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Super Smash Bros 4 (Wii U/3DS) Topic

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Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
I do not like that roster much. Too many missing characters (Dixie Kong? Jigglypuff? Snake?) and lots of unneeded characters that won't happen (Lloyd, Bayonetta, Slippy [no on wants him], Toad, Impa).
Impa isn't that bad, lol at Slippy tho
Impa wasn't that bad until Diddy destroyed her. Now she's a bigger w***e than Nana! :laugh:


Smash Hero
Jul 25, 2005
I can't believe so many people jumped on this Impa bandwagon. Good for Diddy. But many roster predictions I think are going to be severely F'd because of this.


How Long Have I Been Asleep?
Oct 10, 2007
Just found this.
Question: Fire Emblem has had a long lifetime. Do you get the feeling it gets harder to release a new episode every time?

Yamagami: No doubt. Truth be told, sales are dropping. The sales manager of Nintendo, Mr. Hatano, told us that this could be the last Fire Emblem. Due to this progressive descend on sales, they told us that if the sales of this episode stayed below 250,000 copies, we'd stop working on the saga. I remember when I came back from the meeting and told the team "My God, what are we gonna do?! The end has come!". Our reaction was clear: if this was going to be the last Fire Emblem, we had to put everything we always wanted to include. That's how this new project was born!

Better hope that Fire Emblem crossover pans out.


Dynamic Duo
Nov 15, 2007


Challenge accepted.
Jul 24, 2007
I ju
Impa is just in general a very dumb idea that unfortunately many people praise for some odd reason.
st believe they're better if breaking Zelda and Sheik apart and give Sheik's playstyle to Impa. Everyone keeps saying the transformation is what makes Zelda unique. Truth be told, it only makes her into a better character.


Dynamic Duo
Nov 15, 2007
How would you guys react if this was the roster in SSB4? :troll:

It's got K. Rool, Takamaru, Ridley and Mac, so I honestly have no real problems with it. However:

Let's axe Slippy for...someone else. Tom Nook please.
Toad I'm sort of meh on, but I;d get over it. I just prefer Jr. or Paper Mario, but I'd live.


Banned via Warnings
May 20, 2012
New Jersey
Whoa! I want it! That game was fantastic, and a really great example of a user-friendly, beginner's strategy game. (And the post-game modes were hard as all hell.) I really hope they make one!
I wouldn't mind if they took the premise of the predecessor and expanded on that, you know like in a vein to Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Red/Blue Rescue Team to Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time/Darkness. Of course that's if the sequel does get made, until then it's just words and nothing more.


Smash Legend
Jul 17, 2005
AR | overjoyed
Watch Zelda and Impa remain low-tier.

"Well at least you don't have to worry about that loading time..."


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
Fire Emblem will be fine thanks to Awakening's sales. I think as a reward, we should get Marth, Ike, Chrom, and if they have time Roy in Smash WiiU and/or 3DS.

Also, there's something still "missing" in the appeal department. Awakening fixed a lot of issues, but something(s) is/are still missing.
Impa is just in general a very dumb idea that unfortunately many people praise for some odd reason.
Exactly. There are dozens of better character ideas.

Deleted member

and lots of unneeded characters that won't happen (Lloyd, Bayonetta, Slippy [no on wants him], Toad, Impa).
>won't happen

I'm not saying she WILL happen, but to be so damn sure she won't is a bit bigotted. 3rd parties are a total shot in the dark, who ever claims they know what 3rd party chars are gonna get in need to pull their head outta their ass.

Just found this.


Better hope that Fire Emblem crossover pans out.
All the more reason why this needs to happen:

Here's a neat idea inspired by the current discussion.

An Asian themed Fire Emblem, lets say Japan because the Shogunate and Warring States period is very similar to European Medieval times.

What are the classes and such?

Here's what I got:

Lord- Like the FE lords, can derive from just about any class, though Swords, Spears, and Bows make the most sense here. Perhaps a Shikigami. But considering most Lords were Samurai, then...
-Shogun- The class change for Lords. Once again, specialize in their original weapon. Can mount and dismount horses.

Archer- Uses the Japanese Bow, it is MUCH larger then the European Bow, thus shoots farther.
-Yabasame- Horseback Archers, more mobility, shorter range.
-Armored Archer- Better range and more power than the previous class. The Sniper per say.

Tactician- Carry a War Fan and a Sword, not combat focused can boost or drop the stats of allies and foes by rallying support.
-Commander- The class change here, allow autonomous command of units.

Onmyouji- Essentially the mage, there is no Magic triangle here as the Magic has no element. Very strong against Youkai. Can also summon shikigami familiars to change attack traits.
-Dai Onmyouji - The sage, gains stat boosts. Can summon a larger variety of Shikigami and even have them fight for him.

Ninja- The Assasin class, high speed and ATK. Uses a wide array of Shuriken and Kunai. As well as smoke bombs.
-Grandmaster- High Ninja class, gains access to some swords.

Foot Soldier- Slower but with high DEF, use spears.
-Yari General- Not like the FE general, the slow and bulky tanks didn't exist in Japanese warfare. This is more like the Spearsoldier class in FE9.
-Mounted General- Less DEF, more mobility. Essentially the Paladin of this game.

Bushido- Use a Katana, the Myrmidon of this game and the most common class.
-Samurai- Armored Bushido, gain higher DEF and access to bows. Can also mount or dismount Horses.
-Ronin- Rougue sword users. Self trained. The Swordmasters essentialy. Mad SPD and ATK.

Monk- Weaponless, they use chants and prayers to heal friendlies. Also are able to fight using their fists.
-Souhei- Armored Monk. The most versatile class. Can gain access to almost any weapon upon change and then specialize in it. Also retain their ability to heal.

Miko- Beautiful women, specialized healers.
-Fujo- Class change for Miko, gain access to some magical attacks like the Onmyouji.

Pirate- Access to a wide array of swords, have great mobility in water. High ATK.
-Mercinary- Very mobile across all terrain. Access to a wide variety of swords and are able to exclusively use Broadswords.

Special Classes:

Pyrotechnic- Fire specialists. The heavy artillery, specializes in Seige weaponry with Fire works and bombs.

Judoka- Jiujutsu master. Defeats foes at close range by grappling.

Sumo- What it sounds like, a fat guy that slaps, pushes and throws.

Tengu- The flying units. Assasins with wings that wear masks. Like to live in Mountains.

Blacksmiths- Forge weapons for you. You must gather the resources for them though. Muramasa is among the blacksmith you can recruit. He'll forge legendary weapons for you.

Princess- Special class, composed of sexy women.

Bandits- **** and pillage.

Youkai: Youkai are like Manaketes and beastfolk of FE. Derived from legends and folklore.

Kitsune- Fox women, that can transform into foxes, very deceptive, but prone to falling madly in love. Exellent Mages. Tamamo no Mae, the Kyuubi is one of them.

Tanooki- Racoon dogs that like to steal ****. Very cunning little guys.

Hanniwa- Pottery, because why not.

Oni- Huge buff demons. Come in a large array of different forms and monsters.

Nekomata- Forked tail cat. Bring good luck.

Jurougumo- Spider monsters

Hebi- Snake mosters

Tengu- the ACTUAL goblins, not the bandits with masks.

Mononoke- Ghosts and spirits.

Giant Squid- It's a giant Squid.

Orochi- Giant multiheaded snake.
Kuroakami- Water Dragon
Amaterasu- Sun Goddess
Susanoo- God of the Storms and Seas
Izanagi and Izanami- Sibling gods
Kagatsuchi- Fire God
Tsukiyomi- Moon Goddess.

You fight ALL of them.

Katana- You can find the and buy run of the mill ones, but having your blacksmith forge them is a better idea.
Yari- Spears, come in many variations, including throwables. You can also find these:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Three_Great_Spears_of_Japan
Yumi- Larger than Europeans bows, they have better range and more power. Come in a number of variations. Including scatter shots and Fire Arrows.
Kunai- Throwable Knives
Shuriken- Come in a wide array of forms sizes, shapes and uses. Larger ones do more damage.
Prayer Beads- Enhance powers of Monks
Hanabi- Fire works and other pyrothecnics
War Fans- Large fans that enhance the powers of Tacticians.
Shikigami Paper- Allow Onmyouji to summon certain shikigami
Pentagrams- Allow Onmyouji, Monks and Miko to use different spells.
Other: Whatever I missed. This includes bladed fans, Broadswords and such.

Oh yeah, you can also get small boats for naval combat.

I dunno, anyone else wanna add to this? This would make an awesome game tbh. I'd make it a mix of Rance's Risk-like strategy, with FE's tactical gameplay. Something like FE4 as well (which I've yet to play).

Metal Overlord

Smash Hero
Aug 2, 2011
Nawf Side
@Kuma- It kinda depends on your priorities I guess when it comes to characters in Smash

People here tend to value things like roster variety and individuality above all, so they wouldn't take too well to Sheik and Zelda being split up of course. It's the main reason why people here in general are so against clones in the first place


Banned via Warnings
May 20, 2012
New Jersey
I think the main thing people seem to forget about is that the problem with Zelda is not Sheik, but rather the problem with Zelda is Zelda. Splitting up Zelda and Sheik is not going to solve problems, but fixing Zelda herself will. I mean if you don't believe it, check out Project M.


Challenge accepted.
Jul 24, 2007
@Kuma- It kinda depends on your priorities I guess when it comes to characters in Smash

People here tend to value things like roster variety and individuality above all, so they wouldn't take too well to Sheik and Zelda being split up of course. It's the main reason why people here in general are so against clones in the first place
They value who is in over how they will play. This is the greatest dichotomy here.


Smash Hero
Jul 25, 2005
Gimmicks are Sakurai's babies. Her character revolves around a gimmick. I doubt it will leave.

And if Namco really cannot make it work, maybe they should let another company with fighting game experience take the helm.

Deleted member

@Kuma- It kinda depends on your priorities I guess when it comes to characters in Smash

People here tend to value things like roster variety and individuality above all, so they wouldn't take too well to Sheik and Zelda being split up of course. It's the main reason why people here in general are so against clones in the first place
Not exactly variety, but an image of what they feel is iconic. I get the feeling popularity and appeal are what matter more to a lot of people, hence why Roy is so popular, because he had the appeal from Melee.

Think about it, if it was variety that mattered, then people would be OK with Impa. But it's sort of the same mentality that plagues most Nintendo fanbases "don't change it, it's perfect as it is" it's that same sort of stagnated herd mentality that has cause Zelda and Mario to go south.

Deleted member

I think the main thing people seem to forget about is that the problem with Zelda is not Sheik, but rather the problem with Zelda is Zelda. Splitting up Zelda and Sheik is not going to solve problems, but fixing Zelda herself will. I mean if you don't believe it, check out Project M.
Yeah, but the problem is same as always. Zelda and Sheik don't have synergy, thus there is no need for the transformation gimmick. They're both much better off having a differnt DownB. Think about it, even if Sheik goes back to being good, and Zelda becomes like in P:M, then you have TWO good characters, who STILL don't work together. Just split them up and **** it. The only way Zelda/Sheik will work is if they can transform mid-combo and their moveset if built around that. Consdering they have VERY different playstyles that don't mesh, good luck to the poor soul in charge of that.


Smash Hero
Jul 25, 2005
Uh Mario was changed to a certain degree.

Like Habanero said, fix Zelda. Mostly she needs movement upgraded. Sheik has one real weakness: KO potential. That is good.

Zelda has too many weaknesses with only one real strength. This needs to be changed.

Deleted member

Uh Mario was changed to a certain degree.

Like Habanero said, fix Zelda. Mostly she needs movement upgraded. Sheik has one real weakness: KO potential. That is good.

Zelda has too many weaknesses with only one real strength. This needs to be changed.
It's not about character changing or not, it's that people give very negative feedback to changes. Why do you think people threw a ****storm when Roy and Mewtwo were cut? Only a minority gave two ****s about them in Melee, yet now, they are among the most requested newcomers. They don't even stop to think that 'hey' it's very likely they won't change. Hell, there is even a number of people who wanna see Doc and Y.Link come back. And the large majority of the fanbase is against cuts in general. EVERYONE wants to see Brawl's roster, no cuts, + the lost vets, + some new faces.

When the best option would be making sizable cuts, and recycling characters for future instalments with revamps. This way the series stays fresh longer.

So instead of being forward thinking and trying to embrace NEW ways to play the game, we backtrack like a bunch of crabs and try to recover what is lost.


Rainbow Waifu
Dec 16, 2012
Switch FC
Impa is just in general a very dumb idea that unfortunately many people praise for some odd reason.
I'm not sure how many praise Impa, outside of Diddy and a few others. She's very low on the new poll: ranked 88.

Even Midna is ahead of her. Lol.


Banned via Warnings
May 20, 2012
New Jersey
In my opinion I do think people take cuts too seriously. I do understand the reasoning to some extent, but in the long run it doesn't really effect much. They can come back or not, but regardless the quality won't be effected at all. Besides, it's not like this practice is anything new, it has been happening for many years for many games ranging from Street Fighter to Mario Kart. Characters flip-flop between installments and some don't return at all, but in the long run it's not the ultimate deal breaker by a long shot.

Dark Phazon

Smash Hero
Dec 13, 2012
London, England
Does Zelda transform into Impa too?

Sorry i am a LoZ noob only played Ocarina..

Anyone care to give me a little insight on who Tetra is aswell?

Also why would you list Zelda & Impa in one thats if they cant transform...

Wasent impa just Zelda's guardian/body guard? Well in Ocarina....


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
@ Manly
I like Bayonetta, but man, Snake is a legend, and takes priority. :shades: Plus his moveset is balls. :cool:
It's not about character changing or not, it's that people give very negative feedback to changes. Why do you think people threw a ****storm when Roy and Mewtwo were cut? Only a minority gave two ****s about them in Melee, yet now, they are among the most requested newcomers. They don't even stop to think that 'hey' it's very likely they won't change. Hell, there is even a number of people who wanna see Doc and Y.Link come back. And the large majority of the fanbase is against cuts in general. EVERYONE wants to see Brawl's roster, no cuts, + the lost vets, + some new faces.

When the best option would be making sizable cuts, and recycling characters for future instalments with revamps. This way the series stays fresh longer.

So instead of being forward thinking and trying to embrace NEW ways to play the game, we backtrack like a bunch of crabs and try to recover what is lost.
On top of that, returning veterans is easier financially and in terms of hours, as a lot of the frame data doesn't need to be changed. Simply porting Luigi's forward air animation from Brawl over to Smash WiiU and 3DS is so much easier and more efficient than creating a new character and creating a new forward air.

Heck, from what I gather, one newcomer could replace two veterans, as shown by Sonic possibly knocking out Mewtwo and Roy.

Metal Overlord

Smash Hero
Aug 2, 2011
Nawf Side
I really don't like cuts at all, but it isn't my game, so I'm not trippin if there are indeed cuts. If Sakurai felt that cuts were necessary for whatever reason, I'd be cool with it. I'm still going to purchase and play the game regardless, and hopefully continue to play it if I end up liking it (which I probably will)

I guess with that said, you could say I'm tolerant to a fault, but yeah, that's just how I feel

Dark Phazon

Smash Hero
Dec 13, 2012
London, England
I really don't like cuts at all, but it isn't my game, so I'm not trippin if there are indeed cuts. If Sakurai felt that cuts were necessary for whatever reason, I'd be cool with it. I'm still going to purchase and play the game regardless, and hopefully continue to play it if I end up liking it (which I probably will)

I guess with that said, you could say I'm tolerant to a fault, but yeah, that's just how I feel
I feel pretty much the same tbh. But its the online that will make it last...if its decent...


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
Cuts IMO are inefficient, aside from cases like Pichu (no one wants him), Doc (just put his good stuff into Mario), and perhaps even Roy (as much as I love Roy).

Like I said in my last post and several times beforehand, based on past things that have happened, more cuts could mean less playable characters. I don't know about you, but I want as many QUALITY playable characters as I can get, and the previously playable characters are generally tried and true and proven to be just that. And if they weren't in their last appearance, they usually were in a previous game. And even if they're a newcomer, they still usually have good things going for them, which is better than starting than nothing.

Basically, I'd rather Sakurai finish up building houses that are half finished than build new houses that take a hell of a lot longer to make and cost a lot more money. In business, it's a lot cheaper to keep a client than to lose them and get a new client.

Deleted member

@ Manly
I like Bayonetta, but man, Snake is a legend, and takes priority. :shades: Plus his moveset is balls. :cool:

On top of that, returning veterans is easier financially and in terms of hours, as a lot of the frame data doesn't need to be changed. Simply porting Luigi's forward air animation from Brawl over to Smash WiiU and 3DS is so much easier and more efficient than creating a new character and creating a new forward air.

Heck, from what I gather, one newcomer could replace two veterans, as shown by Sonic possibly knocking out Mewtwo and Roy.
Quality over Quantity.

I'd rather have 12 VERY GOOD and diverse characters than 40+ characters in an inbalanced game where they all play the same, very similarly In fact, or is filled with clones. This debate was happening 3 years ago:

Now while the sheeple went and ate up the broken SF4 because of namesake, which wasn't worth mentioning until Super and didnt get fixed until AE, Blazblue CT was clealy the better title right from the start with each successive installment only getting better. Hell, if we compare them now at their peak, Chrono Phantasma with 25ish characters ****s all over SSF4AE.

Here's IGN's bull**** grudgematch, though they're full of **** so w/e.


Smash Hero
Jul 23, 2012
Does Zelda transform into Impa too?

Sorry i am a LoZ noob only played Ocarina..

Anyone care to give me a little insight on who Tetra is aswell?

Also why would you list Zelda & Impa in one thats if they cant transform...

Wasent impa just Zelda's guardian/body guard? Well in Ocarina....
Shiek IS Zelda.
Tetra IS Zelda.
Impa IS a separate character and always will be.


Smash Legend
Jun 4, 2009
Arcata, CA
I'm sure online will be improved in some way, but honestly IMHO, playing with friends is where it's at
Brawl's faulty online was mostly a product of the Wii's minimal capabilities. The WiiU is more modern so online game play will definitely inprove.

And yes, playing with other people in the same room/venue is loads better than online gaming.


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
How would you guys react if this was the roster in SSB4? :troll:

Well... Toon Ganondorf instead of regular, both Impa and Sheik, Slippy (Krystal is the definite choice for a fourth, but a fourth is unlikely anyway), Genesect, and lack of Snake are problems.

>Toon Ganondorf
>Issac (inb4 N3ON butthurt)

The only thing I'm butthurt about is that people seem incapable of spelling a simple name. I mean, it's not like it's a longer, more uncommon name like Paletuna or Takamura. Jeez. :troll:

Also you can think what you want, but Isaac and Chrom have decent chances.

Just found this.


Better hope that Fire Emblem crossover pans out.
I don't really see the big deal, now that Awakening (the game in reference) has sold like 750k, it should guarantee the series' safety for a little while at least.
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