Yeah, never been able to get into the game. People have praised it as the premier Sonic experience, but I've never felt the same. Don't care for the wisp gimmick, don't care for the music, not a big fan of how the stages appear so linear, and I'm not a fan of the new Sonic voice. At least the environments are vivid and the mechanics are much more solid than that Sonic '06 abomination.
Sorry to hear that. Personally I enjoyed Colors aside from the double jumping mechanics and sometimes awkward platforming. I definitely agree though that it's not the premier Sonic experience (the Genesis Games are). It's a good game and was the game that started to show signs that the Dark-Age of Sonic was ending, but I do think people get too caught up in the latter..
The color powers are a mixed thing for me. Some do add to the speed based gameplay, while others slow things down and are more platform based. Sonic is a platforming game at heart (see Sonic 1) that uses a sense of speed to make it differ from the crowd. It was nice to see a larger focus on platforming in general with Colors, but at the same time speed is what makes Sonic so fun and memorable. All I know is that while color powers may be gimmicky, they did add a tad to the gameplay without losing sight of the core gameplay of Sonic IMO. Either way I think it's safe to say they're still the best gimmick, sadly, that Sega has tried over the years while bringing the Hedgehog into 3D (See Werehog).
I used to have to it up there as one of the better Sonic games but I'm kind of over the whole 3D models but you are giving me a 2D-like game. If nothing else, Sonic '06 at least had the open feel from the Adventure games that the newer games lack. With that being said, it looks like Lost World addresses that problem but still has those 2D sections. I guess it is something I'm going have to deal with same goes for the VA. Long as the VA does get as bad as ToS2 then I won't let it bother me too much. There are times where VA can ruin a game though.
Honestly I've never really liked the 3D sections in Sonic games that much, ignoring glitches, they always felt finicky and tough to control, the platforming never felt right to me. Having an open world is nice, but shouldn't be at the expense of gameplay and control IMO. The 3D sections are what have me on edge about Lost World.
Maybe it's because I'm too used to the classic 2D games and Modern Sonic, but I just can't get into the Dreamcast Era beyond Emerald Coast & Speed Highway/City Escape & Radical Highway/Seaside Hill.