Smooth Criminal
Da Cheef
More or less this kinda stuff was what I was talking about. This is the kinda **** you have to deal with in Marvel, even at a low level. It's very, very different than your traditional fighters.Broken stuff everywhere, mid range game consisting of reducing the massive amounts of randomness, and the game is very heavy on momentum that it's simply too much.
My only possible counterargument to this is that you gotta start somewhere. SF4 is a great starting point for people that are interested in learning the meat and potatoes behind 2D fighters because it's simple and it's slow. Beyond that? Totally agree. SF4 is one of my least favorite fighters for a number of reasons, and boring low level play, walk speed, and overall pacing are just a few of them.My problem with SF4 is just that the stages are so big and the walk speed is not enough to compensate. Not only that, but the game simply isn't that fun at a low level. It's not until high level play that it becomes really fun.
Smooth Criminal