Why do you care so bad?
Anyways, pretty much, I saw what I expected from Divine (who by the way, is a HORRIBLE Christian since he claims himself to be godlike, and that's breaking one of the ****ing COMMANDMENTS), which was shoddy arguments backed with weak sources that weren't given in a timely manner, an inflated ego with claims that he is "right" in whatever he says and that he has "proven" himself to be accurate, as well as cowardly trying to change his self-imposed rules when he's losing pathetically and running away with his tail in-between his legs when he's been utterly crushed while claiming he's just "letting his opponent win". This is pretty much why I didn't accept his pissy little "challenge" before; I could already tell what was going to happen. Though the announcer thing, I did not expect; that was so damn hilarious.
And Swamp, while I am proud of how you handled yourself, you are right in that I'm going to say you're stupid for going through the "challenge" in the first place.