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Super Smash Bros 4 (Wii U/3DS) Topic

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Banned via Warnings
May 20, 2012
New Jersey
In short, he's gone from being your average "jack of all trades" to coming very close to being an actual "master of all". ¦D
It's funny, because being a jack of all trades is more of an advantage in fighting games due to the lack of exploitation, unlike other genres where it's usually discouraged in favor of more specialized weapons or characters. Hence why characters like Sol Badguy and Ryu tend to be above normal.

Kaye Cruiser

Waveshocker Sigma
Aug 11, 2009
Switch FC
Almost is for hand grenades and Horse Shoes.

In the end he still a master of none.
Is there anything you're ever even remotely positive about? Sheesh, you're such a downer. ¦D

And phrase is "almost only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades", to be exact.

It's funny, because being a jack of all trades is more of an advantage in fighting games due to the lack of exploitation, unlike other genres where it's usually discouraged in favor of more specialized weapons or characters. Hence why characters like Sol Badguy and Ryu tend to be above normal.
This is true. Honestly, I think .Hack G.U. is the only exception I know of since Haseo was the only case in the game universe/series of a Multi-Weapon that actually was a master of all 4 weapons he used.

Niko Mar

Smash Lord
Oct 20, 2013
For me the gameplay is the cake and everything else is icing on it.

I would honestly be fine if they used original character for the game, as long as the core gameplay stays the same.

Just because you think characters are the most important aspect of the game doesn't mean every one else does.
Just because you don't think characters are the most important aspect of the game doesn't mean everyone else does.

Does that work for you?

FYI, I'm just saying the characters are MEANT to be the main draw of the game. You can even tell that by looking at the box art of the original Smash Bros. Everyone is entitled to their own reasons for liking the game (indefinitely), but the characters are suppose to be the most important part in this instance. Why do you think we are all here speculating on which of our favorite characters will get in?

Characters don't have to be the main reason for YOU, but I doubt even 1/10th of the people who play Smash now would still be playing if it were an "original character fighting game."


Smash Hero
Jun 20, 2013
Somewhere magical
Just because you don't think characters are the most important aspect of the game doesn't mean everyone else does.

Does that work for you?

FYI, I'm just saying the characters are MEANT to be the main draw of the game. You can even tell that by looking at the box art of the original Smash Bros. Everyone is entitled to their own reasons for liking the game (indefinitely), but the characters are suppose to be the most important part in this instance. Why do you think we are all here speculating on which of our favorite characters will get in?

Characters don't have to be the main reason for YOU, but I doubt even 1/10th of the people who play Smash now would still be playing if it were an "original character fighting game."
For the most part I stopped speculating on which characters will get in, as I got bored of those discussion and my actual fave Nintendo (if they can even be called Nintendo characters since most of them are 3rd party character on games that are, for now, found only on Nintendo consoles but they aren't published by Nintendo) characters have remotely no chance of getting in, at all.

Sure I can agree that character are meant to be the main draw and the most people probably play the game for the characters, but that's not how you were wording it earlier. You had it worded as if it was a requirement for playing Smash, which is where my quarrel lays.


Banned via Warnings
May 20, 2012
New Jersey
My main beef with people pushing the whole Nintendo label for picking characters is that people tend to have a habit of not considering a game design prospective, which bothers me because that is a really fundamental factor not only for Super Smash Bros., but pretty much any video game. It's encouraged to pick out a character that adds to a game, not simply be there to fulfill some sort of fan **** criteria or pattern.

Kaye Cruiser

Waveshocker Sigma
Aug 11, 2009
Switch FC
My main beef with people pushing the whole Nintendo label for picking characters is that people tend to have a habit of not considering a game design prospective, which bothers me because that is a really fundamental factor not only for Super Smash Bros., but pretty much any video game. It's encouraged to pick out a character that adds to a game, not simply be there to fulfill some sort of fan **** criteria or pattern.
Xenoblaze, kids and parents buy loads of copies of Smash for the colorful, recognizable and interesting characters in the game. Not for the intricate details of the game's interior design. Sakurai may know we exist, but we aren't and never will be the primary target audience.

You're not going to get anyone to believe that you got Smash 64 for the game's design rather than the characters in the game. XD


Banned via Warnings
May 20, 2012
New Jersey
Xenoblaze, kids and parents buy loads of copies of Smash for the colorful, recognizable and interesting characters in the game. Not for the intricate details of the game's interior design. Sakurai may know we exist, but we aren't and never will be the primary target audience.

You're not going to get anyone to believe that you got Smash 64 for the game's design rather than the characters in the game. XD
Alright, Super Smash Bros. confirmed for being comprised of nothing but Pokemon and Mario characters.

Kaye Cruiser

Waveshocker Sigma
Aug 11, 2009
Switch FC
Alright, Super Smash Bros. confirmed for being comprised of nothing but Pokemon and Mario characters.
And also Zelda. He's a pretty cool guy, isn't he? =D

I hope Metroid can crawl in this game~ <3

Niko Mar

Smash Lord
Oct 20, 2013
Sure I can agree that character are meant to be the main draw and the most people probably play the game for the characters, but that's not how you were wording it earlier. You had it worded as if it was a requirement for playing Smash, which is where my quarrel lays.
I can see your point, but I didn't mean it was a requirement in any way. This is my point:

"DUKE IT OUT as your favorite Nintendo characters"
The characters are the most important part of the game. It's their selling point, the reason the series is as popular as it is. You or anyone else can think differently about it, but this point will always remain.

So feel free to have any opinion you want, but the characters will undoubtedly be the prime part of these games. Just because a restaurant IS THE BEST server of steak in the world, doesn't mean you can't love them for their hamburgers.

Although, despite not having your favorite characters, you can't tell me you dislike them all. It's a lot easier to get into a game where you both recognize and have fond memories of several cast members.


Emerald Star Legacy
Sep 20, 2007
Omaha, NE
Switch FC
Given the original prototype of the game didn't originally feature Nintendo characters at all and was called like Dragon King or something like that. I would be surprised if the game would have the lasting impact that it did if they went with something more general. The usage of familiar characters I feel gave the game it's identity and allowed it to be built from there I think. I do recall the first time I saw screenshots of SSB it was a screen shot with Mario and Fox and it instantly drew my attention where generic fighting characters wouldn't of gotten the same reaction and I may not have ever picked it up and experience the gameplay either.

It's kind of those things with existence IPs compare to new ones, unfortunate but how it is sometimes.

Niko Mar

Smash Lord
Oct 20, 2013
Fixed. Seriously, when it comes to kids, Pokemon is all that matters.
Pokemon is the most sinister series in existence. They claim you "Gotta' Catch 'Em All," but that's impossible when they keep on making more. It's like a drug man, gotta have more, gotta try 'em all man!!!

...brb I gotta play some Pokemon.


Smash Hero
Jun 20, 2013
Somewhere magical
Although, despite not having your favorite characters, you can't tell me you dislike them all. It's a lot easier to get into a game where you both recognize and have fond memories of several cast members.
I never said I disliked the characters. Just that none, except for possibly Charizard, are even close to being my faves. I don’t dislike any of them. I may like a few here or there, but it’s nothing substantial. I’m neutral on most of them.

Niko Mar

Smash Lord
Oct 20, 2013
Confused boner status confirmed, my work here is done.
Not even, I just can't resist beautiful women :cool:.

What, it is a girl right....haha just because it's supposed to be Link......hhhhhhuh. Well I guess it doesn't matter since my husbando is Ganondorf :troll:.
Zero claims it's Chrom, but pssst what does he know


Deacon Blues
Dec 27, 2013
Pokemon is the most sinister series in existence. They claim you "Gotta' Catch 'Em All," but that's impossible when they keep on making more. It's like a drug man, gotta have more, gotta try 'em all man!!!

...brb I gotta play some Pokemon.
Think that's bad? Try Tetris.

Niko Mar

Smash Lord
Oct 20, 2013
Speaking of girl Link, can't there be a female Link? Most of the time it's descendants right?

That would be pretty interesting for a change.

I never said I disliked the characters. Just that none, except for possibly Charizard, are even close to being my faves. I don’t dislike any of them. I may like a few here or there, but it’s nothing substantial. I’m neutral on most of them.
*Pats on back* It's all going to be ok bro. What characters would you have wanted anyway?

Maybe we'll even see Charizard improvements in the next game (like better moves and not having to switch), or he could be separated (with a better moveset). Seriously though, is it just me, or do they pick awkward moves for the specials? Like Charizard having rock smash, or Mewtwo having disable?


Deacon Blues
Dec 27, 2013
Speaking of girl Link, can't there be a female Link? Most of the time it's descendants right?

That would be pretty interesting for a change.

*Pats on back* It's all going to be ok bro. What characters would you have wanted anyway?

Maybe we'll even see Charizard improvements in the next game (like better moves and not having to switch), or he could be separated (with a better moveset). Seriously though, is it just me, or do they pick awkward moves for the specials? Like Charizard having rock smash, or Mewtwo having disable?
To be fair, Rock Smash can be devastating if you use it right...


Deacon Blues
Dec 27, 2013
Yeah, but who the **** teaches Charizard rock smash :c. At least Project M used Heat Wave (which is redundant because of flamethrower, but at least it's realistic).
This is Smash, continuity might as well be thrown out the window.
I mean heck, apparently one of the most dangerous attacks is a pink puffball sleeping.

Kaye Cruiser

Waveshocker Sigma
Aug 11, 2009
Switch FC
Speaking of girl Link, can't there be a female Link? Most of the time it's descendants right?

That would be pretty interesting for a change.

Eh, at least Monster Hunter 4 wasn't afraid to try it. ¦D


Smash Hero
Jun 20, 2013
Somewhere magical
*Pats on back* It's all going to be ok bro. What characters would you have wanted anyway?

Maybe we'll even see Charizard improvements in the next game (like better moves and not having to switch), or he could be separated (with a better moveset). Seriously though, is it just me, or do they pick awkward moves for the specials? Like Charizard having rock smash, or Mewtwo having disable?
Well from FE I would Black Knight, Olivia, Soren, Tiki, Anna, or Joshua. Tiki and Anna have the biggest chance of them, but it is still extremely thin for either, the rest are 0. Joshua from TWEWY would be a dream come true, but it ain’t even happening. 999/VLR character would be awesome, but that will never happen. Any Sands of Destruction character would also be awesome, but it was done by Sega and we already have Sonic. Some kind of EO rep would be fantastic, but if we get anything from Atlus it will be from SMT. The Axem Rangers would be the best nostalgic kick back I could ever truly get from Smash other than playing SSB64.

Basically niche characters. :/

Niko Mar

Smash Lord
Oct 20, 2013

Eh, at least Monster Hunter 4 wasn't afraid to try it. ¦D
That's awesome!....and with that, millions of fanfics were both rekindled and born.

Just to confuse everyone though, girl Link should be called Zelda and she'll have to save Prince Link :troll:.


Smash Champion
Dec 4, 2013
Hive Temple
I remember when I played Smash Bros for the first time when I was a little kid, maybe about 8 years-old. I had no idea who the hell the characters were, what Nintendo was, and what I was supposed to do (I used to pick Mewtwo, he was the only one I recognized from the cast). I remember the sheer fun I had playing with my cousins, and that's why the series stuck in my head. It was several years later when I finally bought my first Smash, and now it's practically the only game I play.

I guess the point of this post is that, while some of you undoubtedly bought Smash for the sake of your favorite characters, I (and surely many others) had no clue who the characters were and, through the years, I grew to like them all. This appreciation of the character led me to try their games out, and that's how Metroid and Kirby are among my fave series now.


Deacon Blues
Dec 27, 2013
I remember when I played Smash Bros for the first time when I was a little kid, maybe about 8 years-old. I had no idea who the hell the characters were, what Nintendo was, and what I was supposed to do (I used to pick Mewtwo, he was the only one I recognized from the cast). I remember the sheer fun I had playing with my cousins, and that's why the series stuck in my head. It was several years later when I finally bought my first Smash, and now it's practically the only game I play.

I guess the point of this post is that, while some of you undoubtedly bought Smash for the sake of your favorite characters, I (and surely many others) had no clue who the characters were and, through the years, I grew to like them all. This appreciation of the character led me to try their games out, and that's how Metroid and Kirby are among my fave series now.
Same here, cousins and all. Though I picked Pikachu, and played worse than a level 1 computer.


Challenge accepted.
Jul 24, 2007
Came for the characters, stayed for the gameplay.

It's that ****ing simple.


Deacon Blues
Dec 27, 2013
How do you play worse than a level 1? Wouldn't you have to literally just stand there? I mean... even then, the level 1 computer hesitates to attack if you go AFK. :troll:
You know someone's bad when they don't know the difference between a side special and a down special. At least computers use more than 2 attacks.

Niko Mar

Smash Lord
Oct 20, 2013
I remember when I played Smash Bros for the first time when I was a little kid, maybe about 8 years-old. I had no idea who the hell the characters were, what Nintendo was, and what I was supposed to do (I used to pick Mewtwo, he was the only one I recognized from the cast). I remember the sheer fun I had playing with my cousins, and that's why the series stuck in my head. It was several years later when I finally bought my first Smash, and now it's practically the only game I play.

I guess the point of this post is that, while some of you undoubtedly bought Smash for the sake of your favorite characters, I (and surely many others) had no clue who the characters were and, through the years, I grew to like them all. This appreciation of the character led me to try their games out, and that's how Metroid and Kirby are among my fave series now.
You didn't know what Nintendo was when you were 8? HERESY!!! :grrr::p

JK but yeah, that's what Smash is all about. Not only playing as your faves, but introducing you to different franchises. I had only played Kirby, Mario, and Pokemon games before playing Smash 64. I had absolutely no idea who Samus, Fox, Link, Falcon, and Ness were (although Ness is pretty reasonable).
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