Only if Capcom seriously changes the way they do business and by that, I mean listening to their fans (especially when it benefits them), working hard towards restoring their horrendous PRs, and restricting DLC and mobile games. But with Capcom's current strategy being to increase focus on DLC and mobile games (the same things that have hurt them so much), I am not optimistic.
Considering how important Capcom is to gaming and the many strong IPs they have, I really don't want to see them go. Why people are celebrating this I will never understand since most people don't understand that the buyout of Capcom's franchise is not going to be nearly as good as many think it is. There will be at least several Capcom's franchise fans with broken hearts once they find out their favorite IP sinks with the company/got bought out by a company that won't do anything with the IP. Heck, the only IPs that are absolutely safe are Street Fighter, Resident Evil and Monster Hunter. I know most everyone assumes that Mega Man will be better off after Capcom goes down the drain, but Capcom's bad financial situation gives me ground for concern.