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Super Smash Bros 4 (Wii U/3DS) Topic

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Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
Quality over Quantity.

I'd rather have 12 VERY GOOD and diverse characters than 40+ characters in an inbalanced game where they all play the same, very similarly In fact, or is filled with clones. This debate was happening 3 years ago:

Now while the sheeple went and ate up the broken SF4 because of namesake, which wasn't worth mentioning until Super and didnt get fixed until AE, Blazblue CT was clealy the better title right from the start with each successive installment only getting better. Hell, if we compare them now at their peak, Chrono Phantasma with 25ish characters ****s all over SSF4AE.
Agreed, although this is different from what I expected you to say. BB > SF4 and it's not even close. In regards to smash, since there's less moves and a bigger budget and whatnot, I think my roster hopes (48-53) with all 39 Brawl characters returning and Mewtwo coming back is very viable, especially since most characters have movesets and play style(s) that are very fun, appealing, and can be made very deep.
Here's IGN's bull**** grudgematch, though they're full of **** so w/e.
Their one for PSAS vs. Smash Bros. was, as Charles Barkley would say, "tarrable."

Deleted member

I'm sure online will be improved in some way, but honestly IMHO, playing with friends is where it's at
What if I wanna play with friends online, or with online friends?

Keep in mind bro, I like 7000 miles away from all my bros.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
Brawl's faulty online was mostly a product of the Wii's minimal capabilities. The WiiU is more modern so online game play will definitely inprove.
The WiiU isn't just a GameCube painted white with motion controls. So it's like we're jumping two gens in one game. Heck, the DS and 3DS' online is better than the Wii's.
And yes, playing with other people in the same room/venue is loads better than online gaming.
It's always the best, because it's the most personal. If you've ever been to a GOOD tournament, you know that is like a small scale version of a super personal playoff game in any sport (I say that and I saw this live in person, and nobody stopped screaming for 2 hours).

Of course, online smash should still kick butt, especially with VOICE CHAT, playable "special" modes online, possibly tournaments, leader boards, and freaking PLAYING THE GAME AT A RATE OTHER THAN ONE FRAME PER SECOND!!!


Banned via Warnings
May 20, 2012
New Jersey
The only thing I'm butthurt about is that people seem incapable of spelling a simple name. I mean, it's not like it's a longer, more uncommon name like Paletuna or Takamura. Jeez. :troll:
Don't really give a damn about Isaac regardless, so whatever. The character is a pretty one note from a one note game, so regardless the apocalypse is not going to happen.

Also you can think what you want, but Isaac and Chrom have decent chances.
Not really that great.

Deleted member

Agreed, although this is different from what I expected you to say. BB > SF4 and it's not even close. In regards to smash, since there's less moves and a bigger budget and whatnot, I think my roster hopes (48-53) with all 39 Brawl characters returning and Mewtwo coming back is very viable, especially since most characters have movesets and play style(s) that are very fun, appealing, and can be made very deep.
Well, I've said it before, they can cut 50% of the roster and I'd be more glad than disappointed, especially if it means revamping the old faces. Hell a reboot would be great, though unlikely.

Which reminds me, I still gotta post those ideas I told automatic I would... I have them written down on paper somewhere...


Smash Hero
Jul 23, 2012
Well... Toon Ganondorf instead of regular, both Impa and Sheik, Slippy (Krystal is the definite choice for a fourth, but a fourth is unlikely anyway), Genesect, and lack of Snake are problems.
Thank god this isn't my actual roster right?


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
Well, I've said it before, they can cut 50% of the roster and I'd be more glad than disappointed, especially if it means revamping the old faces. Hell a reboot would be great, though unlikely.
Well the problem is the entire SF roster basically sucks past like somewhere between the 12th to 24th character in terms of personality and originality. There's nothing of interest past a certain point and nothing of original past a much sooner point.

With Smash (at least in Brawl), even the clones feel fresh as can be, and everything feels unique. Toon Link and Link are the two "closest" characters, and they're completely different with everything except animations and some moves. Ganondorf and Captain Falcon are still mostly different in how they play (although Ganondorf needs a huge overhaul IMO; get back his Melee/Project M sense of power and dominance with new and unique moves); Mario and Luigi are barely the same; Falco, Wolf, and Fox play completely different from one another; Ness and Lucas share less than 10% of their moves and animations.

Literally, with smash, we see clones becoming more and more "unique" and they were already fairly unique, aside from like Doc and Pichu), and in Street Fighter, while there's less clones now, there's still not a whole lot of uniqueness being added on a regular per game basis (plus the expansion packs hurt).

Deleted member

The only thing I'm butthurt about is that people seem incapable of spelling a simple name. I mean, it's not like it's a longer, more uncommon name like Paletuna or Takamura. Jeez. :troll:

My brother's name is Isaac. So it's kinda funky when people misspell his name. It's like the idiots back in High School who would call me Ervin because they were too damn stupid to vocalize 'Ivan'.

Also, I sense another FE discussion incoming. At this point I don't even know what to think of the series anymore. Anyone could or could not get in, it doesn't ****ing matter to me anymore. The series could implode on itself and I would just stare blankly. I've been FEed out, and I haven't even gotten a chance to play Awakening.


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
Speaking of name spelling irks, that reminds me of when I first moved to good old Pennsylvania. There was only one other kid in my school named Ryan, but it was spelled differently, and for the first year, everyone kept spelling my name like his.


Smash Journeyman
May 19, 2013
Tacoma, Washington
I'm about to go on a tirade here, so don't mind me. But I'm sick and tired of Solid Snake being used as a justification for why Bayonetta would be a good selection for the Super Smash Bros series. Gamefaqs has all but royally ticked me off. First off: there is a large difference between both characters. Bayonetta is a character created around sexual exploitation. Period. If you remove that from her character then you take away a core element of what defined her and makes her unique, appealing, whatever you want to call it; in the first place. Solid Snake is built around the whole idea of being a stealth. Look at the entire Metal Gear Solid series -- "tactical espionage action". He is a soldier. Even if you remove the guns and knives you aren't taking anything important away from his character. He's still snapping necks, throwing grenades and performing special op combat moves. And even with those adjustments many people still never accepted Solid Snake, to which Sakurai has recognized in the past. So why on Earth is he going to add a character that will probably alienate the fanbase more than Solid Snake and Sonic the Hedgehog ever did, and probably ends up removing so much from her character that she's hollow shell of a character throw in for who knows what reason -- certainly won't be for back door promotion I can promise you that. I don't care what reality you live in that makes absolutely no sense. If Sakurai was going to throw Platinum Games a bone he'd be better of going with Viewtiful Joe 2.0 from W101. None of this began until that story that Sakurai visited Platinum Games and most people just assumed it was indicative of something grander than it probably was.

Please E3 ND, come soon!
Perhaps you are right, maybe I overreacted when I said she was likely. She would be very alienating and the last thing Sakurai would want to upset is his fanbase. At first I thought she might be a ploy to get the "hardcore" audience interested, but you bring up some good points here and it makes me reconsider what I said. Anyway this is a case where I would really like to be wrong so lets hope that is the case.

Deleted member

Well the problem is the entire SF roster basically sucks past like somewhere between the 12th to 24th character in terms of personality and originality. There's nothing of interest past a certain point and nothing of original past a much sooner point.

With Smash (at least in Brawl), even the clones feel fresh as can be, and everything feels unique. Toon Link and Link are the two "closest" characters, and they're completely different with everything except animations and some moves. Ganondorf and Captain Falcon are still mostly different in how they play (although Ganondorf needs a huge overhaul IMO; get back his Melee/Project M sense of power and dominance with new and unique moves); Mario and Luigi are barely the same; Falco, Wolf, and Fox play completely different from one another; Ness and Lucas share less than 10% of their moves and animations.

Literally, with smash, we see clones becoming more and more "unique" and they were already fairly unique, aside from like Doc and Pichu), and in Street Fighter, while there's less clones now, there's still not a whole lot of uniqueness being added on a regular per game basis (plus the expansion packs hurt).
I agree with the 1st point, the annoyingly difficult inputs don't help SF4 either.

I disagree with Brawl.

and Falco

are ALL boring as **** to play as in Brawl. PM makes them magical (well most of them), and a lot were more fun in Melee when they were more cloney, mostly Falco and Ganondorf, this is simply to prove that not thinking things through when building a character can have dire consequences in how they play, this is why I'm against dumb choices like PacMan and skeptical about MegaMan (love the series don't get me wrong, but jump-and-shoot man is a bit of a tough fit for fighters), the Melee clones played better because they were built around a playstyle that had been thought out, and just changed a bit here and there. The Brawl de-clones are just ****ing strange to play as, I don't like them. This is why "A de-clone Roy like Wolf and Lucas would be best" is a stupid statement. Roy would work if Roy is built around a unique and interesting strategy, not of he's given some different moves for the sake of being different.

Oh, sorry if I come off as condescending, I'm not directing this at you, I'm just ranting...


Banned via Warnings
May 20, 2012
New Jersey
Can't be any worse then the name "Seth", which for some reason people cannot pronounce for ****. God damn, it's only 4 letters and one syllable and yet people can't say it right. Hell, people call me Zack because of it.

Deleted member

People used to call me Isaac even though my name is Isaiah >_> hahaha
Dude, Isaiah is a cool ****ing name.

I dunno what it is about it, but it sounds ****ing cool.

10/10 name

Would name my first child after you (too bad I don't want kids though, if I ever get into writing I'd name a character after you).


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
People used to call me Johnny when I hate that and my name is John/Jonathan/Johnknight/Johnknight1.

I also get irked when some people call me "JohnKnight". That capital K sounds too nerdy.

Lastly, I just realized the Xbox One being the 3rd console isn't totally new, especially given that Microsoft and EA seemed to have hooked up. After all, the next Madden game, which should be called Madden 14, is being called "Madden 25," which will get confusing when it's 2024 and EA is making what should be Madden 25. But hey, it's EA, and they like to be on the wrong side of everything so they can act holier-than-thou.

Obviously the stupid numbers is proof of this now apparent romantic relationship that charges both parties micro-fees and transactions that are very expensive per every relationship level and move.

Oh, and Isaiah is a boss name. Why aren't you on SmashBoards "Isiah, the Metal Overlord"=??? That would be a totally FREAKING BOSS TITLE!!!

I wish I changed my name to "~His Knightliness Himself~, -Johnknight1". It'd be awesome confusing people as to what to freaking call me! :awesome:


Smash Master
Jun 27, 2012
Plastic Beach
@manly agree to disagree with ROB being boring

@hab isaac is still one of more interesting characters left

Metal Overlord

Smash Hero
Aug 2, 2011
Nawf Side
Dude, Isaiah is a cool ****ing name.

I dunno what it is about it, but it sounds ****ing cool.

10/10 name

Would name my first child after you (too bad I don't want kids though, if I ever get into writing I'd name a character after you).
Lol, everyone says that they love my name, I always kind of shrug it off though

Ironically, I was named after my mom's favorite basketball player (Isiah Thomas) yet I can't hoop worth **** :laugh:


Smash Journeyman
May 19, 2013
Tacoma, Washington
"Hardcore gamer" lol

I'm sorry, but who the hell would actually label themselves that :laugh:
No one with any dignity lol I am talking about the people who refuse to play anything Nintendo because they believe it is a company that makes baby games. Sadly, these people exist in flocks, just look at the comment section of anything Wii-U related on IGN. If they saw a character that was from a grittier 3rd party adult franchise, they may be more interested. That is all I meant.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
I agree with the 1st point, the annoyingly difficult inputs don't help SF4 either.
I disagree with Brawl.
Link, Ganondorf, Jiggs, ROB, Lucas, Luigi, and Falco
are ALL boring as **** to play as in Brawl. PM makes them magical (well most of them), and a lot were more fun in Melee when they were more cloney, mostly Falco and Ganondorf, this is simply to prove that not thinking things through when building a character can have dire consequences in how they play, this is why I'm against dumb choices like PacMan and skeptical about MegaMan (love the series don't get me wrong, but jump-and-shoot man is a bit of a tough fit for fighters), the Melee clones played better because they were built around a playstyle that had been thought out, and just changed a bit here and there. The Brawl de-clones are just ****ing strange to play as, I don't like them. This is why "A de-clone Roy like Wolf and Lucas would be best" is a stupid statement. Roy would work if Roy is built around a unique and interesting strategy, not of he's given some different moves for the sake of being different.

Oh, sorry if I come off as condescending, I'm not directing this at you, I'm just ranting...
1. ROB isn't that boring, and there's a lot of positive conditions now.
2. Lucas is kinda fun if not for the grabbing stuff.
3. I was more talking about their potential in a future smash bros game than now. Obviously Link, G'dorf, Jiggz, Luigi, and Falco played great in Melee.
4. Mega Man fits perfectly in smash, because his moves would be so great, and I think his movement and style really can create something neat. As for Pac-Man, I think Miyamoto would make it work, like he does with everything else (since that's his favorite video game character ever, and if Pac-Man was in smash, Miyamoto would be all over it and make that character's moveset [archetype]).
5. Brawl was a huge problem with all of those characters.
6. I though the Falco de-cloning was very good in context of Brawl's failures as a competitive game, and has a lot of potential. The same goes with Wolf.
8. I am almost always talking in future context with each character, because I don't want to focus on Brawl! :laugh:

Dark Phazon

Smash Hero
Dec 13, 2012
London, England
Lol, everyone says that they love my name, I always kind of shrug it off though

Ironically, I was named after my mom's favorite basketball player (Isiah Thomas) yet I can't hoop worth **** :laugh:
yh your name is cool kinda suck having the word ''Ass'' in your name...(-_-)

But yh @ManlySpirit...sorry but no they be cutting the cake with PeePz credit cards.


Smash Legend
Jul 17, 2005
AR | overjoyed
Not really, he's as interesting as a bag of sand.

Though you can still GET OUT.

It's weird how goofy Sheik makes some people. Manly talking about diversity when Sheik and Impa are like the same thing. And somehow a new Special makes them better. Have fun with Sheik carrying a FLUDD on her back.

By the way, a man made out of spirit would weigh zero pounds because it doesn't exist.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
Fun fact: The last overall pick of the NBA Draft two years ago (on the Kings) is named Isiah Thomas. His father was a Lakers fan, and he bet that if the Lakers lost to the Pistons in a NBA Finals game, he'd name his kid Isiah. :laugh:

Also, my dad once sat on a plane next to Isiah Thomas back when the Pistons won back-to-back NBA titles.
12-Time World Champion...

...that sounds like he freaking knocked out somebody and he's a professional boxer the way that is phrased, when, in actuality, he's just good at Halo to the point where he is a professional at it.


Smash Hero
Jul 23, 2012
12-Time World Champion...

...that sounds like he freaking knocked out somebody and he's a professional boxer the way that is phrased, when, in actuality, he's just good at Halo to the point where he is a professional at it.
Theres a reason why FATALITY is in his name. :troll:


Smash Hero
Jul 25, 2005
It's not about character changing or not, it's that people give very negative feedback to changes. Why do you think people threw a ****storm when Roy and Mewtwo were cut? Only a minority gave two ****s about them in Melee, yet now, they are among the most requested newcomers. They don't even stop to think that 'hey' it's very likely they won't change. Hell, there is even a number of people who wanna see Doc and Y.Link come back. And the large majority of the fanbase is against cuts in general. EVERYONE wants to see Brawl's roster, no cuts, + the lost vets, + some new faces.

When the best option would be making sizable cuts, and recycling characters for future instalments with revamps. This way the series stays fresh longer.

So instead of being forward thinking and trying to embrace NEW ways to play the game, we backtrack like a bunch of crabs and try to recover what is lost.
Well, I agree with cutting characters. My Brawl predictions were crazy. I think I had Luigi cut.

And I hate the notion of Doctor or Roy or Toon Link (how he is now) or Young Link in coming back. I am fine with Jiggs (although I like her), Lucas, Wolf (unless given new specials), Snake and Sonic (guest characters) being cut.

I think splitting up Zelda and Sheik is going backwards like "scuttling crabs." Just fix the Zelda and Sheik dynamic. Changing animation that is also an attack. Faster grab and better movement with Zelda. Just make her more defensive base while improving dodges, lag, ect. She should not be a great damage-racker and that should be her only real weakness. Like Sheik's inability to really KO.

That would be the brave solution. Giving up on something fresh for the easy way out is lazy. And if Namco can't balance them how they are, I think they should step aside and let someone else do it.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
Theres a reason why FATALITY is in his name. :troll:
LMAO. I guess that makes sense. That or he got... FATALITY'D playing a grown man's game on the "P-S-TRIPLE!!" You see, he was playing "Halo? More Like GAY-LO!!!" instead of "something on the P-S-TRIPLE!!" Chadwarren style... :shades:
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