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Super Smash Bros 4 (Wii U/3DS) Topic

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Smash Legend
Jun 4, 2009
Arcata, CA
This one time I was watching a match on a tourney stream and the de-synched Nana grabbed the ledge against a recovering Lucario. I love troll AI.

Don't let the "you did bad things" mentality take over. Read about the past generations of your people, they had many good qualities about them as well.
Wouldn't this be rooted in the Christian (read European) concept of atonement for one's sins? Like, the guilt of the crime is the penitence and stuff like that which is often hinted at in the "meek and mild" oriented doctrines of Christianity.

Btw, I personally don't believe that a culture's or civilization's discoveries or advancements only belong to that one group. Everything humans achieve and express is for the benefit of all inhabitants of the planet. Our sciences, disciplines and arts are for everyone.

EDIT: Even curious aliens.


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
In the pool room there was a discussion about Dolphins.

I decided to turn it into a debate of why is it not ok to eat dolphin because it's an intelligent animal but ok to eat squid when they are just as/ more intelligent than dolphin

The answer turned out to be "because dolphin tastes bad"

Edit: Actually, I think it was octopus that were intelligent. They can use tools after all

Holder of the Heel

Fiat justitia, pereat mundus
Dec 3, 2011
Switch FC
But dolphins are usually seen to be more cute than octopuses or squid and we humans don't eat cute things because we're more dignified than that.


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
But dolphins are usually seen to be more cute than octopuses or squid and we humans don't eat cute things because we're more dignified than that.
I'd defend against eating octopus more, because I think octopus are better animals, but they taste so darn good

Deleted member

We haven't said the measure of our ****s.
Who wants to break the ice?
I can't remember. I actually measured it once because /fit/ made me insecure about it.

Then I got laid and realized girls don't care, so I stopped caring. All I know is that it's average size...

So... Yeah.


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
Society this, society that... What are we? Sheep?

People should think with their own heads, not make the decisions because it's what society thinks, but I digress...


Smash Legend
Jun 4, 2009
Arcata, CA
Goat Tower Town is the only reason I'd ever visit South Africa. that and urban ostriches.
The only people who care about their **** size are losers who haven't accomplished anything ever so they only find solace what people refer to as a manhood.
I'd defend against eating octopus more, because I think octopus are better animals, but they taste so darn good

Octopus is definitely high on my list of animals I like to eat. Ceviche with ink is great.


Feb 18, 2009
First degree blackbelt here, with 8 years of TKD and 2 of Muay Thai and Jiujutsu. You should put your money where your mouth is, because like all martial arts its about the teacher and about how much work you put into becoming a good fighter. You become a better fighter by fighting, period. Not by practicing shadow movements all day. It doesn't matter the Martial Art you learn. TKD has a ton of very useful and well-rounded tools for fighting, you just gotta learn to apply them. Don't believe me? Look up Kwonkicker on youtube, or Brendan Foster. Both are mean as **** fighters and both specialize in TKD. Foster's won several MMA tournaments and the like and has been featured in a couple shows.
MA is about learning your style and learning to compensate for its weaknesses. ALL styles have weaknesses. The idiots who spout that MT, or Boxing are THE BEST. Are morons who have never bothered to train outside of their keyboard, and think they are pro-as-**** fighters because they watch UFC.
I do put my money where my mouth is, and you're right that it is about the teacher, but the 'how much work you you put into becoming a good fighter' is like the 'tires don exits' argument, some martial arts are simply superior to another in one way or on multiple accounts, but you are correct in that your drive, and to me just as importantly your intelligence about it, to become a better martial artist is the deciding factor. Nor do I discredit your achievements in rank and experience by saying these things, I would ask you also to respect mine.

I disagree with your philosophy on Martial Arts, it is where our main conflict lies. There is no inborn 'style' that I have 'learned' from my training, but rather to I learned a 'style' and it became mine as I trained. I go for groin shots, I go for eye gouges, I go to break the floating ribs, I go to tear the throat out, I go to kick someone's kneecap into unnatural positions and break their legs, I try to destroy people's eardrums, I go to put them in painful locks that will make them submit at any cost, I go to destroy the muscles and nerves that strike against me at every opportunity, we train these in multiple ways, if you do not move out of the way when the Uke attacks or if you do not defend yourself properly, you WILL get hurt, but it is also self-control training for said Uke and practitioner, I do these things well, that is my style, I do not train for sport or fun, and martial arts is NOT about sport to me and sports associations carry any weight in my judgement, I train to defend myself and those I love by all means possible, and effectively, and ultimately it has BECOME fun, and Martial Arts is ultimately about learning the best ways to incapacitate or destroy those that would harm another.

Forgive me, I should have clarified this point, I do not proclaim KSDI as the best, and I agree that all styles have weaknesses depending on what you're looking for, I have much training outside of my keyboard and formal school (you can train with a keyboard? :p) and do not watch the UFC.

Where our second conflict lies is our experience and my fault of not clarifying. Not once have I experienced a good TKD school, the vast majority, especially in the United States and where SPORTS are concerned, are inept and teach nothing of value, they are doing a disservice to their disciples, and here when I have said TKD is worthless I refer to these schools. I do not mean to say that certain traditional forms of TKD are useless, and I mean to say now that there are good teachers of TKD out there, but they are very few.

Curious Villager

Jun 24, 2012
The only people who care about their **** size are losers who haven't accomplished anything ever so they only find solace what people refer to as a manhood.
Wait, we are discussing this stuff now? Just when I thought these off-topic discussions couldn't get any more awkward...


Feb 18, 2009
We haven't said the measure of our ****s.
Jaed'rik took the urinal adjacent to the random stranger. He looked straight ahead, face unmoving, stoic and serious. "THAT'S A NICE GRIP YOU GOT THERE SIR," he pauses and continues peeing, Jaed'rik's foot touches the other man's as he clenches his buttcheeks and other muscles, "I'D SAY IT'S ABOUT TWO MEATY HANDS, MINE IS ABOUT TWO AND A HALF - TWO AND A HALF GOOD GRIPS." Jaed'rik nods furiously to himself and continues to pee long after the man leaves.

Deleted member

Well, the deal is. You claim that you've learned groin shots and the like at your school as if it were exclusive to your style, however, at my dojo, we learned the same techs as well as self defence techs for street fights (which I've still to actually use). Deal is, acting like illegal techs make a better style is about as internet tough guy as you can get. The first thing you're taught in MA is to keep your head down and avoid fights. Not to waltz around like some badass looking for a fight.

In the 10 years I've been doing MA, I've still to get into a street fight. And I went through my tough guy period as well, but the deal is, people will generally back down when they come across a dude who looks like he can kick their ass. Likewise, anything can happen in a fight, if you want real protection, get a gun, and this is coming from a guy who thinks guns should be outlawed in the US like they are in the rest of the civilized world.

You wanna fight, you should compete, in which case, learning to round out your style is key. The 'tires' analogy doesn't apply to MA because in racing you are dependant on a machine. In MA, you are wholly dependant on your own training. There are no styles inherently better than others. All that matters is how skilled the fighter is at fighting. That is achieved only through training. The style doesn't matter. The only reason MT and BJJ dominate MMA is because the rules are geared to favor those styles. If nerve strikes and pinches were allowed you'd see a WHOLE less grappling and by default a whole less MT. But then MMA wouldn't be too different from Kickboxing.

I do agree that finding a good TKD dojo is hard, but to diss the style because it's become a quick profit is pretty ignorant. You can have the flashy side to the style with really cool looking useless aerial techs, but you can have the more practical, combat oriented part of the style.

Once again, check out the two names I mentioned previously.

Deleted member

Wait, we are discussing this stuff now? Just when I thought these off-topic discussions couldn't get any more awkward...
It's only awkward if you wanna make it awkward.

Should we start talking about sex? That's always fun. Though it might get a lot of us banned.


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
This is a Dumbo Octopus. And it is adorable.

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