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Super Smash Bros 4 (Wii U/3DS) Topic

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Smash Legend
Jul 17, 2005
AR | overjoyed
By the way, doesn't Peach kind of solidify the idea that Sakurai is revealing characters on a monthly basis.


Can Be Combative
Apr 21, 2008
For me, it's quite an issue. Sure, King K.Rool is all sorts of amazing, but Dixie is still easily better than 90% of other potential candidates so... Giving her up is not an easy thing.
Sure Dixie should be a shoe in this game. Diddy should have been added in Melee and K. Rool should have been added in Brawl, leaving Dixie unopposed. However, in a game where it's a very real possibility that DK stays at 2 total reps, asking for K. Rool AND Dixie is pretty egregious, no matter how fair it would be. Especially if Mario stays at 4 and Zelda potentially goes down to 3.

I want to derail the topic for a moment. How many black (African) Nintendo characters are there? It just now struck me how low the chances a black character has making it into Super Smash Bros. based on their prevalence and notoriety. Falco doesn't count. Besides, he's clearly hispanic. I'm actually curious because I am ignorant of all the franchises without a playable character.
Falco isn't Hispanic. He's pretty clearly New York/New Jersey Italian, what with the accent and his last name being Lombardi.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
I guess you're right Hoots. Well, to be honest I'd rather not make the choice but be content in whatever Sakurai gives us for a DKC newcomer. I'll just support the both of them, and not voice any preference.

In my head-canon, Falco is a notorious gangster from the streets of Corneria. He doesn't outrightly kill people or do harm, though he's a tough fighter and skilled with guns. That's why he quit the business when Fox asked him to come along and join StarFox. He's still often asked for advice cause of his street smarts though, but sometimes gets bored when not fighting.

Dr. James Rustles

Mar 24, 2008
In my head-canon, Falco is a notorious gangster from the streets of Corneria. He doesn't outrightly kill people or do harm, though he's a tough fighter and skilled with guns. That's why he quit the business when Fox asked him to come along and join StarFox. He's still often asked for advice cause of his street smarts though, but sometimes gets bored when not fighting.
It is suggested that he has that kind of past but he doesn't talk about it, probably for the same reasons a lot of people don't talk about that kind of thing - it's hard to relate to and it's a different kind of life, among many other things.

Part of me wants there to be a high-production value movie about Falco's pre- Lylat War story, but part of me also doesn't want Furries/the internet to take it and do things that will haunt me.

Wario Bros.

Smash Obsessed
May 19, 2006
In a van down by the river
Switch FC
By the way, doesn't Peach kind of solidify the idea that Sakurai is revealing characters on a monthly basis.
I'm starting to believe that. Actually, I've noticed that Olimar, Luigi, and Peach were all revealed on the second week of each month (no specific day of the week though). If that's the case, I'm expecting to see the next character around October 7 to October 11 (this is NOT a leak/rumor so don't treat it as such).


Smash Legend
Jul 17, 2005
AR | overjoyed
For Olimar and Luigi they were revealed for Directs though, but were also a month apart. Peach would kind of show he's sticking to that schedule without having any Directs around.

Deleted member

I'm starting to believe that. Actually, I've noticed that Olimar, Luigi, and Peach were all revealed on the second week of each month (no specific day of the week though). If that's the case, I'm expecting to see the next character around October 7 to October 11 (this is NOT a leak/rumor so don't treat it as such).
If that does happen, then it is a safe bet that we will see a Pokémon reveal. Any of the Brawl veterans could get revealed, but I see Pokémon Trainer as most likely, followed by Jigglypuff, then Mewtwo and then Lucario.

Speaking of reveals, if Mewtwo returns and gets revealed before the game release, I wonder if he'll be given a trailer like a newcomer would and if he would be labeled as a returnee?

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
It is suggested that he has that kind of past but he doesn't talk about it, probably for the same reasons a lot of people don't talk about that kind of thing - it's hard to relate to and it's a different kind of life, among many other things.

Part of me wants there to be a high-production value movie about Falco's pre- Lylat War story, but part of me also doesn't want Furries/the internet to take it and do things that will haunt me.

A prequel to StarFox 64 starring Fox and Falco could really work well though.

Imagine them first being on 'pilot school' which is a sort of turotial where you learn the basics of the game. Probably a bit like StarFox's Assault's ground missions. You learn how to handle the Blaster, and get other gear along the way. Ideally, they should give you the Reflector and that thing they use to do their Side B, Fox Illusion and Falco Phantasm. Some hand to hand combat like in StarFox Adventures to.

Nintendo doesn't really have games like this. So it'd be a good oppertunity. Guess it could be kinda similar to Kid Icarus Uprisng to, but in a whole different setting. Definitely needs online multiplayer.

And of coarse, there's 1 player mode. And Arwings of coarse, following more classic StarFox gameplay. Also online 2 Player mode for levels, or 2 vs 2 in dog fights.

Don't see any other series capable of this. Would give the Wii U a more action orientated game, as well as a solid online game. Have no idea who should make it though. But Sakurai could do it I guess? He's made Uprising, and knows the franchise well cause of Smash. Probably responsible for a lot of StarFox's popularity to.


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
I came here because I saw SSBF posted.

This game:

Characters: Underwhelming

Balance/Improvements: Overwhelming

I gave up on any hopes of having my dream characters show up.

Dr. James Rustles

Mar 24, 2008
A prequel to StarFox 64 starring Fox and Falco could really work well though.

Imagine them first being on 'pilot school' which is a sort of turotial where you learn the basics of the game. Probably a bit like StarFox's Assault's ground missions. You learn how to handle the Blaster, and get other gear along the way. Ideally, they should give you the Reflector and that thing they use to do their Side B, Fox Illusion and Falco Phantasm. Some hand to hand combat like in StarFox Adventures to.

Nintendo doesn't really have games like this. So it'd be a good opportunity. Guess it could be kinda similar to Kid Icarus Uprisng to, but in a whole different setting. Definitely needs online multiplayer.
They could intersperse the story with more difficult missions that involve Pigma, Peppy, and James and culminate with Pigma's betrayal and the formation of the new Star Fox team. The gameplay could share the same principles as Assault but done right.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Dream characters? No. But if he gets the gameplay right this time, that's worth more. Characters may come eventually, if this game is just perfect in gameplay, that would save a lot of development time if they'd port that. And at that point they can add Ridley, King K.Rool, Chibi Robo, Krystal, and a second Pokémon Trainer.

Right now? I expect Mewtwo, Dixie, a retro addtion; probably Takamaru / Mach Rider / whoever, Little Mac, and perhaps Roy. Or Chrom. 5. With 3 already shown, 8 newcomers. This is not a lot, yet I think this is a likely scenario. Given we have perhaps 2~3 cuts, that's over 40 characters. Cause I doubt we're gonna hit anywhere close to 50.

Maybe another odd-ball random high popular character can be expected to. In which I'd rather place hope in new series characters, as Isaac, or Shulk or someone else.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 26, 2009
I feel if anyone is being revealed next month it's Pokemon Trainer or Mewtwo, although it might not even be a Pokemon rep. It could be Pokemon Trainer, and I feel it probably would be but I'm not all too sure about his return. Mewtwo on the other hand is very important to Pokemon X and Y, and I feel that he has a good chance, yet he'd probably be secret. While Luigi got away with this, it IS The Year of Luigi, so yeah. Jigglypuff I feel isn't very likely to be revealed next month, because even though Jiggs got a new typing, she isn't that relevant to the new Pokemon.

Anyways, this is just my two cents. Feel free to agree/disagree.


Smash Hero
Jul 25, 2005
I think Mewtwo should be re-imagined and thus, should be treated as a new character with an intro video.


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Wind Waker HD and Pokemon X and Y are coming out next month, so we might see Toon Link or Mewtwo. They both seem to me like characters that Sakurai would rather keep secret though.

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
Jigglypuff is always relevant to Smash. Always. Part of the original 12. And the new typing is largely relevant.

Not really putting any hopes up for Trainer coming back until Ice Climbers gets revealed. Till then, seems like a pipe dream for him to come back.

Only ones I can see a reveal for returnings as of now Pokemon-wise are Mewtwo, Lucario, or Jigglypuff. I do not consider any chance of Pichu to return as is. And if it was Plusle & Minun, I doubt they stand a chance now anyway.(unless we get 3rd Gen remakes close to SSBFor's release date, mind you. And it could be any direct 3rd Gen character.)

Deleted member

Dream characters? No. But if he gets the gameplay right this time, that's worth more. Characters may come eventually, if this game is just perfect in gameplay, that would save a lot of development time if they'd port that. And at that point they can add Ridley, King K.Rool, Chibi Robo, Krystal, and a second Pokémon Trainer.

Right now? I expect Mewtwo, Dixie, a retro addtion; probably Takamaru / Mach Rider / whoever, Little Mac, and perhaps Roy. Or Chrom. 5. With 3 already shown, 8 newcomers. This is not a lot, yet I think this is a likely scenario. Given we have perhaps 2~3 cuts, that's over 40 characters. Cause I doubt we're gonna hit anywhere close to 50.

Maybe another odd-ball random high popular character can be expected to. In which I'd rather place hope in new series characters, as Isaac, or Shulk or someone else.
At the very least, we should hit ten newcomers. Don't forget Pac-Man and Mii as well, who are all but guarantee thanks to the leak (which also contains Wii Fit Trainer, Mega Man and Villager). I will be very shocked if we only get a single-digit amount of newcomers for this game. Heck, I wouldn't be surprised if we got as much as Melee did. The final roster has a good chance of hitting fifty or more characters, transformation included.


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
I don't think the Jiggs has overstayed her welcome, she had a chance to return after the first game, and she did. She had another chance, and she got it. I'm not saying her now being a Fairy-type and all boosts her chances much, though it still gives her some new potential.

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
What leak?

And no, I do not consider Pac-Man or Mii guaranteed whatsoever. Both are very much possible, but that's it.

@KingofPhantoms47: Pretty much. The fact Luigi got revealed so early does suggest we could see Jigglypuff well before the game is released or fairly early. She could even be a Starter. Which would be odd, but not impossible. That'd be funny if Luigi and Jiggly are starters while Ness and Falcon are hidden. A fun reversal from Melee.

Autumn ♫

I'm terrible with these Custom Titles.
Apr 20, 2013
Sakurai's Secret Headquarters
Jigglypuff is always relevant to Smash. Always. Part of the original 12. And the new typing is largely relevant.

Not really putting any hopes up for Trainer coming back until Ice Climbers gets revealed. Till then, seems like a pipe dream for him to come back.

Only ones I can see a reveal for returnings as of now Pokemon-wise are Mewtwo, Lucario, or Jigglypuff. I do not consider any chance of Pichu to return as is. And if it was Plusle & Minun, I doubt they stand a chance now anyway.(unless we get 3rd Gen remakes close to SSBFor's release date, mind you. And it could be any direct 3rd Gen character.)
Being part of the original 12 doesn't really account for much.
I think we will see Pokemon Trainer in again, after all, he is the main protagonist and can also represent the Elite 4.


Smash Hero
Jul 25, 2005
I am excited to see the veterans Ganondorf and Ice Climbers. Want to see some new moves from Ganondorf and I wonder how the Ice Climbers will be "reduced" to work on the 3DS.


Smash Ace
Jun 17, 2013
United States Michigan
The final roster has a good chance of hitting fifty or more characters, transformation included.
50 characters? That's a bigger number of characters than the number of chocolate raisin's you get in a bag of raisinets
My worst fear has come true now. SSB4 excites me more than a bag of raisinets. D:

No but seriously dude what leak are you talking about?

EDIT: Just saying this right now I really don't trust any so called "leak" we get about this game just like I didn't trust the supposed "leak" about pokemon x and y which has already been proven wrong on multiple accounts. I will trust frostwraith's and miiverse photos threads completely and I check them both everytime I wake up in the morning.

Also does Sakurai have a twitter. Or are all his tweets in Japanese? If Sakurai does have a twitter I would follow him in a heartbeat but I don't use my Twitter account because Twitter is such a trash dump.

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
Being part of the original 12 doesn't really account for much.
Of course it does. Grandfather clause matters. She got in over Mewtwo in Brawl due to that alone. It very much matters and always has and always will.

I think we will see Pokemon Trainer in again, after all, he is the main protagonist and can also represent the Elite 4.
Eh, not seeing him key enough to come back. If it took till Brawl to even care enough to put him in, well... he wasn't that important to begin with. Fun test, but that's all he amounted to.

I'd rather see Ice Climbers and a lot of new Pokemon first. I'd be terribly disappointed if not a single new Pokemon showed up.(Mega Evolutions are not what I mean either. I mean a completely new one)

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
I feel if anyone is being revealed next month it's Pokemon Trainer or Mewtwo, although it might not even be a Pokemon rep. It could be Pokemon Trainer, and I feel it probably would be but I'm not all too sure about his return. Mewtwo on the other hand is very important to Pokemon X and Y, and I feel that he has a good chance, yet he'd probably be secret. While Luigi got away with this, it IS The Year of Luigi, so yeah. Jigglypuff I feel isn't very likely to be revealed next month, because even though Jiggs got a new typing, she isn't that relevant to the new Pokemon.

Anyways, this is just my two cents. Feel free to agree/disagree.

Pokémon Trainer would be more fitting as a reveal. But I only think he'd show one Pokémon first cause Sakurai likes to troll.

Speaking, I always wanted a sort of revamp giving the Pokémon Trainer evolution gimmicks. Now that Mewtwo can also Mega Evolve, it could work for him to. The Trainer is divided in 3 main charactes, being Bulbasaur, Charmander and Squirtle. They evolve by gaining 'experience' a reverse Stamina system. Instead of being tired, a Pokémon evolves. Squirlte > Wartorle > Blastoise (Final Smash, Mega Blastoise). And the other two also. Evolution can be canceled by holding B though.

All Pokémon of the same line have the same special moves, or with some changes. With evolution, they mostly grow bigger, stronger and heavier. With some speed loss.

Squirtle and Charmander are both fast and agile,
Wartortle and Charmeleon being more average like Mario and Luigi.
Charmeleon is a little lighter though than Mario, and is very average overall in everything. Bit of a mix in style as Wolf and Charizard.
Wartortle is a tad behing Link in weight. And neutral B is Bubble Beam. Good recovery, and Water Fall is quite a good damage builder.
Bulbasaur is a faster, but weaker Ivysaur, and they are mostly the same.
Venusaur lacks jumping, but has greater recovery with Vine Whip and is just a little lighter than Donkey Kong. He's also much stronger, but less mobile. Average walking speed, slow dash. Bullet Seed is Solar Beam. His Spore-like attacks have Leach effect. Razor Leafs are much stronger.
Blastoise is a much tankier Squirtle and has Hydro Pump with high knockback. Heavy, but he does not have too great recovery. Widraw is an extra shield attack, and is real quick. Has great defensive game with Hydro Pump, and likes to spam it. Bad jumping, just as heavy as Venusaur.
Charizard should get buffed. Please let them look at Project M.

No Down B switching, just choose one character. Essentially, making all the 3 lines separate, but cloney characters.

Will never happen. But seeing as Project M has them all playable solo, I thought it would be cool. But still keep a sort of mechanic of playing as 3 characters in one.


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Given how Bowser and Pit were revamped, I find it more than likely Ganondorf, should he return (I doubt he would be replaced with a character like Demise or Ghirahim) would be heavily, if not completely revamped as well. Bowser and Pit both got what they needed: Bowser needed some buffs, and Pit needed a more interesting moveset, and some items from KI: Uprising did the trick for him, now what Ganondorf needs is to be de-cloned.


You can do it!
Jul 22, 2013
Wuhu Island
I love Jigglypuff actually. Even though in the pokemon games it's been said that clefairy is better, I don't care. Jigglypuff is more adorable. <3

For smash, Jigglypuff is a nice character to me. She was always fun to play for me.

I would be very sad to see her go. :(

Especially since Jigglypuff could also get some fairy moves into her moveset..It may not be likely, but it would be nice.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
At least am hoping for a different Neutral and Down B for Ganondorf. That's the least they could do, make those attacks unique. I don't even care if they are based on Falcon Punch and Falcon Kick in concept just don't make those moves LOOK like it.

Give Ganondorf a slow Trident attack with B or something. Like Falcon Punch, a slow, predictable but incredibly strong with long range. That is unique enough. Make him do the Warlock Punch sound while you're at it? Make him swing it as if it was a punch or something?

Down B could be a sort of teleportation or warping move, but travels as straight line and damages like Wizard Foot on impact. But usable in the air just like Meta Knight's Down B, so he can also recover with it.

All the other moves from Brawl on him with this? Guess I'm fine with that... Am not having the highest expectations but at least I want these two moves replaced with something else.

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
Given how Bowser and Pit were revamped, I find it more than likely Ganondorf, should he return (I doubt he would be replaced with a character like Demise or Ghirahim) would be heavily, if not completely revamped as well. Bowser and Pit both got what they needed: Bowser needed some buffs, and Pit needed a more interesting moveset, and some items from KI: Uprising did the trick for him, now what Ganondorf needs is to be de-cloned.
Easiest way to do that is just make him Toon Ganondorf and bring Young Link back(using his style from A Link Between Worlds). If Sakurai is trying to avoid clones, Young Link(I know some call him Classic Link for his ALBW version) can easily use his new Items. I'm not sure if the Child Link version will be a clone this time. Tradition in this case may not apply. His original reason for Villager not being in Brawl is that he's too peaceful. His mind clearly changed, so... I may expect a Child Link, but not necessarily as a clone.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 5, 2007
Given how Bowser and Pit were revamped, I find it more than likely Ganondorf, should he return (I doubt he would be replaced with a character like Demise or Ghirahim) would be heavily, if not completely revamped as well.
The only possibility of a character replacing Ganondorf would be a retro replacement, like Pig Ganon.

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
I think it's more because she's easier to put into the game than Mewtwo was.
That only applied in 64.

In Brawl, absolutely does not apply. Mewtwo already has a fully portable moveset. In addition, many characters had similar moves to him. His jumping patterns is near identical to Ness/Lucas. His Down Smash is very similar to Samus' regular Down A. His Air Neutral A is such a common style of move that it's ridiculous. And so on. No, they're as easy to put into Brawl as the other. It was solely grandfather clause and nothing more for Jigglypuff in Brawl.

We don't know if she was planned to be in early on or not. With the exception of Dixie, I remember him saying that Sonic cost him a lot of time that couldn't be put into the rest of the planned characters. So Jigglypuff was probably going to be in regardless, but may have been worked on late. That's mind you, what I gathered from the interviews and such. Jigglypuff was clearly not meant to be part of the SSE's story, though. But that's not the same as playable, respectively.
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