My expectations:
- Release date for Game & Wario for EU and NA with the announcement of it being at special price (30/40 bucks)
- Finally release date for Pikmin 3 worldwide, before september
- Release month/date for Wonderful 101, around september too
- Official release date for Pokémon X and Y, now with the date and not only the month
- Information about the release month for the Layton / Ace Attorney series in EU and NA, sadly I expect some of the Layton games to be downloadable only too like Ace Attorney 5
- Some news about the Super Luigi DLC
- Release date for Mario & Luigi Dream Team, Mario Party 3DS
- Release month for Zelda 3DS, I expect november/december
- Some new footage of all the above
- A new game already announced but never shown, probably Mario Kart U or Wii Fit U, with release date
- Iwata says goodbye and announces another Nintendo Direct next week
It's maybe too much but 90% of it would be only info about release dates, so I guess this is possible.