well if u look at my signature, im the challenger approach and since my gay ISP cut off my net and my mom is in Jamaica and i cant do anything, i have lots to say.... First, thnx Doc for wishing me happy B-day...i got brawl on my b-day, Next Happy B-day to Dark Pch, Snake had Ph.D's Luck for winning Round 2 on a crewmates B-day. I call it "Ph.D's Blessings". Next, Dark Pch., If u having trouble finding Brawl and a wii, go to nintendo world early in the morning like me....(well actually i got luck cuz i got my wii on a wednesday and some1 told me to go early but i went later and there was lots of wiis available and a short line" Long story short they get wiis everyday...idkabout games tho. i think they had like a limited supply of brawls when i went to buy it....They shud have more....also i think they only take Credit?debit cards for wiis.... idk i'll see, if anything i could help buy wiis for ppl if the pay....Lastly, I dunno my FC and wont be online till my mom gets back from Jamaica, in the mean time, im collecting Stage pieces and recreating familiar stages...See every1 soon with my new Brawl mains