That does not count whatsoever. Especially when he only gets those in Canon during FR/LG as a computer and we only know that after Brawl, which means, due to the timing itself, there is no way Sakurai would've known Red could get that combination as an NPC. So no, does not work whatsoever.
*uh, pokemon yellow and gold
Also doesn't count. G/S/C is never listed. Sakurai would've listed it or actually called him Red. And yes, it does fit Ash's actual set way better than that set. Why? Because he has the exact Pokemon at the exact time with only the exception of Ivysaur. Red never has a Squirtle, Ivysaur, and Charizard at the same time in any given scenario that we could ever know of. That's just baseless information when it comes to Red's stuff.
And we know why he didn't want to. Cause he didn't intend him to be the actual Red, just a class.(which is very clear by the actual description.)
They all make perfect sense. They all are from up to the 3rd Gen., of which Pokemon Trainer takes from. Also, it's possible for any of those Trainers to get those exact starters anyway, so if Red getting that combo is somehow possible, why can't they too?
*so it doesn't count that red gets them from other ways but gold can (no pokemon trainer is definitely not based on brandon, and I don't think lucas was revealed around the time the rostor was made), especially when gold can't without the time machine? (double standard alert)
You play as Blue in the original Pokemon Blue, not Red, remember?
*no, you play as reds sprite, as blue uses gary oaks sprite
Blue was always playable.
*no he wasn't
Silver, however, was not.
*so you can name red blue and that makes blue playable but you can name gold silver and silver is still not playable (double standard alert)
He was the first unplayable Trainer made.
Green was also Blue in America.
And then was turned into Leaf for the remakes.
*no, blue still exists in the remakes
As for G/S/C(but not the remakes), it actually is the sequel to the Yellow game,not the Red/Blue/Green, as Red's exact Pokemon match Yellow's combos.Red never officially gets a Pikachu in Red/Blue/Green regardless. Just in Yellow. He also gets the other 3 Pokemon. Espeon is pretty random, though. But since the player always gets an Eevee, it makes sense. As for Snorlax, that has two origins; Since Yellow was based upon the Anime, Ash got a Snorlax. In addition, the player always has a chance for up to two Snorlax in Yellow anyway, so Red getting one makes sense as is. Either way, G/S/C is still based upon the Yellow game, since it's the only game Red could ever get that exact combo without trades/cheating.(Espeon is a notable exception, but technically he can evolve into that in G/S/C, and that's when you face him anyway, so he could've easily evolved it after winning the Pokemon League twice)
*I always thought that, but red really is also the main character in yellow