, while we merely seek to destroy the threat you two impose upon our goals.
Well for one, I just wanted to quote Demise. But seeking to destroy your ends eternally is a just end, so basically its like Demise having killed Link and then Link cursing Demise for eternity. :laugh:

False, we'll settle this the old new fashion way... with Super Smash Bros. Wii U. My K. Rool... against your Ghirahim. Oh, but what was that=??? Ghirahim is only a trophy and a sticker in that game=??? Well that's too bad then I guess. Poor Holder Wolder. Such a sad, sad baby. :p
Oh the ruckus I will make if he is in, now that you've said this... you've just set a chain of events in motion that no future seeing powers can stop! And hypothetically speaking, using purely conjecture, I'd guess that Ghirahim is likely to have the better match up in that scenario. :p Although you'd lose either way!


Super Moderator
Super Moderator
Oct 27, 2007
Ooromine IV, the second planet from the sun FS-176
Switch FC

<3 ISMARRRRRRRRRRRR! Holy ****, how have you been?!

Smooth Criminal
Deader than a Smooth Criminal. Dirt used to taste better than it does now.

But now that I'm here again, I might as well make the most of it. <3 by the way.


Super Moderator
Jan 27, 2008
Switch FC
Not really sure what's going on in whatever game you all are playing but I will lend my Spoon Sword to the highest bidder.

The first one right after the E3 trailer
I wonder if that will happen again. If it does we might get lucky and get a domain name leak or something.

Holder of the Heel

Fiat justitia, pereat mundus
Dec 3, 2011
Switch FC
Like your heroic "partner" who wants to kill people who don't seek to kill him=??? What's heroic about that=???
Oh will you get off that! :p I won't kill you if I don't have to. But honestly I fear that locking you up would be the same as putting the Joker in jail. It's just a matter of time before you'd get out and start all over again!

Yes, but will these mixed up and messed up allies work=??? Will they remain loyal=??? I doubt so. If I pull one brick from this wall, I think the whole thing will collapse. And even if I don't, you will destroy each other, like the power hungry savages you are without proper order.
It isn't as complex as you are making it out to be. We are mixed up, but not messed up. And the point is to do what is in our best interest, taking down Moonknights being pretty high on the to-do list. They are like the Team Plasma of the universe. It doesn't matter that we are all different, independent people. We all are citizens of Earth, and we share this planet, and we share these human bodies and we share a society. It doesn't matter what the trivial distinctions are, and that is why we're the good guys, and because we're the good guys, WE'RE GOING TO WIN!

Also none of us want power! I've explained this to you John, we don't want the power! The power is the reason why we are against you in the first place. :laugh:


Smash Journeyman
May 26, 2007
Could someone invite me to the Social group/Backroom? I know how to behave, if that's what you are worrying about, and I only have interest in doing the text equivalent of jumping up and down and hollering excitedly.

Also, was there any interest in a sort of mass Skype meet-up (don't worry, it would probably be text only and we can all delete contacts afterwards)? See, writing live reactions in a forum is not the same thing as doing it in a live chat.

Dark Phazon

Smash Hero
Dec 13, 2012
London, England
Dearest Psycho, do you wish to enter into an alliance with THE MEN OF MOONKNIGHT=??? You don't have to be a member, just an ally, in which we will engage in mutually beneficial practices, dealings, and alliance-based things.

WE WILL GET YOUNG JUSTICE AND GREEN LANTERN BACK! WE MUST! We must also fight for the right to our past stages back, and to fight for the bumper to work like it worked in Smash 64, where it was combolicious!!!

Like your heroic "partner" who wants to kill people who don't seek to kill him=??? What's heroic about that=???

Yes, but will these mixed up and messed up allies work=??? Will they remain loyal=??? I doubt so. If I pull one brick from this wall, I think the whole thing will collapse. And even if I don't, you will destroy each other, like the power hungry savages you are without proper order.

But alas, it is time for me to say my goodbyes. Goodbye my fellow MEN OF MOONKNIGHT!!! Goodbye my allies of THE MEN OF MOONKNIGHT!!! Goodbye to those protected by THE MEN OF MOONKNIGHT!!! And goodbye to those who are neutral on THE MEN OF MOONKNIGHT!!! I bid you farewell, adu, and I wish to see you when the morning star rises. I'll be there at the sunset, waiting for my morning glory. But for now, the night calls me, and when the night calls you, as a member of THE MEN OF MOONKNIGHT, you must protect it.
What in gods name is going on...did we all just step back in time PeePz arguing in cheesy old lingo....like harry potter but worse.


Super Moderator
Super Moderator
Oct 27, 2007
Ooromine IV, the second planet from the sun FS-176
Switch FC
What in gods name is going on...did we all just step back in time PeePz arguing in cheesy old lingo....like harry potter but worse.

Bro, do you even Leviosa?

Topic..ish..on, I'm wondering if we'll get a name confirmation. In which case, I think I'll actually miss the Smash 4/Wii U/3DS monikers.


Dynamic Duo
Nov 15, 2007
See, I'm honestly more concerned about knowing if I guessed it right? Is that selfish? I don't even care! :shades:

Seriously though it better be called Universe, although just like the name, the odds that I guessed it right are...astronomical. YEAAAAAAHHHHHH! :shades:
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