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Super Mario RPG Mafia: Hilt lynched, Town wins!


Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Fair enough, Omni.

I'll be gone for a few hours (leaving in about 50 minutes) anyway, so there'll be time to get things rolling with the other players.


Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Besides, it's not like we're going to push a lynch with 4 people active at the moment, anyway.

Really not liking his reaction, though. :l


Awaken the Path
Feb 22, 2010
Colorado Springs
Sorry I took a while to get in on the action guys, was pretty busy yesterday and got up late today. /confirmed. whatever.

dont think ive played with pado, tblock, zigsta, krystedez, or raziek

@those guys: How many games of mafia have u played before
I've only played one. I was a mafia goon; Shaya. I didn't have any special powers besides my Mafia ability for the flavor of that game.

Everyone says how much OS's games rock. Why is that? Not that I'm complaining, I'm loving the flavor so far.

If you could choose two scumbuddies within this given cast who would it be and why

@pad, raziek, zigsta, and krystedez: Same question applies to you after you answer my first one please thx
I think Pierce and Hilt would by mine. Pierce hates mafia. Hilt loves mafia. And these two are the only ones out of the cast I've met in real life.

Oh. I'd pick OS for the same reason, too, if he were actually playing this game.

Krystedez, would you mind answering that question then? What do you think the factions and roles are like in this game? Roles as in which types of characters fill the factions, not specific roles like cop and stuff.

If you mean from the game itself, I think it would be obvious; the main characters that you played through the game as selectable characters would be pro-town: Mario, Mallow, Toadstool, Bowser, and Geno. I think the latter two could possibly have separate factions.

Everyone else that are toads or yoshis or friendlies like Frogfucius, etc... would be town.

Baddies would be likely to be town or seperate faction if they're aligned with Bowser.

There's a lot of different possibilities for the scum, but there's obviously someone pretending to be the overlord (Exor). Smithy would be behind the scenes; there's plenty of chances that the true overlord of the weapon-army himself would simply be invisible or something until Exor dies. But I digress. This is all conjecture based on my fanboyism of the game XD

And oh god the Axem Rangers have to be in here, if not at least one or two of them being Indys. I think that's a fair assumption. But then, they ARE Smithy aligned... Hmm... I don't know.

Definitely Booster is a !@#$ing Indy, that crazy *** dude. If he's masoned with anyone it's Toadstool lol.

And then there's Bowyer... insane dude that role BLOCKS PEOPLE!!!

Yardovich is a pro mafiascum. IF he's a role in this game, it's intense as !@#$, because he can disguise himself....

So I'm seeing this for 13 people

Possible Pro Town Characters:

Yoshi(s) / Boshi for coolness

Possible Pro Mafia Characters:


Possible Indy Characters:

Axem Ranger(s)

Possible Mayor or someone that dictates Town... (reset vote count?)


That's all I think right now.

my response,

vote: T-block

your digging for a quick lynch like pokemon mafia again.

I'll vig ya with my god friday powers.

Red Ryu seems to be letting on some sorta insanity role or something, in my head. Unless he's just being FRIDAY ITS FRIDAY FRIDAAAAY silly or something. It makes me think he might be scum simply because of the setup I described above. Bowyer. Mafia Roleblocker.

FoS: Red Ryu

I'm not inclined to vote for him though, I'm more interested in the response adhered to his accusations and behavior, since I'm not quite out of that RVS mindset yet.

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
You sort of hint what I was getting at, what with some characters like Bowser being against Mario, but also against Exor which leads me to believe there could be indies related to that. There could theoretically be a whole third faction what with characters like Boster and all, but I guarantee you that isn't the case.

I think Axem would likely be scum over indy, indy fits best for people that don't really belong to either faction, and work best in pairs and such (Chrono Trigger Masa Munne anyone? lol). Think Knife Guy and Grate Guy, that'd be fun.

Bowyer is also directly under Exor/Smithy so I wouldn't see him as being indy.

Even though Bowser is evil I could still see him being town. Perhaps a Miller since he's all evil and stuffz?

Honestly while typing this out I'm going to be depressed if OS didn't make Knife and Grate Guys as indies :(


Smash Champion
Oct 3, 2008
Santiago, Chile
Ok, RR, now you're just getting confusing.

How is T-Block making Omni seem scummy by asking for comments on the interaction? I see this a lot in games I've been in, it's usually done as a means of gauging what other people think of the relationships between two people.

Just not seeing how this makes either of them scum. They're generating discussion.

Why are you so quick to get defensive and point fingers?
Let Omni and T-block defend themselves. You're wasting a chance to create more pressure

FoS: Pado



Smash Champion
Oct 3, 2008
Santiago, Chile
in RR's defense, i can kinda understand where he's coming from if i try to over analyze the situation. and his finger pointing is pretty normal; he's done it a few times as town in the past 2 games i played with him.


guys lets slow down a bit and let the rest of the cast chip in on the situation and answer some questions. we're out of the RVS and there's plenty of information out there now for players to comment on. personally, i hate the concept of people voting each other early game when half the of the cast have yet to post leaving the chance of scum sitting back and letting a TvT scenario go down is high

lol @ raziek reacting to RR the same way i did in my previous mafia games
Do you think RR vs Raziek is a TvT scenario?


Wise Hermit
Dec 20, 2006
Teaneck, North Bergen County, NJ, USA
Let's not get too caught up in Flavor speculation. I mean, Raz, or Toad, or Chancellor, or Mack, or Croco, or Jinx, or Culex, or King Nimbus, or any number of characters could be in the game. While I'm all for moving out of RVS, let's focus a little bit more things we can discern that will bring us to scum, or at least help us find scum later. Flavor speculation does little at the moment. Trying to determine things like whether Bowyer is in the game as a roleblocker, or Bowser as a Miller is definitely amusing, but not really progressive, and it just adds a lot of WIFOM later if someone claims.

LOL @ Rajam's kupo!

Onto the topic, with 13 players in an OS game of this flavor, I'd be willing to guess 9 town, 2 mafia, 2 indy, or 10/1/2

Chibo, why did you pick Krystedez to target out of the entire roster of players to question?

Request votecount


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
You sort of hint what I was getting at, what with some characters like Bowser being against Mario, but also against Exor which leads me to believe there could be indies related to that. There could theoretically be a whole third faction what with characters like Boster and all, but I guarantee you that isn't the case.

I think Axem would likely be scum over indy, indy fits best for people that don't really belong to either faction, and work best in pairs and such (Chrono Trigger Masa Munne anyone? lol). Think Knife Guy and Grate Guy, that'd be fun.

Bowyer is also directly under Exor/Smithy so I wouldn't see him as being indy.

Even though Bowser is evil I could still see him being town. Perhaps a Miller since he's all evil and stuffz?

Honestly while typing this out I'm going to be depressed if OS didn't make Knife and Grate Guys as indies :(
chibo, you've played in how many games now? does speculating about flavor ever mean anything... ever? we leave the floor open for people to comment on actual substance and instead we get a huge text of unnecessary information.

Vote: Chibo

Do you think RR vs Raziek is a TvT scenario?
*shrugs* idk.

and idk what you were looking at but the scenario appeared to be RR vs. T-Block; not RR vs. Raziek.

regardless, i'm not sensing scumvibes from any of them. mainly do to the fact that i don't really start sniffing until i've got a good amount of substance from the entire cast.

i really like Raziek tho

also please refrain from posting like 5 times in a row. it makes finding things a lot harder when rereading


Awaken the Path
Feb 22, 2010
Colorado Springs
I think Axem would likely be scum over indy, indy fits best for people that don't really belong to either faction, and work best in pairs and such (Chrono Trigger Masa Munne anyone? lol). Think Knife Guy and Grate Guy, that'd be fun.

Bowyer is also directly under Exor/Smithy so I wouldn't see him as being indy.

Even though Bowser is evil I could still see him being town. Perhaps a Miller since he's all evil and stuffz?

Honestly while typing this out I'm going to be depressed if OS didn't make Knife and Grate Guys as indies :(
I think Axem Rangers probably are more likely to be mafia, as well Bowyer, I just think Bowyer showing off his insane qualities would be funny.

I can't believe I forgot about Knife and Grate guys! Those two were funny.

Bowser has teamed with Mario on a few occasions besides SMRPG, hasn't he? Plus the guy go-karts with him. I'd say he's not the kinda guy to rip a whole town to shreds. He just wants to show off and steal the princess, and maybe rule a kingdom of his own. But not quite Robotnik-esc rule, like make a KOOPA land out of the Mushroom Kingdom subsequently killing all of it's inhabitants. or some !@#$.


Wise Hermit
Dec 20, 2006
Teaneck, North Bergen County, NJ, USA
Oh, and just for the record, I don't hate Mafia. I hate playing Mafia. I like the concept of Mafia a lot, and typically read games here on SWF, to keep up with the meta. It's just that in practice, it takes long to play, and people go inactive and it ruins the game. I replace in often.

I very much do not like how this game is starting out with an experienced player (Chibo) opening with flavor, because it makes it harder for me to get a read on less experienced players (Krys) who are now distracting from scum hunt with flavor speculation.


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
glad you get the same feeling, Pierce.

come jump on the Chibo wagon with me son and lets ride it into the sunset

Chibo wagon has cookies


Awaken the Path
Feb 22, 2010
Colorado Springs
To be fair, OS probably made this flavor just so we COULD speculate about roles for fun. If what he says is true that no one gets just regular ol' town vanilla, there is a lot to be had on the discussion table when it comes to role claims later. WIFOM won't be nearly as prevalent later down the road with such concrete evaluations of the game's cast.

In the end though I do agree that the question did not lead into anything interesting other than that, and doesn't help us on our little own way. If Chibo would like to evaluate some sort of read out of the situation down the road later based on agreed-upon faction-listings and such, then so be it. I at least answered Omni's question first, and found it to be interesting; but what does everyone's specific scum-buddy choices have to do with us getting out of RVS?

And I saw that Omni. Chibo wagon doesn't have cookies. The wagon doesn't exist.

FoS: Omni



Smash Lord
Oct 2, 2007
São Paulo, Brazil
Ok, you guys are way too fast for me and I don't feel like RV'ing anyone right now since some stuff have already came out that quick so, lets keep it cool right now.

IIRC some people asked me questions like "How many games have you played" and "Who'd you like to be scum mates with". I don't know exactly who asked me this because I just read 9 pages straight but I'll answer this anyways:

I've played 2 games. Both inside the BBR.
I'd rather have people that I have already played with as scummates, like Rajam, Raziek, Chibo or maybe even UTD just because I know something from their playstyle from other games so that would make the communication a lot easier.

I was willing to ask whoever who made this questions (I believe its Omni) why you are asking us this? Maybe to gather info about players you never played with? You afraid of random people's play?


Jan 11, 2009
Edmonton, AB, Canada
@Krystedez: It worked, didn't it? We're pretty much out of RVS now. This is your second mafia game, right? How would you evaluate your knowledge and familiarity with the game now?

@Pierce: What's your take on how much Krystedez has been talking about flavour? Does it influence your read on Krystedez at all?

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
I went to Page 1 and read down the replies till I found people who were overly-hyped about the game, figuring that they have played it before and know it well. That's why I chose Raziek first and then Krystedez when it turns out Raziek hadn't played it.

Speculating flavor is one thing, but what I did certainly has merit.

I have my own ideas on how the game could be set up, as in which roles could be indy, town, mafia, etc - as I wrote above. By me asking that question, a few things happen:
-I can find someone who thinks the same way as me or feels similarly about the game, which is good for finding support in every game I'm in, basically like how Omni said earlier he wanted to be hand-holding with Raziek
-I can see what characters come first to mind for players when I ask them that, sort of like hoping for a freudian slip. Not necessarily of their role, but of any information about the set up. Lets say Krys dies and flips Smithy, perhaps then Yardovich is a scum character?
-If I see people blatantly leaving out obvious parts of the game, it's a good clue that they are purposefully covering up something that they don't want to know.

I answered myself because I was asked to after Krys did.

This isn't something to harp on. I'm not trying to dilute the entire game over this. A lot of this is good to be referenced later as I said though.
Also lets face it, this isn't a Halo Mafia or something obvious where it's good guys vs bad guys. Mario RPG clearly has your good guys, your really evil bad guys (which was pointed out in the day start message mind you), your bad guys that are now good because they hate the really evil bad guys, and a whole bunch of curve ball characters as well. Scum factions have information. They know who is aligned with them. Not just the players (obviously), but the characters as well, so they work off the point of not needing to work to find out this information like town does.

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
Pierce, how is my question any worse than Omni's question of who people would like to have as their scum picks?


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
I was willing to ask whoever who made this questions (I believe its Omni) why you are asking us this? Maybe to gather info about players you never played with? You afraid of random people's play?
for the most part yes. i ask this question nearly every game i'm in. it helps me to establish times when i think a person treads the dumb/scum line where im more inclined to place the dumb stamp on newer people and the scum stamp on more experienced players.

very afraid of random's people play. easily manipulated by mafia and can be huge liabilities in the end game.

the premise of the questions is to allow me to get a better understanding the player (you) and squeeze out responses that tend to deter from the RVS. win-win.

@pado, pierce, krys, and chibo: might have missed it but what were your thoughts on T-Block vs. RR with Raziek and I referee'ing


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004

actually mad prompt and decent response, chibo. first mafia game ever where i'm fine not putting pressure on you early game? sweet.


Awaken the Path
Feb 22, 2010
Colorado Springs
@ T-Block

If you say so. It looks to be that way, but I want to see the votecount. I haven't voted yet because I haven't seen any slips or information that would lead me to a good read yet. I'm also contemplating what to do when I have an exam tomorrow, thursday, and friday... UGGGGHH...

@ Omni

T-block and RR are speaking about stuff I know nothing about, as far as past games go. I am very suspicious of RR simply because of his jumpyness in general. But other than that he might be WANTING the attention for whatever reason.


Awaken the Path
Feb 22, 2010
Colorado Springs
Oops, didn't answer the last part to T-Block.

I'm familiar with the mafia game as much as I was the last game. I'm pretty much still learning, but I don't expect people to take it easy on me. I'll do my best though, better than last game hopefully.


CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
Something bugs me in almost every mafia game I'm in..

I absolutely HATE it when people just throw down votes with no reasoning at all.

Vote Rajam

until you explain your stance.
Not to mention the wtf post preceding it.


Wise Hermit
Dec 20, 2006
Teaneck, North Bergen County, NJ, USA
Okay, so I just did an early game reread. I like how this game is going so far.

Vote: Omni

Too easy.
Omni - Red Ryu (1)


Vote: Hilt
Omni - Red Ryu (1)
Hilt - UTDZac (1)

Obvious chainsaw defense.

vote: UTDZac

Omni - Red Ryu (1)
Hilt - UTDZac (1)
UTDZac - Raziek (1)

players already evading my questions :mad088:

vote: UTDZac

FoS: Raziek

FoS: Omni
Omni - Red Ryu (1)
Hilt - UTDZac (1)
UTDZac - Raziek, Rajam (2)

vote: Hilt

Omni - Red Ryu (1)
Hilt - UTDZac, Rajam (2)
UTDZac - Raziek (1)

ok Zigsta has obviously been coached

vote: Zigsta
Omni - Red Ryu (1)
Hilt - UTDZac (1)
UTDZac - Raziek (1)
Zigsta - Rajam (1)

Alright, I've had my fun.


@Chibo, from your sign-up post I'll assume you'll have played the game. What are your opinions on the presence of multiple factions? Is there a remote possibility of multiple scumteams?
Omni - Red Ryu (1)
Hilt - UTDZac (1)
Zigsta - Rajam (1)

My response,

Vote: T-Block

Your digging for a quick lynch like Pokemon Mafia again.

I'll vig ya with my god friday powers.
Omni - Red Ryu (1)
Hilt - UTDZac (1)
Zigsta - Rajam (1)
T-Block - Red Ryu (1)

Taking your answer as "I think T-block is trying to paint me as a target D1".

That is completely untrue. I had no intention of getting rPSI lynched at that point. I did not push his lynch Day 1 AT ALL. He got lynched in the end because his play was absolutely horrible and it was way too easy to convince town that he was scum.

You also ignore the town motivation behind my question: to move us out of RVS, and it's coming along nicely.

vote: Red Ryu
Omni - Red Ryu (1)
Hilt - UTDZac (1)
Zigsta - Rajam (1)
T-Block - Red Ryu (1)
Red Ryu - T-Block (1)

BTW, this is true, rPSI dug his own grave in that game, LOL. Only bringing it up because people were asking for links. I read that entire game. Pretty Lulzy. T-Block played a strong scum game, but had several slips (like claiming Miller and then asking what if the reading on someone else was due to them possibly being Miller -_-), but rPSI was completely awful town.

Worse than Chibo :troll:

Back on topic, I'd just like to point out this is an OMGUS vote in RVS

So you outright claim he's scum, instead of examining or asking for his motivation behind the question?


I don't even....

vote: Red Ryu

That was just a ridiculous response, and a rather knee-jerk reaction. Not only is that weak meta at best, the tone of your response strikes me in an extremely negative fashion, given the lack of support behind your accusation.
Omni - Red Ryu (1)
Hilt - UTDZac (1)
Zigsta - Rajam (1)
T-Block - Red Ryu (1)
Red Ryu - T-Block, Raziek (2)


vote: Raziek
Omni - Red Ryu (1)
Hilt - UTDZac (1)
T-Block - Red Ryu (1)
Red Ryu - T-Block, Raziek (2)
Raziek - Rajam (1)

Uh, why did this happen? Rajam, what was your reasoning for voting Raziek here? I'm uncomfortable that this went completely overlooked. We're moving out of RVS here.

chibo, you've played in how many games now? does speculating about flavor ever mean anything... ever? we leave the floor open for people to comment on actual substance and instead we get a huge text of unnecessary information.

Vote: Chibo

*shrugs* idk.

and idk what you were looking at but the scenario appeared to be RR vs. T-Block; not RR vs. Raziek.

regardless, i'm not sensing scumvibes from any of them. mainly do to the fact that i don't really start sniffing until i've got a good amount of substance from the entire cast.

i really like Raziek tho

also please refrain from posting like 5 times in a row. it makes finding things a lot harder when rereading

Omni - Red Ryu (1)
Hilt - UTDZac (1)
T-Block - Red Ryu (1)
Red Ryu - T-Block, Raziek (2)
Raziek - Rajam (1)
Chibo - Omni (1)

This post does not account for any posts made since my last post.

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
I really don't see much between TBlock and RR. It was appropriate of RR to put TB on blast with a post to back it up, but I still don't understand the connection completely and don't really think of TB any worse from it.

What was more telling imo was TB vs Raziek on the scum tell thing that TB though Omni asked. Omni was right to be worried that he had scumpicks already so soon into the game, and yet TB thought it was a loaded question. If he thought it was a loaded question, why wouldn't he come right out and say it? I feel like his urgency to answer the question asap, and do so seriously, feels more scum than town.


Wise Hermit
Dec 20, 2006
Teaneck, North Bergen County, NJ, USA
@Krystedez: It worked, didn't it? We're pretty much out of RVS now. This is your second mafia game, right? How would you evaluate your knowledge and familiarity with the game now?

@Pierce: What's your take on how much Krystedez has been talking about flavour? Does it influence your read on Krystedez at all?
Well, Chibo in the post quoted below does bring up a good point that in previous Overswarm games, utilizing flavor has been helpful to town. However, what I don't like is how much Krys continues to talk about it, and even tries to justify it when other players are saying "uh, that's distracting, let's scum hunt."

In the last game, when I raised my eyebrows at Krys, I labeled him as noob town, and he won as scum. This time, I'm a bit more skeptical.

I went to Page 1 and read down the replies till I found people who were overly-hyped about the game, figuring that they have played it before and know it well. That's why I chose Raziek first and then Krystedez when it turns out Raziek hadn't played it.

Speculating flavor is one thing, but what I did certainly has merit.

I have my own ideas on how the game could be set up, as in which roles could be indy, town, mafia, etc - as I wrote above. By me asking that question, a few things happen:
-I can find someone who thinks the same way as me or feels similarly about the game, which is good for finding support in every game I'm in, basically like how Omni said earlier he wanted to be hand-holding with Raziek
-I can see what characters come first to mind for players when I ask them that, sort of like hoping for a freudian slip. Not necessarily of their role, but of any information about the set up. Lets say Krys dies and flips Smithy, perhaps then Yardovich is a scum character?
-If I see people blatantly leaving out obvious parts of the game, it's a good clue that they are purposefully covering up something that they don't want to know.

I answered myself because I was asked to after Krys did.

This isn't something to harp on. I'm not trying to dilute the entire game over this. A lot of this is good to be referenced later as I said though.
Also lets face it, this isn't a Halo Mafia or something obvious where it's good guys vs bad guys. Mario RPG clearly has your good guys, your really evil bad guys (which was pointed out in the day start message mind you), your bad guys that are now good because they hate the really evil bad guys, and a whole bunch of curve ball characters as well. Scum factions have information. They know who is aligned with them. Not just the players (obviously), but the characters as well, so they work off the point of not needing to work to find out this information like town does.

Pierce, how is my question any worse than Omni's question of who people would like to have as their scum picks?
Making connections between players and figuring out how they think = good scum hunting
Distracting players with flavor is typically a bad idea. However, I like your explanation a lot, so I'll let it go. What I don't like is how Krys is still talking about the flavor though.



What the ****?

vote: Chibo
Totally unsupported vote why? Tryna get a cookie? That wagon left homie.

Something bugs me in almost every mafia game I'm in..

I absolutely HATE it when people just throw down votes with no reasoning at all.

Vote Rajam

until you explain your stance.
Not to mention the wtf post preceding it.

Agreeing with Chibo here. What are you up to Rajam? -_-
Agreeing with T-Block


Wise Hermit
Dec 20, 2006
Teaneck, North Bergen County, NJ, USA
Oh, and just some points I wanted to make from my reread:

You want me to give scum picks already?

I am answering this 100% seriously following Omni's attempt to move us out of RVS.

Raziek and RR are my top two scum picks at the moment. They seem to show no intention of moving us out of RVS.
Staying in RVS may be okay, but it's not ideal. We clearly have you asking somewhat serious questions - people could be commenting on that, but instead are throwing around random votes still. Why stay in RVS longer than we have to?

I did misread your post lol - I do not like the question though. I think it is a loaded question disguised as RVS, or an attempt to get out of RVS. You are essentially asking me who I think the strongest players in the game are... I can see scum benefiting from that sort of information more than town does.
I very much like these posts. While I don't necessarily think that scum is going to benefit from Omni's questioning unless he is scum himself, I like that you are trying to move out of RVS.

Do we massclaim now?
I already claimed, I'm Rebecca Black - Friday Townie.
I do NOT like these two posts which are still joking around after Town is working it's way out of RVS. It is EXCELLENT for scum for town to stay in RVS too long.

Omni, does this sufficiently answer your question?


Disney Film Director
Oct 4, 2008
Burbank, CA

Rajam seems to be voting for a good chunk of players without much reason.

Vote: Rajam



Jan 11, 2009
Edmonton, AB, Canada
What was more telling imo was TB vs Raziek on the scum tell thing that TB though Omni asked. Omni was right to be worried that he had scumpicks already so soon into the game, and yet TB thought it was a loaded question. If he thought it was a loaded question, why wouldn't he come right out and say it? I feel like his urgency to answer the question asap, and do so seriously, feels more scum than town.
Okay you completely misunderstood the situation lol

I thought that Omni asked me for two scumpicks. I thought it was weird, but took it as an opportunity to spur up some real discussion. I did not think this was the loaded question. Note my reasoning - the only reason I had was showing-no-desire-to-leave-rvs. It should have been clear that it wasn't an actual scum read, but instead more of a if-i-had-to-pick statement.

Omni then tells me that I misunderstood, and that he was asking who I would choose as scum buddies if I were scum. This is the question I expressed concerns about, because I thought it was asking me who I thought the strongest players were. Omni had already said he had not played with many of the current players, so he could have been scum trying to get an idea of who to NK. When he justified the reasoning behind the question, I felt it was okay to answer.


Sep 28, 2005
Judgment Count: 856
Shaya still not confirmed.
Omni feels obvious town.
Rajam voting people all over the place is ridiculous. Like throwing darts at a balloon wall (did i get it!)
Chibo is not indie.

Flavor talk, while intriguing, most likely won't get us anywhere Day 1.


Wise Hermit
Dec 20, 2006
Teaneck, North Bergen County, NJ, USA
Resuming my own floating votecount

Trace back to my last vote tracing post
Omni - Red Ryu (1)
Hilt - UTDZac (1)
T-Block - Red Ryu (1)
Red Ryu - T-Block, Raziek (2)
Raziek - Rajam (1)
Chibo - Omni (1)


actually mad prompt and decent response, chibo. first mafia game ever where i'm fine not putting pressure on you early game? sweet.
Omni - Red Ryu (1)
Hilt - UTDZac (1)
T-Block - Red Ryu (1)
Red Ryu - T-Block, Raziek (2)
Raziek - Rajam (1)

vote: Chibo
Omni - Red Ryu (1)
Hilt - UTDZac (1)
T-Block - Red Ryu (1)
Red Ryu - T-Block, Raziek (2)
Raziek - Rajam (1)
Chibo - Rajam (1)

Something bugs me in almost every mafia game I'm in..

I absolutely HATE it when people just throw down votes with no reasoning at all.

Vote Rajam

until you explain your stance.
Not to mention the wtf post preceding it.
Omni - Red Ryu (1)
Hilt - UTDZac (1)
T-Block - Red Ryu (1)
Red Ryu - T-Block, Raziek (2)
Raziek - Rajam (1)
Chibo - Rajam (1)
Rajam - Chibo (1)

Just want to point out that while justified, this is an OMGUS vote


Rajam seems to be voting for a good chunk of players without much reason.

Vote: Rajam

Omni - Red Ryu (1)
Hilt - UTDZac (1)
T-Block - Red Ryu (1)
Red Ryu - T-Block, Raziek (2)
Raziek - Rajam (1)
Chibo - Rajam (1)
Rajam - Chibo, Zigsta (2)

Another note: This is Zigsta's first vote (second post maybe). Additionally, the only person Rajam hasn't voted for that no one else was voting for was Zigsta. I don't know why I found that interested, but figured I'd point that out.


Wise Hermit
Dec 20, 2006
Teaneck, North Bergen County, NJ, USA
Okay you completely misunderstood the situation lol

I thought that Omni asked me for two scumpicks. I thought it was weird, but took it as an opportunity to spur up some real discussion. I did not think this was the loaded question. Note my reasoning - the only reason I had was showing-no-desire-to-leave-rvs. It should have been clear that it wasn't an actual scum read, but instead more of a if-i-had-to-pick statement.

Omni then tells me that I misunderstood, and that he was asking who I would choose as scum buddies if I were scum. This is the question I expressed concerns about, because I thought it was asking me who I thought the strongest players were. Omni had already said he had not played with many of the current players, so he could have been scum trying to get an idea of who to NK. When he justified the reasoning behind the question, I felt it was okay to answer.

Shaya still not confirmed.
Omni feels obvious town.
Rajam voting people all over the place is ridiculous. Like throwing darts at a balloon wall (did i get it!)
Chibo is not indie.

Flavor talk, while intriguing, most likely won't get us anywhere Day 1.
So far, I'm getting a town read on Tblock. However, I was getting a town read on him until several late game scum slips in Pokemon Mafia, so I'm not dismissing the ability for him to be scum.

Omni also seemed obvious town in Chrono Trigger Mafia, but was actually Independent. Also not dismissing the possibility for him to be scum.


Wise Hermit
Dec 20, 2006
Teaneck, North Bergen County, NJ, USA
Right now, here is how I feel about each of the following players

1) Rajam - Scum
2) Raziek - Town
3) UTDZac - Null
4) ChiboSempai - Town
5) Krystedez - Scum
6) Red Ryu - Scum
7) Zigsta - Null
8) T-block - Town
9) Omni - Town
10) Pierce - Town
11) Pado - Null
12) Hilt - Null (hasn't posted yet?)
13) Shaya - Null (hasn't posted yet?)
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