Oh I'm not implying Digimon aren't eligible for Smash or anything. I'm just clarifying because saying Digimon are from a video game is a bit misleading because it's not what people usually think of when they think videogame.
Also an electronic watch is a device with a screen but not a videogame. Or a pedometer./sarcasticsmartass A video game is a game that's played on an electric device with a screen. The issue some people have is they think electronic pets aren't games. Which, again, I personally disagree with, expecally with Digimon. It's basically the same concept as pokemon. Or, hell, Monster Rancher. Raise a monster fight other monsters.
Should've clarified more, my bad.
The way I look at is Digimon looked at Eevee, and did an entire concept based upon it. They have other similarities too. The Digimentals/Digi-Armor Eggs are somewhat similar to the various items evolutions. Notably, Digimion did the fusion idea first, as well as the Burst Mode thing. So Pokemon did do two similar things specifically, the Kyurem fusions(actually, this is closer to the Digi-Xross instead), and of course, Mega Evolutions are pretty much the exact same thing as Burst Mode. But even so, the series are both very different, so who cares?
Digimon has the better Anime, Pokemon has the better games, and they both have great Toys(I mean regular toys, not Electronic Toys that are pretty much video games in everything but name).