With the addition of a second Falcon character, and two retros, and Mach Rider in general not being that distinctive, not only he in general seems unworthy, but doesn't fit relative to what else you've added to me personally. Also Dark Pit doesn't warrant his own spot, the concept of Kid Icarus Uprising getting two newcomers is an iffy subject, but if it were to happen, Dark Pit certainly wouldn't be the third, particularly considering I doubt he'd get his own spot ever. What you'd do with the two empty spots that are left I'm not sure, though putting Sonic back in might be a safe bet, perhaps the other third party Snake. Also I'm not sure about Anthony for Metroid, Ridley seems to be the sole desired and, perhaps, the only deserving place.
Of course, this is probably what you want, rather than what you think is to be expected.