Water starters are always the best
Anyone use Goomy? I think I'm making mine a physical attacker because it learns some awesome physical attacks
From using Battle Spot an offensive oriented Goodra produced decent results, however you're going to have a bad time if the opponent brings in another Dragon that can force Goodra out and set up Dragon/Sword Dances and proceed to sweep your team. If you're looking for a Dragon sweeper Goodra won't fit the bill and you're much better off with using Moxie Salamence, Garchomop, etc. I've recently bred for the Gooey Ability with 31s in HP, Special Attack? and Speed and will be running:
Goodra w/ Leftovers. Bold Nature.
252 HP/ 252 Def/ 4 SpD
This will be a stall set, Bold nature is run because Goodra's Special Defense is so ridiculously high already it doesn't need to be that much higher to effectively wall special attacks. Infestation will deal 50-62.5% percent damage over time and leaves the opponent unable to escape, Toxic is to compound the damage done each turn, Protect is to increase Goodra's survivability, and Flamethrower to take down Steel Pokemon immune to Toxic. If a Dragon or threatening Fairy type switches in I'll need to be careful and counter switch accordingly as Goodra won't appreciate Fairy/Dragon STAB attacks. As said before Goodra is not meant to be a sweeper considering it has relatively lower base attack/ special attack compared to its pseudo-legendary counterparts so I'm opting for a stall/tank build. Results will be posted later since I haven't started EV training it yet.
On another note Talonflame, Azumarill, Mega Mawile, and Mega Kangaskhan have been the most successful Pokemon I've run in Battle Spot netting me with almost a 90% win rate with the last two slots switching between Greninja, Gengar, offensive Goodra, and Aegislash.
Galewings Talonflame allows me to bring down huge threats such as both Mega Mewtwos down to 5-15% and in range for Sucker Punch/ Aqua Jet kills and OHKOs common threats like Mega Blaziken and Mega Lucario.
Azumarill is just boss with Huge Power and the new Fairy typing. It completely walls Blaziken and generally can't be 2-HKO by non-STAB Earthquakes in which I can retaliate with super-effective STAB Waterfall/Play Rough/ Aqua Jet that generally OHKO Pokemon like Yveltal or Blaziken, or bring them down low enough to finish off with Aqua Jet. I had a very lulzy battle last night in which my opponent and I were down to our last Pokemon, mine being Azumarill and his being Aegislash. I would keep using Super Power on the turns he tried to King's Shield so I didn't receive the stat decrease as Fighting can't hit Ghost types, Azumarill proceeded to Waterfall on the turns he set up Swords Dance and took him down handily.
Mega Mawile functions similarly to Azumarill in that people underestimate Huge Power, a combination of Play Rough, Iron Head, Sucker Punch, and Stone Edge provide decent type coverage and can pack huge dents even without STAB. And if Azumarill has no trouble OHKO-ing threats like Yveltal, Dragon Pokemon, etc. then Mega Mawile compounds this with Dark, Rock, and Steel coverage. However, it's Ground and Fire weaknesses are still most prevalent even with the HP and defensive bonuses from Mega Evolving so I generally bring in Azumarill or Talonflame to take those hits.
Mega Kangaskhan is a new addition to the team but has so far shown to pubstomp with the set I'm running: Power Up Punch, Earthquake, Fake Out, and Sucker Punch. Fake Out nets free 90 BP damage when the little guy is out of the pouch, Power Up Punch activates twice essentially giving Kangaskhan a 70 BP Fighting attack that also gives +2 attack, and double EQ/Sucker Punch are for massive damage output.